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转载 Android Dev Intro - ANativeWindow

ANativeWindowThe public Surface class is implemented in the Java programming language. The equivalent in C/C++ is the ANativeWindow class, semi-exposed by the Android NDK. You can get the ANat

2016-05-31 18:01:02 352

转载 Android Dev Intro - Opengl ES and EGL

Opengl ES define platform independent GL draw graphics instructionsEGL define display, context and surface.Display (EGLDisplay) is the abstract of display deviceSurface (EGLSurface) is the abstr

2016-05-31 17:33:59 589

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android NDK with Android Studio

https://shaneenishry.com/blog/2014/08/17/ndk-with-android-studio/Unless you are using a game engine with an integrated scripting language, game development is usually done with C++. On the o

2016-05-31 15:24:04 515

转载 Android Dev Intro - Stencil Test

package com.openglesbook.stenciltest;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.ByteOrder;import java.nio.FloatBuffer;import java.nio.ShortBuffer;import javax.microedition.khronos.eg

2016-05-31 14:40:50 420

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android NDK with Android Studio

Android NDK C++ 开发利器:Android Studio在今年的Google IO大会上,Google宣布Android Studio开始支持NDK开发。通过和JetBrains的合作,将CLion整合进了Android Studio 1.3,并免费支持NDK C++开发。使用Gradle编写C++项目脚本下面这段工程脚本来自Google提

2016-05-31 10:02:29 355

原创 Android Dev Intro - Limits on setVisible of View

GLSurfaceView view;view.setVisible(View.Visible);May cause core dump.The core dump infos are as the followings.Only Thread Create the View can touch the view.

2016-05-27 15:26:31 403

原创 Android Dev Intro - Opengl ES 2.0 Render Stranges

Opengl es 2.0 在Android手机上开发一些奇怪现象。1. 纹理环绕模式扩展到整个窗口小米 HM NOTE 1S CT Android 4.4.4SamSung 平板 5.02. overlay 透明模式不起作用SamSung GT-I9300, Android 4.3联想手机, Android 4.4

2016-05-26 10:10:28 379

原创 Android Dev Intro - Binary File Read Write

File fl = new File("/sdcard/t1.h264");try {fos = new FileOutputStream(fl);}catch (Exception ex) {}try {fos.write(videoConfigBuf, 0, videoConfigBuf.length);}catch(Exception ex) {}

2016-05-25 15:14:48 323

转载 Color Spaces

RGB (Red Green Blue)The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model is the most known, and the most used every day. It defines a color space in terms of three components:Red, which ranges from 0-25

2016-05-25 08:40:54 549

转载 Android Dev Intro - MediaCodec Codec-specific Data

Codec-specific DataSome formats, notably AAC audio and MPEG4, H.264 and H.265 video formats require the actual data to be prefixed by a number of buffers containing setup data, or codec specific

2016-05-24 15:40:04 1061

转载 Android Dev Intro - glsl noise algorithms

https://gist.github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/670c22f3966e662d2f83Generic 1,2,3 Noisefloat rand(float n){return fract(sin(n) * 43758.5453123);}float noise(float p){ float fl = floor

2016-05-24 08:55:03 1364

转载 Android Dev Intro - Some Concepts on Android Graphics Architecture

1. EGL and GLESOpenGL ES defines an API for rendering graphics. It does not define a windowing system. To allow GLES to work on a variety of platforms, it is designed to be combined with a l

2016-05-23 17:47:58 836

转载 Android Dev Intro - Camera addCallbackBuffer

addCallbackBufferAdded in API level 8void addCallbackBuffer (byte[] callbackBuffer)Adds a pre-allocated buffer to the preview callback buffer queue. Applications can add one or more buffer

2016-05-17 09:23:31 662

原创 Android Dev Intro - Camera Close Relevant

1. mCamera.stopPreview();2. mCamera.setPreviewCallback(null);3. mCamera.release();3down voteAs a side note, a complete releaseCamera method looks like:// rele

2016-05-16 11:12:40 396

原创 Android Dev Intro - Eclipse Crashing with JVM Exit code=2

The solution is as followings.add your java jvm path to eclipse config file (eclipse.ini)-vmD:\Android\Java\jdk1.8.0_74\bin\javaw.exe-startupC:/Users/min/.p2/pool/plugins/org.ecl

2016-05-15 10:26:27 420

转载 Android Dev Intro - SurfaceView Vs View

http://pierrchen.blogspot.com/2014/03/anroid-graphics-surfaceview-all-you.htmlSurfaceView is-a View but is for different purpose and has its distinct characteristics in several aspects.

