C# ListView控件的分组显示与数据绑定

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ArchiveSeek
    public partial class Lytj : Form
        public Lytj()
        DA jkj = new DA();//用户自定义类
        private void Lytj_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        /// <summary>
        /// ListView控件的数据绑定
        /// </summary>
        private void ItemBind()
            this.listView1.Items.Clear(); //清空ListView数据项
            this.listView1.GridLines = true;
            this.listView1.View = View.Details;
            DataTable ItemDt =new DataTable();
            ColumnHeader ch = null;
            ItemDt = jkj.GetDataTable("select cdlb as 查询类别,count(userid) as 利用人次,count(rc) as 利用卷数 From viewly  Group by cdlb order by cdlb");
            for (int y = 0; y < ItemDt.Columns.Count; y++)
                ch = new ColumnHeader();
                ch.Text = ItemDt.Columns[y].ColumnName.ToString();
                ch.Name = ItemDt.Columns[y].ColumnName.ToString();
                ch.Width = 150;
            DataTable zdt = jkj.GetDataSet("Select Distinct nd From viewly order by nd","nian").Tables["nian"];
            ListViewGroup Lvg = null;
            int mmm = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < zdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                Lvg = new ListViewGroup(zdt.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim()+"年");
                mmm = int.Parse(zdt.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim());
                ItemDt = jkj.GetDataTable("select cdlb as 查询类别,count(userid) as 利用人次,count(rc) as 利用卷数 From viewly where nd=" + mmm + " Group by cdlb order by cdlb");
                Method(ItemDt, Lvg);
        /// <summary>
        /// 为ListView绑定数据项
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dd">DataTable表</param>
        /// <param name="zhang">ListViewGroup分组</param>
        private void Method(DataTable dd,ListViewGroup zhang)
            ListViewItem lvi = null;
            for (int x = 0; x < dd.Rows.Count; x++)
                lvi = new ListViewItem(dd.Rows[x][0].ToString());
                for (int k = 1; k < dd.Columns.Count; k++)
                    lvi.ImageIndex = 0;
                    lvi.Group = zhang;


 public partial class frmListViewGroup : Form
        public frmListViewGroup()

            List<部门> l_下属部门 = new List<部门>();
            l_下属部门.Add(new 部门 { Id = "0", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司0" });
            l_下属部门.Add(new 部门 { Id = "0", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司1" });
            l_下属部门.Add(new 部门 { Id = "0", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司2" });

            List<部门> l_下属部门1 = new List<部门>();
            l_下属部门1.Add(new 部门 { Id = "1", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司3" });
            l_下属部门1.Add(new 部门 { Id = "1", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司4" });
            l_下属部门1.Add(new 部门 { Id = "1", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司5" });
            l_下属部门1.Add(new 部门 { Id = "1", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司6" });

            this.l_部门.Add(new 部门 { Id = "0", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司", 下属部门列表 = l_下属部门 });
            l_部门.Add(new 部门 { Id = "1", 名称 = "哈尔滨公司12", 下属部门列表 = l_下属部门1 });
        List<部门> l_部门 = new List<部门>();
        private void frmListViewGroup_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListViewGroup Lvg = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.l_部门.Count; i++)
                Lvg = new ListViewGroup(this.l_部门[i].名称);
                Method(this.l_部门[i].下属部门列表.ToList(), Lvg);
        /// <summary>
        /// 为ListView绑定数据项
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_lstDept">List<部门></param>
        /// <param name="_lvg">ListViewGroup分组</param>
        private void Method(List<部门> _lstDept, ListViewGroup _lvg)
            ListViewItem lvi = null;
            for (int k = 1; k < _lstDept.Count; k++)
                lvi = new ListViewItem(_lstDept[k].Id.ToString());
                lvi.ImageIndex = 0;
                lvi.Group = _lvg;

