Uniform Server简介

Uniform Server是sourceforge的一个项目。
Uniform Server是一个整合套件,它与分别安装这些服务端软件,从配置上没有更多分别。
Uniform Server用.bat批处理,将diskw子目录里面的文件subst建立一个名为“W”盘符,这是出于安全的考虑。同样出于安全考虑的是,他会用.htaccess设定“Allow from”,只能从127.0.0.1本地访问。如果你确定可以对外开放的时候,需要将这个.htaccess文件移除,或者进行相应修改。
与独立的Apache 2.0版本一样,直接使用它默认的编码设置来浏览中文的网页是会出现乱码的,需要修改diskw/usr/local/Apache2/conf/下的httpd.conf:将AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1改为AddDefaultCharset GB2312。
需要注意的是它存放各个程序的位置,Apache 2、MySQL、PHP和一个perl的解释器在/usr目录下,而phpmyadmin则在/home/admin/WWW/下存放。
Uniform Server同时包括了cgi、php的测试程序用以帮助用户确定程序能够正常运行和开放服务状态。

Uniform Server 3.1 released

Change log for Uniform Server

3.1  - ActivePerl updated to;
     - MySQL updated to 4.0.18;
     - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.6;
     - secure.pm allow from;
     - bugfix in start.bat "subst /D";
     - AddType Application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
3.0  - ActivePerl updated to;
     - MySQL updated to 4.0.17;
     - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.5-RC2;
     - Check for old Apache in start.bat.
     - perl location changed to /usr/bin;
     - /home/unix deleted;
     - mod_dav for dav-fs support added;
     - many minor and major corrections;
     - now it is possible to change the server disk!
     - Script to convert server to NTservices temporally disabled;
     - very new concept!!!

2.8a - PHP updated to 4.3.4;
     - Turck MMCache 2.4.6 added;
     - Kill old Apache in start.bat.
     - PHP: go-pear.bat added;
     - mod_deflate for output compression added;
     - few minor corrections;

2.8 - Apache updated to 2.0.48;
    - PHP updated to 4.3.4RC3;
    - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.4;
    - MySQL updated to 4.0.16;
    - 1 second pause in start.vbs.
    - PHP Zend Optimizer removed (module may be);

2.7 - Apache updated to 2.0.47;
    - PHP updated to 4.3.3;
    - PHP Zend Optimizer v2.1.0 included;
    - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.3;
    - MySQL updated to 4.0.15;

2.6 - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.1;
    - PHP updated to 4.3.2;
    - AddHandler in httpd.conf resolved;

2.5 - Apache updated to 2.0.46;
    - PHP updated to 4.3.2RC4;
    - MySQL updated to 4.0.13;
    - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.5.1-rc1;
    - ActivePerl updated to;
    - AddHandler in httpd.conf still not resolved;

2.4 - Apache updated to 2.0.45;
    - a bug with AddHandler in httpd.conf corrected;

2.3 - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.4.0;
    - MySQL updated to 4.0.12 and included by default;

2.3a1 - PHP updated to 4.3.1;
      - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.4.0-rc2;
      - PrcView updated to;
      - double php.ini removed;
      - configuration script corrected;
      - Some Perl modules added by default;

2.2 - Server directory renamed to UniServer_XX for better compatibility;
    - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.4.0-rc1;
    - by default PHP loads as "Apache 2.0 Filter";
    - in "httpd.conf" one can chouse way in which PHP interacts with Apache;
    - the server serves two copies of php.ini see php.ini;
    - a patch to correct win98 error applied to Apache 2.0.44;
    - my-small.cnf corrected "skip-innodb" by default;
    - Start.vbs added options for start of MySQL and browser;
    - Start.vbs starts browser by default;
    - a lot of minor corrections;

2.1 - Apache updated to 2.0.44;
    - ActivePerl updated to ActivePerl;
    - Uniconfig.php corrected;
    - Start.vbs for hidden start added;

2.0 - PHP updated to 4.3.0;
    - MySQL updated to 3.23.54a;
    - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.3pl1;
    - Few mistakes corrected.

2b4- MySQL configuration file created;
   - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.3;
   - MySQL control scripts changed;
   - Few minor bugs corrected;

2b3- MySQL updated to 3.23.53-max;
   - PrcView updated to;
   - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.2;

2b2- Apache updated to 2.0.43;
   - Added security check in administration scripts;
   - In php.ini session.save_path =w:/tmp;

2b1- Apache updated to 2.0.42;
   - PHP updated to 4.2.3;
   - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.1;
   - Added update script;
   - A bug in MySQL control scripts corrected;

2a2- MySQL updated to 3.23.52;
   - PERl updated to;
   - Added script to convert server to NTservices;
   - Additional futures of PhpMyAdmin preconfigured;
   - Added plugis directory;
   - A lot of minor and major corrections;

2a1- The server combined into one distribution;
   - WSH is not required any more;
   - "Serveradmin" directory renamed to "admin";
   - administration scripts modified;
   - execution of cgi scripts outside of defined aliases restricted;
   - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.0;
   - 7z archive used for is distribution packages;
   - Added scripts to control Apache2 as service on windows NT.

1.10.NT - Uniform server configuration script extended;
        - windows to unix script bug corrected;
        - phpMyAdmin updated to 2.3.0-rc4
        - start.vbs - starts browser;
        - short documentation added;
        - Register globals in PHP.ini is on by default!!!
          (not most secure but compatible with old scripts);
        - A lot of minor corrections;

1.9.NT - PHP updated to 4.2.2.

1.8.NT - PHP.ini minor bug corrected;
       - unused apache modules deleted;
       - The distributions are split for 95, 98 or ME and NT, 2000 or XP;

1.8 - Design of main page optimized;
    - Apache configuration added;
    - Administration scripts corrected;

1.7 - Apache, MySQL, PhpMyadmin - Updated;
    - Minor bugfix and optimization;

1.6.1  - The problem with mysql stop corrected;

1.6 - Minor bugfix;
    - Server temporally directory improved;
    - httpd.conf -> LogFormat -> combined;

1.5 - Major bugfix;
    - documentation links added;

1.4 - Bug fix;
    - security update;
    - test pages added;

1.3 - First public release.

Servermin - Original idea and first release.

(c) Anatoliy and Taras Slobodskyy




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