2016-05-13 17:24:14 321

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android Activity Lifecycle

http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.htmlActivity LifecycleActivities in the system are managed as an activity stack. When a new activity is started, it is placed

2016-05-13 14:35:01 331

原创 Android Dev Intro - Android ADB Command Examples

adb -s YHLFBU45TWV4V8ZT shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger

2016-05-13 11:41:39 307

转载 Android Dev Intro - Graphics architecture

https://source.android.com/devices/graphics/architecture.htmlGraphics architectureWhat every developer should know about Surface, SurfaceHolder, EGLSurface, SurfaceView, GLSurfac

2016-05-11 22:15:37 1336

转载 Windows Dev Intro - Subclassing Controls

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773183(v=vs.85).aspxSubclassing ControlsIf a control does almost everything you want, but you need a few more features, y

2016-05-09 21:26:33 603

转载 Windows Dev Intro - Superclassed Edit Control

http://winapi.foosyerdoos.org.uk/code/subsuperclass/htm/superclassedit.php//=============================================================================//SUPERCLASSED EDIT CONTROL - Copyri

2016-05-09 21:17:31 391

转载 Windows Dev Intro - Subclassed Button Control

http://winapi.foosyerdoos.org.uk/code/subsuperclass/htm/subclassbtn.php//=============================================================================//SUBCLASSED CONTROLS: BUTTON - Copyrig

2016-05-09 21:13:41 348

转载 Android Dev Intro - An OpenGL ES renderer based on the GLSurfaceView rendering framework

http://www.java2s.com/Code/Android/2D-Graphics/AnOpenGLESrendererbasedontheGLSurfaceViewrenderingframework.htm/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the

2016-05-09 21:05:02 998

转载 Android Dev Intro - An Example about Handler

http://androidsrc.net/android-loopers-and-handlers-code-tutorial/1.    MainActivity.javapackage com.example.looper;import java.util.Random;import android.app.Activity;import an

2016-05-06 15:15:39 288

转载 Android Dev Intro - Thread Looper and Handler

http://androidshortnotes.blogspot.com/2013/02/thread-concept-in-android.htmlUsage of thread, looper and handler in android

2016-05-06 14:52:08 363

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android Looper And Handler

Here is a great article about that.Looper and Handler in AndroidIt comes along with a simple schema that leads to straight understanding of relationship betweenLoopers and Handler.On this

2016-05-06 14:43:14 288

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android Looper

http://prasanta-paul.blogspot.kr/2013/09/android-looper-and-toast-from.htmlAndroid Looper and Toast from WorkerThreadHave you ever tried to launch Android Toast message from worker threa

2016-05-06 14:38:05 256

转载 Android Dev Intro - Some Concepts

http://codetheory.in/android-handlers-runnables-loopers-messagequeue-handlerthread/1. LooperSo basically a Looper contains a synchronized MessageQueue that’s used to process Messag

2016-05-06 14:34:11 285

转载 Android Dev Intro - Introducing GLSurfaceView

http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/04/introducing-glsurfaceview.htmlIntroducing GLSurfaceViewGLSurfaceView is a new API class in Android 1.5. GLSurfaceView makes OpenGL

2016-05-06 11:41:52 420

转载 Windows Dev Intro - Media Formats in Media Foundation

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd757927(v=vs.85).aspxThis topic lists the media formats that Microsoft Media Foundation supports natively. Third parties can suppo

2016-05-05 09:20:51 390

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android SurfaceTexture

http://chriszeng87.iteye.com/blog/2150022 SurfaceTexture是从Android3.0(API 11)加入的一个新类。这个类跟SurfaceView很像,可以从camera preview或者video decode里面获取图像流(image stream)。但是,和SurfaceView不同的是,SurfaceTextur

2016-05-04 20:29:55 287

转载 Android Dev Intro - SurfaceTexture,TextureView, SurfaceView and GLSurfaceView

http://chriszeng87.iteye.com/blog/2219159SurfaceView, GLSurfaceView, SurfaceTexture以及TextureView是Android当中名字比较绕,关系又比较密切的几个类。本文基于Android 5.0(Lollipop)的代码理一下它们的基本原理,联系与区别。 SurfaceV

2016-05-04 20:29:36 809

转载 Android Dev Intro - Android Thread Intro

http://blog.csdn.net/boyupeng/article/details/6208072这篇文章中有三点需要提前说明一下, 一:在Android中有两种实现线程thread的方法:一种是,扩展Java.lang.Thread类 另一种是,实现Runnable接口 二:Thread类代表线程类,它的两个

2016-05-04 20:29:15 375

转载 Android Dev Intro - GLSurfaceView.RequestRender

https://developer.xamarin.com/api/member/Android.Opengl.GLSurfaceView.RequestRender/Request that the renderer render a frame. This method is typically used when the render mode has been set

2016-05-04 17:39:11 1433

OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013

OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition - 2013, pdf document



OPENCL异构计算, 中文, pdf 文档。 作者:Benedict Gaster 等


Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL

Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL, english, pdf document.


Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, 2nd Edition, English. chm document


Windows via CC++ 5th edition

Windows via CC++ 5th edition, english. chm document



H264 And MPEG4 Video Compression Video Coding For Next Generation Multimedia pdf document


Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim)

Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3rd edition (oppenheim) pdf document, about 70M size.


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latest HEVC (H265) draft specification pdf document.



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HEVC (h265) test model source code 1.0 for convenient download.


Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision

Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (Richard Hartley 2nd Edition) clear pdf document


Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision

Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision (Sonka 3rd Edition 2007) clear pdf document


Computer Vision-A Modern Approach

Computer Vision-A Modern Approach (D.A Forsyth) original edition clear pdf document


Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications

Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications (Richard Szeliski 09-2010) original version clear pdf document


Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics (Third Edition)

Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics (Third Edition) pdf document by Eric Lengyel


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opengl 4.3 specification core with changes (2012-08-06) pdf document


OpenGL 4.0 Sharding Language Cookbook

OpenGL 4.0 Sharding Language Cookbook pdf document


The Scientist and Engineer's and Guide to Digital Signal Processing.pdf

Digital Signal Processing is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century. Revolutionary changes have already been made in a broad range of fields: communications, medical imaging, radar & sonar, high fidelity music reproduction, and oil prospecting, to name just a few. Each of these areas has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms, mathematics, and specialized techniques. This combination of breath and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed. DSP education involves two tasks: learning general concepts that apply to the field as a whole, and learning specialized techniques for your particular area of interest. This chapter starts our journey into the world of Digital Signal Processing by describing the dramatic effect that DSP has made in several diverse fields.


Machine Learning - The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data

Machine Learning: Making Sense of Data - Peter Flach (University of Bristol)



Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.264 | International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-10 represents an evolution of the existing video coding standards (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, and ITU-T H.263) and it was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as videoconferencing, digital storage media, television broadcasting, Internet streaming, and communication. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels.



Rec. ITU-T H.265 v2 (10/2014) i Recommendation ITU-T H.265 High efficiency video coding Summary Recommendation ITU-T H.265 | International Standard ISO/IEC 23008-2 represents an evolution of the existing video coding Recommendations (ITU-T H.261, ITU-T H.262, ITU-T H.263 and ITU-T H.264) and was developed in response to the growing need for higher compression of moving pictures for various applications such as Internet streaming, communication, videoconferencing, digital storage media and television broadcasting. It is also designed to enable the use of the coded video representation in a flexible manner for a wide variety of network environments. The use of this Recommendation | International Standard allows motion video to be manipulated as a form of computer data and to be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcasting channels. This Recommendation | International Standard was developed jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) and corresponds in a technically aligned manner to ISO/IEC 23008-2.


Voice over IP Fundamentals

This book is designed to provide information about Voice over IP. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.



ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest Other international organizations governmental and non governmental in liaison with ISO and IEC also take part in the work In the field of information technology ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee ISO IEC JTC 1 ">ISO the International Organization for Standardization and IEC the International Electrotechnical Commission form the specialized system for worldwide standardization National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical commi [更多]


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.003

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嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.002

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第二部分。


嵌入式系统Linux内核开发实战指南 ARM平台 王洪辉.7z.001

王洪辉 潜心力作-嵌入式Linux开发 ARM 平台。pdf 文档, 被分割成三部分压缩。这是第一部分。


A First Course on Wavelets

Eugenio Hernandez graduated from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1977 and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1981. He has been a member of the faculty of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid since 1982 and is now Professor of Mathematics. During the academic year 1987-88 Dr. Hernandez was a Fulbright Fellow and a member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California. He was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis in 1994-95. His research interests lie in the areas of the theory of interpolation of operators, weighted inequalities, and most recently, in the theory of wavelets. Guido Weiss obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Chicago, receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1956. He served on the faculty at DePaul University from 1955 to 1960, and joined the faculty of Washington University in 1960 where he is now the Elinor Anheuser Professor of Mathematics. During the past 35 years he has had leaves of absence that have allowed him to be visiting professor in several different institutions: the Sorbonne, the University of Geneva, the University of Paris in Orsay, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California (in each case for an academic year). He also was visiting professor during semester academic leave at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. His research involves a broad area of mathematical analysis, particularly harmonic analysis. Some of his work, especially his contributions to the atomic and molecular characterizations of certain function spaces (particularly the Hardy spaces), is closely related to the theory of wavelets, a subject that has commanded his attention during the last few years. He has been awarded several honorsamong them the Chauvenet Prize and honorary degrees from Beijing Normal University, the University of Milano, and the University of Barcelona.


VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services

The VC-1 and H.264 video compression standards for broadband video services pdf document, mpeg4 and h.264 classical english instruction book.


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Android 技术内幕.系统卷, pdf document, 作者:杨丰盛 2011-05


OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, including pdf document and source code.


Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version)

Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects (full version) - by Daniel Lélis Baggio etc, pdf document.


Learning OpenCV

Learning OpenCV - by Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler, pdf document



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