[并发并行]_[线程池]_[Programming With POSIX Threads的线程池实现分析1]


1.C++标准库没有提供线程池操作, 连Win32都没有集成线程池, 相比之下macOS完善多了, 至少有operations. 多线程在执行多任务时有很大优势, 比如同时管理多个设备, 多个socket连接等.

2.第3方库也有很多, 最常见的是boost的线程, 可是boost编译的成本也很高, 打包也很大, 一般不考虑.


1.Programming With POSIX Threads 的 7.2章提供的 Work queue manager是个不错的选择, 按需创建线程还是不错的. 还有线程的timeout时间,线程池销毁, 不怕占用资源. 当然线程安全方式的添加任务void* 不用说. 稍微改造下成为C++的ThreadPool还是很容易的, 比我实现的 线程池的简单设计与实现 要好, 有时间会改造下.


workq_add: 添加任务到队列, 根据需要提供自己的自定义类型, 这里它提供了统一类型. power_t, 一般使用时可以自定义一个包裹类型,{data,func},这样在调用 engine_routine 里可以通过 func(data)来转发.
workq_init: 初始化一个队列, 它这里提供了一个统一的队列的处理函数 engine_routine, 注意这个处理函数对这个队列是唯一的.
workq_server: 这个是worker线程, 不要被这个名字骗了, 它对应一个线程, 可以是并发的.
destructor: 这个只是为了统计执行这个workq 所需要的 worker线程个数.
engine_routine: 这个是业务逻辑处理函数, 在workq_server里调用.
thread_routine: 这里是创建任务的函数,例子里两个线程分别调用了1次,即有50次任务创建.

3.这里我改写了linux代码为Windows项目, 没改多少内容, 因为pthreads-win32可以在Windows里使用, 只是获取 pthread_cond_timedwait 的参数 struct timespec 比较麻烦. 我这里的 millisecondsFromNow 还是通过参考pthread-win32的自带例子的实现.



 * workq.c
 * This file implements the interfaces for a "work queue"
 * manager. A "manager object" is created with several
 * parameters, including the required size of a work queue
 * entry, the maximum desired degree of parallelism (number of
 * threads to service the queue), and the address of an
 * execution engine routine.
 * The application requests a work queue entry from the manager,
 * fills in the application-specific fields, and returns it to
 * the queue manager for processing. The manager will create a
 * new thread to service the queue if all current threads are
 * busy and the maximum level of parallelism has not yet been
 * reached.
 * The manager will dequeue items and present them to the
 * processing engine until the queue is empty; at that point,
 * processing threads will begin to shut down. (They will be
 * restarted when work appears.)

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "errors.h"
#include "workq.h"

 * Returns abstime 'milliseconds' from 'now'.
 * Works for: -INT_MAX <= millisecs <= INT_MAX

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
#  define PTW32_FTIME(x) _ftime64_s(x)
#  define PTW32_STRUCT_TIMEB struct __timeb64
#elif ( defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300 ) || \
      ( defined(__MINGW32__) && __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x0601 )
#  define PTW32_FTIME(x) _ftime64(x)
#  define PTW32_STRUCT_TIMEB struct __timeb64
#  define PTW32_FTIME(x) _ftime(x)
#  define PTW32_STRUCT_TIMEB struct _timeb

struct timespec *
millisecondsFromNow (struct timespec * time, int millisecs)
  PTW32_STRUCT_TIMEB currSysTime;
  int64_t nanosecs, secs;
  const int64_t NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC = 1000000;
  const int64_t NANOSEC_PER_SEC = 1000000000;

  /* get current system time and add millisecs */

  secs = (int64_t)(currSysTime.time) + (millisecs / 1000);
  nanosecs = ((int64_t) (millisecs%1000 + currSysTime.millitm)) * NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;
  if (nanosecs >= NANOSEC_PER_SEC)
      nanosecs -= NANOSEC_PER_SEC;
  else if (nanosecs < 0)
      nanosecs += NANOSEC_PER_SEC;

  time->tv_nsec = (long)nanosecs;
  time->tv_sec = (long)secs;

  return time;

 * Thread start routine to serve the work queue.
static void *workq_server (void *arg)
    struct timespec timeout;
    workq_t *wq = (workq_t *)arg;
    workq_ele_t *we;
    int status, timedout;

