Delete node in BST

Question: delete the given value in BST.

This question is pretty tricky, to delete a node in BST, there are several cases to consider.

1: The node is one of the leaves, 2: the node only has right children, 3: the node only has left children, 4: the node has left and right children.


TreeNode* deleteTreeNode(TreeNode* root, int val) {
  if(!root) return NULL;
  else {
    if(val < root->val) root->left = deleteTreeNode(root->left, val);
    else if(val > root->val) root->right = deleteTreeNode(root->right, val);
    else {
      // if there is no left child, no right child
      if(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
        delete root;
        root = NULL;
        return root;
      else if(root->left == NULL) { // if there is no left subtree
        TreeNode* tmp = root;
        root = root->right;
        delete tmp;
        return root;
      } else if(root->right == NULL) { // if there is no right subtree
        TreeNode* tmp = root;
        root = root->right;
        delete tmp;
        return root;
      } else { // two children
        struct TreeNode* tmp = findMin(root->right);
        root->data = tmp->data;
        root->right = deleteTreeNode(root->right, tmp->data);
        return root;
以下是一个二叉搜索树(Binary Search Tree)的 Python 实现,包括了插入、删除、搜索和转换为列表等方法。 ```python class TreeNode: """The tree node class""" def __init__(self, val): self.val = val self.left = None self.right = None class BSTree: """The binary search tree""" def __init__(self, val): """Initialize the BSTree""" self.root = TreeNode(val) def search(self, val): """Search for a value in the tree, and return the tree node @return: the tree node that contain the val None if val is not in the tree """ curr_node = self.root while curr_node: if curr_node.val == val: return curr_node elif curr_node.val > val: curr_node = curr_node.left else: curr_node = curr_node.right return None def insert(self, val): """Insert a value""" new_node = TreeNode(val) if not self.root: self.root = new_node return curr_node = self.root while curr_node: if curr_node.val > val: if curr_node.left: curr_node = curr_node.left else: curr_node.left = new_node return else: if curr_node.right: curr_node = curr_node.right else: curr_node.right = new_node return def delete(self, val): """Delete a value from the tree""" def find_min_node(node): while node.left: node = node.left return node def delete_node(node, val): if not node: return None if node.val == val: if not node.left and not node.right: return None if not node.left: return node.right if not node.right: return node.left min_node = find_min_node(node.right) node.val = min_node.val node.right = delete_node(node.right, min_node.val) elif node.val > val: node.left = delete_node(node.left, val) else: node.right = delete_node(node.right, val) return node self.root = delete_node(self.root, val) def toList(self): """Convert tree values into a list in in-order traversal""" res = [] def inorder_traversal(node): if not node: return inorder_traversal(node.left) res.append(node.val) inorder_traversal(node.right) inorder_traversal(self.root) return res ``` 使用方法: ```python bst = BSTree(5) bst.insert(3) bst.insert(7) bst.insert(2) bst.insert(4) bst.insert(6) bst.insert(8) print(bst.toList()) # [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] bst.delete(5) print(bst.toList()) # [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8] node = print(node.val) # 7 ```




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