Linux AWK 实现网络下载

  awk是一种优秀的文本处理工 具,用它来处理文本中的数据非常方便。我们现在用的绝大部分是gawk,也就是gnu awk,gnu的软件一贯表现不错,跟其他AWK的实现版本比起来,gawk添加了对网络的支持,比如我可以用awk模拟发送http请求给浏览器,然后 用正则表达式过滤网页内容,例如 这里是一个awk和sed搭配获取五大联赛计分表的shell程序。



程序的基本原理是用gawk发送http请求,获取服务器返回的信息,然后根据这些信息进行一些处理后重新发送,经过三次请 求,youku会发送真正的flv地址,根据这个真实地址就可以下载了,由于gawk在I/O这方面功能很弱,所以我在gawk中通过system()调 用curl来完成这最后一步的下载。


gawk -f get_youku.awk youku.txt


csdn blog的代码模板没有awk,代码有300多行,下面是代码,可能有点乱,有兴趣仔细研究的可以留下邮箱索取源代码。

  1. #! /usr/bin/gawk -f

  2. ################################################################################
  3. #
  4. #优酷视频下载器
  5. #
  6. #Author:
  7. #
  8. #Date: 11/15/2008
  9. #
  10. ################################################################################
  11. {
  12. adr = $1;
  13. fn = $2;
  14. download_video(adr,fn);
  15. }

  16. ################################################################################
  17. #实际的下载函数,参数url是flv的网络地址,filename是下载后保存的名称
  18. ################################################################################
  19. function download_video(url,filename)
  20. {

  21. Get_Info(Get_Vid(url));
  22. system("echo ========================================================================================");

  23. for(i=1;i<=video_info["clipcn"];i++)
  24. {
  25. if(video_info["clipcn"] > 1)
  26. {
  27. filename = filename "_" i;
  28. }

  29. tlink = "url_" i;
  30. filename = filename ".flv";

  31. echo_hint = "正在为您下载 : " filename;
  32. echo_command = "echo " echo_hint;

  33. system(echo_command);
  34. system("echo");

  35. command = "curl " Identify_video(video_info[tlink]) " >" filename;
  36. system(command);

  37. system("echo");
  38. system("echo ========================================================================================");

  39. }

  40. }

  41. ################################################################################
  42. #提取网页地址,参数web_url来自于youtube.txt,是视频所在的网页地址
  43. ################################################################################

  44. function Get_url(web_url)
  45. {
  46. gsub(/http://///,"",web_url)
  47. gsub(/v/.youku/.com/,"",web_url)
  48. return web_url;
  49. }
  50. ################################################################################
  51. #提取视频id的函数
  52. ################################################################################

  53. function Get_Vid(web_url)
  54. {
  55. RS="/r/n"

  56. url = Get_url(web_url)

  57. InetFile = "/inet/tcp/0/"
  58. Request = "GET " url " HTTP/1.1/r/n"
  59. Request = Request "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*"
  60. Request = Request "Accept-Language: zh-cn/r/n"
  61. Request = Request "UA-CPU: x86/r/n"
  62. Request = Request "Accept-Encoding: unzip, deflate/r/n"
  63. Request = Request "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)/r/n"
  64. Request = Request "Host:"
  65. print Request |& InetFile;

  66. while((InetFile |& getline) >0)
  67. {
  68. if(match($0,/videoId = '[0-9]*'/,matchtext))
  69. {
  70. if(match(matchtext[0],/'[0-9]*'/,array_vid))
  71. {
  72. vid = array_vid[0];
  73. gsub(/'/,"",vid);
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }

  77. close(InetFile);
  78. return vid;

  79. }
  80. ################################################################################
  81. #获取服务器发送的key
  82. ################################################################################

  83. function Get_key(item)
  84. {
  85. split(item,item_info,":")
  86. gsub(/"/,"",item_info[2])
  87. return item_info[2]
  88. }
  89. ################################################################################
  90. #获取视频的大小
  91. ################################################################################

  92. function Get_size(item)
  93. {
  94. split(item,item_info,":")
  95. gsub(/"/,"",item_info[3])
  96. gsub(/}/,"",item_info[3])
  97. return item_info[3]
  98. }
  99. ################################################################################
  100. #获取视频的seed
  101. ################################################################################

  102. function Get_seed(item)
  103. {
  104. split(item,item_info,":")
  105. return item_info[2]

  106. }

  107. ################################################################################
  108. #一个随机数发生器
  109. ################################################################################

  110. function Genrate_rand()
  111. {

  112. seed = (seed * 211 + 30031) % 65536;
  113. num = seed / 65536;
  114. return num;
  115. }

  116. function convert_fileid(fileid)
  117. {
  118. split(fileid,fid,"*");
  119. i = 1;
  120. while(fid[i] != "")
  121. {

  122. i++;
  123. }
  124. fid_length = i-1;

  125. cg_str = "";
  126. str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ///:._-1234567890";

  127. seed = video_info["seed"];

  128. str_length = length(str);

