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转载 Web 安全威胁与对策


2010-02-28 00:30:00 755

转载 Apache Tomcat unexpected file deletion and/or alteration

http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/archive/1/509148/100/0/threaded Severity: LowVendor:The Apache Software FoundationVersions Affected:Tomcat 5.5.0 to 5.5.28Tomcat 6.0.0 to 6.0.20The unsupport

2010-02-27 13:56:00 701

转载 Citrix Hacking

**This post is late, i realize the "buzz" about the topic is way past but...Over on the gnucitizen blog (if you dont read that blog you should, its got tons of web app sec info) awhile back there was

2010-02-27 02:31:00 741

转载 Oracle TNSLSNR Full Client

Most of admins neglect setting password on TNSlsnr Clients for Oracle databases. Oracle ensures that you can either connect to TNSlsnr on a localhost or through mapping to a remote Oracle database usi

2010-02-27 02:03:00 1280

转载 DNS/HTTP Enumeration in oracle

默认ORACLE密码Default Oracle Passwordshttp://www.vulnerabilityassessment.co.uk/default_oracle_passwords.htmOracle has a couple of stored procedures that can be manipulated to enumerate sensitive app

2010-02-27 02:00:00 663

转载 Input Validation Cheat Sheet

Related articles: SQL Injection Cheat Sheet We sometimes carelessly throw characters up and about in an attempt to find a gem. This paper covers miscellaneous injection characters and their meanings

2010-02-27 00:58:00 1055

转载 Reverse Shell with Bash

http://www.google.cn/search?hl=zh-CN&source=hp&q=http%3A%2F%2Flabs.neohapsis.com%2F2008%2F04%2F17%2Fconnect-back-shell-literally%2F&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2&aq=f&oq=I am stuck at the Dubai Int

2010-02-27 00:55:00 870

转载 Reducing Information Disclosure in WCF Data Services

Previously, I wrote an article titled "Reducing Information Disclosure in ASP.NET Web Services".  The article identified steps developers can take to eliminate detailed error messages, stack traces, w

2010-02-26 23:57:00 668

转载 A XSS Vulnerability in Almost Every PHP Form I’ve Ever Written

Ive spent a lot of time over the past few months writing an enterprise application in PHP.  Despite what some people may say, I believe that PHP is as secure or insecure as the developer who is writi

2010-02-26 23:55:00 1163

原创 Nagios plug-in development guidelines

Nagios plug-in development guidelineshttp://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html plug-in APIhttp://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/pluginapi.html check_by_sshhttp://nagio

2010-02-26 21:02:00 857

原创 Analyzing Enterprise PKI Deployments


2010-02-26 13:27:00 643

原创 学习资料


2010-02-26 13:25:00 849

原创 perl 视频教程


2010-02-26 11:29:00 1061

原创 Mysql替代解决方案Cassandra

http://incubator.apache.org/cassandra/http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/CassandraApache Cassandra是一套开源分布式数据库管理系统。它最初由Facebook开发,用于储存特别大的数据。主要特性:分布式 基于column的结构化 高伸展性 Cassandra的主要特点就是它不是一个

2010-02-26 11:05:00 1799

转载 ISPConfig 下载地址以及配置


2010-02-26 10:59:00 840

转载 Defense in Depth using OSSEC and other free tools

Russ McRee wrote an excellent article about OSSEC for the October 2009 issue of ISSA Journal. (Disclaimer: I contributed to the article.) He then went into some further detail on his blog.In a r

2010-02-25 10:30:00 1027

转载 Nsploit - Popping boxes with Nmap

http://www.securitytube.net/Nsploit-%28Popping-boxes-with-Nmap%29-SecTor-2009-video.aspxNsploit it allows to pass through nmap to Metasploit and then execute some exploit.Nsploit consists of 3 p

2010-02-24 09:48:00 564

转载 Running a command on every machine in your domain from the command line

http://pauldotcom.com/2010/02/running-a-command-on-every-mac.html After listening to Larrys excellent technical segment on dumping the event logs from a large list of computers, I decided to tr

2010-02-24 09:34:00 766

转载 Links between forensics and pen tests

http://pauldotcom.com/2010/02/last-year-on-the-show.htmlLast year on the show, Marcus J. Carey presented a tech segment about using memory analysis in penetration tests. Memory acquisition came in

2010-02-24 09:32:00 736

转载 Cara menanam shell lewat LFI (Local file disclosure) dengan metode proc/self/environ

Cara menanam shell lewat LFI (Local file disclosure) dengan metode proc/self/environPenulis : gunslinger_dengan tutorial ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana membuat shell pada target server lewa

2010-02-24 08:57:00 1435

转载 hotmailbf.py (hotmail account bruteforcer)

#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Hotmail brute forcer# programmer : gunslinger_# Inspired by mywisdom# This program is only for educational purposes only.import sys, poplib, time__Author_

2010-02-24 08:54:00 1112

转载 LOD 0X04

If you’ll analyze web-logs of National Software Reference Library supported by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US  especially at “Technical Information–>Missing Files , there yo

2010-02-24 08:48:00 576

转载 @RSnake ’s RFI List in Burp Suite

First of all, get Robert @RSnake Hansen’s RFI list here:http://ha.ckers.org/blog/20100129/large-list-of-rfis-1000/it’s a great list, but as soon as I saw it, I was like.. hmm.. how can I use that?

