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转载 Media (DVD, web content, video & audio) playback in Fedora

From:http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=100206Note: This howto has been transferred to my blog here. (Instructions for Fedora 7+ can be found here) Hello, There have been many complain

2007-10-25 22:17:00 836

转载 Bugzilla Bug 351161: Error: Missing Dependency: gecko-libs = is needed by package yelp

From:http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=887175#post887175gecko-libs is provided by Firefox. I uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox and the problem disappeared. # rpm --erase firefox --node

2007-10-25 13:29:00 1193

转载 教育网内Fedora源配置

From:http://www.linux-wiki.cn/index.php/%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E7%BD%91%E5%86%85Fedora%E6%BA%90%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE教育网不能访问国外,所以Fedora系统中默认的源用不了,本文以上海交大的源为例,介绍配置Fedora中yum源的方法。 首先,把当前的源配置文件备份。 # mkdir

2007-10-25 07:43:00 1719

转载 什么是GNU?

GNU 工程 开始於一九八四年,旨在发展一个类似 Unix ,且为 自由软件 的完整操作系统. 详细介绍: GNU计划,是由Richard Stallman在1983年9月27日公开发起的。它的目标是创建一套完全自由的操作系统。Richard Stallman最早是在net.unix-wizards新闻组上公布该消息,并附带一份《GNU宣言》等解释为何发起该计划的文章,其中一个理由就是要“重现当年

2007-10-23 23:38:00 565

转载 无意中在网上看到的文章,都是针对fedora core 6的问题

From:http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=305672fedora core 6日志(转)最后更新:1/4/2007------------------------------------------------------------------------抽个时间,写个日志。 10/30/2006安装matlab提示 无 libxp

2007-10-23 14:55:00 1064

转载 Linux下编译安装 Qterm 0.4.0 正式版

From: http://www.itjj.net/tech/OS/Linux/2007-02-28/113847.html1 首先下载源代码 wget http://www.qtopia.org.cn/ftp/mirror/qterm.sourceforge.net/qterm-0.4.0.tar

2007-10-23 13:14:00 693

转载 Linux下网络电视配置-gsopcast

  From:http://www.pklinux.cn/LinuxDesktop/20070917/266.html   <!--google_ad_clien

2007-10-23 13:07:00 685

转载 Fedora7下安装RealPlayer10

From:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/bbs/thread-48310-1-4.html  一、从realplayer官方下载最新的linux 下realplayer版本(地址),RealPlayer10GOLD.bin,保存在用户目录下(如/var/tmp)   二、用终端进入用户目录   三、chmod 755 RealPlayer10GOLD.bin   四、.

2007-10-23 02:17:00 599

转载 linux下写图形界面之iveney高见


2007-10-22 23:38:00 592

转载 j2ee入门路线图之terryoy见解

From:http://bbs.zsu.edu.cn/bbscon?board=Java&file=M.1193033888.Ajava -> servlet, jsp,tomcat -> struts,jdbc, eclipse, ant,...-> spring, hibernate, web service... -> 后面的我也不知道了其实在学校的时候学好算法,面向对象,设计模式这

2007-10-22 20:00:00 522

原创 software


2007-10-20 12:31:00 379

转载 fedora7 adsl设置成功!有问题的进来参考下!!

  作者: wisefox  发布日期: 2007-7-20    查看数: 494   出自: http://www.linuxdiyf.com

2007-10-20 12:19:00 769

原创 RPM 的介绍和应用

From:http://fedora.linuxsir.org/main/?q=node/50作者:北南南北 来自:LinuxSir.Org 提要:RPM 是 Red Hat Package Manager 的缩写,原意是Red Hat 软件包管理;本文介绍RPM,并结合实例来解说RPM手工安装、查询等应用; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

2007-10-20 02:15:00 485

原创 Fedora7安装后的配置

我只是想把常用配置的集中在一起。我安装了Fedora 7之后,锐捷软件居然不能用,气死我了。对于一个使用校园网的用户来说,只要能用锐捷,找个软件源,就可以搞定其他东西啦。Fedora 7不像Ubuntu那种,对硬件的支持很好,软件安装源又多,升级也方便。使用锐捷认证以后,只要apt就可以搞定一切。呵以下内容参考了一篇关于Fedora7按装后的配置的文章http://www.linuxsir.o

2007-10-16 22:18:00 854

转载 Fedora 7 安装与配置指南(含安装、yum设置、字体美化、Nvidia驱动问题、beryl等)

From:http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=304520本文主要是一个总结性工作,很多取自于网络。为了方便大家,将许多零散资料和自己使用经验总结成本文。本文针对菜鸟,如果是高手,可以跳过,或者批评指教。转载请注明出处,谢谢。 原文参见我的blog : http://ncforest.blog.163.com/blog/st...0075212

2007-10-16 22:17:00 2166

转载 鸟哥的 Linux 与 ADSL 私房菜

From:http://linux-vbird.bluedata.org/linux_server/0450apt.htm简易 APT/YUM  服务器设定最近更新日期:2004/06/23  用不惯 Tarball 安装套件却又担心 RPM 的属性相依问题吗?如果有一种套件管理工具可以克服 RPM 属性相依的方法该有多好!

