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原创 (NotDoneYet)Build busybox for android

1. Download google android ndk (native development kit) http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html2. Download busybox source http://b

2011-09-09 00:20:46 1529

原创 架设 gitolite 服务器

1. Download the source tree of gitolite which is patched by Jinag Xin, a advanced git contributer in china.2. Add a git user which is used to access git server for each clients in remote m

2011-08-29 18:18:35 936

原创 How to dynamically change label text on PyGTK

利用 threading:首先 initialize threading: gobject.threads.init(), 注意 threading 的结束, 所以最后 gtk.main() 跳出的时候要设定 threading 的属性 quit 为 True主线

2011-08-12 14:12:56 783

原创 perform useful /etc/hosts youtube.com203.208.46.29   www.youtube.com203.208.46.29 gdata.youtube.com203.208.46.29 m.youtube.com203.208.46.29 help

2011-08-08 16:15:07 481

原创 OpenGL ES 2.0 development on Chromium OS

1. To create a display to X and get display configurationg_xlib_display = XOpenDisplay(0);To get XVisualInfo:XVisualInfo* GetXVisu

2011-08-05 14:54:45 1765

原创 Open GL V.S. OpenGL ES for triangles

OpenGL 渲染一個小角形 -glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex3f (0,1,0); glVertex3f (-1,0,0); glVertex3f (1,0,0);glEnd();而 OpenGL ES 若要渲染一個幾何模型, 要

2011-07-11 22:57:31 1499


先看一下由 i2cdump 出來的 EDID, 由此來解說 VENDOR, LCD 型號, 以及解析度: 1. VENDER: 位置 0x08 與 0x09, 這兩個位置的值分別是 0x0d 與 0xaf, 將其轉成二進位:0 0 0 0 1 1 01     1 01 0 1

2011-07-11 11:44:27 1067

转载 gluPerspective & gluLookAt

函数原型gluLookAt(GLdoble eyex,GLdouble eyey,GLdouble eyez,GLdouble centerx,GLdouble centery,GLdouble centerz,GLdouble upx,GLdouble up

2011-07-05 14:10:14 623

转载 3D programming with Klimt

以OpenGL 來講, 最有名大概就是MESA LIBRARY;而OpenGL ES則是Vincent 3D LIBRARY了, 但這套似乎主要支援wince的環境,如果要在linux上run, 應該還要下一翻苦工. 所以我選用了可以在linux上compile的 klimt 3D Library雖然這套宣稱不是OpenGL ES library, 但是OpenGL ES大部份的function都

2011-07-01 14:28:00 721

转载 OpenGL with C programming

 /* Steven Billington January 13, 2003 May 26, 2003 - UPDATE RobotOGL.cpp rod@cprogramming.com The following program creates a window and then use

2011-07-01 14:16:00 535

原创 [Photo] Share photos of my cute family


2011-06-23 19:16:00 704

原创 Gerrit - Code Review System

Gerrit - Code Review System

2011-05-06 10:38:00 1023

原创 Linux USB

Linux USB device descriptor

2011-01-27 16:56:00 1372

原创 Android - make system image

make system image in Android

2011-01-25 14:53:00 4580 1

原创 Linux - Build repo/git server

Build the repo/git server

2011-01-18 15:16:00 1422

原创 Android Kernel - Boot Loader

Analysis Android Boot Loader, MMU/NEON/GIC 机制, DGT, DPC.

2011-01-13 09:39:00 12615 4

原创 Android Application - 应用程序之间数据共享

应用程序共享 - ContentProvider & ContentResolver

2011-01-05 17:55:00 1208

原创 Android Application - Display contacts

Display contacts in Android using SimpleAdapter

2011-01-05 13:16:00 760

原创 Android - How to mount NFS in emulator

How to mount NFS in Android emulator by busybox

2010-12-29 15:17:00 2336

原创 Android layout - GridView

GridView 的布局及 其 component 的取得 (Activity 间的跳转)

2010-11-26 17:35:00 1652

原创 Grab the color of the pixel on screen

1. get pixel color 2. spiral search

2010-11-18 23:36:00 1106

原创 PyGTK with Glade

1. 初试 glade: Hello World with libglade format 2. 再谈 glade: TIny UI with GTK Builder format

2010-11-17 18:10:00 1906

原创 Knowing MTD

The difference between character device and block device

2010-11-16 10:34:00 579

原创 Knowing makefile in linux

How to write linux makefile1. compilation and linking 2. makefile rule 3. The example of GNU make user guild4. 隐晦规则与变量使用 5. 引用其他的 makefile 6. 搜寻的目录 7. 多目标与自动化变量8. 调试 9. 嵌套与变量传递 10. 定义命令 11. 变量 12. 条件表示式 13. 函数

2010-11-12 17:36:00 799

原创 Embedded Linux System 开机流程

Boot sequence of embedded linux system

2010-11-12 14:41:00 1395

原创 Kowning YAFFS


2010-11-11 17:37:00 1192

原创 Android 2.2 source code construction

Android 2.2 source code construction

2010-11-09 15:56:00 709

原创 Android AlarmManager 应用

Android AlarmManager 应用 - Broadcast, Service

2010-11-09 10:20:00 1402 1

原创 细说 WiFi

WiFi with WPA/WPA2 in Mint 9

2010-11-03 10:53:00 723

原创 Android Application - No window title, Full screen, Landscape (横向显示)


2010-10-22 17:08:00 1767

原创 Useful version control tool - git

git 简单用法

2010-10-22 16:01:00 550

原创 Android Mobile Application - Message casting and receiving

Android Mobile 短信应用

2010-10-22 14:50:00 625

原创 Android Application - Painting

Android 绘图记事 - Using View

2010-10-22 11:37:00 429



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