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原创 [Maya] Maya plugin development 1

Following the steps on the book Maya Complete Programming I, Chapter 4, Page 310-315, I have tried out the first plug-in created using C++ ( except the HelloWorld plug-in). Function:Creating fiv

2009-01-30 21:53:00 569

原创 [Map] NUS Soc venue maps

Just let myself find those venues easily. School of ComputingBuilding/LevelFloor Plans (Click on map to enlarge it)COM1 BasementCOM1 Level 1COM1 Level 2

2009-01-30 15:47:00 906

原创 [Video] History of the Internet


2009-01-29 18:33:00 476

原创 [News Digest]01.29

AI Comes of AgeComputerworld (01/26/09) Vol. 43, No. 4, P. 16; Anthes, GaryArtificial intelligence (AI) research has taken great strides in recent years, proliferating and being incorporated int

2009-01-29 18:07:00 413

原创 Sketch based modelling papers

ILoveSketch: As-Natural-As-Possible Sketching System for Creating 3D Curve Modelshttp://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~shbae/ilovesketch.htm  Free-from Sketching with Variational Implicit Surfaces  

2009-01-29 17:55:00 504

原创 [Maya C++] Set up the Maya Plugin Wizard

Maya 2008 & VS 2008: http://www.rayfile.com/files/958fa1c7-ed28-11dd-9208-0014221b798a/Maya 2009 & VS 2008: http://www.rayfile.com/files/5fa3fa2e-ed28-11dd-afab-0019d11a795f/Follow the readme file

2009-01-29 17:50:00 731

原创 独品


2009-01-25 13:43:00 546

原创 有些习惯忘不了


2009-01-23 21:54:00 366

原创 祭念


2009-01-22 13:48:00 550

原创 [摄影] 应用技巧

根据人物的感觉和性别区分使用曝光补偿    曝光补偿的基本原理已经在上述内容中进行了说明,在拍摄人物时如果皮肤反射率较高,有可能也需要进行曝光补偿。这时应根据皮肤色调选择补偿方向。通常情况下,女性的皮肤即使未经化妆也比较白皙。因此采用相机自动模式进行拍摄有可能会偏黑。这样一来,拍摄对象可就会大为不满了。这时候可以进行正方向补偿,使皮肤变得明亮,才会讨人喜欢。而且

2009-01-20 14:16:00 468

原创 不想家

点开网页,满眼的春运,回家…… 和同学一起吃饭总会被问起年怎么过 不知道 …… 总想让自己忘记日期 在不知不觉中过去这第一个一个人的新年 …… 看到回家的列车 听着同学们讨论 …… 昨夜的梦中仿佛有回到家…… 不想 不想 我不想家 ……

2009-01-18 12:22:00 380

原创 Desire to success

又看到一个86年的歌手 有些失落 迷茫的未来…… http://himuzik.net/blog/2009/01/17/vae-personalize/ 许嵩 - 自定义

2009-01-17 20:11:00 452

原创 Make Pinocchio executable

The tools I have is VS2008, Windows SDK v6.0A, fltk-1.1.9. Open the Pinocchio.sln, upgrade to vs2008 version, just build and run. Things must be noticed: 1. Install fltk correctly! 2. Add FLTKDIR

2009-01-17 20:09:00 389

原创 News Digest 01.16

Carnegie Mellon Mechanical Engineering Researchers Develop New Software to Improve Design Tools Carnegie Mellon News (01/13/09) Swaney, Chriss Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) engineers have devel

2009-01-17 11:02:00 485

原创 [Setup] FLTK - A simple C++ GUI Library

1. Install Windows SDK (v6.0A); 2. Install Visual Studio (v2008 professional); 3. Download latest stable release of FLTK from http://www.fltk.org/index.php (v1.1.9); 4. Extract the fltk to C:/FLTK

2009-01-16 15:01:00 8296 1

原创 [Transferred] Create a new Drive or Partition in Windows Vista

Carefully follow these steps to create a new drive or partition in Windows Vista. I am sure you had a hard time creating additional drives in your older version of Windows. Vista makes it very simpl