     * We don't need to validate the workq_t here... we don't
     * create server threads until requests are queued (the
     * queue has been initialized by then!) and we wait for all
     * server threads to terminate before destroying a work
     * queue.
    DPRINTF (("A worker is starting\n"));
    status = pthread_mutex_lock (&wq->mutex);
    if (status != 0)
        return NULL;

    while (1) {
        timedout = 0;
        DPRINTF (("Worker waiting for work\n"));

        while (wq->first == NULL && !wq->quit) {
             * Server threads time out after spending 2 seconds
             * waiting for new work, and exit.
            status = pthread_cond_timedwait (
                    &wq->cv, &wq->mutex, millisecondsFromNow(&timeout,2000));
            if (status == ETIMEDOUT) {
                DPRINTF (("Worker wait timed out\n"));
                timedout = 1;
            } else if (status != 0) {
                 * This shouldn't happen, so the work queue
                 * package should fail. Because the work queue
                 * API is asynchronous, that would add
                 * complication. Because the chances of failure
                 * are slim, I choose to avoid that
                 * complication. The server thread will return,
                 * and allow another server thread to pick up
                 * the work later. Note that, if this was the
                 * only server thread, the queue won't be
                 * serviced until a new work item is
                 * queued. That could be fixed by creating a new
                 * server here.
                DPRINTF ((
                    "Worker wait failed, %d (%s)\n",
                    status, strerror (status)));
                pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
                return NULL;
        DPRINTF (("Work queue: %#lx, quit: %d\n", wq->first, wq->quit));
        we = wq->first;

        if (we != NULL) {
            wq->first = we->next;
            if (wq->last == we)
                wq->last = NULL;
            status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
            if (status != 0)
                return NULL;
            DPRINTF (("Worker calling engine\n"));
            wq->engine (we->data);
            free (we);
            status = pthread_mutex_lock (&wq->mutex);
            if (status != 0)
                return NULL;

         * If there are no more work requests, and the servers
         * have been asked to quit, then shut down.
        if (wq->first == NULL && wq->quit) {
            DPRINTF (("Worker shutting down\n"));

             * NOTE: Just to prove that every rule has an
             * exception, I'm using the "cv" condition for two
             * separate predicates here.  That's OK, since the
             * case used here applies only once during the life
             * of a work queue -- during rundown. The overhead
             * is minimal and it's not worth creating a separate
             * condition variable that would be waited and
             * signaled exactly once!
            if (wq->counter == 0)
                pthread_cond_broadcast (&wq->cv);
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
            return NULL;

         * If there's no more work, and we wait for as long as
         * we're allowed, then terminate this server thread.
        if (wq->first == NULL && timedout) {
            DPRINTF (("engine terminating due to timeout.\n"));

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
    DPRINTF (("Worker exiting\n"));
    return NULL;

 * Initialize a work queue.
int workq_init (workq_t *wq, int threads, void (*engine)(void *arg))
    int status;

    status = pthread_attr_init (&wq->attr);
    if (status != 0)
        return status;
    status = pthread_attr_setdetachstate (
        &wq->attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    if (status != 0) {
        pthread_attr_destroy (&wq->attr);
        return status;
    status = pthread_mutex_init (&wq->mutex, NULL);
    if (status != 0) {
        pthread_attr_destroy (&wq->attr);
        return status;
    status = pthread_cond_init (&wq->cv, NULL);
    if (status != 0) {
        pthread_mutex_destroy (&wq->mutex);
        pthread_attr_destroy (&wq->attr);
        return status;
    wq->quit = 0;                       /* not time to quit */
    wq->first = wq->last = NULL;        /* no queue entries */
    wq->parallelism = threads;          /* max servers */
    wq->counter = 0;                    /* no server threads yet */
    wq->idle = 0;                       /* no idle servers */
    wq->engine = engine;
    wq->valid = WORKQ_VALID;
    return 0;

 * Destroy a work queue.
int workq_destroy (workq_t *wq)
    int status, status1, status2;

    if (wq->valid != WORKQ_VALID)
        return EINVAL;
    status = pthread_mutex_lock (&wq->mutex);
    if (status != 0)
        return status;
    wq->valid = 0;                 /* prevent any other operations */

     * Check whether any threads are active, and run them down:
     * 1.       set the quit flag
     * 2.       broadcast to wake any servers that may be asleep
     * 4.       wait for all threads to quit (counter goes to 0)
     *          Because we don't use join, we don't need to worry
     *          about tracking thread IDs.
    if (wq->counter > 0) {
        wq->quit = 1;
        /* if any threads are idling, wake them. */
        if (wq->idle > 0) {
            status = pthread_cond_broadcast (&wq->cv);
            if (status != 0) {
                pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
                return status;

