【转】唐三彩 英文介绍

Tri-colour Tang Pottery

The tri-colour glazed pottery in the Tang style is a Chinese art that dates back 1,300 years. It is so named because it has red, green and white all on one object. Those produced in Luoyang, Henan Province are the best known in China. Prior to the Tang Dynasty pottery could only be produced in a single colour.

Tri-color glazed pottery was valued for its integration of the national style along with a distince local flavour. The artists skillfully combine molding with exquisite lines that are pleasing to the eye. In the glazing process, the different colours are dissolved together in low heat, so that they blend just right, producing a fine multifarious effect.

The tri-colour pottery of the Tang Dynasty excavated in Luoyang are composed of wine cups and vessels used by imperial families and articles that were buried with the deceased. These artifacts revealed a part of palace life that flourished during the Tang Dynasty. The quality and quantity of the funeral objects were determined by the rank of office of the deceased. (TOP)

Reproduction and imitation of ancient Tang pottery was begun a hundred years ago by some enterprising peasants in Luoyang. They started out with a few designs in small kilns in their homes as a hobby to make a living during their spare time and reproduced only a few varieties. Besides, superstitious notions considered the recreatin of funeral objects as unlucky. That is why the imitation and development of tri-colour pottery never caught on in those days with some people destroying them at sight. Those that were reproduced did not exceed 50 cm in height.

However, after the founding of New China, more experienced peasant craftsmen organized themselves in 1955 into what is now the Luoyang City Folk Art Society. They reproduced the artistic products during slack seasons and it was not until 1959 that women also joined the trade. Today in order to continue studying and further develop this ancient art, the Luoyang Pottery Factory was established. The figurines of esquisite workmanship include handsome horses, life-like camels, lively singers and dancers, the imposing heavenly king with a phoenis on his crown, court jesters, grooms and animals used as funeral objects. Golden camels bearing silks and local specialities were recent reproductions between China and Western countries during the Tang Dynasty. Among the articles the biggest stands 160 mm.

The tri-colour Tang pottery, continuously improved through the centuries, has now been developed even fruther and its varieties have reached several hundred. The once tri-colour glaze has grown to include yellow, purple, black and blue while the artistic quality has also been raised.

The clay of Luoyang excels in viscosity, purity and pliancy while it is at the same time surprisingly hard and strong. It is superb for making pottery.


From: http://wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/thread?tid=67b3584ee8d49fef
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以下是中外工艺美术史详细时间线的表格对比: | 时间段 | 中国工艺美术史 | 欧洲工艺美术史 | |--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 新石器时代 | 出现陶器、玉器、石器等。 | 出现陶器、金属器等,注重美学和人文主义的追求。 | | 商周时期 | 出现青铜器、玉器等,注重祭祀礼器的需要。 | 主要表现为教堂建筑、彩色玻璃等,注重宗教信仰和艺术的神圣性。 | | 秦汉时期 | 出现陶瓷、青铜器等,注重实用性和生产力的发展。 | - | | 隋唐时期 | 出现唐三彩、唐代瓷器等,注重宫廷和寺庙的需要。 | - | | 宋元时期 | 出现青花瓷、明式家具等,注重市场经济和文化交流。 | - | | 明清时期 | 出现瓷器、玉器等精致的艺术品,注重宫廷和贵族的审美需求。 | - | | 现代时期 | 出现了新的变化,如民间工艺、现代家具等,注重实用性和民族文化的传承。 | 出现了机械化生产、工艺美术运动等,注重技术创新和艺术的现代性。 | | 古希腊罗马时期 | - | 出现陶器、金属器等,注重美学和人文主义的追求。 | | 中世纪时期 | - | 主要表现为教堂建筑、彩色玻璃等,注重宗教信仰和艺术的神圣性。 | | 文艺复兴时期 | - | 主要表现为建筑、雕塑、绘画等,注重人文主义、自然主义和古典主义的复兴。 | | 工业革命时期 | - | 出现了机械化生产、工艺美术运动等,注重技术创新和艺术的现代性。 | | 现代主义时期 | - | 出现了更多激进的艺术形式和理念,注重对传统的颠覆和反思。 | | 当代时期 | 出现了更多多元文化的交流和创新。 | 出现了更多多元文化的交流和创新。 | 总的来说,中外工艺美术史在不同的历史时期都有着各自的特点和发展趋势,同时也互相借鉴和影响。这些历史的变化和发展,反映了人类文明和社会的变革,也为我们深入理解工艺美术的本质和意义提供了重要的参考和思考。


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