扑克21点作弊算法【综合文 FreeXploiT收集整理】仅供研究,不要非法使用


玩家需将赌注置于下注圈中央。然后,庄家给每个玩家发两张牌,牌面朝上;给自己发两张牌,一张牌面朝上,一张牌面朝下。K、Q、J 和 10 牌都算作 10 点。 A 牌既可算作 1 点也可算作 11 点,由玩家自己决定。其余所有 2 至 9 牌均按其原面值计算。 如果玩家拿到的前两张牌是一张 A 和一张 10,就拥有黑杰克 (Blackjack);此时,如果庄家没有黑杰克,玩家就能赢得 1.5 倍的赌金(2 赔 3)。没有黑杰克的玩家可以继续拿牌,以使总点数尽可能接近但不超过 21 点;如果超过 21 点,玩家就会“爆破”并输掉赌金。如果庄家的总点数等于或少于 16 点,则必须拿牌;如果庄家的总点数等于或多于 17 点,则必须停牌。







玩家再下一注与原赌注相等的赌金,并将前两张牌分为两副单独的牌。这两张牌的点数必须相同(即一对 8、一对 K 和一对 Q)。分成两副牌之后,一张 A 牌和一张 10 牌只能算作 21 点,不能算作黑杰克。




如果庄家牌面朝上的牌是 A,玩家可以买保险,也就是 相当于 原赌注一半的额外赌金。如果玩家确信庄家下一张是 10 点牌,则可以买保险。如果庄家确实有黑杰克,玩家将赢得 2 倍的保险赌金;如果庄家没有黑杰克,玩家将输掉保险赌金,游戏照常继续。黑杰克要大于其他总点数为 21 点的牌。

二十一点拿牌:(hit), 停牌:(stay), 分牌:(split), 双倍下注:(Double)基本原则(Basic Strategy)图表:


 Dealer’s Up Card







3.图表中字母含义:H(Hit) 拿牌;  S(Stay) 停牌; P(split) 分牌; D(Double) 双倍下注

4.应该记住,即使按照上述图表来玩,也并不能保证你一定赢钱,只是增加赢的机会而已,总体来讲,你赢的机率依然小于庄家。玩21点只有当你会算牌的时候,你赢的机会才会超过庄家,以后我们会陆续介绍21点各种算牌方法。(It needs to be noted that using the below tables will not cause you to make money - the odds are still against you. The only way to put the odds of Blackjack in you favor is to count cards which is a large topic of its own.)



1 设定初始算牌总值为4

2 10, J, Q, K 的赋予值为 -2

3 所有其它牌的赋予值为 +1

4 开始发牌后按照发出牌所赋予的值进行加减计算出牌总值以确定如何下注,当出牌总值为负数时,下注要小,当出牌总值为正数时,下注要大

5 只有出牌总值为正数时买保险

6 玩牌过程中按照21点基本策略要牌或不要牌

1. Start the count at -4 when the deck is shuffled.

2. Count -2 for 10, J, Q, K

3. Count +1 for everything else (including aces)

4. Bet low when the count is negative, high when the count is positive.

5. Take insurance when the count is positive.

6. Play basic strategy at all times during this process.


Counting cards is the method by which players can beat the game of blackjack. Of the many excellent counting systems available, you will be learning the commonly used high-low system.

每张牌的数值设定如下: A,K,Q,J,10 都算 -1 (Aces and 10-value cards (kings, queens, jacks and tens) are worth -1); 2,3,4,5,6 都算 +1 (twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes are worth +1); 7,8,9 都算 0 ( sevens, eights and nines are worth 0).

算牌其实就是 1 的加减,当 +1 与 -1 牌成对出现时,其和为零,如 10,6; K, 2;Q, 4;等
练习在25秒内可以算完一副牌. +1 牌与-1牌成对出现时结果为零,自动去掉,这样可以提高算牌速度
在赌场里, 当发出牌的平均加减总额为2或大于2时,开始下注,平均加减总额大与4时增加赌注。平均加减总额是指实际加减总额除以剩下牌的副数,因此算牌过程中要时常注意大约还剩下多少副牌没发。


Card counting? Don't you have to be some sort of mathematical genius or have a photographic memory to count cards?

Not really. Even if the casino is using multiple decks, keeping track of the cards is a only a matter of counting. All you really need to count cards is the ability to count up to plus or minus twelve or so... by ones.

The first card counting systems were developed by our old friend Dr. Thorp. He determined through mathematical computation that the card that has the most influence on the deck being in a favorable condition (for the player) was the five. When the deck is low in fives, the player has a higher advantage than if it's sparse in any other card. Logic dictated that for a very simple card counting strategy, simply keep track of the abundance (or lack thereof) of fives. This is the basis of his "Five Count" system which was later improved to include tens and renamed the "Ten Count" system.

