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转载 MATLAB三维散点图的绘制(scatter3、plot3)

(1)函数scatter3 用法:scatter3(x,y,z,'.',c) % c 为颜色,需和x,y,z长度相同 例子:x=[4229042.63      4230585.02    4231384.96    4231773.63    4233028.58   4233296.71    4235869.68    4236288.29];

2016-09-23 22:38:27 76266 5

转载 IDL common block

Note on Common Block Variable NamesVariables in IDL COMMON blocks do not actually have names. Rather, IDL represents COMMON blocks internally as an array of variables, and these variables are refe

2016-09-16 23:30:14 853


The FILE_TEST function checks files for existence and other attributes without having to first open the file.ExamplesTo determine whether your IDL distribution supports the Intel-based Macin

2016-08-31 22:21:53 1318

转载 Fastest way to check if a file exist using standard C++

Well I threw together a test program that ran each of these methods 100,000 times, half on files that existed and half on files that didn't.#include #include #include inline bool exists_test0 (c

2016-08-17 20:35:13 589

转载 Mathtype空格


2016-08-17 18:23:18 360

转载 booktabs rules donot show up

revtex has its own rule macros. Do not load the booktabs package and use:CODE: SELECT ALL  •  OPEN IN ONLINE LATEX EDITOR\begin{tabular}{ccc}\toprule

2016-06-15 23:12:04 499

转载 sampler 用法 OpenCL

sampler_tA type used to control how elements of a 2D or 3D image object are read by read_image{f|i|ui}.const sampler_t = DescriptionThe image read fu

2016-06-14 23:18:18 2929

转载 Embedding Greek and scripts into text IDL

The embedded symbols will be evaluated at run-time, so they will be correct both on the display and if you send this command to a PostScript file, or make a high-quality raster file with ImageMagick

2016-06-14 21:32:29 584

转载 IDL create a empty string

I would like to create a blank string of length 1024. (That is, my string contains 1024 spaces.) What is the best way to do this in IDL? The best way to do this is to simply use the ASCII char

2016-05-11 20:14:25 485

转载 IDL array subscript

There are six types of subscript ranges:Subscript FormatDescription[*]All elements of a dimension.This form is used with multidimensional arrays to se

2016-04-29 18:04:31 1000

转载 查找数组中的NAN IDL

The problem is that an NAN is ... well, not a number. Thus, you can't use it in expressions that require a number. (Think of it as a mathematical Catch-22, if you like.)The proper way to write thi

2016-03-28 22:51:00 2463

转载 IDL format codes

Syntax of Format CodesThe syntax of an IDL format code is:[n]FC[+][-][width]Where:nis an optional repeat count (1 ≤ n) specifying the number of times the format code

2016-03-10 19:26:21 780

转载 Save .mat file in older version matlab

down voteEven in the current version, the default format is not v7.3. You must specify it:save(matfile, '-v7.3', 'var1', 'var2');You can also set the default in "General Preferences":

2016-03-10 00:42:44 670

原创 IDL get variable size in bytes

There are two ways to get the actual size (byte) of the IDL variables.1.  Use built-in size functionFUNCTION sizeof, DataItem;; First get the information regarding the item;Info =

2016-02-12 23:00:57 504

转载 Savitzky-Golay smoothing

The SAVGOL function returns the coefficients of a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter, which can then be applied using the CONVOL function. The Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter, also known as least squares

2016-01-13 00:39:23 3308 1

转载 C++ 运算符优先级

The following table lists the precedence and associativity of C++ operators. Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence.PrecedenceOperatorDescriptionAssociativity

2015-11-18 00:44:11 361

转载 What does “warning: not all control paths return a value” mean? (C++)

Ifswitch case if cannot cover all cases, then the return value is undefined.Even though orientation is an enum with only two values (right now), it can still have a different value for any o

2015-10-28 00:28:47 922

转载 Continue Long Statements on Multiple Lines Matlab

This example shows how to continue a statement to the next line using ellipsis (...).s = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 ... - 1/6 + 1/7 - 1/8 + 1/9;Build a long character string by

2015-10-22 16:31:13 368

转载 Fast floor/ceiling functions C

IntroductionThose of you who are after sheer running speed already know how slow the standard floor/ceiling functions can be. Here are handy alternatives. Background  The standard floor/ce

2015-10-19 23:46:56 491

转载 NVIDIA Tesla C2075 vs Tesla K10 theoretical performance

Each graphics unit has several vital theoretical parameters that affect real-world game, 3D graphics and compute performance. These are texture fillrate, pixel fillrate, memory bandwidth, along with s

2015-10-12 23:35:40 1458

转载 Faster Parallel Reductions on Kepler

Parallel reduction is a common building block for many parallel algorithms. A presentation from 2007 by Mark Harris provided a detailed strategy for implementing parallel reductions on GPUs, but thi

