PHP This! A Beginners Guide To Learning Object Oriented PHP

PHP This! A Beginners Guide to Learning Object Oriented PHP

This 159 page eBook is available for direct download in PDF format
What readers are saying about PHP This!

" $8 eBook helped get me an $92k/yr job!!!" 
- Raj N. (Dallas, TX)

"This book was a smart choice!! I only had two weeks to get up to speed with PHP 5.4 for a project at my job and this book helped me do that!! I didn't have time for a complex book with enigmatic examples, this book made it easy to understand." 
- Seiji T. (Houston, TX)

"...the restaurant menu application really brought everything together. I feel so empowered to understand all of this now!!"
- Ajay Z. (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"Thank you for making this so simple to understand!"
- Praveen D. (Delhi)

"This book helped me get my first PHP dev job. Thank you!"
- Sergio L. (NYC)

"... and I like how all the instructions are layed out for Mac, Linux and Windows. I use all three platforms..."
- Marie S. (Chicago, Illinois)

Why spend countless ours of Internet research trying to teach yourself how to be a PHP Developer when this eBook has it all on one convenient place?

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This eBook is only $7.95, a small but smart investment that can DRASTICALLY enhance your ability to make a lot of money and start a fulfilling career!!!!
  • Easily learn essential PHP Developer job skills.

  • Build a full blown custom Model-View-Controller application. The source code and database is downloadable so you can easily follow along and build your first PHP MVC application. The application is a Restaurant Menu Management System that has add, edit, delete and view capability which are all essential functionality for any database driven application but here you learn to build it using the MVC pattern with object oriented PHP.

  • Learn about unit-testing with PHPUnit

  • Learn Source Code Management with SVN

  • Learn how to use the PEAR Library

PHP This! is a beginners book for developers who are new to advanced PHP web development.

The goal of PHP This! is to teach the PHP skills needed to be a junior PHP developer. These skills include an introduction to object oriented PHP theory and instruction on how to apply that theory to build a full custom database driven MVC application (restaurant menu management system), learn unit testing with PHPUnit and code management with SVN.

The instruction provided by this book also applies to experienced software engineers with expertise in other languages who have not had the opportunity yet to learn object oriented PHP or to those who are new to web development altogether.

Object Oriented concepts can be confusing at first that is why PHP This! provides a simple way to explain a confusing subject. The clear explanations and examples will quickly teach you what Object Oriented PHP is and how to use it, test it and manage it.

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