
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data

<DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:ResultPage runat=server></{0}:ResultPage>")> _
Public Class ResultPage
    Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel
    Implements System.Web.UI.INamingContainer

    Dim _ds As Dataset                  'The InterFase of the DataSet
    Dim SqlConn As SqlConnection        'The Connection Database
    Dim ResultDataSet As New Dataset    'The DataSet of All Result
    Dim _PageId As String               'ページID

    <Bindable(True), Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue("")> Property Dataset() As DataSet

            Return _ds
        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Dataset)
            _ds = Value
        End Set

    End Property

    <Bindable(True), Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue("")> Property PageId() As String

            Return _PageId
        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            _PageId = Value
        End Set

    End Property

    ReadOnly Property Conn() As String

            Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("SqlConn")
        End Get

    End Property

    Public Sub SqlDBConn()

        SqlConn = New SqlConnection(Conn())

    End Sub

    '[プロシージャID]  :001
    '[プロシージャ名]  :GetAllDataSet
    '[機能]            :Get all dataset result
    '[引数]            :
    '[戻り値]          :DataSet
    '変更日          担当者      内容
    '2004/08/03      WF        作成
    Public Function GetAllDataSet() As Dataset

        Dim theStrSql As String
        Dim theResult As Boolean
        Dim theStrReault As String
        Dim thePictArr As Array
        Dim theRecordCount As Integer
        Dim theString As String = ""
        Dim i As Integer

        'Get All Images
        theStrSql = "SELECT DISTINCT k.fid,k.fname,d.storage,a.acvalue,a.alid,at.atname,ag.agname"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " FROM k"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN a ON k.fid =  a.fid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN d ON k.did = d.did"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN at ON at.atid = a.atid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN ag ON ag.agid=a.agid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " WHERE  a.fid in ("
        theStrSql = theStrSql + "SELECT a.fid FROM a WHERE a.agid = (SELECT agid  FROM ag WHERE agname = '製品紹介ページ')   AND a.acvalue ='gb_115')"
        theResult = funGetDataSet(theStrSql, "DsImage")
        If theResult = False Then
            'add log
        End If

        'Get All Mess
        theStrSql = "SELECT DISTINCT k.fid,k.fname,d.storage,a.acvalue,a.alid,at.atname,ag.agname"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " FROM k"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN a ON k.fid =  a.fid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN d ON k.did = d.did"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN at ON at.atid = a.atid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN ag ON ag.agid=a.agid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " WHERE  a.fid in ("
        theStrSql = theStrSql + "SELECT a.fid FROM a WHERE a.agid = (SELECT agid  FROM ag WHERE agname = '機種情報')   AND a.acvalue ='gb_115')"
        theResult = funGetDataSet(theStrSql, "DsMess")
        If theResult = False Then
            'add log
        End If

        'Get The PictNumber
        theStrSql = "select acvalue from a"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " where a.fid in (select a.fid from a where a.agid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " in ( select agid from ag where agname = '機種情報')  and a.acvalue ='gb_115')"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + "and a.atid in  ( select atid from at where atname='PICT情報')"
        theStrReault = funGetFieldValue(theStrSql, "acvalue")
        If theStrReault = "" Then
            'add log
            theString = Replace(theStrReault, "-", ",")

            'Get The PictImages
            theStrSql = "SELECT DISTINCT k.fid, k.fname, k.did,  d.storage"
            theStrSql = theStrSql + " FROM k"
            theStrSql = theStrSql + " INNER JOIN d ON k.did = d.did"
            theStrSql = theStrSql + " where k.fid in(" + theString + ")"

            theResult = funGetDataSet(theStrSql, "DsPict")
            If theResult = False Then
                'add log
            End If
        End If

        'Get the HorsePower
        theStrSql = "select acvalue from a"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " where a.fid in (select a.fid from a where a.agid"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + " in ( select agid from ag where agname = '機種情報')  and a.acvalue ='gb_115')"
        theStrSql = theStrSql + "and a.atid in  ( select atid from at where atname='馬力帯')"
        theResult = funGetDataSet(theStrSql, "DsHorsePower")
        If theResult = False Then
            'add log
        End If

