
我们来自江河梦小组(Scond Effect Group),工程用到gh,所以必须学习好GH插件,而大部分权威资料都来自国外,所以就组织组员翻译来自GH官方论坛的帖子,以便学习。下面是一篇David的帖子讲解有关 犀牛多线程问题,由林振华同学翻译。

Rhino is already multi-threaded.Some portions of the runtime code use multiple processors*. As time goes bywe'll probably add multi-threading to more and more algorithms, for Rhino5 wetried to at least make all our algorithms thread-safe, so they can allbe called from multiple threads, this is the first step towardsmulti-threading.


But multi-threading is not justsomething you switch on or off, it's an approach. Let's take the meshing ofBreps for example. Let's assume that at some point one or more breps are addedto the document. The wireframes ofthese breps can be drawn immediately, but the shading meshes need to becalculated first. How do we go about doing this? Allow me to enumerate someobvious solutions:


1.We put everythingon hold and compute all meshes, one at a time. Then, when we're done we'll yield control back to theRhino window so that key presses and mouse events can once again be processed.This is the simplest of all solutions and also the worst from the users pointof view.       (我们停下所有的事情去完成所有的网格计算,每次一个,然后,当我们完成所有的网格我们就将控制权移回犀牛界面以至于键盘和鼠标事件再次运行。这是所有方案中最简单的一个,但是从用户的角度来看,这是最糟糕的一个。

2.We allow the viewsto be redrawn, mouse events and key presses to be handled, but we perform themeshing in a background thread. I.e. whatever processor cycles are left overfrom regular use are now put towork on computing meshes. Once we're done computing these meshes we can startdrawing the shaded breps. This is a lot better as it doesn't block the UI, butit also means that for a while (potentially a very long time) our breps willnot be shaded in the viewport. This approach is already a lot harder from aprogramming perspective because you now have multiple threads all with accessto the same Breps in memory and you need to make sure that they don't start toperform conflicting operations. Rhino already does this (and has been doing fora long time) on a lot of commands, otherwise you wouldn't be able to abortmeshing/intersections/booleans etc. with an Escape press.


So we can compute the meshes on theUI-thread or on a background thread. How about using our multiple cores tospeed up the process? Again, there are several ways in which this can beachieved:


1.  Say we have a quad-core machine,i.e. four processors at our disposal. We could choose to assign the meshing ofthe first brep to the first processor, the second brep to the second processor,the third brep to the third processor and so on. Once a processor is done withthe meshing of a specific brep, we'll give it the next brep to mesh until we'redone meshing all the breps. This is a good solution when multiple breps need tobe meshed at once, but it doesn't help at all if we only need to compute themesh for a single brep, which is of course a very common case in Rhino.    


2.  To go a level deeper, we need tostart adding multi-threading to the mesher itself. Let's say that the mesher isset up in such a way that it will assign each face of the brep to a new core,then -once all faces have been meshed- it will stitch together the partialmeshes into a single large mesh. Now we've sped up the meshing of breps withmultiple faces, but not individual surfaces.


3.  We can of course go deeper still.Perhaps there is some operation that is repeated over and over during themeshing of a single face. We could also choose to multi-thread this operation,thus speeding up the meshing of all surfaces and breps.


All of the above approaches arepossible, some are very difficult, some are actually not possible if we're notallowed to break the SDK. A further problem is that there's overheadinvolved with multi-threading. Very fewoperations will actually become 4 times faster if you distribute the workacross 4 cores. Often one core will simply take longer than the other 3, oftenthe partial results need to be aggregated which takes additional cycles and/ormemory. What this means is that if you were to apply all of the abovemethods (multi-thread the meshing of individual faces, multi-threadthe meshing of breps with multiple faces and multi-thread the meshing ofmultiple breps) you're probably worse off than you were before.



David Rutten


Poprad, Slovakia

* anexample would be the z-sorting of objects in viewport prior torepainting, which is a step performed on every redraw as far as I know.






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