  129. for (i = 1; i <= str_length; ++i)
  130. {
  131. seed = (seed * 211 + 30031) % 65536;
  132. num = seed / 65536;
  133. pos = int(length(str) * num);
  134. pos += 1;
  135. ch = substr(str,pos,1);
  136. cg_str = cg_str ch;
  137. split(str,str_array,ch);
  138. str = str_array[1] str_array[2];
  139. }

  140. id = "";

  141. for (i = 1; i <= fid_length; ++i)
  142. {
  143. id = id substr(cg_str,fid[i]+1,1);

  144. }

  145. return (id);
  146. }

  147. ################################################################################
  148. #提取fileid
  149. ################################################################################

  150. function Get_fileid(item)
  151. {
  152. split(item,item_info,":")
  153. gsub(/"/,"",item_info[2])

  154. split(item_info[2],fileid,"*")
  155. return item_info[2]

  156. }

  157. ################################################################################
  158. #将16进制字符转换为数字
  159. ################################################################################

  160. function hex_convention(ch)
  161. {
  162. if(ch == "a")
  163. num = 10;
  164. else if(ch == "b")
  165. num = 11;
  166. else if(ch == "c")
  167. num = 12;
  168. else if(ch == "d")
  169. num = 13;
  170. else if(ch == "e")
  171. num = 14;
  172. else if(ch == "f")
  173. num = 15;
  174. else
  175. num = ch;
  176. return num;
  177. }

  178. ################################################################################
  179. #将16进制字符串转换为十进制数字
  180. ################################################################################

  181. function HexStr_int(str)
  182. {
  183. sum = 0;

  184. for(i=length(str);i>=1;i--)
  185. {
  186. n = substr(str,i,1);
  187. tmp = 16**(length(str)-i);
  188. sum += (hex_convention(n)) * tmp;
  189. }
  190. return sum;
  191. }

  192. ################################################################################
  193. #获取视频的相关信息
  194. ################################################################################

  195. function Get_Info(video_id)
  196. {

  197. url = "/player/getPlayList/VideoIDS/" video_id "/version/v1.0.0312/source/video/password//Type/flv";
  198. flvHttpFile = "/inet/tcp/0/"
  199. Request = "GET " url " HTTP/1.1/r/n"
  200. Request = Request "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*"
  201. Request = Request "Accept-Language: zh-cn/r/n"
  202. Request = Request "UA-CPU: x86/r/n"
  203. Request = Request "Accept-Encoding: unzip, deflate/r/n"
  204. Request = Request "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)/r/n"
  205. Request = Request "Host:"
  206. print Request |& flvHttpFile

  207. while((flvHttpFile |& getline) > 0)
  208. {
  209. split($0,match_info,",");
  210. }
  211. close(flvHttpFile);

  212. i = 1;
  213. while(match_info[i]!="")
  214. {

  215. if(0 != match(match_info[i],/"seed".*/))
  216. {
  217. video_info["seed"] = Get_seed(match_info[i]);
  218. }
  219. if(0 != match(match_info[i],/"streamsizes".*/))
  220. {
  221. video_info["size"] = Get_size(match_info[i]);
  222. }
  223. if( 0 != match(match_info[i],/"fileid"/))
  224. {
  225. video_info["fileid"] = Get_fileid(match_info[i]);
  226. }
  227. if (0 != match(match_info[i],/"key1".*/))
  228. {
  229. video_info["key1"] = Get_key(match_info[i]);
  230. }
  231. if( 0 != match(match_info[i],/"key2".*/,match_key2))
  232. {
  233. video_info["key2"] = Get_key(match_info[i]);
  234. }
  235. i++;
  236. }

  237. # printf("/n/n");
  238. # printf("seed = %s/n",video_info["seed"]);
  239. # printf("size = %s/n",video_info["size"]);
  240. # printf("fileid = %s/n",video_info["fileid"]);
  241. # printf("key1 = %s/n",video_info["key1"]);
  242. # printf("key2 = %s/n/n",video_info["key2"]);
  243. # printf("/n/n")

  244. file_id = convert_fileid(video_info["fileid"]);

  245. key_stand = sprintf("%d",0xA55AA5A5);
  246. key1 = HexStr_int(video_info["key1"]);
  247. video_info["key1"] = sprintf("%x",xor(key1,key_stand));

  248. video_info["clipcn"] = int(substr(file_id,7,2));

  249. if(video_info["clipcn"] == 1)
  250. {
  251. last_url = ""
  252. last_url = last_url file_id "?K=" video_info["key2"];
  253. last_url = last_url video_info["key1"];
  254. video_info["url_1"] = last_url;
  255. }
  256. else
  257. {
  258. for(i = 1; i<= video_info["clipcn"];i++ )
  259. {
  260. if(video_info["clipcn"] <= 10)
  261. {
  262. lev = "0" (i-1);

