关于myeclipse中的DB Browser连接Oracle数据库的问题

我的myeclipse是6.5版, oracle是10.2.0.1的中文版.
   myeclipse启动是英文的,DB Browser死活连不上oracle,报两个错误(具体不记得了).后来看了如下文章,知道了原因。
a quick update on this for all interested parties as I had to research into the very same problem and only found partial answers around.
I am not an Oracle representative so whatever I'm saying, you cannot blame Oracle for it, and you should check for yourself if in doubt.

This is a known bug for Oracle with 10.2.x (up to drivers relating to mixing language and locales, e.g. en_DE or en_IT.
Normally you can set user.language and user.country or NLS_LANG with vmargs on the Eclipse command line, but these drivers will not be able to mix a language with a territory using a particular method, which seems to be the method mostly everybody uses today :-)
It is declared as fixed in, for en_DE at least according to the metalink db.
There is a patch for Oracle DBMS on Windows available to supported customers, but it is not available as a public download as of today. I just checked and the dist is available for public download for Linux; adventurers might want to try downloading the whole distro to extract the jdbc drivers. Check licenses carefully to understand if it's acceptable - I'm not going to do it so I didn't elaborate.
People with metalink access can monitor entry #4629654 (which is specific to en_DE) and related entries to stay updated.
Currently, the easiest workaround is downgrading to 10.1 drivers, unless you need 10.2 explicitly of course.

Generally speaking, if you routinely update your jdbc drivers only because they become available, well my advice is simply *change habit*, and update only if you need to do it for some specific reason. Bugs are frequently solved and re-introduced, unfortunately. This particular situation is not uncommon at all.

This said, I think MyEclipse should think about introducing support for setting language, locale and character sets option at the connection level for at least "major" databases, as this is a very common issue and for professional developers outside of USA, and it is very common to fight with mixed bags of these settings at the same time, even in the same project. It is inconvenient having to start a different instance of MyEclipse to work with different databases, considering the resources needed by MyEclipse to run smoothly, if the only way to set these parameters is on the command line.
I understand there is no standard way to approach setting this parameters programmatically at connection open time across databases, but we're sure the MyEclipse team can come out with a clever idea to work around this issue :-)

Keep up the good work!

    原来是oracle jdbc driver(中的一个bug,不能混合使用连接的语言,我的oracle是中文版的,所以myeclipse的启动要用中文 (-Duser.language=en中的en改为zh)。用中文后,DB Browser可以正常使用了。
    有两个解决方法,一个是改用oracle jdbc driver(,另一个是希望myeclipse中的DB Brower可以设置连接语言。





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