Building Maintainable Software-java篇之 Write Clean Code

Building Maintainable Software-java篇之 Write Clean Code

Writing clean code is what you must do in order to call yourself a professional.
—Robert C. Martin


Write clean code.
• Do this by not leaving code smells behind after development work.
• This improves maintainability because clean code is maintainable code.

Code smells are coding patterns that hint that a problem is present. Introducing or not removing such patterns is bad practice, as they decrease the maintainability of code. 

Leave No Trace

Boy Scouts have a rule that says, “leave the campground cleaner than you found it.” Applying the Boy Scout rule to software development means that once you are writing or modifying a piece of code, you have the opportunity to make small improvements as well. The result is that you leave the code cleaner and more maintainable than you found it. If you are adjusting a piece of code now, apparently there is a need for maintaining it. That increases the chance that you will revisit that same code later.
When you revisit that code again, you will benefit from the refactoring you are doing now.

 How to Apply the Guideline

 Trying to be a clean coder is an ambitious goal, and there are many best practices that you can follow. From our consultancy experience we have distilled seven developer “Boy Scout rules” that will help you to prevent code smells that impact maintainability most:

1. Leave no unit-level code smells behind.

2. Leave no bad comments behind.

3. Leave no code in comments behind.

4. Leave no dead code behind.

5. Leave no long identifier names behind.

6. Leave no magic constants behind.

7. Leave no badly handled exceptions behind.

Three guidelines for good exception handling are discussed here specifically because in our practice we see many flaws in implementing exception handling:
Always catch exceptions. You are logging failures of the system to help you understand these failures and then improve the system’s reaction to them. That means that exceptions must always be caught. Also, in some cases an empty catch block compiles, but it is bad practice since it does not provide information about the context of the exception.
Catch speci€c exceptions. To make exceptions traceable to a specific event, you should catch specific exceptions. General exceptions that do not provide information specific to the state or event that triggered it fail to provide that traceability. Therefore, you should not catch Throwable, Exception, or RuntimeException directly.
 • Translate speci€c exceptions to general messages before showing them to end


End users should not be “bothered” with detailed exceptions, since they are mostly confusing and a security bad practice (i.e., providing more information than necessary about the inner workings of the system).


Building Maintainable Software: Ten Guidelines for Future-Proof Code
by Joost Visser
Copyright © 2016 Software Improvement Group, B.V. All rights reserved.
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Acquisitions Editor: Rachel Roumeliotis
Editor: Nan Barber
Production Editor: Matthew Hacker
Copyeditor: Rachel Monaghan
Proofreader: Marta Justak
Indexer: WordCo Indexing Services, Inc.
Interior Designer: David Futato
Cover Designer: Randy Comer
Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest
February 2016: First Edition
Revision History for the First Edition
2016-01-25: First Release

工作第一天 看看这个吧~~ 修炼内功必备 呵呵~ 第1章 假想的编译程序 读者可以考虑一下倘若编译程序能够正确地指出代码中的所有问题,那相应程序的错误情况会怎样?这不单指语法错误,还包括程序中的任何问题,不管它有多么隐蔽。例如,假定程序中有“差1”错误,编译程序可以采用某种方法将其查出,并给出如下的错误信息 -> line 23: while (i<=j) off by one error: this should be '<' 又如,编译程序可以发现算法中有下面的错误: -> line 42: int itoa(int i, char* str) algorithm error: itoa fails when i is -32768 再如,当出现了参数传递错误时,编译程序可以给出如下的错误信息: -> line 318: strCopy = memcpy(malloc(length), str, length); Invalid argument: memcpy fails when malloc returns NULL 好了,要求编译程序能够做到这一程度似乎有点过分。但如编译程序真能做到这些,可以想象编写无错程序会变得多么容易。那简直是小事一桩,和当前程序员的一般作法真没法比。 假如在间谍卫星上用摄像机对准某个典型的软件车间.就会看到程序员们正弓着身子趴在键盘上跟踪错误;旁边,测试者正在对刚作出的内部版本发起攻击,轮番轰炸式地输入人量的数据以求找出新的错误。你还会发现,测试员正在检查老版本的错误是否溜进了新版本。可以推想,这种查错方法比用上面的假想编译程序进行查错要花费大得多的工作量、确实如此,而且它还要有点运气。 运气?




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