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翻译 Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders for Directed Link Prediction 针对链路预测的重力启发式图自编码器

Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders for Directed Link Prediction针对链路预测的重力启发式图自编码器**作者:Guillaume Salha, Stratis Limnios, Romain Hennequin, Viet Anh Tran, Michalis Vazirgiannis. **摘要图自动编码器(AE)和变分自动编码器(VAE)最近作为强大的节点嵌入方法出现了。 特别是,图AE和VAE被成功地利用来解决具有挑战性的链接预测

2020-10-05 04:27:42 1515

原创 多任务排序问题


2019-08-09 16:12:57 999

原创 tensorboard: TensorFlow installation not found 访问不到图(windows)(已解决)


2019-08-05 12:18:28 28593 12

原创 pip 安装更新遇到问题

关于pip Requirement already up-to-date: pip in 。。。 的问题 安装包时遇到更新提示 在win下用cmd使用命令“python -m pip install –upgrade pip” 更新pip时,第一次更新只是下载了相关文件但是并没有更新成功,之后再尝试更新时出现 发现在site-packages目录下的pip-9.01…egg文件(具...

2018-04-03 15:33:19 5575

原创 【Software Testing】Automated Tools

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客Automated TestingFor testing to be effective, it is good to automate it as much as possiblebenefits:speed -FrequencyRepeatabilityAccuracy As the beginning of t...

2018-04-03 14:16:23 211

原创 Pyhont基础:简单数据结构的实现

栈的实现栈(stacks)是一种只能通过访问其一端来实现数据存储与检索的线性数据结构,具有后进先出(last in first out,LIFO)的特征 用简单的list实现 添加元素: stack = [1,2,3] stack.append(4) 取出元素: stack .pop()队列的实现: 队列(queue)是一种具有先进先出特征的线性数据结构,元素的增加只能在一端...

2018-03-13 14:36:10 249

原创 【深度学习经典论文阅读笔记】Going deeper with convolutions

GoogLeNet Inception: Going deeper with convolutions本篇文章在ILSVRC2014中,获得了分类和检测第一的好成绩。摘要:本文提出了一个Inception结构,旨在计算成本相同的情况下,提升网络的深度和广度。一:介绍近年来在图像识别上的进步,不仅因为硬件的革新、大的数据集,使我们可以大量运算,还有更多的在于算法的升级。 ...

2018-03-11 19:14:54 618

原创 JSF

What is JSFA set of web-based GUI controls and handlers A device-independent GUI control framework AN MVC-based Web app framework An Ajax library is the official java EE library for web appsJSF & X

2017-06-23 10:06:40 303

原创 JSP

Invoking java code with JSP scripting elements好现在开始正式进入JSP的世界 What we need for JSP? with**servlet**, it is easy to : read from data read HTTP request headers set HTTP status codes and response hea

2017-06-16 10:20:01 336

原创 Servlet

JSP vs. JSFServlets and JSP (JavaServer Pages) Original, widely-deployed standard Used by google.com, ebay.com, walmart.com, and thousands of other popular sites Low level by today’s standards Cove

2017-06-14 09:20:17 413

原创 jQuery

百度云引用<script src="https://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js">syntax (selector).action()examples:(selector).action() examples: (this).hide() - 隐藏当前元素 $(“p”).hide() - 隐藏所有 元素 $(“p.t

2017-06-12 10:07:53 254

原创 jQuery Ajax Support: Basics

百度云引用<script src="https://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js">$.ajax: BasicsThere are three styles of Ajax: Data-centric Ajax:发送原始数据 Content-centric Ajax: 服务器发送一段字符串,客户端插入文本

2017-06-12 10:04:42 382

原创 jQuery: Installation, Overview, and Getting Started

Overview of jQueryjQuery is the Single-Most Popular JavaScript Library Ajax utilities General: .ajax(…),.ajax(…), (…).load(…) Shortcuts: .get,.get, .post, .getJSONDOMsearchandmanipulationutilities.g

2017-06-12 09:15:56 289

原创 JavaScript: Getting Started

Loading Style Sheets and Applying Styles Loading the style sheet<head><link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> …</head>Embedding an internal style sheet<head><styl

2017-06-09 10:20:52 312


Hypertext Links and URLs Links can contain images and other inline elements (i.e., <div id="placeholder-for-ajax"></div><input id="firstNameField" name="..."/>class A stylesheet class name<p class=

2017-06-07 10:20:45 711

原创 JSP & Servlet

What’s the difference between Web page Web site Web application Web site is a collection of web page, application is something has logic determine what you get.Web Application Architecture We