  263. }
  264. last_url = ""
  265. last_url = last_url substr(file_id,1,8);
  266. last_url = last_url lev;
  267. last_url = last_url substr(file_id,11,length(file_id)-10);
  268. last_url = last_url "?K=";
  269. last_url = last_url video_info["key2"];
  270. last_url = last_url video_info["key1"];
  271. tlink = "url_" i;
  272. video_info[tlink] = last_url;
  273. }
  274. }
  275. return;
  276. }

  277. ################################################################################
  278. #最后一次放松http请求,服务器将返回真实的视频地址
  279. ################################################################################

  280. function Identify_video(req)
  281. {
  282. InetDown = "/inet/tcp/0/"
  283. gsub(/,"",req);
  284. Request = "GET " req " HTTP/1.1/r/n";
  285. Request = Request "Accept: */*/r/n";
  286. Request = Request "Cache-Control: no-cache/r/n";
  287. Request = Request "Connection: close/r/n";
  288. Request = Request "Host:";
  289. Request = Request "Pragma: no-cache/r/n";
  290. Request = Request "Referer:";
  291. Request = Request "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; )/r/n"
  292. Request = Request "/r/n";

  293. print Request |& InetDown;

  294. while((InetDown |& getline) >0)
  295. {
  296. pos = match($0,/http://///);
  297. if(0 != pos)
  298. {
  299. flvAddr = substr($0,pos,length($0) - 10);
  300. }

  301. }
  302. close(InetDown);

  303. return flvAddr;

  304. }
This book is about a set of oddly named UNIX utilities, sed and awk. These utilities have many things in common, including the use of regular expressions for pattern matching. Since pattern matching is such an important part of their use, this book explains UNIX regular expression syntax very thoroughly. Because there is a natural progression in learning from grep to sed to awk, we will be covering all three programs, although the focus is on sed and awk. Sed and awk are tools used by users, programmers, and system administrators - anyone working with text files. Sed, so called because it is a stream editor, is perfect for applying a series of edits to a number of files. Awk, named after its developers Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan, is a programming language that permits easy manipulation of structured data and the generation of formatted reports. This book emphasizes the POSIX definition of awk. In addition, the book briefly describes the original version of awk, before discussing three freely available versions of awk and two commercial ones, all of which implement POSIX awk. The focus of this book is on writing scripts for sed and awk that quickly solve an assortment of problems for the user. Many of these scripts could be called "quick-fixes." In addition, we'll cover scripts that solve larger problems that require more careful design and development. Scope of This Handbook Chapter 1, Power Tools for Editing, is an overview of the features and capabilities of sed and awk. Chapter 2, Understanding Basic Operations, demonstrates the basic operations of sed and awk, showing a progression in functionality from sed to awk. Both share a similar command-line syntax, accepting user instructions in the form of a script. Chapter 3, Understanding Regular Expression Syntax, describes UNIX regular expression syntax in full detail. New users are often intimidated by these strange expressions, used for pattern matching. It is important to master regular expression syntax to get the most from sed and awk. The pattern-matching examples in this chapter largely rely on grep and egrep. Chapter 4, Writing sed Scripts, begins a three-chapter section on sed. This chapter covers the basic elements of writing a sed script using only a few sed commands. It also presents a shell script that simplifies invoking sed scripts. Chapter 5, Basic sed Commands, and Chapter 6, Advanced sed Commands, divide the sed command set into basic and advanced commands. The basic commands are commands that parallel manual editing actions, while the advanced commands introduce simple programming capabilities. Among the advanced commands are those that manipulate the hold space, a set-aside temporary buffer. Chapter 7, Writing Scripts for awk, begins a five-chapter section on awk. This chapter presents the primary features of this scripting language. A number of scripts are explained, including one that modifies the output of the ls command. Chapter 8, Conditionals, Loops, and Arrays, describes how to use common programming constructs such as conditionals, loops, and arrays. Chapter 9, Functions, describes how to use awk's built-in functions as well as how to write user-defined functions. Chapter 10, The Bottom Drawer, covers a set of miscellaneous awk topics. It describes how to execute UNIX commands from an awk script and how to direct output to files and pipes. It then offers some (meager) advice on debugging awk scripts. Chapter 11, A Flock of awks, describes the original V7 version of awk, the current Bell Labs awk, GNU awk (gawk) from the Free Software Foundation, and mawk, by Michael Brennan. The latter three all have freely available source code. This chapter also describes two commercial implementations, MKS awk and Thomson Automation awk (tawk), as well as VSAwk, which brings awk-like capabilities to the Visual Basic environment. Chapter 12, Full-Featured Applications, presents two longer, more complex awk scripts that together demonstrate nearly all the features of the language. The first script is an interactive spelling checker. The second script processes and formats the index for a book or a master index for a set of books. Chapter 13, A Miscellany of Scripts, presents a number of user-contributed scripts that show different styles and techniques of writing scripts for sed and awk. Appendix A, Quick Reference for sed, is a quick reference describing sed's commands and command-line options. Appendix B, Quick Reference for awk, is a quick reference to awk's command-line options and a full description of its scripting language. Appendix C, Supplement for Chapter 12, presents the full listings for the spellcheck.awk script and the masterindex shell script described in Chapter 12.
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