Spark 2.1 CallSite

CallSite Definition

CallSite represents a place in user code. It can have a short and a long form.

private[spark] case class CallSite(shortForm: String, longForm: String)

private[spark] object CallSite {
  val SHORT_FORM = "callSite.short"
  val LONG_FORM = "callSite.long"
  val empty = CallSite("", "")

To create a CallSite object, just call Utils.getCallSiste().

private val creationSite: CallSite = Utils.getCallSite()


   * When called inside a class in the spark package, returns the name of the user code class
   * (outside the spark package) that called into Spark, as well as which Spark method they called.
   * This is used, for example, to tell users where in their code each RDD got created.
   * @param skipClass Function that is used to exclude non-user-code classes.
  def getCallSite(skipClass: String => Boolean = sparkInternalExclusionFunction): CallSite = {
    // Keep crawling up the stack trace until we find the first function not inside of the spark
    // package. We track the last (shallowest) contiguous Spark method. This might be an RDD
    // transformation, a SparkContext function (such as parallelize), or anything else that leads
    // to instantiation of an RDD. We also track the first (deepest) user method, file, and line.
    var lastSparkMethod = "<unknown>"
    var firstUserFile = "<unknown>"
    var firstUserLine = 0
    var insideSpark = true
    var callStack = new ArrayBuffer[String]() :+ "<unknown>"

    Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace().foreach { ste: StackTraceElement =>
      // When running under some profilers, the current stack trace might contain some bogus
      // frames. This is intended to ensure that we don't crash in these situations by
      // ignoring any frames that we can't examine.
      if (ste != null && ste.getMethodName != null
        && !ste.getMethodName.contains("getStackTrace")) {
        if (insideSpark) {
          if (skipClass(ste.getClassName)) {
            lastSparkMethod = if (ste.getMethodName == "<init>") {
              // Spark method is a constructor; get its class name
              ste.getClassName.substring(ste.getClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
            } else {
            callStack(0) = ste.toString // Put last Spark method on top of the stack trace.
          } else {
            if (ste.getFileName != null) {
              firstUserFile = ste.getFileName
              if (ste.getLineNumber >= 0) {
                firstUserLine = ste.getLineNumber
            callStack += ste.toString
            insideSpark = false
        } else {
          callStack += ste.toString

    val callStackDepth = System.getProperty("spark.callstack.depth", "20").toInt
    val shortForm =
      if (firstUserFile == "") {
        // To be more user friendly, show a nicer string for queries submitted from the JDBC
        // server.
        "Spark JDBC Server Query"
      } else {
        s"$lastSparkMethod at $firstUserFile:$firstUserLine"
    val longForm = callStack.take(callStackDepth).mkString("\n")

    CallSite(shortForm, longForm)


  /** Default filtering function for finding call sites using `getCallSite`. */
  private def sparkInternalExclusionFunction(className: String): Boolean = {
    // A regular expression to match classes of the internal Spark API's
    // that we want to skip when finding the call site of a method.
    val SPARK_SQL_CLASS_REGEX = """^org\.apache\.spark\.sql.*""".r
    val SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX = "scala"
    val isSparkClass = SPARK_CORE_CLASS_REGEX.findFirstIn(className).isDefined ||
    val isScalaClass = className.startsWith(SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX)
    // If the class is a Spark internal class or a Scala class, then exclude.
    isSparkClass || isScalaClass


     * Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump
     * of this thread.  This method will return a zero-length array if
     * this thread has not started, has started but has not yet been
     * scheduled to run by the system, or has terminated.
     * If the returned array is of non-zero length then the first element of
     * the array represents the top of the stack, which is the most recent
     * method invocation in the sequence.  The last element of the array
     * represents the bottom of the stack, which is the least recent method
     * invocation in the sequence.
     * <p>If there is a security manager, and this thread is not
     * the current thread, then the security manager's
     * <tt>checkPermission</tt> method is called with a
     * <tt>RuntimePermission("getStackTrace")</tt> permission
     * to see if it's ok to get the stack trace.
     * <p>Some virtual machines may, under some circumstances, omit one
     * or more stack frames from the stack trace.  In the extreme case,
     * a virtual machine that has no stack trace information concerning
     * this thread is permitted to return a zero-length array from this
     * method.
     * @return an array of <tt>StackTraceElement</tt>,
     * each represents one stack frame.
     * @throws SecurityException
     *        if a security manager exists and its
     *        <tt>checkPermission</tt> method doesn't allow
     *        getting the stack trace of thread.
     * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission
     * @see RuntimePermission
     * @see Throwable#getStackTrace
     * @since 1.5
    public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
        if (this != Thread.currentThread()) {
            // check for getStackTrace permission
            SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
            if (security != null) {
            // optimization so we do not call into the vm for threads that
            // have not yet started or have terminated
            if (!isAlive()) {
                return EMPTY_STACK_TRACE;
            StackTraceElement[][] stackTraceArray = dumpThreads(new Thread[] {this});
            StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = stackTraceArray[0];
            // a thread that was alive during the previous isAlive call may have
            // since terminated, therefore not having a stacktrace.
            if (stackTrace == null) {
                stackTrace = EMPTY_STACK_TRACE;
            return stackTrace;
        } else {
            // Don't need JVM help for current thread
            return (new Exception()).getStackTrace();




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