
MOD13Q1: 16-day 250m VI (high resolution/ limited production)
MOD13A1: 16-day 500m VI (high resolution/ globally produced)
MOD13A2: 16-day 1 km VI (standard resolution/ globally produced)
MOD13A3: Monthly 1 km VI (standard resolution/ globally produced)
MOD13C1: 16-day 25 km VI (coarse resolution (CMG)/ globally produced)
MOD13C2: Monthly 25km VI (coarse resolution (CMG)/globally produced)
modis植被指数数据产品以tile为基本单位,其投影方式为integerized sinusoidal (ISIN) grid投影。植被指数是以L2每天的表面反射率产品(MOD09 series),反射率产品经过了分子散射,臭氧吸收,以及气溶胶校正,最后合成16天的250/500m 或者1km植被指数产品,其中1km植被指数产品需要将250m500m数据像元利用'MODAGAGG'算法规划到1km。植被指数产品包含了许多SDSscience data sets):16天的NDVI,EVI值,16天的NDVI,EVI的质量评估(QA),剩余的红(band1)近红(band2),中红(band6)以及蓝(band3)的反射产率,卫星高度,太阳高度以及相对的方位角,250mEVI利用到了500m分辨率的去除气溶胶效应的蓝波段 









Two MODIS VIs, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), are produced globally over land at 1 km and 500 m resolutions and 16-day compositing periods. Whereas the NDVI is chlorophyll sensitive, the EVI is more responsive to canopy structural variations, including leaf area index (LAI), canopy type, plant physiognomy, and canopy architecture. The two VIs complement each other in global vegetation studies and improve upon the detection of vegetation changes and extraction of canopy biophysical parameters. modis  The MODIS NDVI is referred to as the "continuity index" to the existing 20+ year NOAA-AVHRR derived NDVI time series, which could be extended by MODIS data to provide a longer term data record for use in operational monitoring studies. The AVHRR-NDVI has been widely used in various operational applications, including famine early warning systems, land cover classification, health and epidemiology, drought detection, land degradation, deforestation and in relating large-scale interannual variations in vegetation to climate. The enhanced vegetation index (EVI) is an 'optimized' vegetation index with improved sensitivity in high biomass regions and improved vegetation monitoring through a de-coupling of the canopy background signal and a reduction in atmosphere influences.
Key Science Questions
One of the primary interests of the Earth Observing System (EOS) program is to study the role of terrestrial vegetation in large-scale global processes with the goal of understanding how the Earth functions as a system. This requires an understanding of the global distribution of vegetation types as well as their biophysical and structural properties and spatial/temporal variations. The MODIS VI products aid in answering several key EOS questions including:   
  • How are global ecosystems changing?  
  • What changes are occurring in global land cover and land use, and what are their causes?
  • How do ecosystems respond to and affect global environmental change and the carbon cycle?  

The MODIS standard VI products include two, gridded vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI) and quality analysis (QA) with statistical data that indicate the quality of the VI product and input reflectance data. They are currently produced at 16-day intervals at 500m and 1km resolutions with limited production at 250 m resolution. A coarser, climate modeling grid (CMG) version of the VI products at a resolution of 25 km are also in development, as are monthly versions of all the VI products. The products are labeled as:

  • MOD13A1: 16-day 500m VI (high resolution/ globally produced)
  • MOD13Q1: 16-day 250m VI (high resolution/ limited production)  
  • MOD13A2: 16-day 1 km VI (standard resolution/ globally produced)
  • MOD13A3: Monthly 1 km VI (standard resolution/ globally produced)  

  • MOD13C1: 16-day 25 km VI (coarse resolution (CMG)/ globally produced)  
  • MOD13C2: Monthly 25km VI (coarse resolution (CMG)/globally produced)

For production purposes the MODIS VIs are output in tile units that are approximately 1200km by 1200km in the integerized sinusoidal (ISIN) grid projection. When mosaicked, all tiles cover the terrestrial Earth and the MODIS VI can be generated globally each 16 days. The VI products rely on the level 2 daily surface reflectance product (MOD09 series), which are corrected for molecular scattering, ozone absorption, and aerosols. The VI algorithms ingest the level 2G (gridded) surface reflectances and temporally composite these to generate the 16-day, 250/500m or 1km VI products. The 1 km VI product (MOD13A2), however, requires aggregation of 250m and 500m MODIS pixel sizes to 1km by way of the 'MODAGAGG' algorithm. The VI output file contains a variable number of 'Science Data Sets' (SDS) that include the 16-day NDVI and EVI values; the 16-day QA for NDVI and EVI; the residual red (band 1), near-infrared (band 2), middle-infrared (band 6), and blue (band 3) reflectances; and view zenith, solar zenith, and relative azimuthal angles from the selected, composited pixels. There is some production of the 250m MODIS VI products (MOD13Q1) over a limited set of tiles. The 250m EVI currently uses a disaggregated 500m blue band for aerosol resistance. The 250m VI products are planned to be in full production and globally available


Description of the "Compositing Algorithm". 

Additional Information


  • Coverage: Global 

  • Processing Level: 3

  • Spatial/ Temporal Characteristics: 250m, 500m, 1km, and 25km at 16-day and monthly compositing intervals.


  • Key Science Applications: Ecosystem monitoring and change detection; Carbon balance; Hydrology


  • Product Type: Standard, at-Launch


  • The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), MODIS Vegetation Indices, is available for viewing.


  • The MODIS Vegetation Index Product Users' Guide is available for viewing.




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