



	 * 获取增加多少月的时间
	 * @return addMonth - 增加多少月
	public static Date getAddMonthDate(int addMonth) {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, addMonth);
		return calendar.getTime();

	 * 获取增加多少天的时间
	 * @return addDay - 增加多少天
	public static Date getAddDayDate(int addDay) {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, addDay);
		return calendar.getTime();
	 * 获取增加多少小时的时间
	 * @return addDay - 增加多少消失
	public static Date getAddHourDate(int addHour) {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, addHour);
		return calendar.getTime();

2、按照  yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm等格式显示日期,主要用到的API为:SimpleDateFormat,Time


	 * 显示时间格式为 hh:mm
	 * @param context
	 * @param when
	 * @return String
	public static String formatTimeShort(Context context, long when) {
		String formatStr = "HH:mm";
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr);
		String temp = sdf.format(when);
		if (temp != null && temp.length() == 5 && temp.substring(0, 1).equals("0")) {
			temp = temp.substring(1);
		return temp;


	 * 显示时间格式为今天、昨天、yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm
	 * @param context
	 * @param when
	 * @return String
	public static String formatTimeString(Context context, long when) {
		Time then = new Time();
		Time now = new Time();

		String formatStr;
		if (then.year != now.year) {
			formatStr = "yyyy/MM/dd";
		} else if (then.yearDay != now.yearDay) {
			// If it is from a different day than today, show only the date.
			formatStr = "MM/dd";
		} else {
			// Otherwise, if the message is from today, show the time.
			formatStr = "HH:MM";

		if (then.year == now.year && then.yearDay == now.yearDay) {
			return context.getString(R.string.date_today);
		} else if ((then.year == now.year) && ((now.yearDay - then.yearDay) == 1)) {
			return context.getString(R.string.date_yesterday);
		} else {
			SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr);
			String temp = sdf.format(when);
			if (temp != null && temp.length() == 5 && temp.substring(0, 1).equals("0")) {
				temp = temp.substring(1);
			return temp;

             DateUtils.formatDateTime(this, System.getTimeMillis(), DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME);



	 * 是否同一天
	 * @param date1
	 * @param date2
	 * @return
	public static boolean isSameDate(long date1, long date2) {
		long days1 = date1 / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
		long days2 = date2 / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
		return days1 == days2;


public class DateUtils
    private static final Object sLock = new Object();
    private static Configuration sLastConfig;
    private static java.text.DateFormat sStatusTimeFormat;
    private static String sElapsedFormatMMSS;
    private static String sElapsedFormatHMMSS;

    private static final String FAST_FORMAT_HMMSS = "%1$d:%2$02d:%3$02d";
    private static final String FAST_FORMAT_MMSS = "%1$02d:%2$02d";
    private static final char TIME_SEPARATOR = ':';

    public static final long SECOND_IN_MILLIS = 1000;
    public static final long MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = SECOND_IN_MILLIS * 60;
    public static final long HOUR_IN_MILLIS = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * 60;
    public static final long DAY_IN_MILLIS = HOUR_IN_MILLIS * 24;
    public static final long WEEK_IN_MILLIS = DAY_IN_MILLIS * 7;
     * This constant is actually the length of 364 days, not of a year!
    public static final long YEAR_IN_MILLIS = WEEK_IN_MILLIS * 52;

    // The following FORMAT_* symbols are used for specifying the format of
    // dates and times in the formatDateRange method.
    public static final int FORMAT_SHOW_TIME = 0x00001;
    public static final int FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY = 0x00002;
    public static final int FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR = 0x00004;
    public static final int FORMAT_NO_YEAR = 0x00008;
    public static final int FORMAT_SHOW_DATE = 0x00010;
    public static final int FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY = 0x00020;
    public static final int FORMAT_12HOUR = 0x00040;
    public static final int FORMAT_24HOUR = 0x00080;
    public static final int FORMAT_CAP_AMPM = 0x00100;
    public static final int FORMAT_NO_NOON = 0x00200;
    public static final int FORMAT_CAP_NOON = 0x00400;
    public static final int FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT = 0x00800;
    public static final int FORMAT_CAP_MIDNIGHT = 0x01000;
     * @deprecated Use
     * {@link #formatDateRange(Context, Formatter, long, long, int, String) formatDateRange}
     * and pass in {@link Time#TIMEZONE_UTC Time.TIMEZONE_UTC} for the timeZone instead.
    public static final int FORMAT_UTC = 0x02000;
    public static final int FORMAT_ABBREV_TIME = 0x04000;
    public static final int FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY = 0x08000;
    public static final int FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH = 0x10000;
    public static final int FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE = 0x20000;
    public static final int FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE = 0x40000;
    public static final int FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL = 0x80000;

    // Date and time format strings that are constant and don't need to be
    // translated.
     * This is not actually the preferred 24-hour date format in all locales.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final String HOUR_MINUTE_24 = "%H:%M";
    public static final String MONTH_FORMAT = "%B";
     * This is not actually a useful month name in all locales.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final String ABBREV_MONTH_FORMAT = "%b";
    public static final String NUMERIC_MONTH_FORMAT = "%m";
    public static final String MONTH_DAY_FORMAT = "%-d";
    public static final String YEAR_FORMAT = "%Y";
    public static final String YEAR_FORMAT_TWO_DIGITS = "%g";
    public static final String WEEKDAY_FORMAT = "%A";
    public static final String ABBREV_WEEKDAY_FORMAT = "%a";

    // This table is used to lookup the resource string id of a format string
    // used for formatting a start and end date that fall in the same year.
    // The index is constructed from a bit-wise OR of the boolean values:
    // {showTime, showYear, showWeekDay}.  For example, if showYear and
    // showWeekDay are both true, then the index would be 3.
    /** @deprecated do not use. */
    public static final int sameYearTable[] = {,,,,,,,,

        // Numeric date strings,,,,,,,,

    // This table is used to lookup the resource string id of a format string
    // used for formatting a start and end date that fall in the same month.
    // The index is constructed from a bit-wise OR of the boolean values:
    // {showTime, showYear, showWeekDay}.  For example, if showYear and
    // showWeekDay are both true, then the index would be 3.
    /** @deprecated do not use. */
    public static final int sameMonthTable[] = {,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

     * Request the full spelled-out name. For use with the 'abbrev' parameter of
     * {@link #getDayOfWeekString} and {@link #getMonthString}.
     * @more <p>
     *       e.g. "Sunday" or "January"
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final int LENGTH_LONG = 10;

     * Request an abbreviated version of the name. For use with the 'abbrev'
     * parameter of {@link #getDayOfWeekString} and {@link #getMonthString}.
     * @more <p>
     *       e.g. "Sun" or "Jan"
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final int LENGTH_MEDIUM = 20;

     * Request a shorter abbreviated version of the name.
     * For use with the 'abbrev' parameter of {@link #getDayOfWeekString} and {@link #getMonthString}.
     * @more
     * <p>e.g. "Su" or "Jan"
     * <p>In most languages, the results returned for LENGTH_SHORT will be the same as
     * the results returned for {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final int LENGTH_SHORT = 30;

     * Request an even shorter abbreviated version of the name.
     * Do not use this.  Currently this will always return the same result
     * as {@link #LENGTH_SHORT}.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final int LENGTH_SHORTER = 40;

     * Request an even shorter abbreviated version of the name.
     * For use with the 'abbrev' parameter of {@link #getDayOfWeekString} and {@link #getMonthString}.
     * @more
     * <p>e.g. "S", "T", "T" or "J"
     * <p>In some languages, the results returned for LENGTH_SHORTEST will be the same as
     * the results returned for {@link #LENGTH_SHORT}.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static final int LENGTH_SHORTEST = 50;

     * Return a string for the day of the week.
     * @param dayOfWeek One of {@link Calendar#SUNDAY Calendar.SUNDAY},
     *               {@link Calendar#MONDAY Calendar.MONDAY}, etc.
     * @param abbrev One of {@link #LENGTH_LONG}, {@link #LENGTH_SHORT},
     *               {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}, or {@link #LENGTH_SHORTEST}.
     *               Note that in most languages, {@link #LENGTH_SHORT}
     *               will return the same as {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}.
     *               Undefined lengths will return {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}
     *               but may return something different in the future.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the dayOfWeek is out of bounds.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static String getDayOfWeekString(int dayOfWeek, int abbrev) {
        LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault());
        String[] names;
        switch (abbrev) {
            case LENGTH_LONG:       names = d.longWeekdayNames;  break;
            case LENGTH_MEDIUM:     names = d.shortWeekdayNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORT:      names = d.shortWeekdayNames; break; // TODO
            case LENGTH_SHORTER:    names = d.shortWeekdayNames; break; // TODO
            case LENGTH_SHORTEST:   names = d.tinyWeekdayNames;  break;
            default:                names = d.shortWeekdayNames; break;
        return names[dayOfWeek];

     * Return a localized string for AM or PM.
     * @param ampm Either {@link Calendar#AM Calendar.AM} or {@link Calendar#PM Calendar.PM}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the ampm is out of bounds.
     * @return Localized version of "AM" or "PM".
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static String getAMPMString(int ampm) {
        return LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault()).amPm[ampm - Calendar.AM];

     * Return a localized string for the month of the year.
     * @param month One of {@link Calendar#JANUARY Calendar.JANUARY},
     *               {@link Calendar#FEBRUARY Calendar.FEBRUARY}, etc.
     * @param abbrev One of {@link #LENGTH_LONG}, {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM},
     *               or {@link #LENGTH_SHORTEST}.
     *               Undefined lengths will return {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}
     *               but may return something different in the future.
     * @return Localized month of the year.
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static String getMonthString(int month, int abbrev) {
        // Note that here we use d.shortMonthNames for MEDIUM, SHORT and SHORTER.
        // This is a shortcut to not spam the translators with too many variations
        // of the same string.  If we find that in a language the distinction
        // is necessary, we can can add more without changing this API.
        LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault());
        String[] names;
        switch (abbrev) {
            case LENGTH_LONG:       names = d.longMonthNames;  break;
            case LENGTH_MEDIUM:     names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORT:      names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORTER:    names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORTEST:   names = d.tinyMonthNames;  break;
            default:                names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
        return names[month];

     * Return a localized string for the month of the year, for
     * contexts where the month is not formatted together with
     * a day of the month.
     * @param month One of {@link Calendar#JANUARY Calendar.JANUARY},
     *               {@link Calendar#FEBRUARY Calendar.FEBRUARY}, etc.
     * @param abbrev One of {@link #LENGTH_LONG}, {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM},
     *               or {@link #LENGTH_SHORTEST}.
     *               Undefined lengths will return {@link #LENGTH_MEDIUM}
     *               but may return something different in the future.
     * @return Localized month of the year.
     * @hide Pending API council approval
     * @deprecated use {@link java.text.SimpleDateFormat} instead.
    public static String getStandaloneMonthString(int month, int abbrev) {
        // Note that here we use d.shortMonthNames for MEDIUM, SHORT and SHORTER.
        // This is a shortcut to not spam the translators with too many variations
        // of the same string.  If we find that in a language the distinction
        // is necessary, we can can add more without changing this API.
        LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault());
        String[] names;
        switch (abbrev) {
            case LENGTH_LONG:       names = d.longStandAloneMonthNames;
            case LENGTH_MEDIUM:     names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORT:      names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORTER:    names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
            case LENGTH_SHORTEST:   names = d.tinyMonthNames;  break;
            default:                names = d.shortMonthNames; break;
        return names[month];

     * Returns a string describing the elapsed time since startTime.
     * @param startTime some time in the past.
     * @return a String object containing the elapsed time.
     * @see #getRelativeTimeSpanString(long, long, long)
    public static CharSequence getRelativeTimeSpanString(long startTime) {
        return getRelativeTimeSpanString(startTime, System.currentTimeMillis(), MINUTE_IN_MILLIS);

     * Returns a string describing 'time' as a time relative to 'now'.
     * <p>
     * Time spans in the past are formatted like "42 minutes ago".
     * Time spans in the future are formatted like "in 42 minutes".
     * @param time the time to describe, in milliseconds
     * @param now the current time in milliseconds
     * @param minResolution the minimum timespan to report. For example, a time 3 seconds in the
     *     past will be reported as "0 minutes ago" if this is set to MINUTE_IN_MILLIS. Pass one of
    public static CharSequence getRelativeTimeSpanString(long time, long now, long minResolution) {
        return getRelativeTimeSpanString(time, now, minResolution, flags);

     * Returns a string describing 'time' as a time relative to 'now'.
     * <p>
     * Time spans in the past are formatted like "42 minutes ago". Time spans in
     * the future are formatted like "in 42 minutes".
     * <p>
     * Can use {@link #FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE} flag to use abbreviated relative
     * times, like "42 mins ago".
     * @param time the time to describe, in milliseconds
     * @param now the current time in milliseconds
     * @param minResolution the minimum timespan to report. For example, a time
     *            3 seconds in the past will be reported as "0 minutes ago" if
     *            this is set to MINUTE_IN_MILLIS. Pass one of 0,
     *            WEEK_IN_MILLIS
     * @param flags a bit mask of formatting options, such as
     *            {@link #FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE} or
     *            {@link #FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE}
    public static CharSequence getRelativeTimeSpanString(long time, long now, long minResolution,
            int flags) {
        Resources r = Resources.getSystem();
        boolean abbrevRelative = (flags & (FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE | FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL)) != 0;

        boolean past = (now >= time);
        long duration = Math.abs(now - time);

        int resId;
        long count;
        if (duration < MINUTE_IN_MILLIS && minResolution < MINUTE_IN_MILLIS) {
            count = duration / SECOND_IN_MILLIS;
            if (past) {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
            } else {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
        } else if (duration < HOUR_IN_MILLIS && minResolution < HOUR_IN_MILLIS) {
            count = duration / MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;
            if (past) {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
            } else {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
        } else if (duration < DAY_IN_MILLIS && minResolution < DAY_IN_MILLIS) {
            count = duration / HOUR_IN_MILLIS;
            if (past) {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
            } else {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
        } else if (duration < WEEK_IN_MILLIS && minResolution < WEEK_IN_MILLIS) {
            count = getNumberOfDaysPassed(time, now);
            if (past) {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
            } else {
                if (abbrevRelative) {
                    resId =;
                } else {
                    resId =;
        } else {
            // We know that we won't be showing the time, so it is safe to pass
            // in a null context.
            return formatDateRange(null, time, time, flags);

        String format = r.getQuantityString(resId, (int) count);
        return String.format(format, count);

     * Returns the number of days passed between two dates.
     * @param date1 first date
     * @param date2 second date
     * @return number of days passed between to dates.
    private synchronized static long getNumberOfDaysPassed(long date1, long date2) {
        if (sThenTime == null) {
            sThenTime = new Time();
        int day1 = Time.getJulianDay(date1, sThenTime.gmtoff);
        int day2 = Time.getJulianDay(date2, sThenTime.gmtoff);
        return Math.abs(day2 - day1);

     * Return string describing the elapsed time since startTime formatted like
     * "[relative time/date], [time]".
     * <p>
     * Example output strings for the US date format.
     * <ul>
     * <li>3 mins ago, 10:15 AM</li>
     * <li>yesterday, 12:20 PM</li>
     * <li>Dec 12, 4:12 AM</li>
     * <li>11/14/2007, 8:20 AM</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param time some time in the past.
     * @param minResolution the minimum elapsed time (in milliseconds) to report
     *            when showing relative times. For example, a time 3 seconds in
     *            the past will be reported as "0 minutes ago" if this is set to
     *            {@link #MINUTE_IN_MILLIS}.
     * @param transitionResolution the elapsed time (in milliseconds) at which
     *            to stop reporting relative measurements. Elapsed times greater
     *            than this resolution will default to normal date formatting.
     *            For example, will transition from "6 days ago" to "Dec 12"
     *            when using {@link #WEEK_IN_MILLIS}.
    public static CharSequence getRelativeDateTimeString(Context c, long time, long minResolution,
            long transitionResolution, int flags) {
        Resources r = Resources.getSystem();

        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long duration = Math.abs(now - time);

        // getRelativeTimeSpanString() doesn't correctly format relative dates
        // above a week or exact dates below a day, so clamp
        // transitionResolution as needed.
        if (transitionResolution > WEEK_IN_MILLIS) {
            transitionResolution = WEEK_IN_MILLIS;
        } else if (transitionResolution < DAY_IN_MILLIS) {
            transitionResolution = DAY_IN_MILLIS;

        CharSequence timeClause = formatDateRange(c, time, time, FORMAT_SHOW_TIME);

        String result;
        if (duration < transitionResolution) {
            CharSequence relativeClause = getRelativeTimeSpanString(time, now, minResolution, flags);
            result = r.getString(, relativeClause, timeClause);
        } else {
            CharSequence dateClause = getRelativeTimeSpanString(c, time, false);
            result = r.getString(, dateClause, timeClause);

        return result;

     * Returns a string describing a day relative to the current day. For example if the day is
     * today this function returns "Today", if the day was a week ago it returns "7 days ago", and
     * if the day is in 2 weeks it returns "in 14 days".
     * @param r the resources to get the strings from
     * @param day the relative day to describe in UTC milliseconds
     * @param today the current time in UTC milliseconds
     * @return a formatting string
    private static final String getRelativeDayString(Resources r, long day, long today) {
        Time startTime = new Time();
        Time currentTime = new Time();

        int startDay = Time.getJulianDay(day, startTime.gmtoff);
        int currentDay = Time.getJulianDay(today, currentTime.gmtoff);

        int days = Math.abs(currentDay - startDay);
        boolean past = (today > day);

        // TODO: some locales name other days too, such as de_DE's "Vorgestern" (today - 2).
        Locale locale = r.getConfiguration().locale;
        if (locale == null) {
            locale = Locale.getDefault();
        if (days == 1) {
            if (past) {
                return LocaleData.get(locale).yesterday;
            } else {
                return LocaleData.get(locale).tomorrow;
        } else if (days == 0) {
            return LocaleData.get(locale).today;

        int resId;
        if (past) {
            resId =;
        } else {
            resId =;

        String format = r.getQuantityString(resId, days);
        return String.format(format, days);

    private static void initFormatStrings() {
        synchronized (sLock) {

    private static void initFormatStringsLocked() {
        Resources r = Resources.getSystem();
        Configuration cfg = r.getConfiguration();
        if (sLastConfig == null || !sLastConfig.equals(cfg)) {
            sLastConfig = cfg;
            sStatusTimeFormat = java.text.DateFormat.getTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.SHORT);
            sElapsedFormatMMSS = r.getString(;
            sElapsedFormatHMMSS = r.getString(;