Today, there are many different card counting systems. Typically, the more complex a system is, the better your advantage should you master it. However, the difference between card counting System X and System Y is usually so small that ease of using the system becomes more important than gaining an additional .15 % advantage (or whatever it is). This discussion is restricted to a single card counting system: the high/low (also called the plus/minus) point count. This strategy is very easy to master. Two other methods that I recommend if you're serious are the Advanced Plus/Minus and the "Hi-Opt I" systems. The former is similar to the high/low but assigns fractional values to certain cards as opposed to integer values which are easier to add in your head. The latter method is considered one of the most powerful counting systems of all time.

The quick and dirty reason why card counting works is this: The player gains an advantage when a deck has a shortage of cards valued 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. When a deck has a shortage of cards valued 9, 10, Ace; the player has a disadvantage. If you can tell when the deck is rich in 9's, 10's, and Aces you can do one of the following things:

  • Bet more money when the deck is favorable to you.
  • Alter your Basic Strategy play to account for the favorability, thereby increasing the odds of winning a particular hand.
Now lets discuss the +/- Point Count. As you can see from the small chart below, a plus value is given to low cards, and a minus value is given to high cards. Notice that 7, 8, and 9 have a value of zero. This is because their overall effect is negligible as compared to the others. Some systems use a value of -2 for the Ace instead of -1 and give a value of +1 to the seven instead of zero.

PLUS (+1)
MINUS (-1)
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | A
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1

As you may notice, this is a balanced system. There are 20 cards in a deck that are valued +1: two through six. There are 16 ten value cards and 4 Aces in a deck (20 total) that are valued -1. The remaining 12 cards (7, 8, 9) have a value of zero. At the end of a deck the count should be zero. A good drill to practice is to get a deck of cards, turn them over one by one, and keep track of the count. If you enter a game mid-way between the deck or shoe, flat bet until the cards are shuffled. Once the cards are shuffled commence counting from zero.

A quick example using ten cards: the following cards are shown in the course of a hand: A, 4, 7, 10, 10, 9, 10, 2, 10, 5. The first value is -1 (the Ace) & the second is +1 (the 4) = 0 (the current total hand count). The next card is the 7 which is zero so disregard it. The next card is a ten so the total count is now -1. The next card is another ten, giving a total count of -2. The next card is a nine which has a value of zero so ignore it, total count is still at -2. Next is a ten, total count is at -3. Next is a two which adds +1 to the minus three yielding a total of -2. A quick look at the next two cards shows that the two will cancel each other out (-1+1=0). So at the end of a hand of ten cards dealt to 2 players and the dealer, the point count is minus two. This provides you with the knowledge that your are at a slight disadvantage. Your next bet should either be the same or a unit or two lower.

From this example you see that it would be easier to count cards if you play in a "cards-up" game. That way you can see all the cards as they are dealt and count them as they go by. When the dealer deals fast, just count every two cards. You still count each card but you only add to your total count after every two cards since many times the two values will cancel each other out to give a net value of zero, which doesn't need to be added to your total. If you play in a cards-down game, you may want to consider playing at third base. The reason being is that in a cards-down game you only see the other players' cards:

  • if you peek at their hand (not polite but it's not cheating like in poker)
  • if a player busts
  • when the dealer settles each players' hand.
When there are other people at a table, all this happens rather quickly and you may miss a few cards here and there, which essentially invalidates your count. You can't control how fast the dealer deals, but you can slow things down when the dealer prompts you for a play decision.

For one deck, alter your wager according to the following table:

Bet Units+/- Running Counts
+1 or less
+2 or +3
+4 or +5
+6 or +7
+8 or more

Example: After the first hand of a one deck game, the point count is plus four and you just bet a $5.00 chip. Before the next hand is dealt, wager $15.00 (three units of $5.00) as the above table mandates.

What if there are four, six, or more decks instead of just one? I recommend that you perform a "true-count" rather than trying to remember different betting strategies for different number of deck games. By doing a true count, the above table can still be used.

The True Count is found with the equation below. I provide an example along with it for the case of having a running count of +9 with one and a half decks left unplayed. It doesn't matter how many decks are used, you just have to have a good eye at guesstimating the number of decks that are left in the shoe. I just measured the thickness of a deck of cards to be 5/8 (10/16) of an inch. Hence the thickness of a half deck is 5/16 of an inch. One and a half decks would be 10/16 + 10/16 + 5/16 = 25/16 or a little over an inch and a half. You probably see a relationship here. The number of decks is approximately equal to the height of the cards in inches.

true count

Looking at the table of betting units above, the proper wager would be four units.

If you have trouble keeping the count straight in your head, you can use your chips as a memory storage device. After every hand tally up the net count and update the running or true count by rearranging your chips.

One last thing. There is no law or rule that says a dealer cannot count cards. A dealer may count cards because he or she is bored but more likely is that the casino may encourage counting. The reason being that if the deck is favorable to the player, the house can know this and "shuffle up". This is also called preferential shuffling (a game control measure) and it vaporizes your advantage.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