2009-01-15 21:59:00 465

原创 News Digest Jan 15

Group Details 25 Most Dangerous Coding Errors Hackers Exploit Computerworld (01/12/09) Vijayan, Jaikumar A group of 35 high-profile organizations, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Secur

2009-01-15 09:24:00 511

原创 【转】唐三彩 英文介绍

Tri-colour Tang Pottery The tri-colour glazed pottery in the Tang style is a Chinese art that dates back 1,300 years. It is so named because it has red, green and white all on one object. Those produ

2009-01-14 15:43:00 7121

原创 [Transferred][Problem]Microsoft Word: "Macros in this project are disabled"

When starting and closing Microsoft Word, a message box appears headed "Microsoft Visual Basic" which states: "The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation

2009-01-14 15:41:00 1505

原创 [转] 当猫爱上蝴蝶

  这只高傲的猫走过美丽的花丛,他没有爱上任何一朵鲜花,他爱上了一只紫色的蝴蝶。       鲜花们向猫展示着美丽,猫却对着蝴蝶说:"我爱你"     蝴蝶用她紫色的微笑说:"我爱的是强者,你知道山林中的虎吗?他是真正的强者"。 猫走了,他去了山里,他要证明自己是强者。猫找到了虎,他义无返顾的和虎缠 斗。虎一抓就结束了战斗。猫在死前用尽余力咬去了虎的鼻子。虎输了,猫

2009-01-14 15:15:00 558

原创 [Design]Step by Step

Anytime when designing an application, try your best to split the work into steps. Dont put every functions into one workspace. For example, in our project, users can select an image from the image

2009-01-14 11:24:00 379

原创 勇敢

曾经也多次想过,如果她申请不上,要等两年多的时间才可以相聚 曾经跟她说过,我会默默的等着她,但是她要开心的过好每一天 曾经还嘲笑她小看我,不就两年的时间嘛 …… 昨天听她说要毕业后过来也许会更好 没有再赖赖的要她立刻现在马上过来 默默的应允 于利于弊 无论从哪个角度来说 过来都是一个错误的选择 …… 为什么不能勇敢的再享受一下单身的乐趣 为什么不能勇敢的一个人去面对 一直

2009-01-13 15:36:00 432

原创 有风

时间:9:03AM 地点:实验室门口 事件:翻找背包,才发现钱包没带,所有出入卡都落在宿舍了。。。打电话。。。“我已经出来啦。。。”。。。180度转身,杀回宿舍。阳光毫不吝啬的照耀着,走,就算是锻炼身体啦。 等再次回到实验室门口,发现自己早已浑身是汗啦,口渴的很,喝水,还呛住了。。。 听到她说在老校区办事情还挺开心的,心情好了很多。。。 【××××××××××××××××××××××××

2009-01-12 22:14:00 418

原创 【台词】爱情左右

1、浪漫男林申:“这是罗丹晚年的一个杰作,雕塑上的老妇曾是一个绮年玉貌,倾倒一世的宫女,现 在是到了色衰貌减,不堪回首的暮年。梦想着永久的青春和美貌,醉心于无穷的幸福与爱情,眼见着这副枯骨衰败零落,悲痛骨铭心!……青春是无情的,送你这座雕塑完全是一个善意的忠告,你可以拒绝我,不要拒绝青春。” 2、古巨基:”造型呢,你的你的胸针,很自然的就成为全场的焦点。还有你的长发和你的高跟鞋,就连成一

2009-01-10 14:28:00 937

原创 [Music]五月天-忘词

  ";" alt="">

2009-01-09 21:40:00 509

原创 [Music]五月天-知足

  ";" alt="">

2009-01-09 20:58:00 442

原创 J.K.Rowling's newest book - The tales of Beedle the Bard

The Tales of Beedle the Bard Publish at Scribd or explore others: Fiction Literature harry potter and the J.K. Rowling

