Top 20 VMware Keyboard Shortcuts

Pointing and clicking is great but you can save a lot of time by knowing the keyboard shortcuts used by VMware. In fact, in some cases, you must know the right keys to push to do what you need to do. Let's learn more...

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What can you do with Keyboard Shortcuts?

So what can you do with these keyboard shortcut keys? Here is a list of some of the more important functions:

  • Ungrab your mouse from being synced with the virtual machine and allow you to control it in the host again (assuming no VMware Tools are installed)
  • Switch between virtual machines
  • Leave full screen mode
  • Send Ctrl-Alt-Del to the virtual machine only (and not to the host machine)

VMware Keyboard Shortcuts you should know

There are some required keyboard shortcuts you need to know just to use VMware. Then there are other keyboard shortcuts that you must know. Here's our list:

F11switches to full-screen mode and back to normal mode
Ctrl-Alt-Insertsends a Ctrl-Alt-Delete to the VMware Guest OS
Ctrl-Altis also used for - exiting full screen mode
Ctrl-Alt-EnterExpands the current VM into full-screen. If you have a number of VMs, this sequence will also move you between virtual machines
Ctrl-Alt-Tabswitch between VMs when the mouse is grabbed
Ctrl-Tabswitch between VMs when the mouse is not grabbed but VMware is the active window
Ctrl-Altis used to exit a Virtual machine from having control of your mouse and return your mouse control to the host machine
Ctrl-Alt-Spacewill allow you to send a keyboard sequence usually used with VMware server to the VMware guest without VMware Server recognizing it

Now, here are some more that are used just within the VMware Server application to perform certain functions:

Ctrl-Ncreate a new VM
Ctrl-Oopen a new VM
Ctrl-F4remove the tab for a VM
Ctrl-Dedit the config for a VM
Ctrl-Ggrab the input from your mouse/keyboard on the current VM (same as clicking on the console of the VM with your mouse)
Ctrl-Pedit VMware Preferences
Ctrl-Bpower on a VM
Ctrl-Epower off a VM
Ctrl-Rreset power on a VM
Ctrl-Zsuspend a VM

Modify your Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys)

You can modify your keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) from the default by going to the Edit menu, then clicking on Preferences, like this

On the Preferences menu, click on the Hot Keys tab to customize your keyboard shortcuts:


In some cases when, using VMware, there may be a keyboard shortcut you must use. For example, to release your mouse from a VM without any tools installed, press Ctrl-Alt. However, in most cases, using keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys are optional but can end up saving you a lot of time. For tat reason, I suggest you print this list of shortcuts and keep it handy!

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提供的源码资源涵盖了小程序应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!
提供的源码资源涵盖了小程序应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!


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