     * Format a time so it appears like it would in the status bar clock.
     * @deprecated use {@link #DateFormat.getTimeFormat(Context)} instead.
     * @hide
    public static final CharSequence timeString(long millis) {
        synchronized (sLock) {
            return sStatusTimeFormat.format(millis);

     * Formats an elapsed time in the form "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS"
     * for display on the call-in-progress screen.
     * @param elapsedSeconds the elapsed time in seconds.
    public static String formatElapsedTime(long elapsedSeconds) {
        return formatElapsedTime(null, elapsedSeconds);

     * Formats an elapsed time in the form "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS"
     * for display on the call-in-progress screen.
     * @param recycle {@link StringBuilder} to recycle, if possible
     * @param elapsedSeconds the elapsed time in seconds.
    public static String formatElapsedTime(StringBuilder recycle, long elapsedSeconds) {

        long hours = 0;
        long minutes = 0;
        long seconds = 0;

        if (elapsedSeconds >= 3600) {
            hours = elapsedSeconds / 3600;
            elapsedSeconds -= hours * 3600;
        if (elapsedSeconds >= 60) {
            minutes = elapsedSeconds / 60;
            elapsedSeconds -= minutes * 60;
        seconds = elapsedSeconds;

        String result;
        if (hours > 0) {
            return formatElapsedTime(recycle, sElapsedFormatHMMSS, hours, minutes, seconds);
        } else {
            return formatElapsedTime(recycle, sElapsedFormatMMSS, minutes, seconds);

    private static void append(StringBuilder sb, long value, boolean pad, char zeroDigit) {
        if (value < 10) {
            if (pad) {
        } else {
            sb.append((char) (zeroDigit + (value / 10)));
        sb.append((char) (zeroDigit + (value % 10)));

     * Fast formatting of h:mm:ss.
    private static String formatElapsedTime(StringBuilder recycle, String format, long hours,
            long minutes, long seconds) {
        if (FAST_FORMAT_HMMSS.equals(format)) {
            char zeroDigit = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault()).zeroDigit;

            StringBuilder sb = recycle;
            if (sb == null) {
                sb = new StringBuilder(8);
            } else {
            append(sb, hours, false, zeroDigit);
            append(sb, minutes, true, zeroDigit);
            append(sb, seconds, true, zeroDigit);
            return sb.toString();
        } else {
            return String.format(format, hours, minutes, seconds);

     * Fast formatting of mm:ss.
    private static String formatElapsedTime(StringBuilder recycle, String format, long minutes,
            long seconds) {
        if (FAST_FORMAT_MMSS.equals(format)) {
            char zeroDigit = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault()).zeroDigit;

            StringBuilder sb = recycle;
            if (sb == null) {
                sb = new StringBuilder(8);
            } else {
            append(sb, minutes, false, zeroDigit);
            append(sb, seconds, true, zeroDigit);
            return sb.toString();
        } else {
            return String.format(format, minutes, seconds);

     * Format a date / time such that if the then is on the same day as now, it shows
     * just the time and if it's a different day, it shows just the date.
     * <p>The parameters dateFormat and timeFormat should each be one of
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#DEFAULT},
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#FULL},
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#LONG},
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#MEDIUM}
     * or
     * {@link java.text.DateFormat#SHORT}
     * @param then the date to format
     * @param now the base time
     * @param dateStyle how to format the date portion.
     * @param timeStyle how to format the time portion.
    public static final CharSequence formatSameDayTime(long then, long now,
            int dateStyle, int timeStyle) {
        Calendar thenCal = new GregorianCalendar();
        Date thenDate = thenCal.getTime();
        Calendar nowCal = new GregorianCalendar();

        java.text.DateFormat f;

        if (thenCal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == nowCal.get(Calendar.YEAR)
                && thenCal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == nowCal.get(Calendar.MONTH)
                && thenCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == nowCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) {
            f = java.text.DateFormat.getTimeInstance(timeStyle);
        } else {
            f = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(dateStyle);
        return f.format(thenDate);

     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
    public static Calendar newCalendar(boolean zulu)
        if (zulu)
            return Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));

        return Calendar.getInstance();

     * @return true if the supplied when is today else false
    public static boolean isToday(long when) {
        Time time = new Time();

        int thenYear = time.year;
        int thenMonth = time.month;
        int thenMonthDay = time.monthDay;

        return (thenYear == time.year)
                && (thenMonth == time.month)
                && (thenMonthDay == time.monthDay);

     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
     * Return true if this date string is local time
    public static boolean isUTC(String s)
        if (s.length() == 16 && s.charAt(15) == 'Z') {
            return true;
        if (s.length() == 9 && s.charAt(8) == 'Z') {
            // XXX not sure if this case possible/valid
            return true;
        return false;

     * Return a string containing the date and time in RFC2445 format.
     * Ensures that the time is written in UTC.  The Calendar class doesn't
     * really help out with this, so this is slower than it ought to be.
     * @param cal the date and time to write
     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
    public static String writeDateTime(Calendar cal)
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
        GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
        return writeDateTime(c, true);

     * Return a string containing the date and time in RFC2445 format.
     * @param cal the date and time to write
     * @param zulu If the calendar is in UTC, pass true, and a Z will
     * be written at the end as per RFC2445.  Otherwise, the time is
     * considered in localtime.
     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
    public static String writeDateTime(Calendar cal, boolean zulu)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (zulu) {
            sb.setCharAt(15, 'Z');
        } else {
        return writeDateTime(cal, sb);

     * Return a string containing the date and time in RFC2445 format.
     * @param cal the date and time to write
     * @param sb a StringBuilder to use.  It is assumed that setLength
     *           has already been called on sb to the appropriate length
     *           which is sb.setLength(zulu ? 16 : 15)
     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
    public static String writeDateTime(Calendar cal, StringBuilder sb)
        int n;

        n = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        sb.setCharAt(3, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(2, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(1, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(0, (char)('0'+n%10));

        n = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
        sb.setCharAt(5, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(4, (char)('0'+n%10));

        n = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        sb.setCharAt(7, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(6, (char)('0'+n%10));

        sb.setCharAt(8, 'T');

        n = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        sb.setCharAt(10, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(9, (char)('0'+n%10));

        n = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        sb.setCharAt(12, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(11, (char)('0'+n%10));

        n = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        sb.setCharAt(14, (char)('0'+n%10));
        n /= 10;
        sb.setCharAt(13, (char)('0'+n%10));

        return sb.toString();

     * @hide
     * @deprecated use {@link android.text.format.Time}
    public static void assign(Calendar lval, Calendar rval)
        // there should be a faster way.

     * Formats a date or a time range according to the local conventions.
     * <p>
     * Note that this is a convenience method. Using it involves creating an
     * internal {@link java.util.Formatter} instance on-the-fly, which is
     * somewhat costly in terms of memory and time. This is probably acceptable
     * if you use the method only rarely, but if you rely on it for formatting a
     * large number of dates, consider creating and reusing your own
     * {@link java.util.Formatter} instance and use the version of
     * {@link #formatDateRange(Context, long, long, int) formatDateRange}
     * that takes a {@link java.util.Formatter}.
     * @param context the context is required only if the time is shown
     * @param startMillis the start time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param endMillis the end time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param flags a bit mask of options See
     * {@link #formatDateRange(Context, Formatter, long, long, int, String) formatDateRange}
     * @return a string containing the formatted date/time range.
    public static String formatDateRange(Context context, long startMillis,
            long endMillis, int flags) {
        Formatter f = new Formatter(new StringBuilder(50), Locale.getDefault());
        return formatDateRange(context, f, startMillis, endMillis, flags).toString();

     * Formats a date or a time range according to the local conventions.
     * <p>
     * Note that this is a convenience method for formatting the date or
     * time range in the local time zone. If you want to specify the time
     * zone please use
     * {@link #formatDateRange(Context, Formatter, long, long, int, String) formatDateRange}.
     * @param context the context is required only if the time is shown
     * @param formatter the Formatter used for formatting the date range.
     * Note: be sure to call setLength(0) on StringBuilder passed to
     * the Formatter constructor unless you want the results to accumulate.
     * @param startMillis the start time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param endMillis the end time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param flags a bit mask of options See
     * {@link #formatDateRange(Context, Formatter, long, long, int, String) formatDateRange}
     * @return a string containing the formatted date/time range.
    public static Formatter formatDateRange(Context context, Formatter formatter, long startMillis,
            long endMillis, int flags) {
        return formatDateRange(context, formatter, startMillis, endMillis, flags, null);

     * Formats a date or a time range according to the local conventions.
     * <p>
     * Example output strings (date formats in these examples are shown using
     * the US date format convention but that may change depending on the
     * local settings):
     * <ul>
     *   <li>10:15am</li>
     *   <li>3:00pm - 4:00pm</li>
     *   <li>3pm - 4pm</li>
     *   <li>3PM - 4PM</li>
     *   <li>08:00 - 17:00</li>
     *   <li>Oct 9</li>
     *   <li>Tue, Oct 9</li>
     *   <li>October 9, 2007</li>
     *   <li>Oct 9 - 10</li>
     *   <li>Oct 9 - 10, 2007</li>
     *   <li>Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2007</li>
     *   <li>Dec 31, 2007 - Jan 1, 2008</li>
     *   <li>Oct 9, 8:00am - Oct 10, 5:00pm</li>
     *   <li>12/31/2007 - 01/01/2008</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * The flags argument is a bitmask of options from the following list:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>FORMAT_SHOW_TIME</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_NO_YEAR</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_SHOW_DATE</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_12HOUR</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_24HOUR</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_CAP_AMPM</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_NO_NOON</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_CAP_NOON</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_CAP_MIDNIGHT</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_UTC</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_ABBREV_TIME</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL</li>
     *   <li>FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_SHOW_TIME is set, the time is shown as part of the date range.
     * If the start and end time are the same, then just the start time is
     * shown.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY is set, then the weekday is shown.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR is set, then the year is always shown.
     * If FORMAT_NO_YEAR is set, then the year is not shown.
     * If neither FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR nor FORMAT_NO_YEAR are set, then the year
     * is shown only if it is different from the current year, or if the start
     * and end dates fall on different years.  If both are set,
     * FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR takes precedence.
     * <p>
     * Normally the date is shown unless the start and end day are the same.
     * If FORMAT_SHOW_DATE is set, then the date is always shown, even for
     * same day ranges.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY is set, then if the date is shown, just the
     * month name will be shown, not the day of the month.  For example,
     * "January, 2008" instead of "January 6 - 12, 2008".
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_CAP_AMPM is set and 12-hour time is used, then the "AM"
     * and "PM" are capitalized.  You should not use this flag
     * because in some locales these terms cannot be capitalized, and in
     * many others it doesn't make sense to do so even though it is possible.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_NO_NOON is set and 12-hour time is used, then "12pm" is
     * shown instead of "noon".
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_CAP_NOON is set and 12-hour time is used, then "Noon" is
     * shown instead of "noon".  You should probably not use this flag
     * because in many locales it will not make sense to capitalize
     * the term.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT is set and 12-hour time is used, then "12am" is
     * shown instead of "midnight".
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_CAP_MIDNIGHT is set and 12-hour time is used, then "Midnight"
     * is shown instead of "midnight".  You should probably not use this
     * flag because in many locales it will not make sense to capitalize
     * the term.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_12HOUR is set and the time is shown, then the time is
     * shown in the 12-hour time format. You should not normally set this.
     * Instead, let the time format be chosen automatically according to the
     * system settings. If both FORMAT_12HOUR and FORMAT_24HOUR are set, then
     * FORMAT_24HOUR takes precedence.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_24HOUR is set and the time is shown, then the time is
     * shown in the 24-hour time format. You should not normally set this.
     * Instead, let the time format be chosen automatically according to the
     * system settings. If both FORMAT_12HOUR and FORMAT_24HOUR are set, then
     * FORMAT_24HOUR takes precedence.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_UTC is set, then the UTC time zone is used for the start
     * and end milliseconds unless a time zone is specified. If a time zone
     * is specified it will be used regardless of the FORMAT_UTC flag.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_ABBREV_TIME is set and 12-hour time format is used, then the
     * start and end times (if shown) are abbreviated by not showing the minutes
     * if they are zero.  For example, instead of "3:00pm" the time would be
     * abbreviated to "3pm".
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY is set, then the weekday (if shown) is
     * abbreviated to a 3-letter string.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH is set, then the month (if shown) is abbreviated
     * to a 3-letter string.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL is set, then the weekday and the month (if shown)
     * are abbreviated to 3-letter strings.
     * <p>
     * If FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE is set, then the date is shown in numeric format
     * instead of using the name of the month.  For example, "12/31/2008"
     * instead of "December 31, 2008".
     * <p>
     * If the end date ends at 12:00am at the beginning of a day, it is
     * formatted as the end of the previous day in two scenarios:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>For single day events. This results in "8pm - midnight" instead of
     *       "Nov 10, 8pm - Nov 11, 12am".</li>
     *   <li>When the time is not displayed. This results in "Nov 10 - 11" for
     *       an event with a start date of Nov 10 and an end date of Nov 12 at
     *       00:00.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param context the context is required only if the time is shown
     * @param formatter the Formatter used for formatting the date range.
     * Note: be sure to call setLength(0) on StringBuilder passed to
     * the Formatter constructor unless you want the results to accumulate.
     * @param startMillis the start time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param endMillis the end time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param flags a bit mask of options
     * @param timeZone the time zone to compute the string in. Use null for local
     * or if the FORMAT_UTC flag is being used.
     * @return the formatter with the formatted date/time range appended to the string buffer.
    public static Formatter formatDateRange(Context context, Formatter formatter, long startMillis,
            long endMillis, int flags, String timeZone) {
        Resources res = Resources.getSystem();
        boolean showTime = (flags & FORMAT_SHOW_TIME) != 0;
        boolean showWeekDay = (flags & FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY) != 0;
        boolean showYear = (flags & FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR) != 0;
        boolean noYear = (flags & FORMAT_NO_YEAR) != 0;
        boolean useUTC = (flags & FORMAT_UTC) != 0;
        boolean abbrevWeekDay = (flags & (FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY | FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL)) != 0;
        boolean abbrevMonth = (flags & (FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH | FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL)) != 0;
        boolean noMonthDay = (flags & FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY) != 0;
        boolean numericDate = (flags & FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE) != 0;

        // If we're getting called with a single instant in time (from
        // e.g. formatDateTime(), below), then we can skip a lot of
        // computation below that'd otherwise be thrown out.
        boolean isInstant = (startMillis == endMillis);

        Time startDate;
        if (timeZone != null) {
            startDate = new Time(timeZone);
        } else if (useUTC) {
            startDate = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
        } else {
            startDate = new Time();

        Time endDate;
        int dayDistance;
        if (isInstant) {
            endDate = startDate;
            dayDistance = 0;
        } else {
            if (timeZone != null) {
                endDate = new Time(timeZone);
            } else if (useUTC) {
                endDate = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
            } else {
                endDate = new Time();
            int startJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(startMillis, startDate.gmtoff);
            int endJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(endMillis, endDate.gmtoff);
            dayDistance = endJulianDay - startJulianDay;

        if (!isInstant
            && (endDate.hour | endDate.minute | endDate.second) == 0
            && (!showTime || dayDistance <= 1)) {
            endDate.monthDay -= 1;
            endDate.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */);

        int startDay = startDate.monthDay;
        int startMonthNum = startDate.month;
        int startYear = startDate.year;

        int endDay = endDate.monthDay;
        int endMonthNum = endDate.month;
        int endYear = endDate.year;

        String startWeekDayString = "";
        String endWeekDayString = "";
        if (showWeekDay) {
            String weekDayFormat = "";
            if (abbrevWeekDay) {
                weekDayFormat = ABBREV_WEEKDAY_FORMAT;
            } else {
                weekDayFormat = WEEKDAY_FORMAT;
            startWeekDayString = startDate.format(weekDayFormat);
            endWeekDayString = isInstant ? startWeekDayString : endDate.format(weekDayFormat);

        String startTimeString = "";
        String endTimeString = "";
        if (showTime) {
            String startTimeFormat = "";
            String endTimeFormat = "";
            boolean force24Hour = (flags & FORMAT_24HOUR) != 0;
            boolean force12Hour = (flags & FORMAT_12HOUR) != 0;
            boolean use24Hour;
            if (force24Hour) {
                use24Hour = true;
            } else if (force12Hour) {
                use24Hour = false;
            } else {
                use24Hour = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context);
            if (use24Hour) {
                startTimeFormat = endTimeFormat =
            } else {
                boolean abbrevTime = (flags & (FORMAT_ABBREV_TIME | FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL)) != 0;
                boolean capAMPM = (flags & FORMAT_CAP_AMPM) != 0;
                boolean noNoon = (flags & FORMAT_NO_NOON) != 0;
                boolean capNoon = (flags & FORMAT_CAP_NOON) != 0;
                boolean noMidnight = (flags & FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT) != 0;
                boolean capMidnight = (flags & FORMAT_CAP_MIDNIGHT) != 0;

                boolean startOnTheHour = startDate.minute == 0 && startDate.second == 0;
                boolean endOnTheHour = endDate.minute == 0 && endDate.second == 0;
                if (abbrevTime && startOnTheHour) {
                    if (capAMPM) {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    } else {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    if (capAMPM) {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    } else {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;

                // Don't waste time on setting endTimeFormat when
                // we're dealing with an instant, where we'll never
                // need the end point.  (It's the same as the start
                // point)
                if (!isInstant) {
                    if (abbrevTime && endOnTheHour) {
                        if (capAMPM) {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                        } else {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    } else {
                        if (capAMPM) {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                        } else {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;

                    if (endDate.hour == 12 && endOnTheHour && !noNoon) {
                        if (capNoon) {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                        } else {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    } else if (endDate.hour == 0 && endOnTheHour && !noMidnight) {
                        if (capMidnight) {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                        } else {
                            endTimeFormat = res.getString(;

                if (startDate.hour == 12 && startOnTheHour && !noNoon) {
                    if (capNoon) {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    } else {
                        startTimeFormat = res.getString(;
                    // Don't show the start time starting at midnight.  Show
                    // 12am instead.

            startTimeString = startDate.format(startTimeFormat);
            endTimeString = isInstant ? startTimeString : endDate.format(endTimeFormat);

        // Show the year if the user specified FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR or if
        // the starting and end years are different from each other
        // or from the current year.  But don't show the year if the
        // user specified FORMAT_NO_YEAR.
        if (showYear) {
            // No code... just a comment for clarity.  Keep showYear
            // on, as they enabled it with FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR.  This
            // takes precedence over them setting FORMAT_NO_YEAR.
        } else if (noYear) {
            // They explicitly didn't want a year.
            showYear = false;
        } else if (startYear != endYear) {
            showYear = true;
        } else {
            // Show the year if it's not equal to the current year.
            Time currentTime = new Time();
            showYear = startYear != currentTime.year;

        String defaultDateFormat, fullFormat, dateRange;
        if (numericDate) {
            defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
        } else if (showYear) {
            if (abbrevMonth) {
                if (noMonthDay) {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                if (noMonthDay) {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
        } else {
            if (abbrevMonth) {
                if (noMonthDay) {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                if (noMonthDay) {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    defaultDateFormat = res.getString(;

        if (showWeekDay) {
            if (showTime) {
                fullFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                fullFormat = res.getString(;
        } else {
            if (showTime) {
                fullFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                fullFormat = res.getString(;

        if (noMonthDay && startMonthNum == endMonthNum && startYear == endYear) {
            // Example: "January, 2008"
            return formatter.format("%s", startDate.format(defaultDateFormat));

        if (startYear != endYear || noMonthDay) {
            // Different year or we are not showing the month day number.
            // Example: "December 31, 2007 - January 1, 2008"
            // Or: "January - February, 2008"
            String startDateString = startDate.format(defaultDateFormat);
            String endDateString = endDate.format(defaultDateFormat);

            // The values that are used in a fullFormat string are specified
            // by position.
            return formatter.format(fullFormat,
                    startWeekDayString, startDateString, startTimeString,
                    endWeekDayString, endDateString, endTimeString);

        // Get the month, day, and year strings for the start and end dates
        String monthFormat;
        if (numericDate) {
            monthFormat = NUMERIC_MONTH_FORMAT;
        } else if (abbrevMonth) {
            monthFormat =
        } else {
            monthFormat = MONTH_FORMAT;
        String startMonthString = startDate.format(monthFormat);
        String startMonthDayString = startDate.format(MONTH_DAY_FORMAT);
        String startYearString = startDate.format(YEAR_FORMAT);

        String endMonthString = isInstant ? null : endDate.format(monthFormat);
        String endMonthDayString = isInstant ? null : endDate.format(MONTH_DAY_FORMAT);
        String endYearString = isInstant ? null : endDate.format(YEAR_FORMAT);

        String startStandaloneMonthString = startMonthString;
        String endStandaloneMonthString = endMonthString;
        // We need standalone months for these strings in Persian (fa): http://b/6811327
        if (!numericDate && !abbrevMonth && Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("fa")) {
            startStandaloneMonthString = startDate.format("%-B");
            endStandaloneMonthString = endDate.format("%-B");

        if (startMonthNum != endMonthNum) {
            // Same year, different month.
            // Example: "October 28 - November 3"
            // or: "Wed, Oct 31 - Sat, Nov 3, 2007"
            // or: "Oct 31, 8am - Sat, Nov 3, 2007, 5pm"

            int index = 0;
            if (showWeekDay) index = 1;
            if (showYear) index += 2;
            if (showTime) index += 4;
            if (numericDate) index += 8;
            int resId = sameYearTable[index];
            fullFormat = res.getString(resId);

            // The values that are used in a fullFormat string are specified
            // by position.
            return formatter.format(fullFormat,
                    startWeekDayString, startMonthString, startMonthDayString,
                    startYearString, startTimeString,
                    endWeekDayString, endMonthString, endMonthDayString,
                    endYearString, endTimeString,
                    startStandaloneMonthString, endStandaloneMonthString);

        if (startDay != endDay) {
            // Same month, different day.
            int index = 0;
            if (showWeekDay) index = 1;
            if (showYear) index += 2;
            if (showTime) index += 4;
            if (numericDate) index += 8;
            int resId = sameMonthTable[index];
            fullFormat = res.getString(resId);

            // The values that are used in a fullFormat string are specified
            // by position.
            return formatter.format(fullFormat,
                    startWeekDayString, startMonthString, startMonthDayString,
                    startYearString, startTimeString,
                    endWeekDayString, endMonthString, endMonthDayString,
                    endYearString, endTimeString,
                    startStandaloneMonthString, endStandaloneMonthString);

        // Same start and end day
        boolean showDate = (flags & FORMAT_SHOW_DATE) != 0;

        // If nothing was specified, then show the date.
        if (!showTime && !showDate && !showWeekDay) showDate = true;

        // Compute the time string (example: "10:00 - 11:00 am")
        String timeString = "";
        if (showTime) {
            // If the start and end time are the same, then just show the
            // start time.
            if (isInstant) {
                // Same start and end time.
                // Example: "10:15 AM"
                timeString = startTimeString;
            } else {
                // Example: "10:00 - 11:00 am"
                String timeFormat = res.getString(;
                // Don't use the user supplied Formatter because the result will pollute the buffer.
                timeString = String.format(timeFormat, startTimeString, endTimeString);

        // Figure out which full format to use.
        fullFormat = "";
        String dateString = "";
        if (showDate) {
            dateString = startDate.format(defaultDateFormat);
            if (showWeekDay) {
                if (showTime) {
                    // Example: "10:00 - 11:00 am, Tue, Oct 9"
                    fullFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    // Example: "Tue, Oct 9"
                    fullFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                if (showTime) {
                    // Example: "10:00 - 11:00 am, Oct 9"
                    fullFormat = res.getString(;
                } else {
                    // Example: "Oct 9"
                    return formatter.format("%s", dateString);
        } else if (showWeekDay) {
            if (showTime) {
                // Example: "10:00 - 11:00 am, Tue"
                fullFormat = res.getString(;
            } else {
                // Example: "Tue"
                return formatter.format("%s", startWeekDayString);
        } else if (showTime) {
            return formatter.format("%s", timeString);

        // The values that are used in a fullFormat string are specified
        // by position.
        return formatter.format(fullFormat, timeString, startWeekDayString, dateString);

     * Formats a date or a time according to the local conventions. There are
     * lots of options that allow the caller to control, for example, if the
     * time is shown, if the day of the week is shown, if the month name is
     * abbreviated, if noon is shown instead of 12pm, and so on. For the
     * complete list of options, see the documentation for
     * {@link #formatDateRange}.
     * <p>
     * Example output strings (date formats in these examples are shown using
     * the US date format convention but that may change depending on the
     * local settings):
     * <ul>
     *   <li>10:15am</li>
     *   <li>3:00pm</li>
     *   <li>3pm</li>
     *   <li>3PM</li>
     *   <li>08:00</li>
     *   <li>17:00</li>
     *   <li>noon</li>
     *   <li>Noon</li>
     *   <li>midnight</li>
     *   <li>Midnight</li>
     *   <li>Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>Oct 31, 2007</li>
     *   <li>October 31, 2007</li>
     *   <li>10am, Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>17:00, Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>Wed</li>
     *   <li>Wednesday</li>
     *   <li>10am, Wed, Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>Wed, Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>Wednesday, Oct 31</li>
     *   <li>Wed, Oct 31, 2007</li>
     *   <li>Wed, October 31</li>
     *   <li>10/31/2007</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param context the context is required only if the time is shown
     * @param millis a point in time in UTC milliseconds
     * @param flags a bit mask of formatting options
     * @return a string containing the formatted date/time.
    public static String formatDateTime(Context context, long millis, int flags) {
        return formatDateRange(context, millis, millis, flags);

     * @return a relative time string to display the time expressed by millis.  Times
     * are counted starting at midnight, which means that assuming that the current
     * time is March 31st, 0:30:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>"millis=0:10 today" will be displayed as "0:10"</li>
     *   <li>"millis=11:30pm the day before" will be displayed as "Mar 30"</li>
     * </ul>
     * If the given millis is in a different year, then the full date is
     * returned in numeric format (e.g., "10/12/2008").
     * @param withPreposition If true, the string returned will include the correct
     * preposition ("at 9:20am", "on 10/12/2008" or "on May 29").
    public static CharSequence getRelativeTimeSpanString(Context c, long millis,
            boolean withPreposition) {

        String result;
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long span = Math.abs(now - millis);

        synchronized (DateUtils.class) {
            if (sNowTime == null) {
                sNowTime = new Time();

            if (sThenTime == null) {
                sThenTime = new Time();


            int prepositionId;
            if (span < DAY_IN_MILLIS && sNowTime.weekDay == sThenTime.weekDay) {
                // Same day
                int flags = FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
                result = formatDateRange(c, millis, millis, flags);
                prepositionId = R.string.preposition_for_time;
            } else if (sNowTime.year != sThenTime.year) {
                // Different years
                result = formatDateRange(c, millis, millis, flags);

                // This is a date (like "10/31/2008" so use the date preposition)
                prepositionId = R.string.preposition_for_date;
            } else {
                // Default
                int flags = FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH;
                result = formatDateRange(c, millis, millis, flags);
                prepositionId = R.string.preposition_for_date;
            if (withPreposition) {
                Resources res = c.getResources();
                result = res.getString(prepositionId, result);
        return result;

     * Convenience function to return relative time string without preposition.
     * @param c context for resources
     * @param millis time in milliseconds
     * @return {@link CharSequence} containing relative time.
     * @see #getRelativeTimeSpanString(Context, long, boolean)
    public static CharSequence getRelativeTimeSpanString(Context c, long millis) {
        return getRelativeTimeSpanString(c, millis, false /* no preposition */);

    private static Time sNowTime;
    private static Time sThenTime;
7、附上android系统 Calender类的源代码


public abstract class Calendar implements Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Calendar> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1807547505821590642L;

     * True iff the values in {@code fields[]} correspond to {@code time}. Despite the name, this
     * is effectively "are the values in fields[] up-to-date?" --- {@code fields[]} may contain
     * non-zero values and {@code isSet[]} may contain {@code true} values even when
     * {@code areFieldsSet} is false.
     * Accessing the fields via {@code get} will ensure the fields are up-to-date.
    protected boolean areFieldsSet;

     * Contains broken-down field values for the current value of {@code time} if
     * {@code areFieldsSet} is true, or stale data corresponding to some previous value otherwise.
     * Accessing the fields via {@code get} will ensure the fields are up-to-date.
     * The array length is always {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
    protected int[] fields;

     * Whether the corresponding element in {@code field[]} has been set. Initially, these are all
     * false. The first time the fields are computed, these are set to true and remain set even if
     * the data becomes stale: you <i>must</i> check {@code areFieldsSet} if you want to know
     * whether the value is up-to-date.
     * Note that {@code isSet} is <i>not</i> a safe alternative to accessing this array directly,
     * and will likewise return stale data!
     * The array length is always {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
    protected boolean[] isSet;

     * Whether {@code time} corresponds to the values in {@code fields[]}. If false, {@code time}
     * is out-of-date with respect to changes {@code fields[]}.
     * Accessing the time via {@code getTimeInMillis} will always return the correct value.
    protected boolean isTimeSet;

     * A time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970. See {@code isTimeSet}.
     * Accessing the time via {@code getTimeInMillis} will always return the correct value.
    protected long time;

    transient int lastTimeFieldSet;

    transient int lastDateFieldSet;

    private boolean lenient;

    private int firstDayOfWeek;

    private int minimalDaysInFirstWeek;

    private TimeZone zone;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the first month of the
     * year.
    public static final int JANUARY = 0;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the second month of
     * the year.
    public static final int FEBRUARY = 1;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the third month of the
     * year.
    public static final int MARCH = 2;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the fourth month of
     * the year.
    public static final int APRIL = 3;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the fifth month of the
     * year.
    public static final int MAY = 4;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the sixth month of the
     * year.
    public static final int JUNE = 5;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the seventh month of
     * the year.
    public static final int JULY = 6;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the eighth month of
     * the year.
    public static final int AUGUST = 7;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the ninth month of the
     * year.
    public static final int SEPTEMBER = 8;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the tenth month of the
     * year.
    public static final int OCTOBER = 9;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the eleventh month of
     * the year.
    public static final int NOVEMBER = 10;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the twelfth month of
     * the year.
    public static final int DECEMBER = 11;

     * Value of the {@code MONTH} field indicating the thirteenth month
     * of the year. Although {@code GregorianCalendar} does not use this
     * value, lunar calendars do.
    public static final int UNDECIMBER = 12;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Sunday.
    public static final int SUNDAY = 1;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Monday.
    public static final int MONDAY = 2;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Tuesday.
    public static final int TUESDAY = 3;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Wednesday.
    public static final int WEDNESDAY = 4;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Thursday.
    public static final int THURSDAY = 5;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Friday.
    public static final int FRIDAY = 6;

     * Value of the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field indicating Saturday.
    public static final int SATURDAY = 7;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * era, e.g., AD or BC in the Julian calendar. This is a calendar-specific
     * value; see subclass documentation.
     * @see GregorianCalendar#AD
     * @see GregorianCalendar#BC
    public static final int ERA = 0;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * year. This is a calendar-specific value; see subclass documentation.
    public static final int YEAR = 1;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * month. This is a calendar-specific value. The first month of the year is
     * {@code JANUARY}; the last depends on the number of months in a
     * year.
     * @see #JANUARY
     * @see #FEBRUARY
     * @see #MARCH
     * @see #APRIL
     * @see #MAY
     * @see #JUNE
     * @see #JULY
     * @see #AUGUST
     * @see #SEPTEMBER
     * @see #OCTOBER
     * @see #NOVEMBER
     * @see #DECEMBER
     * @see #UNDECIMBER
    public static final int MONTH = 2;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * week number within the current year. The first week of the year, as
     * defined by {@code getFirstDayOfWeek()} and
     * {@code getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()}, has value 1. Subclasses
     * define the value of {@code WEEK_OF_YEAR} for days before the first
     * week of the year.
     * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek
     * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek
    public static final int WEEK_OF_YEAR = 3;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * week number within the current month. The first week of the month, as
     * defined by {@code getFirstDayOfWeek()} and
     * {@code getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()}, has value 1. Subclasses
     * define the value of {@code WEEK_OF_MONTH} for days before the
     * first week of the month.
     * @see #getFirstDayOfWeek
     * @see #getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek
    public static final int WEEK_OF_MONTH = 4;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * day of the month. This is a synonym for {@code DAY_OF_MONTH}. The
     * first day of the month has value 1.
     * @see #DAY_OF_MONTH
    public static final int DATE = 5;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * day of the month. This is a synonym for {@code DATE}. The first
     * day of the month has value 1.
     * @see #DATE
    public static final int DAY_OF_MONTH = 5;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * day number within the current year. The first day of the year has value
     * 1.
    public static final int DAY_OF_YEAR = 6;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * day of the week. This field takes values {@code SUNDAY},
     * {@code MONDAY}, {@code TUESDAY}, {@code WEDNESDAY},
     * {@code THURSDAY}, {@code FRIDAY}, and
     * {@code SATURDAY}.
     * @see #SUNDAY
     * @see #MONDAY
     * @see #TUESDAY
     * @see #WEDNESDAY
     * @see #THURSDAY
     * @see #FRIDAY
     * @see #SATURDAY
    public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK = 7;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * ordinal number of the day of the week within the current month. Together
     * with the {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} field, this uniquely specifies a day
     * within a month. Unlike {@code WEEK_OF_MONTH} and
     * {@code WEEK_OF_YEAR}, this field's value does <em>not</em>
     * depend on {@code getFirstDayOfWeek()} or
     * {@code getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()}. {@code DAY_OF_MONTH 1}
     * through {@code 7} always correspond to <code>DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
     * 1</code>;
     * {@code 8} through {@code 15} correspond to
     * {@code DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 2}, and so on.
     * {@code DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 0} indicates the week before
     * {@code DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 1}. Negative values count back from
     * the end of the month, so the last Sunday of a month is specified as
     * {@code DAY_OF_WEEK = SUNDAY, DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH = -1}. Because
     * negative values count backward they will usually be aligned differently
     * within the month than positive values. For example, if a month has 31
     * days, {@code DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH -1} will overlap
     * {@code DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH 5} and the end of {@code 4}.
     * @see #DAY_OF_WEEK
     * @see #WEEK_OF_MONTH
    public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH = 8;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating
     * whether the {@code HOUR} is before or after noon. E.g., at
     * 10:04:15.250 PM the {@code AM_PM} is {@code PM}.
     * @see #AM
     * @see #PM
     * @see #HOUR
    public static final int AM_PM = 9;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * hour of the morning or afternoon. {@code HOUR} is used for the
     * 12-hour clock. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the {@code HOUR} is 10.
     * @see #AM_PM
     * @see #HOUR_OF_DAY
    public static final int HOUR = 10;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * hour of the day. {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} is used for the 24-hour
     * clock. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} is 22.
     * @see #HOUR
    public static final int HOUR_OF_DAY = 11;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * minute within the hour. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the {@code MINUTE}
     * is 4.
    public static final int MINUTE = 12;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * second within the minute. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the
     * {@code SECOND} is 15.
    public static final int SECOND = 13;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * millisecond within the second. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the
     * {@code MILLISECOND} is 250.
    public static final int MILLISECOND = 14;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * raw offset from GMT in milliseconds.
    public static final int ZONE_OFFSET = 15;

     * Field number for {@code get} and {@code set} indicating the
     * daylight savings offset in milliseconds.
    public static final int DST_OFFSET = 16;

     * This is the total number of fields in this calendar.
    public static final int FIELD_COUNT = 17;

     * Value of the {@code AM_PM} field indicating the period of the day
     * from midnight to just before noon.
    public static final int AM = 0;

     * Value of the {@code AM_PM} field indicating the period of the day
     * from noon to just before midnight.
    public static final int PM = 1;

     * Requests both {@code SHORT} and {@code LONG} styles in the map returned by
     * {@link #getDisplayNames}.
     * @since 1.6
    public static final int ALL_STYLES = 0;

     * Requests short names (such as "Jan") from
     * {@link #getDisplayName} or {@link #getDisplayNames}.
     * @since 1.6
    public static final int SHORT = 1;

     * Requests long names (such as "January") from
     * {@link #getDisplayName} or {@link #getDisplayNames}.
     * @since 1.6
    public static final int LONG = 2;

    private static final String[] FIELD_NAMES = { "ERA", "YEAR", "MONTH",
            "DAY_OF_WEEK", "DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH", "AM_PM", "HOUR",
            "ZONE_OFFSET", "DST_OFFSET" };

     * Constructs a {@code Calendar} instance using the default {@code TimeZone} and {@code Locale}.
    protected Calendar() {
        this(TimeZone.getDefault(), Locale.getDefault());

    Calendar(TimeZone timezone) {
        fields = new int[FIELD_COUNT];
        isSet = new boolean[FIELD_COUNT];
        areFieldsSet = isTimeSet = false;

     * Constructs a {@code Calendar} instance using the specified {@code TimeZone} and {@code Locale}.
     * @param timezone
     *            the timezone.
     * @param locale
     *            the locale.
    protected Calendar(TimeZone timezone, Locale locale) {
        LocaleData localeData = LocaleData.get(locale);

     * Adds the specified amount to a {@code Calendar} field.
     * @param field
     *            the {@code Calendar} field to modify.
     * @param value
     *            the amount to add to the field.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if {@code field} is {@code DST_OFFSET} or {@code
     *                ZONE_OFFSET}.
    public abstract void add(int field, int value);

     * Returns whether the {@code Date} specified by this {@code Calendar} instance is after the {@code Date}
     * specified by the parameter. The comparison is not dependent on the time
     * zones of the {@code Calendar}.
     * @param calendar
     *            the {@code Calendar} instance to compare.
     * @return {@code true} when this Calendar is after calendar, {@code false} otherwise.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time is not set and the time cannot be computed
     *                from the current field values.
    public boolean after(Object calendar) {
        if (!(calendar instanceof Calendar)) {
            return false;
        return getTimeInMillis() > ((Calendar) calendar).getTimeInMillis();

     * Returns whether the {@code Date} specified by this {@code Calendar} instance is before the
     * {@code Date} specified by the parameter. The comparison is not dependent on the
     * time zones of the {@code Calendar}.
     * @param calendar
     *            the {@code Calendar} instance to compare.
     * @return {@code true} when this Calendar is before calendar, {@code false} otherwise.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time is not set and the time cannot be computed
     *                from the current field values.
    public boolean before(Object calendar) {
        if (!(calendar instanceof Calendar)) {
            return false;
        return getTimeInMillis() < ((Calendar) calendar).getTimeInMillis();

     * Clears all of the fields of this {@code Calendar}. All fields are initialized to
     * zero.
    public final void clear() {
        for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
            fields[i] = 0;
            isSet[i] = false;
        areFieldsSet = isTimeSet = false;

     * Clears the specified field to zero and sets the isSet flag to {@code false}.
     * @param field
     *            the field to clear.
    public final void clear(int field) {
        fields[field] = 0;
        isSet[field] = false;
        areFieldsSet = isTimeSet = false;

     * Returns a new {@code Calendar} with the same properties.
     * @return a shallow copy of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @see java.lang.Cloneable
    public Object clone() {
        try {
            Calendar clone = (Calendar) super.clone();
            clone.fields = fields.clone();
            clone.isSet = isSet.clone();
   = (TimeZone) zone.clone();
            return clone;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);

     * Computes the time from the fields if the time has not already been set.
     * Computes the fields from the time if the fields are not already set.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time is not set and the time cannot be computed
     *                from the current field values.
    protected void complete() {
        if (!isTimeSet) {
            isTimeSet = true;
        if (!areFieldsSet) {
            areFieldsSet = true;

     * Computes the {@code Calendar} fields from {@code time}.
    protected abstract void computeFields();

     * Computes {@code time} from the Calendar fields.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time cannot be computed from the current field
     *                values.
    protected abstract void computeTime();

     * Compares the specified object to this {@code Calendar} and returns whether they are
     * equal. The object must be an instance of {@code Calendar} and have the same
     * properties.
     * @param object
     *            the object to compare with this object.
     * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this {@code Calendar}, {@code false}
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        if (this == object) {
            return true;
        if (!(object instanceof Calendar)) {
            return false;
        Calendar cal = (Calendar) object;
        return getTimeInMillis() == cal.getTimeInMillis()
                && isLenient() == cal.isLenient()
                && getFirstDayOfWeek() == cal.getFirstDayOfWeek()
                && getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() == cal.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
                && getTimeZone().equals(cal.getTimeZone());

     * Gets the value of the specified field after computing the field values by
     * calling {@code complete()} first.
     * @param field
     *            the field to get.
     * @return the value of the specified field.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the fields are not set, the time is not set, and the
     *                time cannot be computed from the current field values.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
     *                if the field is not inside the range of possible fields.
     *                The range is starting at 0 up to {@code FIELD_COUNT}.
    public int get(int field) {
        return fields[field];

     * Returns the maximum value of the specified field for the current date.
     * For example, the maximum number of days in the current month.
    public int getActualMaximum(int field) {
        int value, next;
        if (getMaximum(field) == (next = getLeastMaximum(field))) {
            return next;
        long orgTime = time;
        set(field, next);
        do {
            value = next;
            roll(field, true);
            next = get(field);
        } while (next > value);
        time = orgTime;
        areFieldsSet = false;
        return value;

     * Gets the minimum value of the specified field for the current date.
     * @param field
     *            the field.
     * @return the minimum value of the specified field.
    public int getActualMinimum(int field) {
        int value, next;
        if (getMinimum(field) == (next = getGreatestMinimum(field))) {
            return next;
        long orgTime = time;
        set(field, next);
        do {
            value = next;
            roll(field, false);
            next = get(field);
        } while (next < value);
        time = orgTime;
        areFieldsSet = false;
        return value;

     * Returns an array of locales for which custom {@code Calendar} instances
     * are available.
     * <p>Note that Android does not support user-supplied locale service providers.
    public static synchronized Locale[] getAvailableLocales() {
        return ICU.getAvailableCalendarLocales();

     * Gets the first day of the week for this {@code Calendar}.
     * @return the first day of the week.
    public int getFirstDayOfWeek() {
        return firstDayOfWeek;

     * Gets the greatest minimum value of the specified field. This is the
     * biggest value that {@code getActualMinimum} can return for any possible
     * time.
     * @param field
     *            the field.
     * @return the greatest minimum value of the specified field.
    public abstract int getGreatestMinimum(int field);

     * Constructs a new instance of the {@code Calendar} subclass appropriate for the
     * default {@code Locale}.
     * @return a {@code Calendar} subclass instance set to the current date and time in
     *         the default {@code Timezone}.
    public static synchronized Calendar getInstance() {
        return new GregorianCalendar();

     * Constructs a new instance of the {@code Calendar} subclass appropriate for the
     * specified {@code Locale}.
     * @param locale
     *            the locale to use.
     * @return a {@code Calendar} subclass instance set to the current date and time.
    public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(Locale locale) {
        return new GregorianCalendar(locale);

     * Constructs a new instance of the {@code Calendar} subclass appropriate for the
     * default {@code Locale}, using the specified {@code TimeZone}.
     * @param timezone
     *            the {@code TimeZone} to use.
     * @return a {@code Calendar} subclass instance set to the current date and time in
     *         the specified timezone.
    public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(TimeZone timezone) {
        return new GregorianCalendar(timezone);

     * Constructs a new instance of the {@code Calendar} subclass appropriate for the
     * specified {@code Locale}.
     * @param timezone
     *            the {@code TimeZone} to use.
     * @param locale
     *            the {@code Locale} to use.
     * @return a {@code Calendar} subclass instance set to the current date and time in
     *         the specified timezone.
    public static synchronized Calendar getInstance(TimeZone timezone, Locale locale) {
        return new GregorianCalendar(timezone, locale);

     * Gets the smallest maximum value of the specified field. This is the
     * smallest value that {@code getActualMaximum()} can return for any
     * possible time.
     * @param field
     *            the field number.
     * @return the smallest maximum value of the specified field.
    public abstract int getLeastMaximum(int field);

     * Gets the greatest maximum value of the specified field. This returns the
     * biggest value that {@code get} can return for the specified field.
     * @param field
     *            the field.
     * @return the greatest maximum value of the specified field.
    public abstract int getMaximum(int field);

     * Gets the minimal days in the first week of the year.
     * @return the minimal days in the first week of the year.
    public int getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() {
        return minimalDaysInFirstWeek;

     * Gets the smallest minimum value of the specified field. this returns the
     * smallest value thet {@code get} can return for the specified field.
     * @param field
     *            the field number.
     * @return the smallest minimum value of the specified field.
    public abstract int getMinimum(int field);

     * Gets the time of this {@code Calendar} as a {@code Date} object.
     * @return a new {@code Date} initialized to the time of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time is not set and the time cannot be computed
     *                from the current field values.
    public final Date getTime() {
        return new Date(getTimeInMillis());

     * Computes the time from the fields if required and returns the time.
     * @return the time of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                if the time is not set and the time cannot be computed
     *                from the current field values.
    public long getTimeInMillis() {
        if (!isTimeSet) {
            isTimeSet = true;
        return time;

     * Gets the timezone of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @return the {@code TimeZone} used by this {@code Calendar}.
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return zone;

     * Returns an integer hash code for the receiver. Objects which are equal
     * return the same value for this method.
     * @return the receiver's hash.
     * @see #equals
    public int hashCode() {
        return (isLenient() ? 1237 : 1231) + getFirstDayOfWeek()
                + getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() + getTimeZone().hashCode();

     * Gets the value of the specified field without recomputing.
     * @param field
     *            the field.
     * @return the value of the specified field.
    protected final int internalGet(int field) {
        return fields[field];

     * Returns if this {@code Calendar} accepts field values which are outside the valid
     * range for the field.
     * @return {@code true} if this {@code Calendar} is lenient, {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean isLenient() {
        return lenient;

     * Returns whether the specified field is set. Note that the interpretation of "is set" is
     * somewhat technical. In particular, it does <i>not</i> mean that the field's value is up
     * to date. If you want to know whether a field contains an up-to-date value, you must also
     * check {@code areFieldsSet}, making this method somewhat useless unless you're a subclass,
     * in which case you can access the {@code isSet} array directly.
     * <p>
     * A field remains "set" from the first time its value is computed until it's cleared by one
     * of the {@code clear} methods. Thus "set" does not mean "valid". You probably want to call
     * {@code get} -- which will update fields as necessary -- rather than try to make use of
     * this method.
     * @param field
     *            a {@code Calendar} field number.
     * @return {@code true} if the specified field is set, {@code false} otherwise.
    public final boolean isSet(int field) {
        return isSet[field];