2009-01-08 17:09:00 588

原创 Music & Age

沉醉在与亲人爱人一起的甜蜜中 忽视着一切习惯 时间再没有无聊过 一切都恢复平静无趣 翻看着这段时间的邮件和网页 一张张音乐专辑堆的页面有些目眩 看着介绍突然想到 每天听着同龄人的音乐 想着渺茫的未来 有些失落…… 有时会去想许多事情 真的要长大吗? 不想…… 可是……   【MV】赶路 ";" alt="">

2009-01-08 14:42:00 411

原创 CG Industry magazines and online social networks

3D Artisan 3D World ACM Computing Reviews ACM Queue Advanced Imaging American Cinematographer Animation Magazine Animation Reporter Asia Image CG Plus Thailand CG World Japan + Digital Video

2009-01-08 13:50:00 692

原创 [News Digest]Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Computing: Building a Machine that can Learn from Experience University of Wisconsin-Madison (12/17/08) Smith, Susan Lampert University of Wisconsin-Madison psychiatrist Giulio Tononi is

2009-01-08 11:41:00 568

原创 [Webcasts] 3D game development using DarkGDK

The full series of webcasts by Lee Bamber on 3D game development using DarkGDK is now available to watch on demand. You can watch these individually as your schedule allows, also allowing you to diges

2009-01-08 11:30:00 535

原创 Days without her – 2, sunny

等到夜深,父母入睡,悄悄的给她电话 不知道担心什么 听到她的声音 一切都好 翻看着相机中留下的记忆 爆米花和牛奶的馨香 只停留在了那个小小的西饼屋 那张小桌子……

2009-01-07 13:40:00 465

原创 Take use of the line printer in Soc

Use the line printer in Soc, one can only print *.txt files and must send the print command form Unix environment. Another alternative is to use the SSH client. Obtaining and Installing SSH for Wind

2008-12-16 12:27:00 814

原创 School Wireless problem

When I connect to the wireless network at school, it promotes a login window to login using my socnet id. However, no matter how many times I tried, I was always rejected. I have no idea about how to

2008-12-08 14:38:00 355

原创 [News Digest] 12.06

Virtual Faces Created With Emotions, Moods and Personality University of Balearic Islands (Spain) (12/04/08) A computer model that can display emotions and moods based on facial expressions has

2008-12-06 12:46:00 395

原创 C# 自定义文本编辑器控件中 中文重复出现问题

毕设时做的一个代码编辑器,基于开源项目Fireball(http://www.codeplex.com/dotnetfireball)。在其中实现了语法加亮,括号匹配等通用代码编辑器的基础上,添加了基于DLL文件的智能提示功能。不过随后发现当输入中文的时候,在代码编辑器中会重复出现输入的中文。 最近,当时的老师让修改一下这个bug,追踪代码中的事件处理,发现当输入中文的时候有两个事件WM_IME

2008-12-04 20:00:00 2318 1

原创 [Project] Database design

In the initial database, I would like to create four tables to store the shape data for the annotated characters. A: tbl_image(id[int], category[string], width[int], height[int]) B: tbl_body(id[int]

2008-12-03 21:16:00 493

原创 [Transmitted] Connect to MySQL Database

Opening a connection to MySQL database from PHP is easy. Just use the mysql_connect() function like this $dbhost = localhost; $dbuser = root; $dbpass = password; $conn = mysql_connect($d

2008-12-03 20:49:00 593

原创 [Drawing]Amiy's trip

2008-12-03 17:08:00 335

原创 [Music]The Fray - Over My Head

  ";" alt=""> (Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUtz2QWZ6pQ ) While reading the CGArt digital magazine, one of the background song is this one. The first time listening, I really love this kind

2008-12-03 16:34:00 359

MEL Syntax Highlight File for UltraEdit

MEL Syntax Highlight File for UltraEdit


Evolution Chain CG Game

Aritcle about the new game Spore. Create arbitrary creatures.


Edit Tools: Ultra Editor

Tools for editing, Ultra Editor (Simplified Chinese Edition)


Mel Scripting for Maya Animators

Maya: Mel Scripting for Maya Animators


Foundations of C++ CLI for .NET 3.5

Foundations of C++ CLI for .NET 3.5



Game Programming with C++, 2D, 3D, OGRE SDK



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