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转载 Preventing Cross-site Scripting Attacks--In Your Web Applications
by Paul Lindner February 20, 2002 Introduction The cross-site scripting attack is one of the most common, yet overlooked, security problems facing web developers today. A web
2006-04-30 17:59:00 1971
转载 Publishing Pages with PUT
URL:http://www.apacheweek.com/features/putOne of the most common questions we get asked is whether Apache supports web publishing with the PUT method. Netscape Navigator Gold, AOLPress and A
2006-04-27 20:38:00 1649 1
原创 (Javascript)prototype的一个优势也是缺点
2006-04-23 17:56:00 2372 3
转载 JavaScript Associative Arrays
URL: http://persistent.info/archives/2004/08/27/js-associative-arraysThere seems to be some confusion regarding associative arrays in JavaScript (i.e. doing searches on the matter turns up many page
2006-04-22 20:43:00 1652
转载 Objects as associative arrays
URL: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/associative.htmlOn this page I explain how JavaScript objects are also associative arrays (hashes). Using these you can associate a key string with a value string,
2006-04-22 18:25:00 2248
转载 Yahoo! UI Libraries Target Cross-browser Web Development Woes
URL:http://www.devx.com/webdev/Article/31225/0/page/2The recently released Yahoo! UI libraries provide cross-browser DHTML and AJAX capabilities with a commercial-friendly BSD License. Unfortunately p
2006-04-21 19:39:00 2835
转载 Ajax Frameworks
URL: http://groups.google.com/group/ajax-world/browse_frm/thread/e755fadf0e1f7172/de1c41dbbfa75a39#de1c41dbbfa75a39Heres a evaluaton i made of some frameworks. It was a very simple evaluation, i apo
2006-04-21 19:11:00 1742
原创 Digg Google's Calendar
Googles Calendar似乎是一个最近很火的话题,因为我在ZDNet上看到了好多相关的消息。似乎每个人都试图从Googles Calendar里找寻一些潜在的价值,以证明他不仅仅是个Calendar。哈哈?听起来很有意思。DiggGarett Rogers在他的《Google Calendar peeks around the corner》中用到了一个比较有意思的词汇
2006-04-21 13:39:00 1549
转载 Taking a look at ten different PHP frameworks
URL: http://www.phpit.net/article/ten-different-php-frameworks/1/IntroductionPHP frameworks are the latest hot topic in the PHP community, and new frameworks are being released daily. With over 40
2006-04-20 13:27:00 2534
翻译 Symfony简介
Symfony at a glanceSymfony简介Overview概要Symfony is an object-oriented PHP5 framework based on the MVC model. Symfony allows for the separation of business rules, server logic and presentation vi
2006-04-19 20:48:00 5146
转载 谁是世界上最疼你的女人?
我永远都会记得那个晚上,我像平时一样在看体育新闻,妻子洗了澡出来对我说:“我的脚上怎么多了一颗黑痣?” 我是一个毫无医学常识的人,觉得女人都喜欢大惊小怪的,就没有理会她。 我们的生活应该说是很和谐,很安逸的。从我在公司任了高职之后,她就当起了全 职太太。我的工作三天两头要加班,还经常出差,有时候一走就是三个星期。出差在外,别人都会很担心家里老人身体如何,孩子功课怎么样。而我,总是
2006-04-19 19:57:00 1669 7
原创 Google's Calendar
序 尽管我再写此类的文章有点蛇尾之嫌,不过今天当我在ZDNet的Web2.0Explorer里面看到这篇文章时,应该算是比较快了吧。这篇Richard MacManus的文章《Google Calendar - further progress on Googles Web Office suite》写于今天凌晨3点02分,也算是我首次赶上时髦了。:P 很快,顺着这篇文章的指
2006-04-16 22:03:00 1945
转载 User Interface Design Tips, Techniques, and Principles
URL:http://www.ambysoft.com/essays/userInterfaceDesign.html#PrinciplesA fundamental reality of application development is that the user interface is the system to the users. What users want is for d
2006-04-15 17:09:00 2419
转载 A Summary of Principles for User-Interface Design.