2010-02-24 08:42:00 774

转载 Directory traversal as a reconnaissance tool

Like most of you, I find malicious or fraudulent online advertisers annoying to say the least. My typical response, upon receipt of rogue AV pop-ups, or redirects to clearly fraudulent sites, is to "c

2010-02-24 08:31:00 757

原创 AOLServer和openacs


2010-02-23 23:05:00 733

原创 Metasploit使用技巧

Among the coolest features in metasploit is the ability to pivot through a meterpreter session to the network on the other side. The route command in msfconsole sets this up but requires a bit of typi

2010-02-23 09:42:00 2133

转载 gitWeb v1.5.2 Remote Command Execution

# Exploit Title: gitWeb remote command execution # Date: 2009.06.19 # Author: S2 Crew [Hungary] # Software Link: - # Ver

2010-02-23 07:03:00 637

原创 tomcat 6.0.24 源代码分析笔记(2010年2月23日更新)

转载请注明:来自http://blog.csdn.net/cnbird2008 tomcat是支持jsp的一套中间件,为了更好的学习java编程思想所以以tomcat源代码来分析和学习,请大家多多指点 1.tomcat的一些目录结构就不多说了,首先程序的启动bin目录下的bootstrap.jar里面包含了org.apache.catalina和org.apache.naming

2010-02-22 20:53:00 1076

转载 ViewState in .net Client Control xss

There is a long but good discussion on webappsec about the XSSvulnerability in ViewState of the .NET framework . This is a startingpoint only … follow recent comments online. This shall help you tound

2010-02-22 15:43:00 544

转载 Multiple Adobe Products - XML External Entity And XML Injection Vulnerabilities

   (    , )     (,  .   `. ) (.    ,   ). , (.   ( ) (  (_,) .`), ) _ _, /  _____/  / _  /    ____  ____   _____  /____  /==/ /_/  / _/ ___//  _ / /     / /       //   |    //  /__(  )  Y Y  //

2010-02-22 13:07:00 1194

转载 架设git服务器

http://www.heiher.info/1398.html架设通过SSH 和HTTP 协议的Git 服务器http://blog.prosight.me/index.php/2009/11/485小组级git服务器搭建http://www.svn8.com/svnsy/20090605/6173.htmlgit是一个不错的版本管理的工具。现在自己在搞一个简单的应用

2010-02-22 11:27:00 2892

转载 File(),Fgets(),Fgetc() Local File Disclosure (LFD) Paper

http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11497 /*!----------------------------------------------------------*//*! File(),Fgets(),Fgetc() Local File Disclosure (LFD) Paper */ /

2010-02-21 20:56:00 1229

转载 用systemtap研究内核以及相关漏洞

转载时请注明出处和作者联系方式:http://blog.csdn.net/absurd作者联系方式:李先静 更新时间:2007-6-6 前几天写了一篇关于kprobes的BLOG,kprobes是个好东西,不过要编写C代码,要编译内核模块,稍嫌有些麻烦。今天我们介绍一个基于kprobes实现的工具systemtap,systemtap是一个内核trace工具,用它来研究内核,跟踪内

2010-02-19 20:40:00 689

转载 smb-psexec.nse: owning Windows, fast

http://www.skullsecurity.org/blog/?p=379 What does smb-psexec do? Sample configurations ("sample.lua") Default configuration ("default.lua") Advanced configuration ("pwdump.lua" and "backd

2010-02-18 10:46:00 820

转载 httpdx 'MKD' Command Directory Traversal Vulnerability


2010-02-17 15:38:00 527

转载 Microsoft IIS self decoding behavior leads to WAF Bypass/information disclosure

Author: Itzhak AvrahamBlog : http://imthezuk.blogspot.comarticle source: http://imthezuk.blogspot.com/2010/02/microsoft-iis-5051-possibly-60.htmlAffects :IIS 5.0, IIS5.1, Maybe 6.0 as-well.

2010-02-16 17:02:00 657

转载 RealNetworks Helix Server URI Traversal Arbitrary File Access

RealNetworks Helix Server URI Traversal Arbitrary File AccessVendor: RealNetworks (http://www.realnetworks.com/)Product: Helix Server (http://www.realnetworks.com/products/media_delivery.html)

2010-02-14 17:07:00 855

原创 Practical Intrusion Analysis: Prevention and Detection for the Twenty-First Century


2010-02-13 12:44:00 611

转载 Durzosploit javascript exploits


2010-02-13 12:22:00 446

转载 whois.com was hacked

The popular website WHOIS.com used to check the availability of domain names and the current owner of a domain name has been hacked by NetDevilz Same guys that have hacked iana.com and xssed.com And n

2010-02-13 11:45:00 733

附件2 金融行业信息系统信息安全等级保护测评指南(报批稿)

附件2 金融行业信息系统信息安全等级保护测评指南(报批稿)


ISO 27000中文系列

ISO 27000中文系列主要是包括iso 27001 ISO 27002实施指南 iso 27003风险评估指南



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