using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { class DragItemListView:ListView { public DragItemListView() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); UpdateStyles(); this.MultiSelect = false; this.ListViewItemSorter = new ListViewIndexComparer(); if (OSFeature.Feature.IsPresent(OSFeature.Themes)) { this.AllowDrop = true; this.ItemDrag += new ItemDragEventHandler(DragItemListView_ItemDrag); this.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(DragItemListView_DragEnter); this.DragLeave += new EventHandler(DragItemListView_DragLeave); this.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(DragItemListView_DragOver); this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(DragItemListView_DragDrop); } } void DragItemListView_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // Retrieve the index of the insertion mark; int targetIndex = this.InsertionMark.Index; // If the insertion mark is not visible, exit the method. if (targetIndex == -1) { return; } // If the insertion mark is to the right of the item with // the corresponding index, increment the target index. // Retrieve the dragged item. ListViewItem draggedItem = (ListViewItem)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ListViewItem)); // Insert a copy of the dragged item at the target index. // A copy must be inserted before the original item is removed // to preserve item index values. ListViewItem NewItem = (ListViewItem)draggedItem.Clone(); if (draggedItem.Index < targetIndex) { if (targetIndex - draggedItem.Index > 1) NewItem.Group = this.Items[targetIndex - 1].Group; else NewItem.Group = this.Items[targetIndex].Group; } else { if (draggedItem.Index - targetIndex > 1) NewItem.Group = this.Items[targetIndex].Group; else NewItem.Group = this.Items[targetIndex - 1].Group; } if (this.InsertionMark.AppearsAfterItem) { targetIndex++; } this.Items.Insert(targetIndex, NewItem); // Remove the original copy of the dragged item. this.Items.Remove(draggedItem); } void DragItemListView_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // Retrieve the client coordinates of the mouse pointer. Point targetPoint = this.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); // Retrieve the index of the item closest to the mouse pointer. //int targetIndex = this.InsertionMark.NearestIndex(targetPoint); int targetIndex = GetNearItem(targetPoint).Index; // Confirm that the mouse pointer is not over the dragged item. if (targetIndex > -1) { // Determine whether the mouse pointer is to the left or // the right of the midpoint of the closest item and set // the InsertionMark.AppearsAfterItem property accordingly. Rectangle itemBounds = this.GetItemRect(targetIndex); if (targetPoint.X > itemBounds.Left + (itemBounds.Width / 2)) { this.InsertionMark.AppearsAfterItem = true; } else { this.InsertionMark.AppearsAfterItem = false; } } // Set the location of the insertion mark. If the mouse is // over the dragged item, the targetIndex value is -1 and // the insertion mark disappears. this.InsertionMark.Index = targetIndex; } void DragItemListView_DragLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.InsertionMark.Index = -1; } void DragItemListView_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e) { this.DoDragDrop(e.Item, DragDropEffects.Move); } void DragItemListView_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { e.Effect = e.AllowedEffect; } private class ListViewIndexComparer : System.Collections.IComparer { public int Compare(object x, object y) { return ((ListViewItem)x).Index - ((ListViewItem)y).Index; } } /// <summary> /// 搜索最近的ListViewItem /// </summary> /// <param name="ClientPoint">工作区坐标</param> /// <returns></returns> public ListViewItem GetNearItem(Point ClientPoint) { ListViewItem lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X, ClientPoint.Y); if (lvt != null) return lvt; List<ListViewItem> vt = new List<ListViewItem>(); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X, ClientPoint.Y + i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X, ClientPoint.Y - i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X + i, ClientPoint.Y); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X + i, ClientPoint.Y + i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X + i, ClientPoint.Y - i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X - i, ClientPoint.Y); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X - i, ClientPoint.Y + i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); lvt = this.GetItemAt(ClientPoint.X - i, ClientPoint.Y - i); if (lvt != null) vt.Add(lvt); if (vt.Count > 0) break; } if (vt.Count == 0) { return null; } else if (vt.Count == 1) { return vt[0]; } else { double HisDis = 0; int i = 0; foreach (ListViewItem item in vt) { double dis = GetDistince(ClientPoint, item.Position); if (i == 0 || dis < HisDis) { lvt = item; HisDis = dis; } i++; } return lvt; } } /// <summary> /// 两点间的距离 /// </summary> /// <param name="start">起点</param> /// <param name="end">终点</param> /// <returns></returns> private double GetDistince(Point start, Point end) { double distince2 = Math.Pow((start.X - end.X), 2) + Math.Pow((start.Y - end.Y), 2); return Math.Abs(Math.Sqrt(distince2)); } } }




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