2015-10-12 23:34:53 745

转载 Differences between Tesla and a GeForce Series GPU

Tesla (and all Quadro) chips are much morefocused on the floating pointside of things than Geforce cards are. FP calculations in game aren't generally that excessive (in the scheme of things) and

2015-09-28 19:42:43 410

原创 Cmake space in path windows

changeinclude_directories(C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\include\)toinclude_directories(C://Program Files (x86)//GnuWin32//include//dlib)

2015-09-08 19:17:25 473

转载 Cmake environmental variables: how to make find_package, find_path and find_library work

Environment VariablesThese are environment variables which effect cmake behaviour.CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH This is used when searching for include files e.g. using the FIND_PATH() command. If you

2015-09-08 19:14:49 1043

转载 latex equation displaystyle or textstyle

2015-08-21 22:44:18 3113

转载 Bibtex 如何cite 不同格式

以harvard格式为例,如果使用的是harvard package, 可以用Orlov \citeyear{Orlov1976}显示的是 Orlov (1976)\citename{Orlov1976} (1976)显示的是 Orlov (1976)如果用的是natlib, \citet{Orlov1976}显示的是 Orlov (19

2015-08-13 22:10:04 3979

转载 Bibtex如何使authors in the citation 最多显示两个


2015-08-13 22:02:21 716

转载 IDL save postscript file

How to save a plot as the .ps file?cgPS_Open, 'output.ps'!x.thick = 4!y.thick = 4!z.thick = 4!p.thick = 4cgPS_Closeor if you want to save the plot to other format:cgPS_Close,

2015-07-01 21:58:28 852

转载 piecewise constant function 阶跃常函数

Piecewise Constant FunctionA function is said to be piecewise constant if it is locally constant in connected regions separated by a possibly infinite number of lower-dimensional boundaries. T

2015-06-27 00:25:17 2065

转载 IDL vector filed plot

The VELOVECT procedure produces a two-dimensional velocity field plot. A directed arrow is drawn at each point showing the direction and magnitude of the field.This routine is written in the IDL l

2015-06-26 23:24:26 943

转载 IDL box plot

cgboxplot.proGraphicsThis is graphics routine to display a box plot, also known as a box and whisker plot, in IDL direct graphics. Here are the IDL commands to read the data and pr

2015-06-24 19:35:31 1069

转载 深度学习 vs. 概率图模型 vs. 逻辑学


2015-05-05 23:32:28 1207

转载 整理:深度学习 vs 机器学习 vs 模式识别

以下为正文:本文我们来关注下三个非常相关的概念(深度学习、机器学习和模式识别),以及他们与2015年最热门的科技主题(机器人和人工智能)的联系。 图1 人工智能并非将人放入一台计算机中(图片来源于 WorkFusion 的博客)环绕四周,你会发现不缺乏一些初创的高科技公司招聘机器学习专家的岗位。而其中只有一小部分需要深度学习专家。我敢打赌,大多数初创公司

2015-05-05 23:26:53 725

转载 并行处理思想与弗林(Flynn)分类


2015-03-18 18:14:25 3036

转载 OpenCL 学习笔记6 在CPU/GPU平台上的实现

CPU在多核上运行一个单独的work-group会导致cache共享问题。 为缓解这些问题,OpenCL线程轮流运行同一个work-group内的每一个work-item, 当这个work-group内所有work-item都运行完成后, 在运行同一个工作队列中的下一个work-group。 因此,同一个work-group内的线程是没有并行性的, 如果可能的话,多个操作系统线程将允许多个wo

2015-03-18 18:10:14 1530

转载 size_t 和 unsigned int, unsigned long

size_t是一些C/C++标准在stddef.h中定义的。这个类型足以用来表示对象的大小。size_t的真实类型与操作系统有关,在32位架构中被普遍定义为:typedef   unsigned int size_t;而在64位架构中被定义为:typedef  unsigned long size_t;size_t在32位架构上是4字节,在64位架构

2015-03-12 21:14:08 10893 1

原创 C++ 赋值运算符重载

Widget& operator=(const Widget& rhs)        //返回类型是reference  {                                                                               //指向当前对象...

2015-03-10 18:54:56 1057

转载 Self-define float4 vector

The float4 structure encapsulates 4 float values and can be used to represent a 4-element vector or a row of a 4-column matrix:1234567891011

2015-03-06 00:02:09 967

转载 OpenCL 笔记5 reconstruction application

1. If the back-projection and the forward-projection operator are executed within separated kernels, therefore non-provided cache coherency of texture is not a problem.2. The algorithm with a slower

2015-02-25 10:36:34 545

转载 OpenCL 笔记4 projector application

1. Ray-driven back-projection is less suitable for parallelization due to possible racing conditions. Using OpenCL these race can be prevented using atomic functions at the cost of losing performance.

2015-02-23 11:08:55 624





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