A week went again

A week went again.
This 7 days(8 days, more exactly) ocurrs some things affect me deeply.

(1) Last Saturday: Team building to aerospace city.
(2) Monday:        The message about my paper can not make public for some reasons
(3) WednesDay:     Delightness to know how to deploy the ear from command line
(4) Thursday:      Dong's Leaving and the message about Lin's Leaving next week
(5) Friday:        My file bugs which almost cause the whole team down.
(6) Friday         Evening: A party in Guo's home

Yes, you see. This is what happens this week.

(1) About the team building 
    This is the first time to attend a team building as a worker. I don't like to attend the team building when I was a student for some reason. Maybe I don't like the opposed atmosphere between teaming building and working time. But I like to attend the skater's
party     for they are always the same -- the positive spirit and no rivalry. 
   When we arrived the gate of the aerospace city, the Manager said to all of us, "If
you met some troubles, you could say you are a IBMer." Yes, I want to be a real IBMer. We came to the command and control center of "ShenZhou 6".
    To my surprising, I really feel I am proud of being Chinese after saw the introduction
film about the whole system. And then we go swimming, bowling, playing Sinuoke and pingpang seperately. And some of them I don't even hear of, like "Shahu Ball".
    After that we are all exhaustion. And go to the aerospace heros' resturant to have
supper. I reall love this team building and because I am a customer as IBMer. I began to love IBM more and more, for the glad atmosphere, positive spirit.
(2) About the paper
      I really don't want to make Mr. Liu unhappy, but it is true. My mentor told me that
the paper's space fee had not been delivered to the publishing house for my sudden left. I didn't want to do that, but I had no choice. My mentor told me that I might pay by myself if I want to publish and he had no capital for this. I don't want to do that, for it maybe make Mr.Liu more angry with me and it is not a small number. This is my first paper, you see, this is the result and it is the cost of my coming as an Intern.

(3) About the tips of deploying
 I really don't know how to deploy the ear to WAS and I googled it and baidued it
for some times, but I can't find a good result. I must call Yellow for help. Yes, Yellow gave me a buddy who is familiar with WAS. And he gave a favor for telling me how to deploy it for brief. And I try to call the exe for ant file and it came to a good result finally.

(4) About the leaving
 Doing has left CDL and Lin said she would left next week. This message made me
really unhappy for hating looking the picture of leaving and it would turn my stomach again on my leaving several month later. Yes, I hate leaving, the scene of leaving. What is more important is friends flash across my heaven again and again.

(5) About the bugs
 The bugs I made almost cause the whole team down! It is a logic error in the ISMP file and I send it to Yellow. Compilinig error caused the build failed for the first time, but yellow didn't find it. Logic error caused the build cannot install on a machine if he modify the default installation address. Lu began to complain and then Lin, Guo...Finally it came to Wu's turn. My God...

(6) About the party

    A party hold in Guo's family. 10 colleges took part in the wonderful party. And I really love it.(To be continued...)

And this is the whole story about this week. Maybe I must work harder for this chance does not come as easily as I thought.

