


If you have a large Steam library, then you may be running out of space, or maybe you have it located on an old, slower spinning hard drive. Whatever the case, you can painlessly move your Steam collection to a new location.

如果您的Steam库很大,则可能是空间不足,或者可能是它位于旧的,旋转速度较慢的硬盘上。 无论如何,您都可以轻松地将Steam集合移到新位置。

It’s easy to acquire a large burgeoning game collection via Steam, especially if you participate in the various sales that Valve has every year. We’re all probably guilty to some extent of going a little overboard during the Steam Summer Sale in particular.

通过Steam获得大量新兴游戏收藏很容易,尤其是如果您参加Valve每年的各种销售活动时。 尤其是在Steam夏季拍卖会期间,我们所有人都有一定程度的过失。

What this means is that you end up with a lot of games, and while you can always delete old games to make room for new ones, that typically means having to redownload those older games or restore them from a backup if you ever want to play them again.


In other cases, it’s often better to locate your games collection to a speedy SSD for faster, nearly instant load times. Having your games on an SSD can really improve your overall gaming experience.

在其他情况下,通常最好将游戏收藏放置在快速的SSD上,以实现更快,几乎即时的加载时间。 在SSD上玩游戏可以真正改善整体游戏体验。

So, what do you do if you want to upgrade? The choices are simple when it comes to either moving your collection a larger and/or faster drive, but how do you do that so you don’t have to redownload everything?

那么,如果要升级怎么办? 在将集合移动到更大和/或更快的驱动器时,选择很简单,但是您如何做到这一点,而不必重新下载所有内容?

在Windows上移动Steam库 (Moving Your Steam Library on Windows)

Moving your Steam library is really quite simple and can be accomplished in a few short steps on either Windows or OS X.

移动您的Steam库确实非常简单,并且可以在Windows或OS X上只需几步即可完成。

To begin, on Windows first go to where your Steam library is located. If you aren’t sure, you can find it by checking where the Steam client’s shortcut is pointed by right-clicking on the Steam shortcut and selecting Properties.

首先,在Windows上首先转到Steam库所在的位置。 如果不确定,可以通过右键单击Steam快捷方式并选择“属性”来检查Steam客户端快捷方式的位置,从而找到它。

In this case, our Steam library is on our D: drive, but let’s say we want to move it to our G: drive, which is an SSD we’ve installed especially for games. Before you do anything, make sure to shut down Steam. Then, all you do is drag the entire Steam folder to the new location.

在这种情况下,我们的Steam库位于D:驱动器上,但是我们想将其移动到G:驱动器上,这是我们特别为游戏安装的SSD。 在执行任何操作之前,请确保关闭Steam。 然后,您要做的就是将整个Steam文件夹拖到新位置。

Once that is done (it might take awhile if you have a lot of games), it’s time to rerun Steam. You could just re-run the Steam.exe from its new location, but we recommend reinstalling it, which will update all your shorcuts.

一旦完成(如果您有很多游戏,可能要花一些时间),就该重新运行Steam了。 您可以从新位置重新运行Steam.exe,但我们建议重新安装它,这将更新所有快捷方式。

Head to and download the installer (unless you have it lying about on your hard drive somewhere).


Once you start the installer, simply point it to your new destination and all your shortcuts will be updated in the process.


That’s it! The next time you run Steam, all your games will be there and you can start playing anything you want right away, no need to redownload or restore anything from a backup.

而已! 下次运行Steam时,所有游戏都将在那里,您可以立即开始播放所需的任何内容,而无需重新下载或从备份中还原任何内容。

在Mac上移动Steam库 (Moving Your Steam Library on a Mac)

If you’re using a Mac, the process is different, but no more difficult. Again, shut down Steam first before you begin.

如果您使用的是Mac,则过程会有所不同,但并不困难。 同样,在开始之前请先关闭Steam。

Steam’s game files are located in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/  by default. This is the folder we’ll want to move to our new drive.

Steam的游戏文件默认位于~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/ 。 这是我们要移动到新驱动器的文件夹。

Note, you can get to the Library folder by clicking on the Go menu while holding the “Option” key. Also, do not move the entire Steam folder–just move the SteamApps folder.

注意,在按住“ Option”键的同时单击“ Go”菜单,可以进入“ Library”文件夹。 另外,请勿移动整个Steam文件夹,而仅移动SteamApps文件夹。

Here you see the Steam folder we’re talking about. You can move this to any other location you want such as a bigger, more speedy SSD.

在这里,您可以看到我们正在谈论的Steam文件夹。 您可以将其移动到任何其他位置,例如更大,更快的SSD。

Now, open up the trusty Terminal and type the following command:


cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam

Now that you’ve changed to the Steam library in the Application Support folder, you need to make a symbolic link to wherever you moved the new SteamApps folder. Again, use Terminal do this by running this command, replacing /New/SteamLibraryLocation/  with the path to the SteamApps folder’s new location:

现在,您已经更改为“应用程序支持”文件夹中的Steam库,现在需要将符号链接指向新SteamApps文件夹的移动位置。 同样,使用终端通过运行以下命令来执行此操作,将/New/SteamLibraryLocation/替换为SteamApps文件夹的新位置的路径:

ln -s /path/to/new/SteamApps SteamApps

Make sure you point to the new location in the first part of the command and the old location is in the second part. Once you’re done, you can fire up the Steam client once again and games will now load from the new location.

确保在命令的第一部分中指向新位置,而在第二部分中则指向旧位置。 完成后,您可以再次启动Steam客户端,游戏现在将从新位置加载。

Now you can move your Steam library whenever you need to upgrade your old drive. Once you discover what it’s like to have all that new speed and space, you may wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

现在,您可以在需要升级旧驱动器时移动Steam库。 一旦发现了拥有所有新速度和新空间的感觉,您可能会想知道为什么不早做。







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