2007-10-15 23:34:00 1097

转载 NVidia Driver and Beryl on Fedora 7

From:http://fedoranews.org/cms/node/2852Submitted by sonic2000gr on Sat, 2007-06-02 05:03. :: Fedora StoryThis is a quick how-to for installing NVIDIAs 9755 driver in Fedora 7 and activatin

2007-10-15 15:56:00 623

转载 Fedora/Redhat 在线安装更新软件包,yum 篇 ── 给新手指南

From:http://fedora.linuxsir.org/main/?q=node/31作者:北南南北来自:LinuxSir.Org提要:我们用的是Redhat/Fedora通过在线安装更新软件包,除了系统自带的up2date以外,我们还有更为强大的在线升级工具 yum 和 apt-get 可用。主要资源有 freshrpms.net和 rpm.livna.org ;在本文中,我们主

2007-10-15 15:54:00 575

转载 How to install Nvidia Driver for Fedora 7

From:http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=304466Install Nvidia Driver31 May 2007Fedora recommends users install a 3rd-party RPM packaged driver instead of using the installer from Nvidias w

2007-10-15 15:51:00 680

转载 ManYum

man page for yum 2.2.1 beginNAME yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified SYNOPSIS yum [options] [command] [package ...] DESCRIPTION yum is an i

2007-10-15 13:52:00 577

转载 Fedora工具之yum

【来  源】:http://www.cublog.cn/u/17928/showart.php?id=167245 yum = Yellow dog Updater, Modified主要功能是更方便的添加/删除/更新RPM包.它能自动解决包的倚赖性问题.它能便于管理大量系统的更新问题 注:为什么要使用yum而不用apt,最简单的原因,Fedora自带二. yum特点*可以同时配置多个资源库(

2007-10-15 13:48:00 603

转载 从头开始生成 SELinux

构建一个 SELinux 就绪的 Gentoo 系统

2007-10-15 13:23:00 576

GNU Emacs Manual Sixteenth Edition, Updated for Emacs Version 22.1

GNU Emacs Manual Sixteenth Edition, Updated for Emacs Version 22.1


Mastering Unix Shell Scripting

  Provides readers with end-to-end shell scripts that can be used to automate repetitive tasks and solve real-world system administration problems   Targets the specific command structure for four popular UNIX systems: Solaris, Linux, AIX, and HP-UX   Illustrates dozens of example tasks, presenting the proper command syntax and analyzing the performance gain or loss usi...


C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 By Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield ............................................... Publisher: Prentice Hall Pub Date: June 21, 2006 Print ISBN-10: 0-13-187249-4 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-13-187249-3 Pages: 560



  Portable, powerful, and a breeze to use, Python is ideal for both standalone programs and scripting applications. With this hands-on book, you can master the fundamentals of the core Python language quickly and efficiently, whether you're new to programming or just new to Python. Once you finish, you will know enough about the language to use it in any application domain you choose.<br /> <br /> <em>Learning Python</em> is based on material from author Mark Lutz's popular training courses, which he's taught over the past decade. Each chapter is a self-contained lesson that helps you thoroughly understand a key component of Python before you continue. Along with plenty of annotated examples, illustrations, and chapter summaries, every chapter also contains Brain Builder, a unique section with practical exercises and review quizzes that let you practice new skills and test your understanding as you go.<br /> <br /> This book covers: <br>   <br>  Types and Operations -- Python's major built-in object types in depth: numbers, lists, dictionaries, and more<br /> <br /> <br>  Statements and Syntax -- the code you type to create and process objects in Python, along with Python's general syntax model<br /> <br /> <br>  Functions -- Python's basic procedural tool for structuring and reusing code<br /> <br /> <br>  Modules -- packages of statements, functions, and other tools organized into larger components<br /> <br /> <br>  Classes and OOP -- Python's optional object-oriented programming tool for structuring code for customization and reuse<br /> <br /> <br>  Exceptions and Tools -- exception handling model and statements, plus a look at development tools for writing larger programs <em>Learning Python</em> gives you a deep and complete understanding of the language that will help you comprehend any application-level examples of Python that you later encounter. If you're ready to discover what Google and YouTube see in Python, this book is the best way to get started.



Qt是Linux系统中最流行的开发工具之一,它是开发X Window系统下应用程序的利器。本书全面地介绍了Troll Tech公司基于C++的CUI开发工具——Qt。不仅介绍了如何编写X Window系统下的应用程序,还详细描述了Qt的开发环境、编程方法、关键技术和编程实例。最后,介绍了如何应用KDE本身提供的接口进行X Window系统编程。本书由中国第一家专业化的Linux发行商(中国)软件技术有限公司编写,适合初、中级程序员以及广大计算机编程的爱好者阅读。


The C Programming Language第二版中文版

The C Programming Language第二版中文版


GCC 中文手册

Linux系统下的Gcc(GNU C Compiler)是GNU推出的功能强大、性能优越的多平台编译器,是GNU的代表作品之一。gcc是可以在多种硬体平台上编译出可执行程序的超级编译器,其执行效率与一般的编译器相比平均效率要高20%~30%。








《LINUX与UNIX SHELL编程指南》读书笔记-二次发布版

《LINUX与UNIX SHELL编程指南》读书笔记-二次发布版



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