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原创 Algorithms—148.Sort List

思路:归并排序。/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solution { public Lis

2015-09-22 12:25:55 300

原创 Algorithms—127.Word Ladder


2015-09-18 15:27:36 380

原创 Algorithms—239.Sliding Window Maximum

思路:本质就是维持一个最大队,那么插入的时候拿该数从队伍最后开始比较,删除掉所有小于该数的队伍成员,然后插入该数。取出的时候比较该数是否是该队第一个数,如果不是,则队伍不变。public class Solution { public int[] maxSlidingWindow(int[] nums, int k) { if (nums.length==0||k==0||k

2015-09-16 16:39:49 300

原创 Algorithms—87.Scramble String

思路:原来以为题目值允许中分,后来才发现可以随意拆分,那么按照拆分距离,比较的数组可以分为前半段与原字符串前半段对应,后半段与原字符串后半段对应,或者颠倒,但是要保证程度相同,然后递归求解。使用动态规划防止超时。public class Solution { Map map=new HashMap(); public boolean isScramble(String s1, Str

2015-09-16 15:40:18 423

原创 Algorithms—49.Group Anagrams

思路:先排序原数组,然后把每个String拆成char[]排序重组,放回新数组中,根据相等情况存储编号,然后读取编号。想了一个思路,应该可以把String[]数组拆成char[][]二维数组,然后进行排序,读取。但这个思路没实现。public class Solution { public List> groupAnagrams(String[] strs) { A

2015-09-15 10:42:50 313

原创 Algorithms—201.Bitwise AND of Numbers Range

思路:首先判断是否相等,如果相等则返回n(或m),这步正好过滤掉双0的情况。然后求出m&n和m^n的值,m^n的值的二进制形式表示从哪一位开始不同,用m&n的值抹去后面的部分即可。public class Solution { public int rangeBitwiseAnd(int m, int n) { if(m==n){ return n;

2015-09-14 17:25:20 275

原创 Algorithms—40.Combination Sum II

思路:先排序,然后逆向取数,如果这个数小于目标值,则将该数于目标的差值带入,递归查询。public class Solution { public List> combinationSum2(int[] candidates, int target) { Arrays.sort(candidates); return f(candidates,targe

2015-09-14 11:41:37 285

原创 Algorithms—18.4Sum

思路:跟三和问题本质一样,加上一层循环,两边设置端点,然后内部双端扫描public class Solution { List> ans=new ArrayList>(); public List> fourSum(int[] nums, int target) { if (nums.length<4) { return ans; } Arrays

2015-09-14 11:07:51 256

原创 Algorithms—16.3Sum Closest

思路:跟三和问题本质一样,双端扫描。public class Solution { int ans=Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int threeSumClosest(int[] nums, int target) { Arrays.sort(nums); int length=nums.length; for (i

2015-09-11 17:09:32 283

原创 Algorithms—15.3Sum

思路:先排序,然后读取数组,接着从剩下的数组中开始两端扫描到符合条件的两个数。注意去重。public class Solution { List> ans=new ArrayList>(); public List> threeSum(int[] nums) { Arrays.sort(nums); if (nums.length<3) { retur

2015-09-10 17:41:42 348

原创 Algorithms—81.Search in Rotated Sorted Array II

思路:可以重复的话,比如数组中只有1个2,其他都是1,这个2可以出现在任何位置,所以直接遍历吧。 public boolean search(int[] nums, int target) { for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { if (nums[i]==target) { return true; }

2015-09-09 09:43:20 328

原创 Algorithms—95.Unique Binary Search Trees II

思路:再上一题的基础上继续使用动态规划。/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */pub

2015-09-08 17:24:37 292

原创 Algorithms—133.Balanced Binary Tree

思路:首先遍历所有的元素,添加到map中,然后读取map,给每个元素编号,放进list中,同时新建list存储每个复制了lable的元素。最后读取原list,查看该list每个邻居,去map中查看这些邻居的编号,去新list中找到对应的邻居,添加到对应的元素的邻居中。/** * Definition for undirected graph. * class UndirectedGraph

