In interacting with the FSDMGR and its helper functions, there are two pseudo-handle types that will be used: HDSK and HVOL (these types are defined in fsdmgr.h). While there is a one-to-one mapping of HDSK to HVOL, they are not the same construct. 
The HDSK is a reference to the disk object beneath the file system and is required for performing any disk-base I/O operations. The HDSK exists regardless of whether or not the partition is mounted.

Unlike the HDSK, the HVOL is a reference to the volume object associated with an instance of an FSD mounted on an HDSK. The HVOL can be though of as a virtual link between the mount point in the root file system exposed to user applications (e.g. “/Storage Card”) and a physical partition on a disk (“Part00” on “DSK1:”).

Mounting a Volume

To establish the link between an HVOL and an HDSK, the FSD_MountDisk export of an FSD is invoked and the HDSK parameter is passed to this function. During the FSD_MountDisk function, the FSD must call the helper function FSDMGR_RegisterVolume to instantiate a new HVOL, associate it with the specified HDSK, and assign it a mount point in the root file system.

When calling FSDMGR_RegisterVolume, the FSD can supply its own context to FSDMGR. This context will be passed back to the FSD on subsequent file API calls. Typically, the FSD will use this context to point to a heap-allocated structure describing a particular instance of the FSD associated with an HVOL and HDSK. A well-designed FSD should encapsulate all information in this context so that it can support multiple instances simultaneously using the same driver.

The following code sample illustrates how an FSD might implement its FSD_MountDisk function:

Dismounting a Volume

To remove the link between an HVOL and an HDSK, the FSD_UnmountDisk export of an FSD is invoked and the HDSK parameter is passed to this function. During this call, the FSD must deallocate all resources associated with this HDSK. This call occurs in response to programmatic partition dismounting (DismountStore or DismountPartition invoked by an application) or after media removal.

Typically, a global list of HDSK-to-Volume Context mappings must be maintained in the FSD so that the appropriate volume can be deregistered during FSD_UnmountDisk. This is necessary because FSD_UnmountDisk receives an HDSK parameter instead of a Volume-Context like other FSD APIs.

The following code sample illustrates how an FSD might implement its FSD_UnmountDisk function:

File and Search Handle Context Objects

A HANDLE value is required to be returned from FSD_CreateFileW and FSD_FindFirstFileW APIs. A HANDLE is essentially just an entry in a table that refers to an object. The object associated with any handles returned by your FSD should be a heap allocated structure with information about the object. The following example shows what the objects associated with file and search handles might look like:

Creating Handle Context Object

A handle object should be allocated each time FSD_FindFirstFileW or FSD_CreateFileW is called and freed when FSD_FindClose or FSD_CloseFile is called, respectively. The following example shows how these functions might be definied:

In the above example, the CreateOrOpenFileObject and CloseFileObject functions would be FSD specific and would be implemented by the FSD developer. The FSD_FindFirstFileW would be implemented similarly, but it would use the FSDMGR_CreateSearchHandle helper function to create the handle to be returned instead.

Destroying Handle Context Objects

Handle cleanup is performed in the FSD_FindClose and FSD_CloseFile functions. The following example illustrates how this functionality might be implemented for file handles: