附录 F,GSM 无线资源管理的详尽原因


Cause value = 0  Normal release;正常释放

indicatesthat the channel is released because of a normal event.

Cause value = 1  Abnormal release, unspecified;异常释放,没有具体说明

indicatesthat the channel is released because of an abnormal event without specifyingfurther reasons.

Cause value = 2  Abnormal release, channelunacceptable;

indicatesthat the channel type or channel characteristics are not acceptable.

Cause value = 3  Abnormal release, timer expired;

indicatingthat the release is caused by a timer expiry.

Cause value = 4  Abnormal release, no activity onradio path;

indicatingthat some supervisory function has detected that channel is not active.

Cause value = 5  Preemptive release;

indicatesthat the channel is released in order to be allocated to a call with priority(e.g. an emergency call).

Cause value = 65 Call already cleared;

indicatingthat a handover is unsuccessful because the connection has been released bythe network or the remote user.

Cause value = 95 Invalid message, unspecified;See Annex H, section H5.10.

Cause value = 97 Message type non-existent or not implemented;See Annex H, section H6.2.

Cause value = 98 Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented;SeeAnnex H, section H6.3

Cause value = 100 Invalid information element contents;See Annex H, section H6.5

Cause value = 111 Protocol error unspecified;See Annex H, section H6.8.

ANNEX G(to Recommendation GSM 04.08)

GSM specific cause values for mobilitymanagement

G.1  Causes related to MSidentification

Cause value = 1  Unallocated TMSI.

This cause issent to the MS if the MS identifies itself by a TMSI which is notallocated inthe relevant location area and open identification is not requested.

Cause value = 2  IMSI unknown in HLR

This cause issent to the MS if the MS is not known (registered) in the HRL.

Cause value = 3  Illegal MS

This cause issent to the MS when the MS does not pass the authentication check, i.e.the SRES received from the MS is different from that generated by the network.

Cause value = 4  IMSI unknown in VLR

This cause issent to the MS when the given IMSI is not known at the VLR.

Cause value = 5  IMEI not accepted

This cause issent to the MS if the IMEI given cannot be accepted by the network.

G.2  Cause related tosubscription options

Cause value = 11 PLMN not allowed

This cause issent to the MS if it requests location updating in a PLMN where the MS, bysubscription is not allowed to operate.

Cause value = 12 Location Area not allowed

This cause issent to the MS if it requests location updating in a Locationn area w

1 Unassiagned number(未分配的号码(空号)) 3 No route to destination(无至目的地的路由) 6 Channel unacceptable(不可接受的信道) 16 Normal clearing(正常清除) 17 User busy(用户忙) 18 No user responding(无用户响应) 19 User alerting,no answer(已有用户提醒,但无应答) 21 Call rejected(呼叫拒绝) 22 Number changed(号码改变) 26 Non selected user clearing(清除未选择的用户) 27 Destination out of order(终点故障) 28 Incomplete number(无效号码格式(不完全的号码)) 29 Facility rejected(设施被拒绝) 30 Response to status enquiry(对状态询问的响应) 31 Normal,unspecified(正常,未规定) 34 No circuit/channel available(无电路/信道可用) 38 Network out of order(网络故障) 41 Temporary failure(临时故障) 42 Switching equipment congestion(交换设备拥塞) 43 Access information discarded(接入信息被丢弃) 44 Requested circuit/channel not available(请求的电路/信道不可用) 47 Resources unavailable,unspecified(资源不可用,未规定) 49 Quality of service unavailable(服务质量不可用) 50 Requested facility not subscribed(未预订所请求的设施) 55 Incoming calls barred within the CUG 57 Bearer capability not authorized(承载能力未认可) 58 Bearer capability not presently available(承载能力目前不可用) 63 Service or option not available,unspecified(无适用的业务或任选项目,未规定) 65 Bearer service not implemented(承载业务不能实现) 68 ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax 69 Requested facility not implemented(所请求的设施不能实现) 70 Only restricted digital information bearer(仅能获得受限数字信息承载能力) 79 Service or option not implemented(业务不能实现,未规定) 81 Invalid transaction identrfier value(无效处理识别码) 87 User not member of CUG 88 Incompatible destination(非兼容目的地址) 91 Invalid mandatory information(无效过渡网选择) 95 Semantically incorrect message(无效消息,未规定) 96 Invalid mandatory information(必选消息单元差错) 97 Message type non-existent or not implemented(消息类型不存在或不能实现) 98 Message type not compatible with protocol state(消息与控制状态不兼容,消息类型不存在或不能实现) 99 Information element non-existent or not implemented(信息单元不存在或不能实现) 100 Conditional IE error(无效信息单元内容) 101 Message not compatible with protocol state(消息与呼叫状态不兼容) 102 Recovery on timer expiry(定时器超时恢复) 111 Protocol error,unspecified(协议差错,未规定) 127 Interworking,unspecified(互通,未规定)
评论 1




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