
<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <title>How to redeem Xbox gold membership with coupon</title>
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        <!-- STEP 1 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 1. Get a coupon from ebay message

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>After you have made a payment to the xbox live membership card on ebay. Our system will send you an email within few minutes.
                From the email you will receive a coupon code of 12 characters which is a voucher for you to redeem your xbox live membership key.
                The email    from ebay message will look like as the following.</p>
            <p>Copy this coupon code to memory or mark it down. You will need it later on when you access our website to redeem the key.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="ebay_msg" role="img" aria-label="Read the ebay message with coupon">
                <span class="inner">

        <!-- STEP 2 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 2. Signup to MMOGMart.com

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>Go to the main page of www.MMOGMart.com or by accessing <a href=" https://www.mmogmart.com">this</a> link.</p>
            <p>Go to the login page by clicking the button on top corner as shown in the picture below  or by accessing <a href=" https://www.mmogmart.com/customer/account/login/">this</a> link.</p></p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="mmogmart" role="img" aria-label="MMOGMart main page">
                <span class="inner">
        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>At login page, you can login directly with your social network account like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Instagram. In this way you will save your time and do not need to fill in extra information to MMOGMart.com</p>
            <p>Some people may worry MMOGMart.com may use their social network to promote. Don't worry we are bounded by the service agreement of these social networks' API. And we promise we won't use these connections to the Social networks to promote anything without your authorization.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="sslogin" role="img" aria-label="MMOGMart Social Network Login">
                <span class="inner">

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>If you feel more comfortable to create an account with us and not using the social network to login, you may click <a href=" https://www.mmogmart.com">here</a> to sign up youself.</p>
            <p>To sign up with MMOGMart.com, you will get the benefit to enjoy our latest promotion and discount, we have monthly promotion activities of total value of 1 million pounds and most of these activities are exclusive to members only.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="create_account" role="img" aria-label="Create MMOGMart Account">

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>When you create account, please fill in the email address that you want the xbox membership key send to</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="login_form" role="img" aria-label="Fill in the login form">
                <span class="inner">

        <!-- STEP 3 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 3. Confirm your email address

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>After you submit the sign up form from MMOGMart.com, open the email which you used to registered the MMOGMart account.</p>
            <p>You will receive a confirmation email sent out by Virtual Reality of MMOGMart. There will be a link name &quot;this confirmation link&quot; to validate your email address.</p>
            <p>Please make sure the confirmation email is not in your junk mail box. If this is the case please mark it as not junk before clicking the confirmation link.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="email_confirm" role="img" aria-label="MMOGMart email confirmation">
                <span class="inner">

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>After you click on the confirmation link from your mailbox, you will be forwarded back to MMOGMart and complete the sign in.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="after_confirmation" role="img" aria-label="MMOGMart email confirmation completed">
                <span class="inner">

        <!-- STEP 4 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 4. Choose the product to redeem

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>Go to <a href=" http://www.mmogmart.com/gifts-gadgets.html">this</a> product page to choose the product to redeem and press &quot;add to card&quot;.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="add_to_cart" role="img" aria-label="Add product to cart">
                <span class="inner">

        <!-- STEP 5 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 5. Apply coupon to redeem

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>You have been bring to your shopping cart page.</p>
            <p>At this stage the grand total amount is not zero.</p>
            <p>Under &quot;DISCOUNT CODE&quot; there is a field, fill in the coupon you have received from ebay message in STEP 1.</p>
            <p>Press apply.</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="apply_coupon" role="img" aria-label="Apply coupon">
                <span class="inner">

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>If you apply the coupon and get an error message like below, you probably have not login to the site yet. Please login to the site with the account you have created from STEP 2.</p>
            <p>Try to use USD instead of other currency when you apply the coupon</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="coupon_invalid" role="img" aria-label="Apply coupon">
                <span class="inner">
        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>After you have applied the coupon the grand total will becomes zero.</p>
            <p>Now you can press &quot;Proceed to Checkout&quot;</p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="proceed_checkout" role="img" aria-label="Apply coupon">
                <span class="inner">

        <!-- STEP 6 -->
        <span class="steps_title">
            STEP 6. Get the membership key

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>After you press proceed to checkout, you follow the instructions from the page to jump through the pages</p>
            <p>On Page 2 <strong>Billing Information</strong>, make sure you select <strong>&quot;No Payment Information Required&quot;</strong></p>

        <div class="resp_img">
            <span id="no_payment" role="img" aria-label="No payment information required">
                <span class="inner">

        <span class="steps_content">
            <p>You will receive the membership key in your registered email address after you complete the checkout process.</p>



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                /* after confirmation */
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                /* apply coupon */
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                /* no payment information required */
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


