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原创 关于nginx在MacOS上会被防火墙日的问题

qian duqian dun

2017-08-16 23:04:28 1697

原创 第二层第五题:双基回文数

Dual PalindromesMario Cruz (Colombia) & Hugo Rickeboer (Argentina) A number that reads the same from right to left as when read from left toright is called a palindrome. The number 12321 is a pali

2015-10-05 22:02:33 302

原创 第二层第四题:回文平方数

Palindromic SquaresRob Kolstad Palindromes are numbers that read the same forwards as backwards. Thenumber 12321 is a typical palindrome.Given a number base B (2 <= B <= 20 base 10), print all

2015-10-05 21:30:04 427

原创 第二层第三题:名字和数字

Name That NumberAmong the large Wisconsin cattle ranchers, it is customary to brand cowswith serial numbers to please the Accounting Department. The cow hands don'tappreciate the advantage of this f

2015-10-05 21:07:39 480

原创 第二层第二题:矩阵变换

TransformationsA square pattern of size N x N (1 <= N <= 10) black and white squaretiles is transformed into another square pattern. Write a program that willrecognize the minimum transformation tha

2015-10-05 20:42:32 415

原创 第二层第一题:挤牛奶

尼玛。。。有暴 力两个字不让发。。。暴 力算法就怎么不行了?瞧不起人家?= =!Milking CowsThree farmers rise at 5 am each morning and head for the barn to milkthree cows. The first farmer begins milking his cow at time 300 (measured

2015-10-05 10:05:45 1244

原创 第二层内容:枚举

昨天发疯了一天,博客一直没补上,这两天赶快写几篇补上吧。表示要写出让自己看着舒服的博客也挺累。。。        Complete Search The IdeaSolving a problem using complete search is based on the ``Keep It Simple,Stupid'' princip

2015-10-03 22:04:08 286

原创 第一层第四题:打断项链

Broken NecklaceYou have a necklace of N red, white, or blue beads (3<=N<=350) someof which are red, others blue, and others white, arranged at random. Here aretwo examples for n=29:

2015-10-03 21:45:48 761

原创 第一层第三题:黑色星期五

Friday the ThirteenthIs Friday the 13th really an unusual event? That is, does the 13th of the month land on a Friday less often than onany other day of the week? To answer this question, write a

2015-10-01 21:50:25 579

原创 第一层第二题:贪婪的礼物赠送者

Greedy Gift GiversA group of NP (2 ≤ NP ≤ 10) uniquely named friends has decided to exchangegifts of money. Each of these friends might or might not give some money to anyor all of the other friends

2015-10-01 21:27:57 744

原创 第一层内容:杂题

接上一篇博客,这篇课文其实没讲什么内容(杂题要是能讲出固定的算法我也就服了。。。),诸位有兴趣的就看看吧,聊以自慰。 Ad Hoc Problems `Ad hoc' problems are those whose algorithms do not fall into standardcategories with well-studied

2015-09-29 20:18:42 284

原创 第一篇正式的课文:竞赛题目的类型

今天早上八点台风刚好登录。。。作为苦逼的湖建人民果断停课了。。。在家里蹲了一天,晚上看看雨没多大,于是决定溜到学校电脑室,继续刷USACO以示沉痛哀悼。Programming Contest Problem Types Hal Burch conducted an analysis over spring break of 1999 and made ana

2015-09-29 20:00:48 310

原创 第一层第一题:你要的飞碟在这里

Your Ride Is HereIt is a well-known fact that behind every good comet is a UFO. These UFOsoften come to collect loyal supporters from here on Earth. Unfortunately, theyonly have room to pick up one

2015-09-27 11:20:23 709

原创 USACO刷怪塔的开始


2015-09-27 10:38:53 275



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