URL: http://www.sylvantech.com/~talin/projects/ui_design.htmlby TalinThis document represents a compilation of fundamental principles for designing user interfaces, which have been drawn from vari
2006-04-15 17:05:00 3164
转载 Relevance Review #4: Head Rush Ajax
URL:http://blogs.relevancellc.com/articles/2006/04/12/relevance-review-4-head-rush-ajaxRelevance Review #4: Head Rush AjaxHead Rush Ajax, from OReilly, by Brett McLaughlin. Quick summary:Fanta
2006-04-14 15:07:00 1455
转载 Relevance Review #3: Foundations of Ajax
URL: http://blogs.relevancellc.com/articles/2006/04/10/relevance-reviewThis is a review of Foundations of Ajax, from Apress. Full disclosure: I have met, and really liked, Nathaniel Schutta, not le
2006-04-14 14:44:00 1273
转载 Relevance Reviews #2: Ajax Hacks
URL: http://blogs.relevancellc.com/articles/2006/04/09/relevance-reviews-2-ajax-hacks This week, I am off to Vancouver to teach Ruby on Rails Todays in-plane reading is Bruce Perrys Ajax Hacks
2006-04-14 14:37:00 1355
转载 Relevance Reviews #1: The JavaScript Anthology
Coofucoo says: Ajax brings us a huge browser side code based on Javascript. In real work, when we build functional Ajax program, we found its difficult to deal with so many flexible feature in jav
2006-04-14 14:27:00 1306
转载 AJAX and Multibyte Character Support
URL:http://www.taylanpince.com/blog/AJAX-and-Multibyte-Character-Support.htmlBlogged by taylan at 3:22 pm, 6 February 2006 under PHPTags: AJAX, PHP, multibyte, encodingI love AJAX, and I realize t
2006-04-14 11:34:00 1744
转载 TortoiseSVN从1.2.6升级到1.3.2过程中遇到的问题
2006-04-12 21:00:00 1742
转载 Five Reasons Web 2.0 and Enterprises Don't Mix
原文地址:http://www.publish.com/article2/0,1895,1929650,00.aspBy Stephen Bryant February 22, 2006 Opinion: Enterprise-level Web 2.0 apps are coming. But first large companies need to understand the va
2006-04-07 14:56:00 1728
转载 What can enterprise coders learn from Web 2.0?
原文地址:http://www.builderau.com.au/program/web/soa/What_can_enterprise_coders_learn_from_Web_2_0_/0,39024632,39237263,00.htm You may think that Web 2.0 has not place in y
2006-04-06 21:45:00 1970
转载 关于session的详细解释
一、术语session 在我的经验里,session这个词被滥用的程度大概仅次于transaction,更加有趣的是transaction与session在某些语境下的含义是相同的。 session,中文经常翻译为会话,其本来的含义是指有始有终的一系列动作/消息,比如打电话时从拿起电话拨号到挂断电话这中间的一系列过程 可以称之为一个session。有时候我们可以看到这样的话“在一个浏览
2006-04-06 21:06:00 2068 1
转载 Setting up a PHP 5 with Apache 2 and MySQL 4.1.3
原文地址:http://www.builderau.com.au/program/0,39024614,39130604-1,00.htmPHP 5.0 has finally arrived. Heres a step-by-step guide to setting up a cutting-edge Web development environment with PHP 5.0, Apa
2006-04-06 20:37:00 2572 2
转载 A Better File Upload Progress Bar using Python, AJAX Prototype, & JSON
原文地址:http://development.finetooth.com/?p=11演示地址:http://development.finetooth.com/wp-content/uploads/FileUpload/weblib/HTMLForm/HTMLFormFileUploadTest.php?module=htmlform_fileupload_testThe Python
2006-04-06 14:25:00 2000
转载 Using the XML HTTP Request object
原文地址:http://jibbering.com/2002/4/httprequest.html This article was originally written in April 2002, Ive decided to fix and update it as the objects finally seem to be getting some popularity. The
2006-04-06 11:11:00 1637
转载 (By Marco Nanni)Using XML to Improve File-Upload Processing
原文地址:http://www.15seconds.com/issue/010522.htmSummary This article examines an example of multiple binary file upload for Web applications using Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology, with
2006-04-06 10:53:00 1714
原创 关于工时
来公司之前就从公司的前员工的blog里面了解到公司比较喜欢搬家,不过之前虽然自己也不停的移动位置,但也仅仅是小调整而已。这次,公司真的是来了一个大变动,我们整个部门都搬到了另一层。 搬家的工程还真是浩大。不过不搬家还怎没有发现,自己原来已经有这么多东西放在公司了。办公用具就不说了,其他的还有什么书啊、小饰品阿、运动鞋阿、日历阿、吃得阿、喝的阿,呵呵,俨然一副以公司为家的景象嘛。可
2006-04-05 20:19:00 1965 1
转载 SMI-S期待更多
2006-04-01 19:58:00 2439
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant.chm
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