delphi的bpl、dcp 、dcu文件意义

        BPL  英文全称 Borland Package library ,是一种特殊的DLL文件,用于代码重用和减少可执行文件。编译bpl时,仅需要添加相应功能的pas文件,如果有窗体,则需要添加dfm文件。既然是DLL文件,那就是在运行时所需要的文件。BPL相当于C++中的DLL

        DCP  英文全称:delphi compiled package,是 package 编译时跟 bpl 一起产生出来的,记录着 package 中公开的 class、procedure、function、variable、const.... 等等的名称和相对位址。如果 某个控件包 A 引用了 控件包 B,当 控件包 A 编译时,需要 控件包 B.dcp,若 控件包 B 有修改,更改了公开的介面,则 控件包 A 必须在 控件包 B 编译之后重新编译,以引用新的 B.dcp。否则,当 控件包 A 执行时,执行到引用自 控件包 B 的内容时,就会出现错误。DCP相当于C++中的Lib,编译时需要。

        DCU  英文全称:Delphi Compiled Unit File,是delphi单元文件.pas文件编译后产生的文件,感觉没有太大用处。

delphi2-delphi2010 全支持 dcu 装换 pas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Dcu2Pas Version 1.3 Purpose Decompile a D2-D7, K1-K3's dcu(dpu) file to Delphi source as origin as possible, without or with minimal modifications, then recompile to new one under other Delphi versions Author Nengwen Zhuo(卓能文) Homes,, Emails, Released 2003-02-10 Lastest home/dl/Dcu2Pas.rar(zip) FOR RESTORE YOUR LOST SOURCES AND OPTIMIZE YOUR CODES ONLY!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project is in very early stage, no document yet. To see some features, reference my test cases file -- test.pas and the output file, please. The output maybe more clear organised than source files!!! For further development, any suggestions and ideas are welcome. I have no time to update my homepages for a long time ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Run Dcu2pas, set properly options, select a desired dcu file double click to decompile it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features - Supports the following type declarations and their typed consts: * Type redeclarations, for example: type MyTypeString = type String; * All integer types(Byte, Cardinal, Int64, Integer, Longint, Longword, Shortint, Smallint, Word) * All char types(AnsiChar, Char, WideChar) * All boolean types(Boolean, ByteBool, LongBool, WordBool) * Enumerated type, subrange of enumerated type and set of enumerated type For examples: type Size = (Small = 5, Medium = 10, Large = Small + Medium); TMySize = Medium..Large; type TEnumSet = set of (Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade); const vcSet4: TEnumSet = [Club,Spade]; * All real types(Comp, Currency, Double, Extended, Real, Real48, Single) * All string types(AnsiString, ShortString, String, String[XX], WideString) * Array type(with/without packed keyword), dynamic array and multidimensional dynamic array * Set type * Record type, with any variant parts in records. But if a record has any variant parts in it, the typed const may can't correctly decompile * Function/procedure type declaration - Support threadvar - Support resourcestring - Support class type, interface inheritation - Support object type - Support interface - Code decompiler to BASM, then a decpompiled file can recompile under other Delphi versions... - Code decompiler to Object-Pascal. I have some ideas, but I have no time, maybe in near future, I will code for it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update history Legend: - Bug fixed * Algorithm enhanced + New featuer added Ver2.0 Ver1.3 2003-02-10 * Code decompiler redesigned * Partly support D7 Ver1.2 2002-07-28 + Delete procedure, contructor, destructor frame 2002-07-18 + Procedure variable const + Now can distinguish: vc1: PChar ='test'; vc2: PChar = @vc1; 2002-05-28(Ver1.1) + Now correctly process interface properties and argument default values + Support resources, for example: {%R *.dfm}, {$R *.res} 2002-05-26 + Support default arguments + Support interface 2002-05-25 + Support object type + Support resourcestring + Support threadvar + Support function/procedure type 2002-05-24 + Support file type + Support set of enumerated type const decompiler + Support enumerated type const decompiler + Support subrange of enumerated type + Support dynamic array type - Array [enumerted type] of ... - Bugs in [packed] array fixed - Bugs in [packed] record fixed - Bugs in enumerated type fixed - Bugs in classify interface and implement declarations fixed




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