Z-Wave Multi Channel overview

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Multi Channel应用场景例子:

*  具有多个插孔的电源插线板; 每个插孔的功能是相同的;每个插孔通过Multi Channel可以独立控制,独立管理电量等参数; 整个插线板作为一个完整的zwave node存在,共享一个Z-Wave无线电通讯; 整个插线板也可以total的电量计量功能。

* 具有多个按键的墙上电源开关; 每个按键可以独立控制一个设备,例如一盏灯; 整个墙上电源开关作为一个完整的Z-Wave node存在,共享同一个Z-Wave无线电通讯。

* 可以分别测量室内和室外温度的温度计; 室内温度计测量室内温度,室外温度计测量室外温度,将两个温度计整个在同一个设备内(例如空调可以同时显示室内温度,室外温度),作为一个完整的zwave node存在,共享一个Z-Wave无线电通讯;

3.6 Multi Channel overview

The section presentsthe concept of Multi Channel End Points. The concept ties closely to commandclasses such as Multi Channel Command Class, Multi Channel Association CommandClass, Association Group Information Command Class as well as the Z-Wave PlusIcon Type. Multi Channel functionality may be used for controlling as well asfor supporting devices.

3.6.1 Terminology

A Z-Wave node isconceptually an application resource in a plastic box communicating via aZ-Wave radio. Composite devices pack multiple application resources in the sameplastic box, thus sharing the same Z-Wave radio. Application resources canalways be addressed individually.


Within a network, aZ-Wave node is identified by its NodeID. The NodeID represents the plastic boxand the radio. Multi-resource devices are organized as Multi Channel EndPoints. Each application resource is identified by its own unique End Point.The plastic box itself is referred to as the Root Device.

在Z-Wave网络中,Z-Wave节点通过NodeID进行唯一识别。NodeID代表塑料盒子和无线电;多资源的复合设备可以通过Multi Channel End Point来进行组织识别。每个应用程序资源都有它自己的唯一End Point识别,塑料盒子自己作为Root Device。

Multi ChannelEncapsulation allows a sending node to specify a source End Point and adestination End Point. Further, the destination End Point may be structured asa multicast mask, targeting up to 7 End Points by one command. Multi ChannelEncapsulation is used for transmission from one End Point to another, from anEnd Point to a Root Device as well as from a Root Device to an End Point.

多通道封装允许发送节点指定源End Point和目标End Point。此外,目的地终点可以被构造为多播掩码,通过一个命令定向多达7个终点。 多通道封装用于从一个端点传输到另一端点,从端点到根设备,以及根设备到端点。

Multi ChannelEncapsulation is not used between Root Devices.



An Aggregated EndPoint implements a function which relates to multiple individual End Points. AnAggregated End Point is addressed just as an individual End Point. One exampleof an Aggregated End Point is a common power meter of a power strip whichmeasures the total power consumption of all End Points. The aggregation of EndPoints should not be confused with multicast addressing. Sending a Meter Resetcommand via multi-End Point addressing to all individual End Points causes allindividual End Points to reset their individual meters. Sending a Meter Resetcommand to the Aggregated End Point causes the common power meter to be reset.

聚合EndPoint实现将多个单独End point相关的功能整合成一个来使用。 聚合End Point就像每个独立的End Point一样被寻址。 聚合端点的一个例子具有多个插孔的插线板,测量这个电源插线板所有端点的总功耗的通用功率计就是一个聚合End Point。 端点的聚合不应与多播寻址混淆。 通过多端点寻址发送Meter Reset命令到所有单个端点将导致所有单独的端点重置其各自的仪表。 将Meter Reset命令发送到聚合端点会使公用功率计复位。


Bridging devices mayprovide connectivity to other technologies than Z-Wave via dynamic End Points.Dynamic End Points may be created, changed or removed.


A controlling deviceMAY use Multi Channel encapsulation to communicate with Multi Channel EndPoints in other devices. If such a controlling device does not implement anyEnd Points, the device MUST NOT advertise the Multi Channel Command Class inthe Node Information Frame.

控制设备可以使用多通道封装与其他设备中的多通道端点进行通信。 如果一个控制设备没有实现任何端点,则设备不得在节点信息帧中通告多信道命令类。


One may create aMulti Channel Association to allow an End Point to control another End Point.The End Point may also control a Root Device. Likewise, a Multi ChannelAssociation may be created to allow a Root Device to control an End Point.