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### 回答1: 《一周学会使用Perl编写CGI程序》这本书是一本针对初学者设计的指南,它将帮助读者理解并学会使用Perl编写CGI程序。这本书的整体结构紧凑,通过简单易懂的语言和实用的示例来讲解Perl语言和CGI编程。 在第一周的学习中,读者将了解到Perl语言的基础知识。他们将学习如何安装Perl解释器和编辑器,了解Perl的语法规则和基本数据类型。通过这样的学习,读者将能够编写简单的Perl脚本,并逐步了解如何构建网页和处理用户输入。 第二周的学习将重点介绍CGI编程的概念和原理,以及如何将Perl与CGI结合起来使用。通过实际的实例和案例,读者将学习如何编写CGI脚本,包括如何处理表单数据、生成动态内容和与数据库交互等等。 在接下来的几天里,读者将学习如何创建和设计动态网页。他们将学习如何使用Perl编写脚本,将数据从数据库中提取并在网页中展示。同时,他们还将学习如何使用Perl的各种库和模块来简化编程工作,并提升网页的功能和交互性。 最终,读者将能够独立开发CGI程序,并将其部署到Web服务器上。他们将具备处理用户输入、生成动态内容和与数据库交互的能力。这本书的学习过程将帮助读者建立起坚实的Perl和CGI编程基础,为他们未来更深入地探索Web开发和应用提供了良好的基础。 总而言之,《一周学会使用Perl编写CGI程序》是一本循序渐进、易于理解的教程,它将帮助读者快速掌握Perl和CGI编程的基本知识和技能。无论是初学者还是有一定编程基础的人都可以通过这本书来快速入门和提升自己的编程水平。 ### 回答2: 学习在一周内用Perl进行CGI编程的方法很多,但是要真正掌握CGI编程需要更多的时间和努力。以下是一些可以帮助你快速入门的步骤: 1. 学习Perl语言基础:在开始学习CGI编程之前,你需要对Perl语言有一定的了解。了解变量、数组、条件语句和循环等基本概念,并尝试编写一些简单的Perl脚本。 2. 理解CGI基本原理:理解CGI的基本工作原理对于学习CGI编程非常重要。了解HTTP请求和响应的过程,以及CGI程序如何与Web服务器进行通信。 3. 学习CGI编程概念:了解CGI程序的结构、CGI环境变量和CGI参数的使用方法。熟悉如何获取和处理表单数据、文件上传以及Cookie等常见的CGI编程任务。 4. 编写简单的CGI程序:从一个简单的例子开始,如打印"Hello World"到网页上。通过编写简单的CGI程序,你可以熟悉Perl如何执行CGI任务,并了解如何与浏览器进行交互。 5. 学习HTML和CSS:HTML和CSS是网页设计的基础,对于CGI编程也是必须掌握的。了解HTML的基本标签和属性,以及如何使用CSS样式和布局。 6. 掌握数据库连接:学习如何使用Perl连接和操作数据库是CGI编程的重要一步。了解如何使用Perl模块来连接MySQL或其他数据库,并执行查询、插入和更新操作。 7. 实践和调试:通过实践编写更复杂的CGI程序,并进行调试。尝试处理用户输入、验证表单数据等常见的任务,同时学习如何处理错误和异常情况。 总之,学习CGI编程需要时间和耐心。一周的时间可能不足以掌握所有的细节,但通过有序的学习和实践,你可以在短时间内入门并开始编写简单的CGI程序。 ### 回答3: 想要在一周内自学使用Perl编程进行CGI编程,可以按照以下步骤进行: 第一步是了解CGI(通用网关接口)的基本概念和原理。CGI是一种标准化的方式,用于在Web服务器和应用程序之间传输数据。学习CGI的基础知识,包括HTTP请求、表单数据处理等。 第二步是学习Perl编程语言的基础知识。Perl是一种强大的脚本语言,广泛用于Web开发。学习Perl的基本语法、变量、操作符、函数等。 第三步是学习如何使用Perl编写CGI程序。了解CGI程序的结构和工作原理,学习如何接收和处理HTTP请求,以及如何生成动态的网页内容。还需学习如何处理表单数据,进行输入验证,以及如何与数据库交互等。 第四步是实践编写简单的CGI程序。选择一个简单的项目,如创建一个简单的表单提交页面或网页计算器。通过实践,加深对Perl和CGI的理解,并提升编程技巧。 第五步是继续深入学习和探索。了解更高级的Perl和CGI技术,如正则表达式、文件处理、会话管理等。还可以学习常见的Perl模块,如CGI.pm和DBI.pm,以提高开发效率和功能性。 最后,持续实践和学习。一周的时间可能不足以精通CGI编程,但通过持续的实践和学习,可以逐渐提升自己的编程能力,并不断掌握更多的技术和知识。 总之,想要在一周内自学使用Perl编程进行CGI编程,需要有基础的编程知识和学习能力,并将实践与理论相结合,不断提升自己的技能水平。


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