Rac 的GES/GCS原理7

Optimizing the Global Cache
In this section, you have seen that the amount of work performed by the cluster in support of the
Global Cache Service is highly dependent on the usage of data blocks within the cluster.


 Although most applications will run on RAC without modification, you can reasonably expect to optimize their performance by partitioning them across the nodes.
 The benefit of application partitioning is that the aggregate size of the buffer cache across all instances is effectively increased, since fewer duplicate data blocks will be stored within it.
应用分区的好处是所有实例间的buffer cache 数量被有效的增加了,因为只有很少的重复数据块被存储在buffer cache中。
The partitioning option, which has been available since Oracle 8.0, allows you to physically
partition tables. The introduction of database services in Oracle 10.1 provides a built-in mechanism
that can be used to implement application partitioning.
在分区的选项里,从ORACLE 8.0就开始有一个策略,这个策略允许使用物理分区表。
从oracle 10.1 开始,已经提供了一种内在的机制,这种机制能够被实施来支持应用分区。

In particular, database services and the
partitioning option can be used together to achieve node affinity for each physical partition. Finally,
the introduction of dynamic resource remastering at object level allows Oracle to optimize the use
of partitioned objects across the cluster by ensuring that they are locally mastered.


The key, therefore, to optimizing the global cache is to design your application in such a way
that you minimize the number of blocks that are shared between instances, which will minimize the
amount of interconnect traffic and the work performed by remote instances.


Other ways to achieve this optimization might include implementing sequences, reverse key indexes, global temporary tables, or smaller block sizes or rebuilding tables with fewer rows per block.

Instance Recovery
In the final section of this chapter, we will briefly describe instance recovery. While it is important
that your cluster can survive an instance failure and that the impact on throughput during instance
recovery is acceptable to your business, understanding the concepts behind instance recovery is
less important than understanding those underlying GCS or GES.



 This is because instance recovery only has a temporary performance impact,

whereas the Global Services can affect your performance at all times.

In RAC, recovery is performed when an instance fails and another Oracle instance detects the
failure. If more than one node fails at the same time, all instances will be recovered.

The amount of recovery processing required is proportional to the number of failed nodes and
the amount of redo generated on those nodes since the last checkpoint. Following recovery, data
blocks become available immediately.


When an instance detects that another instance has failed, the first phase of the recovery is the
reconfiguration of the GES. Following this, the GCS resources can be reconfigured. During this phase,all GCS resource requests and write requests are suspended, and the GRD is frozen.

 However, instances can continue to modify data blocks as long as these blocks are in the local buffer cache and appropriate enqueues are already held.

然而,实例仍然可以修改数据块,只要这些数据块还在本地的buffer cache中,而对应的

In the next phase, the redo log file of the failed instance is read to identify all the blocks that
may need to be recovered.
在下一个阶段,失败实例的redo 日志已经提供给实例来识别所有待恢复的数据块。

In parallel, the GCS resources are remastered. This remastering involves
redistributing the blocks in the buffer cache of the remaining instances to new resource masters.

同时,GCS资源属主将被重新定义。这个重新定义包括重新分配剩下实例中的buffer cache

At the end of this phase, all blocks requiring recovery will have been identified.
In the third phase, buffer space is allocated for recovery and resources are created for all of the
blocks requiring recovery.

在这个阶段的最后部分,所有需要恢复的数据块将被重新识别。在第三阶段,buffer 空间

 The buffer caches of all remaining instances are searched for past images
of blocks that may have been in the buffer cache of the failed instance at the time of failure.
剩下实例的buffer cache 将被搜索,寻找数据块的过去时间点镜像,这些数据块可能在实例
失败的时候存在于失败实例的buffer cache中。

 If a PI buffer exists for any block, then this buffer is used as a starting point for the recovery of that block. At this point, all resources and enqueues that will be required for the recovery process have
been acquired.


Therefore, the GRD can be unfrozen, allowing any data blocks that are not involved
in the recovery process to be accessed. The system is now partially available.

In the next phase, each block that has been identified as needing recovery is reconstructed
from a combination of the original block on disk, the most recent past image available, and the
contents of the redo log of the failed instance. The recovered block is written back to disk, immediately after which the recovery resources are released, so that the block becomes available again.
在下一个阶段,每个被识别为需要恢复的数据块将被重建,从磁盘上的原始块,最近的可用的过去镜像,以及失败实例的redo 日志。一旦恢复的资源被释放,被恢复的数据块将被写回磁盘。这个数据库变得又可以访问了。

When all blocks have been recovered, the system is fully available again.
A block may be modified by the failed instance but not exist as a past image or a current block
in any of the remaining instances. In this case, Oracle uses the redo log files of the failed instance to
reconstruct the changes made to the block since the block was last written to disk.

The buffer cache is flushed to disk by the database writer process when free buffers are required for new blocks. It is also flushed to disk whenever there is a database checkpoint, which occurs whenever there is a log file switch.

当实例要求读入更多的数据块,它会要求空闲的buffer,此时数据库写进程将把buffer cache
写入磁盘。每次发生log file switch 的时候都会发生数据库级别的checkpoint,当发生数据库级别的checkpoint时,buffer cache的内容也会被写入磁盘,

Therefore, you only need to recover redo generated since the last log file switch. Consequently,
the amount of redo and the amount of time required to apply the redo will be proportional
to the size of the redo log file.
因此,你只需要恢复从上一次日志切换以来的所有 redo 日志。因此,恢复redo的量以及
时间和redo 日志的大小是成比例的。

You can reduce the amount of time required for recovery by adjusting the mean time to recovery
using the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter, which allows you to specify the maximum amount of
time, in seconds, in which you wish the database to perform crash recovery.
你可以通过使用参数 FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET 来减少恢复所需的时间,这将允许你指定

The FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET adjusts the frequency of checkpoints to limit potential recovery time. This parameter was introduced in Oracle 9.0.1 and replaces the FAST_START_IO_TARGET parameter, which specifies the target number of database blocks to be written in the event of a recovery, and the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL parameter, which specifies the frequency of checkpoints in terms of 512-byte redo log blocks.
在ORACLE 9.0.1的时候被引进,并代替了参数FAST_START_IO_TARGET。FAST_START_IO_TARGET参数指定在恢复时候,目标数据库数据块的个数。而LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL 参数可以指定checkpoint 的频率,
依据redo 数据块大小512字节算。

This chapter described some of the internal algorithms that are used within a RAC database. While
understanding the exact implementation of each algorithm is not essential, having an appreciation
of them when designing new systems is highly beneficial.


As you have seen, much of the performance of an Oracle RAC database depends on the application.
Therefore, testing and benchmarking your application prior to going into production are
vital to determine its effect on GCS and GES. By aiming to minimize the amount of interconnect
traffic your application generates, you will maximize both performance and scalability.
正如你看到的,绝大多数的ORACLE RAC性能问题要依靠应用来解决。





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