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转载 《博客园精华集》WCF筛选结果(共84篇)

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2009-09-22 13:34:00 1274

原创 设置局域网内访问SQLSERVER2008

1. 打开配置工具,SQL Server配置管理器2. 在 SQL Server Network Configuration下面的Protocols for MSSQLSERVER,启用Named Pipes和TCP/IP协议3. 使用telnet servername 1433命令来检测是否可以正常连接,如果在执行完命令后屏幕左上角出现光标,说明可以正常连接,否则会出现错误提示。如果系统

2009-09-21 21:00:00 10393

原创 Create a nice Navigation Flip in Silverlight3

1. Add Navigation assembly in the application and import the namespace for the assembly.xmlns:navigation="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Navigation"2. In

2009-09-16 13:46:00 653

原创 Element to Element Binding in Silverlight

In the old days, if you want a TextBlock to display the Silder value, you can use two ways, 1. Create a business object to hold the Silder Value and then bind it to the TextBlock objec.2. You ca

2009-09-16 11:05:00 508

原创 the Data Form in Silverlight

1. Create data entitypublic class Person:INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private string firstName; private string

2009-09-15 22:32:00 780 1

原创 Communicate with different Silverlight Application in the browser

1. Create two Silverlight Applications which are sharing the same asp.net application. When rebuilt the two SL application, the *.xap files will be generated to the folder ./ClientBin 2. Imported

2009-09-14 16:43:00 431

原创 Using Themes in Silverlight

1. You should firstly add System.Windows.Controls.Theming.Toolkit.dll reference to your project. The path in my machine is C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Silverlight/v3.0/Toolkit/Jul09/Bin 2. Add

2009-09-14 10:48:00 761

原创 Use Triggers in Silverlight

You can use triggers to define some simple animation in Silverlight.For current version of Silverlight, it only support one RouteEvent for the trigger. that is Element.LoadedYou can refer to the

2009-09-11 15:07:00 586

原创 Customize your own Silverlight control

1. Create a new class which inherit from ContentControlnamespace SimpleButtonDemo{ public class SimpleButton : ContentControl { public event RoutedEventHandler Click; pub

2009-09-10 13:20:00 521

原创 Using Silverlight Shape Controls....Path, Rectangle...

Using Silverlight Shape Controls

2009-09-09 13:33:00 496

原创 Using thread in Silverlight

private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(Compute); Thread t = new Thread(ts); t.Start();

2009-09-07 20:21:00 655

原创 Navigation in Silverlight 3

Key Points: 1. Make sure that you have already added the assembly System.Windows.Controls.Navigation in you project.2. Import the namespace xmlns:navigation="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Control

2009-09-07 12:38:00 1093

原创 Implemented the interface INotifyPropertyChanged can inform UI to update the values.

If you have control bind to Book object and When you update the book object which has implemented the value, the control will update the values on UI accordingly. public class Book : INotifyPrope

2009-09-04 10:56:00 513



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