     * Adds the specified amount to the specified field and wraps the value of
     * the field when it goes beyond the maximum or minimum value for the
     * current date. Other fields will be adjusted as required to maintain a
     * consistent date.
     * @param field
     *            the field to roll.
     * @param value
     *            the amount to add.
    public void roll(int field, int value) {
        boolean increment = value >= 0;
        int count = increment ? value : -value;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            roll(field, increment);

     * Increment or decrement the specified field and wrap the value of the
     * field when it goes beyond the maximum or minimum value for the current
     * date. Other fields will be adjusted as required to maintain a consistent
     * date.
     * @param field
     *            the number indicating the field to roll.
     * @param increment
     *            {@code true} to increment the field, {@code false} to decrement.
    public abstract void roll(int field, boolean increment);

     * Sets a field to the specified value.
     * @param field
     *            the code indicating the {@code Calendar} field to modify.
     * @param value
     *            the value.
    public void set(int field, int value) {
        fields[field] = value;
        isSet[field] = true;
        areFieldsSet = isTimeSet = false;
        if (field > MONTH && field < AM_PM) {
            lastDateFieldSet = field;
        if (field == HOUR || field == HOUR_OF_DAY) {
            lastTimeFieldSet = field;
        if (field == AM_PM) {
            lastTimeFieldSet = HOUR;

     * Sets the year, month and day of the month fields. Other fields are not
     * changed.
     * @param year
     *            the year.
     * @param month
     *            the month.
     * @param day
     *            the day of the month.
    public final void set(int year, int month, int day) {
        set(YEAR, year);
        set(MONTH, month);
        set(DATE, day);

     * Sets the year, month, day of the month, hour of day and minute fields.
     * Other fields are not changed.
     * @param year
     *            the year.
     * @param month
     *            the month.
     * @param day
     *            the day of the month.
     * @param hourOfDay
     *            the hour of day.
     * @param minute
     *            the minute.
    public final void set(int year, int month, int day, int hourOfDay,
            int minute) {
        set(year, month, day);
        set(HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay);
        set(MINUTE, minute);

     * Sets the year, month, day of the month, hour of day, minute and second
     * fields. Other fields are not changed.
     * @param year
     *            the year.
     * @param month
     *            the month.
     * @param day
     *            the day of the month.
     * @param hourOfDay
     *            the hour of day.
     * @param minute
     *            the minute.
     * @param second
     *            the second.
    public final void set(int year, int month, int day, int hourOfDay,
            int minute, int second) {
        set(year, month, day, hourOfDay, minute);
        set(SECOND, second);

     * Sets the first day of the week for this {@code Calendar}.
     * @param value
     *            a {@code Calendar} day of the week.
    public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int value) {
        firstDayOfWeek = value;

     * Sets this {@code Calendar} to accept field values which are outside the valid
     * range for the field.
     * @param value
     *            a boolean value.
    public void setLenient(boolean value) {
        lenient = value;

     * Sets the minimal days in the first week of the year.
     * @param value
     *            the minimal days in the first week of the year.
    public void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int value) {
        minimalDaysInFirstWeek = value;

     * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @param date
     *            a {@code Date} object.
    public final void setTime(Date date) {

     * Sets the time of this {@code Calendar}.
     * @param milliseconds
     *            the time as the number of milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970.
    public void setTimeInMillis(long milliseconds) {
        if (!isTimeSet || !areFieldsSet || time != milliseconds) {
            time = milliseconds;
            isTimeSet = true;
            areFieldsSet = false;

     * Sets the {@code TimeZone} used by this Calendar.
     * @param timezone
     *            a {@code TimeZone}.
    public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timezone) {
        zone = timezone;
        areFieldsSet = false;

     * Returns the string representation of this {@code Calendar}.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(getClass().getName() +
                "[time=" + (isTimeSet ? String.valueOf(time) : "?") +
                ",areFieldsSet=" + areFieldsSet +
                ",lenient=" + lenient +
                ",zone=" + zone.getID() +
                ",firstDayOfWeek=" + firstDayOfWeek +
                ",minimalDaysInFirstWeek=" + minimalDaysInFirstWeek);
        for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
            if (isSet[i]) {
            } else {
        return result.toString();

     * Compares the times of the two {@code Calendar}, which represent the milliseconds
     * from the January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT (Gregorian).
     * @param anotherCalendar
     *            another calendar that this one is compared with.
     * @return 0 if the times of the two {@code Calendar}s are equal, -1 if the time of
     *         this {@code Calendar} is before the other one, 1 if the time of this
     *         {@code Calendar} is after the other one.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if the argument is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if the argument does not include a valid time
     *             value.
    public int compareTo(Calendar anotherCalendar) {
        if (anotherCalendar == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("anotherCalendar == null");
        long timeInMillis = getTimeInMillis();
        long anotherTimeInMillis = anotherCalendar.getTimeInMillis();
        if (timeInMillis > anotherTimeInMillis) {
            return 1;
        if (timeInMillis == anotherTimeInMillis) {
            return 0;
        return -1;

     * Returns a human-readable string for the value of {@code field}
     * using the given style and locale. If no string is available, returns null.
     * The value is retrieved by invoking {@code get(field)}.
     * <p>For example, {@code getDisplayName(MONTH, SHORT, Locale.US)} will return "Jan"
     * while {@code getDisplayName(MONTH, LONG, Locale.US)} will return "January".
     * @param field the field
     * @param style {@code SHORT} or {@code LONG}
     * @param locale the locale
     * @return the display name, or null
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code locale == null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid
     * @since 1.6
    public String getDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
        // TODO: the RI's documentation says ALL_STYLES is invalid, but actually treats it as SHORT.
        if (style == ALL_STYLES) {
            style = SHORT;
        String[] array = getDisplayNameArray(field, style, locale);
        int value = get(field);
        return (array != null) ? array[value] : null;

    private String[] getDisplayNameArray(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
        if (field < 0 || field >= FIELD_COUNT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad field " + field);
        DateFormatSymbols dfs = DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch (field) {
        case AM_PM:
            return dfs.getAmPmStrings();
        case DAY_OF_WEEK:
            return (style == LONG) ? dfs.getWeekdays() : dfs.getShortWeekdays();
        case ERA:
            return dfs.getEras();
        case MONTH:
            return (style == LONG) ? dfs.getMonths() : dfs.getShortMonths();
        return null;

    private static void checkStyle(int style) {
        if (style != ALL_STYLES && style != SHORT && style != LONG) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad style " + style);

     * Returns a map of human-readable strings to corresponding values,
     * for the given field, style, and locale.
     * Returns null if no strings are available.
     * <p>For example, {@code getDisplayNames(MONTH, ALL_STYLES, Locale.US)} would
     * contain mappings from "Jan" and "January" to {@link #JANUARY}, and so on.
     * @param field the field
     * @param style {@code SHORT}, {@code LONG}, or {@code ALL_STYLES}
     * @param locale the locale
     * @return the display name, or null
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code locale == null}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code field} or {@code style} is invalid
     * @since 1.6
    public Map<String, Integer> getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale) {
        Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        if (style == SHORT || style == ALL_STYLES) {
            insertValuesInMap(result, getDisplayNameArray(field, SHORT, locale));
        if (style == LONG || style == ALL_STYLES) {
            insertValuesInMap(result, getDisplayNameArray(field, LONG, locale));
        return result.isEmpty() ? null : result;

    private static void insertValuesInMap(Map<String, Integer> map, String[] values) {
        if (values == null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
            if (values[i] != null && !values[i].isEmpty()) {
                map.put(values[i], i);

    private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
        new ObjectStreamField("areFieldsSet", boolean.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("fields", int[].class),
        new ObjectStreamField("firstDayOfWeek", int.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("isSet", boolean[].class),
        new ObjectStreamField("isTimeSet", boolean.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("lenient", boolean.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("minimalDaysInFirstWeek", int.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("nextStamp", int.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("serialVersionOnStream", int.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("time", long.class),
        new ObjectStreamField("zone", TimeZone.class),

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
        ObjectOutputStream.PutField putFields = stream.putFields();
        putFields.put("areFieldsSet", areFieldsSet);
        putFields.put("fields", this.fields);
        putFields.put("firstDayOfWeek", firstDayOfWeek);
        putFields.put("isSet", isSet);
        putFields.put("isTimeSet", isTimeSet);
        putFields.put("lenient", lenient);
        putFields.put("minimalDaysInFirstWeek", minimalDaysInFirstWeek);
        putFields.put("nextStamp", 2 /* MINIMUM_USER_STAMP */);
        putFields.put("serialVersionOnStream", 1);
        putFields.put("time", time);
        putFields.put("zone", zone);

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream.GetField readFields = stream.readFields();
        areFieldsSet = readFields.get("areFieldsSet", false);
        this.fields = (int[]) readFields.get("fields", null);
        firstDayOfWeek = readFields.get("firstDayOfWeek", Calendar.SUNDAY);
        isSet = (boolean[]) readFields.get("isSet", null);
        isTimeSet = readFields.get("isTimeSet", false);
        lenient = readFields.get("lenient", true);
        minimalDaysInFirstWeek = readFields.get("minimalDaysInFirstWeek", 1);
        time = readFields.get("time", 0L);
        zone = (TimeZone) readFields.get("zone", null);






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