         * Just to prove that every rule has an exception, I'm
         * using the "cv" condition for two separate predicates
         * here. That's OK, since the case used here applies
         * only once during the life of a work queue -- during
         * rundown. The overhead is minimal and it's not worth
         * creating a separate condition variable that would be
         * waited and signalled exactly once!
        while (wq->counter > 0) {
            status = pthread_cond_wait (&wq->cv, &wq->mutex);
            if (status != 0) {
                pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
                return status;
    status = pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
    if (status != 0)
        return status;
    status = pthread_mutex_destroy (&wq->mutex);
    status1 = pthread_cond_destroy (&wq->cv);
    status2 = pthread_attr_destroy (&wq->attr);
    return (status ? status : (status1 ? status1 : status2));

 * Add an item to a work queue.
int workq_add (workq_t *wq, void *element)
    workq_ele_t *item;
    pthread_t id;
    int status;

    if (wq->valid != WORKQ_VALID)
        return EINVAL;

     * Create and initialize a request structure.
    item = (workq_ele_t *)malloc (sizeof (workq_ele_t));
    if (item == NULL)
        return ENOMEM;
    item->data = element;
    item->next = NULL;
    status = pthread_mutex_lock (&wq->mutex);
    if (status != 0) {
        free (item);
        return status;

     * Add the request to the end of the queue, updating the
     * first and last pointers.
    if (wq->first == NULL)
        wq->first = item;
        wq->last->next = item;
    wq->last = item;

     * if any threads are idling, wake one.
    if (wq->idle > 0) {
        status = pthread_cond_signal (&wq->cv);
        if (status != 0) {
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
            return status;
    } else if (wq->counter < wq->parallelism) {
         * If there were no idling threads, and we're allowed to
         * create a new thread, do so.
        DPRINTF (("Creating new worker\n"));
        status = pthread_create (
            &id, &wq->attr, workq_server, (void*)wq);
        if (status != 0) {
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
            return status;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&wq->mutex);
    return 0;


 * workq.h
 * This header file defines the interfaces for a "work queue"
 * manager. A "manager object" is created with several
 * parameters, including the required size of a work queue
 * entry, the maximum desired degree of parallelism (number of
 * threads to service the queue), and the address of an
 * execution engine routine.
 * The application requests a work queue entry from the manager,
 * fills in the application-specific fields, and returns it to
 * the queue manager for processing. The manager will create a
 * new thread to service the queue if all current threads are
 * busy and the maximum level of parallelism has not yet been
 * reached.
 * The manager will dequeue items and present them to the
 * processing engine until the queue is empty; at that point,
 * processing threads will begin to shut down. (They will be
 * restarted when work appears.)
#include <pthread.h>

 * Structure to keep track of work queue requests.
typedef struct workq_ele_tag {
    struct workq_ele_tag        *next;
    void                        *data;
} workq_ele_t;

 * Structure describing a work queue.
typedef struct workq_tag {
    pthread_mutex_t     mutex;
    pthread_cond_t      cv;             /* wait for work */
    pthread_attr_t      attr;           /* create detached threads */
    workq_ele_t         *first, *last;  /* work queue */
    int                 valid;          /* set when valid */
    int                 quit;           /* set when workq should quit */
    int                 parallelism;    /* number of threads required */
    int                 counter;        /* current number of threads */
    int                 idle;           /* number of idle threads */
    void                (*engine)(void *arg);   /* user engine */
} workq_t;

#define WORKQ_VALID     0xdec1992

 * Define work queue functions
extern int workq_init (
    workq_t     *wq,
    int         threads,                /* maximum threads */
    void        (*engine)(void *));     /* engine routine */
extern int workq_destroy (workq_t *wq);
extern int workq_add (workq_t *wq, void *data);


 * workq_main.c
 * Demonstrate a use of work queues.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "workq.h"
#include "errors.h"

#define ITERATIONS      25

typedef struct power_tag {
    int         value;
    int         power;
} power_t;

typedef struct engine_tag {
    struct engine_tag   *link;
    pthread_t           thread_id;
    int                 calls;
} engine_t;

pthread_key_t engine_key;       /* Keep track of active engines */
pthread_mutex_t engine_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
engine_t *engine_list_head = NULL;
workq_t workq;

 * Thread-specific data destructor routine for engine_key
void destructor (void *value_ptr)
    engine_t *engine = (engine_t*)value_ptr;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&engine_list_mutex);
    engine->link = engine_list_head;
    engine_list_head = engine;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&engine_list_mutex);