2015-09-08 17:04:45 379

原创 Algorithms—110.Balanced Binary Tree

思路:比较左树和右树的深度,如果相差不超过1,继续判断左树和右树是否为平衡树。/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val

2015-09-08 16:34:15 278

原创 Algorithms—92.Reverse Linked List II

思路:遍历ListNode,存入list中,然后反向/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solutio

2015-09-07 15:26:11 267

原创 Algorithms—45.Jump Game II

思路:动态规划。public class Solution { public int jump(int[] nums) { if (nums.length==1) { return 0; } int max=0; int[] steps=new int[nums.length]; steps[0]=0; fo

2015-09-07 14:49:52 308

原创 Algorithms—39.Combination Sum

思路:动态规划。public class Solution { public List> combinationSum(int[] candidates, int target) { Arrays.sort(candidates); return f(candidates, target, new HashMap>>()); } public Lis

2015-09-07 12:44:10 280

原创 Algorithms—139.Word Break

思路:动态查询。public class Solution { public boolean wordBreak(String s, Set wordDict) { return f(s,wordDict,new HashMap()); } public boolean f(String s, Set wordDict,Map map){ if

2015-09-06 17:29:45 326

原创 Algorithms—275.H-Index II

思路:二分法。public class Solution { public int hIndex(int[] citations) { if (citations.length==0) { return 0; } Arrays.sort(citations); int s=0; int e=citations.leng

2015-09-06 15:42:56 250

原创 Algorithms—274.H-Index

思路:排序,倒着读。public class Solution { public int hIndex(int[] citations) { Arrays.sort(citations); int ans=0; for (int i = citations.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) { if (citations

2015-09-06 15:27:52 344

原创 Algorithms—79.Word Search

思路:需要记录原来走的路径,之前写的方法是用map来装,耗时太长,参考了下别人的方法。public class Solution { public boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) { if (word==null||word.length()==0||board==null||board.length==0) { r

2015-09-02 16:01:23 338

原创 Algorithms—96.Unique Binary Search Trees

思路:动态规划,可以分为左树和右树,左树和右树加起来的元素和为n-1。public class Solution { public int numTrees(int n) { return f(n,new HashMap()); } public int f(int n,Map map){ if (map.get(n)!=null) { ret

2015-09-02 13:01:42 346


系统首先通过优化设定配送费以及预计送达时间来调整订单结构;在接收订单之后,考虑骑手位置、在途订单情况、骑手能力、商家出餐、交付难度、天气、地理路况、未来单量等因素,在正确的时间将订单分配给最合适的骑手,并在骑手执行过程中随时预判订单超时情况并动态触发改派操作,实现订单和骑手的动态最优匹配。 同时,系统派单后,为骑手提示该商家的预计出餐时间和合理的配送线路,并通过语音方式和骑手实现高效交互;在骑手送完订单后,系统根据订单需求预测和运力分布情况,告知骑手不同商圈的运力需求情况,实现闲时的运力调度。


Outlier Analysis 2nd Edition.pdf ——2积分系列

异常检测,第二版 This book provides comprehensive coverage of the field of outlier analysis from a computer science point of view. It integrates methods from data mining, machine learning, and statistics within the computational framework and therefore appeals to multiple communities. The chapters of this book can be organized into three categories:, Basic algorithms: Chapters 1 through 7 discuss the fundamental algorithms for outlier analysis, including probabilistic and statistical methods, linear methods, proximity-based met hods, high-dimensional (subspace) methods, ensemble methods, and supervised methods.Domain-specific methods: Chapters 8 through 12 discuss outlier detection algorithms for various domains of data, such as text, categorical data, time-series data, discrete sequence data, spatial data, and network data.Applications: Chapter 13 is devoted to various applications of outlier analysis. Some guidance is also provided for the practitioner., The second edition of this book is more detailed and is written to appeal to both researchers and practitioners. Significant new material has been added on topics such as kernel methods, one-class support-vector machines, matrix factorization, neural networks, outlier ensembles, time-series methods, and subspace methods. It is written as a textbook and can be used for classroom teaching.



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