可以创建多通道关联(Multi Channel Association)以允许终点控制另一端点。 终点还可以控制根设备。 同样,可以创建多通道关联(Multi Channel Association)以允许根设备控制终点。


The AssociationGroup Information advertises the association capabilities of each AssociationGroup in each End Point as well as in the Root Device.




3.6.2 Backwardscompatibility

The Multi Channelconcept provides a toolbox for sub-addressing. Any controlling device shouldimplement the functionality required to interact with supporting Multi Channeldevices.

多渠道概念提供了一个用于子寻址的工具箱。 任何控制设备应实现与支持多通道设备交互所需的功能。

Legacy devices onlyunderstand the concept of the Root Device. Therefore, a Multi Channel deviceproviding multiple application resources also provides a meaningful subset ofthe application functionality via the Root Device on behalf of one or more EndPoints.


One example is acomposite temperature and humidity sensor, which exposes the humidity sensorfunctionality via the Root Device as if the device was a stand-alonetemperature sensor.


Another example is a5-output power strip implemented as 5 Multi Channel End Points. The Root Deviceexposes one Binary Switch resource but a command to the Root Device spawnsinternal control commands to all outputs, so the Root Device acts as a masterswitch.

另一个例子是实现为5个多通道端点的有5个插孔的电源插线板。 根设备显示他是一个二进制开关设备,但是发送给根设备的命令又会产生对所有插孔的内部控制命令,因此根设备充当主开关设备。

It is seen that themapping of application functionality to the Root Device depends heavily on theactual product feature set. However, a few principles apply:

1. The Root Device provides access to the primaryfunctionality of the actual product. 跟设备提供对实际设备的主要功能的访问控制。

2. The Root Device of a Multi Channel device does notimplement any application functionality that cannot be reached via End Points.

3. The Root Deviceof a Multi Channel always presents functionality, which can also be reached viaEnd Point 1. If it makes sense in the actual product, a Root Device command mayaffect more End Points than End Point 1. 多通道的根设备对外呈现的是End Point 1对应的那个功能。如果在实际产品中有意义,根设备命令可能会影响比端点1更多的端点


As it is optionalhow to forward commands from the Root Device to multiple End Points, one cannotbe sure that a command to the Root Device will target all End Points. The MultiChannel multicast feature may be used to send a Set command to the first 7 EndPoints. Alternatively, one may communicate to each individual End Point. Thisworks for Set as well as Get commands.

由于Root Device如何将命令转发到多个终点这个特性是可选的,所以不能确定发给Root Device的命令都会被发送给所有End Point。可以使用多通道多播功能将Set命令发送到设备的前7个End Points。或者,可以向每个单独的端点通信。这适用于Set和Get命令。


3.6.3GUI presentation

TheRoot Device always advertises application functionality, even when theapplication functionality is actually provided by forwarding commands to one ormore End Points of the device.


Management toolsmay have a need to present expanded views of Multi Channel devices, e.g. in thefloor plan view of a smart home deployment. By ignoring application-styleCommand Classes supported by one or more End Points, the Root Device can bepresented the way it really works.



3.6.4Applicability examples

 A gateway may target a destination EndPoint to control the individual output of a power strip。网关可以以某个EndPoint为目的地来控制电源插线板的某个插孔。

 A gateway may create a Multi Channel Associationfrom the Root Device Lifeline association group of a two-channel indoor/outdoortemperature sensor to receive sensor reports. The Multi Channel encapsulationsource End Point allows the gateway to distinguish indoor readings from outdoorreadings. 网关可以创建一个从双channel室内/室外温度传感器的根设备生命线关联组创建多通道关联,以接收传感器报告。 多通道封装中的源端点可以让网关区分出接收到的温度数据是室内读数还是室外读数。

 One End Point of adual End Point indoor/outdoor temperature sensor may have a (non-Multi Channel)association created to control the Root Device of an air conditioner on basisof the measured indoor temperature.

双End Point室内/室外温度传感器的一个端点可以具有基于测量的室内温度来控制空调的根设备的(非多通道)关联。这样就可以实现基于温度来联动控制空调。





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