        Return ResultDataSet

    End Function

    '[プロシージャID]  :002
    '[プロシージャ名]  :GetDataSet
    '[機能]            :Execute The StrSql And Get the ResultSet
    '[引数]            :StrSql=The Content Of SQL
    '                  :StrTableName=The Name Of Table
    '                  :
    '[戻り値]          :TRUE =Success; FALSE = Failure
    '変更日          担当者      内容
    '2004/08/03      WF        作成
    Public Function funGetDataSet(ByVal inStrSql As String, ByVal inStrTableName As String) As Boolean

        Dim SqlCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim DapAdpater As SqlDataAdapter

        SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(inStrSql, SqlConn)
        DapAdpater = New SqlDataAdapter(SqlCommand)
            DapAdpater.Fill(ResultDataSet, inStrTableName)
            Return True
        Catch ex As Exception
            'Add the log file
            Return False
        End Try

    End Function

    '[プロシージャID]  :003
    '[プロシージャ名]  :GetFieldValue
    '[機能]            :Execute The StrSql And Get the Value from a Field
    '[引数]            :StrSql=The Content Of SQL
    '                  :StrTableName=The Name Of Field
    '                  :
    '[戻り値]          :theReturn
    '変更日          担当者      内容
    '2004/08/03      WF        作成
    Public Function funGetFieldValue(ByVal inStrSql As String, ByVal inStrFieldName As String) As String

        Dim SqlCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim theDataReader As SqlDataReader
        Dim outReturn As String = ""

        SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(inStrSql, SqlConn)
        theDataReader = SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

        While theDataReader.Read()
            outReturn = theDataReader.Item(inStrFieldName)
        End While

        Return outReturn

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        'Get The Value From Web
        If MyBase.Parent.Page.Session("PageId") <> "" Then
            PageId = MyBase.Parent.Page.Session("PageId")
        End If

    End Sub
End Class

智慧旅游解决方案利用云计算、物联网和移动互联网技术,通过便携终端设备,实现对旅游资源、经济、活动和旅游者信息的智能感知和发布。这种技术的应用旨在提升游客在旅游各个环节的体验,使他们能够轻松获取信息、规划行程、预订票务和安排食宿。智慧旅游平台为旅游管理部门、企业和游客提供服务,包括政策发布、行政管理、景区安全、游客流量统计分析、投诉反馈等。此外,平台还提供广告促销、库存信息、景点介绍、电子门票、社交互动等功能。 智慧旅游的建设规划得到了国家政策的支持,如《国家中长期科技发展规划纲要》和国务院的《关于加快发展旅游业的意见》,这些政策强调了旅游信息服务平台的建设和信息化服务的重要性。随着技术的成熟和政策环境的优化,智慧旅游的时机已经到来。 智慧旅游平台采用SaaS、PaaS和IaaS等云服务模式,提供简化的软件开发、测试和部署环境,实现资源的按需配置和快速部署。这些服务模式支持旅游企业、消费者和管理部门开发高性能、高可扩展的应用服务。平台还整合了旅游信息资源,提供了丰富的旅游产品创意平台和统一的旅游综合信息库。 智慧旅游融合应用面向游客和景区景点主管机构,提供无线城市门户、智能导游、智能门票及优惠券、景区综合安防、车辆及停车场管理等服务。这些应用通过物联网和云计算技术,实现了旅游服务的智能化、个性化和协同化,提高了旅游服务的自由度和信息共享的动态性。 智慧旅游的发展标志着旅游信息化建设的智能化和应用多样化趋势,多种技术和应用交叉渗透至旅游行业的各个方面,预示着全面的智慧旅游时代已经到来。智慧旅游不仅提升了游客的旅游体验,也为旅游管理和服务提供了高效的技术支持。
评论 1




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