好书推荐 The Art of Unix Programming

好书推荐 The Art of Unix Programming
Eric Steven Raymond       esr@thyrsus.com


Unix is not so much an operating system as an oral history.

-- Neal Stephenson

There is a vast difference between knowledge and expertise. Knowledge lets you deduce the right thing to do; expertise makes the right thing a reflex, hardly requiring conscious thought at all.

This book has a lot of knowledge in it, but it is mainly about expertise. It is going to try to teach you the things about Unix development that Unix experts know, but aren't aware that they know. It is therefore less about technicalia and more about shared culture than most Unix books — both explicit and implicit culture, both conscious and unconscious traditions. It is not a ‘how-to’ book, it is a ‘why-to’ book.

The why-to has great practical importance, because far too much software is poorly designed. Much of it suffers from bloat, is exceedingly hard to maintain, and is too difficult to port to new platforms or extend in ways the original programmers didn't anticipate. These problems are symptoms of bad design. We hope that readers of this book will learn something of what Unix has to teach about good design.

This book is divided into four parts: Context, Design, Tools, and Community. The first part (Context) is philosophy and history, to help provide foundation and motivation for what follows. The second part (Design) unfolds the principles of the Unix philosophy into more specific advice about design and implementation. The third part (Tools) focuses on the software Unix provides for helping you solve problems. The fourth part (Community) is about the human-to-human transactions and agreements that make the Unix culture so effective at what it does.


There is a vast difference between knowledge and expertise. Knowledge lets you deduce the right thing to do; expertise makes the right thing a reflex, hardly requiring conscious thought at all.

This book has a lot of knowledge in it, but it is mainly about expertise. It is going to try to teach you the things about Unix development that Unix experts know, but aren't aware that they know. It is therefore less about technicalia and more about shared culture than most Unix books — both explicit and implicit culture, both conscious and unconscious traditions. It is not a ‘how-to’ book, it is a ‘why-to’ book.

The why-to has great practical importance, because far too much software is poorly designed. Much of it suffers from bloat, is exceedingly hard to maintain, and is too difficult to port to new platforms or extend in ways the original programmers didn't anticipate. These problems are symptoms of bad design. We hope that readers of this book will learn something of what Unix has to teach about good design.

This book is divided into four parts: Context, Design, Tools, and Community. The first part (Context) is philosophy and history, to help provide foundation and motivation for what follows. The second part (Design) unfolds the principles of the Unix philosophy into more specific advice about design and implementation. The third part (Tools) focuses on the software Unix provides for helping you solve problems. The fourth part (Community) is about the human-to-human transactions and agreements that make the Unix culture so effective at what it does.


### 回答1: 《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art of Computer Programming)是计算机科学领域的经典著作,被誉为计算机科学界的圣经。该书由计算机科学大师Donald E. Knuth编写,分为7卷,涵盖了从基础算法到高级算法设计的方方面面。 《计算机程序设计艺术》具有很高的学术价值,不仅对于计算机科学专业的学生和研究者具有重要意义,还可为其他技术领域的人员提供丰富的算法设计思想和方法。该书的优点是独树一帜的算法设计风格、严密的数学证明、大量的示例程序和实践案例,使得读者能够深入理解和学习算法设计的精髓。同时,该书还具有历史和文化价值,它记录了计算机科学领域的发展历程和一些经典问题的解决方法。 然而,由于该书的篇幅庞大、涵盖的内容繁杂,使得其阅读难度很高,需要有较强的数学基础和算法设计能力。此外,该书中的一些思想和方法已经有了更新和发展,读者需要对其进行批判性分析和整合。 总之,《计算机程序设计艺术》是一本经典的计算机科学著作,它对于推动计算机科学的发展和提高算法设计能力具有深远的影响。 ### 回答2: 《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art of Computer Programming)是一本被誉为计算机科学经典著作的丛书,由美国计算机科学家Donald E. Knuth所编写。 该书囊括了计算机科学的广泛内容,是一本不可或缺的读物。它被广泛应用于计算机科学和数学领域的教育和研究中,被认为是计算机科学领域的圣经。 《计算机程序设计艺术》被译成多种文字,并成为高校教学的教材,深受数学及计算机工作者欢迎。其中,最为重要的一部分是该书中对“算法”的更加深刻的讨论和描述。算法是计算机科学中最基础、最重要的一项技术。Knuth在书中通过详细的阐述,从而让读者领会和掌握算法设计和优化的重要方法和技巧。 《计算机程序设计艺术》已经成为计算机科学中最经典的著作之一,将继续为世人所推崇。它让我们意识到了一个事实,即在计算机科学领域中,只有深入的理论学习和实践才能取得更大的进步。同时,它也在一定程度上启发了后世的计算机科学家,成为他们追求卓越和研究更深层次问题的动力。




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