 * This is the routine called by the work queue servers to
 * perform operations in parallel.
void engine_routine (void *arg)
    engine_t *engine;
    power_t *power = (power_t*)arg;
    int result, count;
    int status;

    engine = pthread_getspecific (engine_key);
    if (engine == NULL) {
        engine = (engine_t*)malloc (sizeof (engine_t));
        status = pthread_setspecific (
            engine_key, (void*)engine);
        if (status != 0)
            err_abort (status, "Set tsd");
        engine->thread_id = pthread_self ();
        engine->calls = 1;
    } else
    result = 1;
    printf (
        "Engine: computing %d^%d\n",
        power->value, power->power);
    for (count = 1; count <= power->power; count++)
        result *= power->value;
    free (arg);

 * Thread start routine that issues work queue requests.
void *thread_routine (void *arg)
    power_t *element;
    int count;
    unsigned int seed = (unsigned int)time (NULL);
    int status;

     * Loop, making requests.
    for (count = 0; count < ITERATIONS; count++) {
        element = (power_t*)malloc (sizeof (power_t));
        if (element == NULL)
            errno_abort ("Allocate element");
        element->value = rand() % 20;
        element->power = rand() % 7;
        DPRINTF ((
            "Request: %d^%d\n",
            element->value, element->power));
        status = workq_add (&workq, (void*)element);
        if (status != 0)
            err_abort (status, "Add to work queue");
        Sleep ((rand() % 5)*1000);
    return NULL;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    pthread_t thread_id;
    engine_t *engine;
    int count = 0, calls = 0;
    int status;

    status = pthread_key_create (&engine_key, destructor);
    if (status != 0)
        err_abort (status, "Create key");
    status = workq_init (&workq, 4, engine_routine);
    if (status != 0)
        err_abort (status, "Init work queue");
    status = pthread_create (&thread_id, NULL, thread_routine, NULL);
    if (status != 0)
        err_abort (status, "Create thread");
    (void)thread_routine (NULL);
    status = pthread_join (thread_id, NULL);
    if (status != 0)
        err_abort (status, "Join thread");
    status = workq_destroy (&workq);
    if (status != 0)
        err_abort (status, "Destroy work queue");

     * By now, all of the engine_t structures have been placed
     * on the list (by the engine thread destructors), so we
     * can count and summarize them.
    engine = engine_list_head;
    while (engine != NULL) {
        calls += engine->calls;
        printf ("engine %d: %d calls\n", count, engine->calls);
        engine = engine->link;
    printf ("%d engine threads processed %d calls\n",
        count, calls);
    return 0;


#ifndef __errors_h
#define __errors_h

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

 * Define a macro that can be used for diagnostic output from
 * examples. When compiled -DDEBUG, it results in calling printf
 * with the specified argument list. When DEBUG is not defined, it
 * expands to nothing.
#ifdef _DEBUG
# define DPRINTF(arg) printf arg
# define DPRINTF(arg)

 * NOTE: the "do {" ... "} while (0);" bracketing around the macros
 * allows the err_abort and errno_abort macros to be used as if they
 * were function calls, even in contexts where a trailing ";" would
 * generate a null statement. For example,
 *      if (status != 0)
 *          err_abort (status, "message");
 *      else
 *          return status;
 * will not compile if err_abort is a macro ending with "}", because
 * C does not expect a ";" to follow the "}". Because C does expect
 * a ";" following the ")" in the do...while construct, err_abort and
 * errno_abort can be used as if they were function calls.
#define err_abort(code,text) do { \
    fprintf (stderr, "%s at \"%s\":%d: %s\n", \
        text, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror (code)); \
    abort (); \
    } while (0)
#define errno_abort(text) do { \
    fprintf (stderr, "%s at \"%s\":%d: %s\n", \
        text, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror (errno)); \
    abort (); \
    } while (0)



engine 24: 1 calls
engine 25: 1 calls
engine 26: 1 calls
engine 27: 1 calls
engine 28: 1 calls
engine 29: 1 calls
engine 30: 1 calls
engine 31: 2 calls
engine 32: 3 calls
engine 33: 2 calls
engine 34: 1 calls
engine 35: 1 calls
engine 36: 2 calls
engine 37: 1 calls
engine 38: 1 calls
38 engine threads processed 50 calls

项目下载地址: http://download.csdn.net/detail/infoworld/9904421







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