



1、lineInitializeEx ;2、lineNegotiateAPIVersion;3、lineGetDevCaps 获取device的ID.

4、lineOpen得到HLINE;5、lineNegotiateExtVersion(set up ExTAPI);6、lineGetGeneralInfo以及lineGetCurrentOperator等一系列的操作

lineGetCallBarringCapsXXRetrieves the barring modes supported by the radio hardware and network.
lineGetCallBarringStateXXRetrieves the current barring state for a given mode. Not implemented for Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
lineGetCallWaitingCapsXXRetrieves the set of media modes for which call waiting is supported by the radio hardware and network.
lineGetCallWaitingStateXXRetrieves the list of media modes for which call waiting is enabled. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetCurrentAddressIDXXRetrieves the current line address ID. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetCurrentHSCSDStatusXXRetrieves the current non-transparent High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) configuration. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetCurrentOperatorXXRetrieves the network operator on which the device is currently registered. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetCurrentSystemTypeXXRetrieves the current line system type.
lineGetEquipmentStateXXRetrieves the state of the radio transmitter and receiver.
lineGetGeneralInfoXXRetrieves general device information about the radio hardware, the radio software, the serial number, subscriber identity, and others. Some fields do not apply to CDMA.
lineGetGPRSClassXXRetrieves the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) class of the mobile device and network. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetHSCSDCapsXXRetrieves the HSCSD device capabilities. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetHSCSDStateXXRetrieves the non-transparent HSCSD configuration to be applied during the next data call. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetMuteStateXXRetrieves the mute state of the device.
lineGetNumberCallsXXRetrieves all three call counts for the given line.
lineGetOperatorStatusXXRetrieves the lists of preferred and available operators. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetRadioPresenceXXDetermines whether a radio module is present or not.
lineGetRegisterStatusXXRetrieves the network registration status of the device.
lineGetSendCallerIDStateXXIndicates if Caller ID info is sent on a mobile-device-originated call. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineGetUSSDXXReads an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) message. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineRegisterXXRegisters the device with a particular network operator. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSendUSSDXXSends a USSD message. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetCallBarringPasswordXXChanges the call-barring password. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetCallBarringStateXXSets call barring of media modes for a given call-barring mode. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetCallWaitingStateXXSets call waiting for a given set of media modes. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetCurrentAddressID XXSets the current line address ID. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetEquipmentStateXXSets the state of the radio transmitter and receiver.
lineSetGPRSClassXXSets the GPRS class of the mobile device and the network. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetHSCSDStateXXSets the non-transparent HSCSD configuration prior to a data call. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetMuteStateXXSets the mute state.
lineSetPreferredOperatorXXSets or deletes preferred operators. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineSetSendCallerIDStateXXSets whether or not Caller ID is sent on a mobile-device-originated call. Not implemented for CDMA.
lineUnregisterXXDeregisters the device from the current network operator.
Note   This function is not supported for CDMA.






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