2017-06-05 10:13:37 414 2

原创 Authrisation

Privileges The privileges are used in SQL to protect data. It is fine-grained and specify how a user can interact with a given relation(table) and even limit which columns in relation the user can acc

2017-06-04 17:35:28 245

原创 Entity-Relational Data Modeling

Introduction An Entity-Relational Model(ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. It is a DB method used to produce a type of conceptual schema of a system.ER Definitions Entity(Inst

2017-06-04 16:41:25 449

原创 Normalisation

What is a good Database design?Deciding on a suitable robust logical structure for the tables is a key element of a good relational database design. A good design has the following features: Ef

2017-06-04 15:53:06 654

原创 Relational Data Model

Overview The goal of a model is to reduce and abstract the real world into something computable. It is represented as a collection of tables.Relational Model describe how to operate database with som

2017-06-03 22:04:16 1015

原创 数据库管理系统(DBMS)

Overview Database Basics Data Storage Hard Disk Basics Indexing Entity-Relationship(ER) Data Modelling The Relational Data Model Designing a Good Relational Model Practical Structu

2017-06-03 20:40:15 1266

原创 操作系统(Operating System)16 分布式处理,客户-服务器和集群

CH16分布式处理,客户-服务器和集群这章作为全书的最后一章,贯彻了外国人最后的一般越不重要原则,感觉相当水。 先讲一下中间件: Middleware 客户-服务器产品的开发和使用,对从物理层到应用层的分布式计算标准化要求远远超过了人们的想象。开发人员必须拥有一套能够提供统一的方法和方式,跨越各种平台访问系统资源的工具。 实现这个要求的蝉蛹做法是,在上层应用程序和西城通信软件和操作系统之间使

2017-06-02 20:27:42 444

原创 操作系统(Operating System)11 I/O

CH 11 I/O categories of I/O Devices Human readable Machine readable Communication:(modems, network adapter)Differences in I/O Devices Data Rate Application Complexity of

2017-05-31 15:57:45 524

原创 操作系统(Operating System)10

CH10 Multiprocessor/Multicore & Realtime Scheduling 多处理器和实时调度Classifications of Multiprocessor Systems 1.Loosely couple or distributed multiprocessor, or cluster 2.Functionally specialized proc

2017-05-30 18:00:42 530

原创 操作系统(Operating System)9 单处理器调度

Ch 9 –Scheduling 第九章 单处理器调度 学习目标: 1.了解长程、中程和短程调度的区别 2.评估不同调度策略的性能 如图9.1,多道程序设计的关键是调度,典型的调度有以上四种。 调度关系体现为: 调度决定了那个进程须等待,那个进程能继续运行。本质上说,调度属于队列管理(managing queues)问题,用于在排队环境中减少演出并优化性能。9.1.1短程调度

2017-05-24 16:57:53 822

原创 操作系统(Operating System)2

Ch2 Operating System 计算机硬件和软件结构如图。操作系统链接上层应用和下层硬件指令集体系结构。 简单的说,操作系统提供了以下服务: 程序开发 程序运行 I/O设备访问 文件访问控制 系统访问 错误检测和响应 记账同时提供了三个重要接口: 指令体系结构ISA 应用程序二进制接口 ABI 应用程序编程接口 APIEvolution of Operating S

2017-05-19 22:09:06 754

原创 操作系统(Operating System)Linux1

command echo pwd print working direction cd/dir change directory ls list contents less 列出比目标文件大小小的文件 make 新建 ctrl - c signal stop of a

2017-05-17 12:18:58 435

原创 操作系统(Operating System)4

线程与进程(Process & Threads)-Process is an infrastructure in which execution takes place  (address space + resources)-Thread is a program component executing within a process context – each thread has i

2017-05-17 11:49:23 506

原创 操作系统(Operating System)3

首先总结一下在一二章里的概念: 1.电脑包括一系列硬件。。。 2.应用是在平台上运行的,有一定的I/O能力 3.应用不能直接利用硬件 a.许多的应用可以在同一个平台上运行 b.需要同时处理多个任务 c.当处理多任务时,要保护(合理利用)数据和I/O 4.OS提供了便捷,多样,安全和一致性回顾第二章,我们定义

2017-05-17 10:51:41 926

原创 操作系统(Operating Systems)学习心得

学校开设了操作系统课程,本文为该课程的学习心得。。Chapter 1 OS- Interface to hardware Keep in mind the breadth of systems -Mainframe -Personal Computer -Mobile Platforms 操作系统,利用硬件来处理进程

2017-05-16 23:19:55 3630 1





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