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转载 在Oracle中采用纵向和横向结构表


2012-09-21 15:31:10 3606



2012-09-21 15:31:00 335

转载 Xmemcached使用之与Spring整合

1 简介Xmemcached是一个高性能的基于java nio的memcached客户端。在经过三个RC版本后,正式发布1.10-final版本。xmemcached特性一览:1、高性能2、支持完整的memcached文本协议,二进制协议将在1.2版本实现。3、支持JMX,可以通过MBean调整性能参数、动态添加/移除server、查看统计等。4、支持客户端统计5、支持

2012-09-21 13:26:34 966


1 简介Xmemcached是一个高性能的基于java nio的memcached客户端。在经过三个RC版本后,正式发布1.10-final版本。xmemcached特性一览:1、高性能2、支持完整的memcached文本协议,二进制协议将在1.2版本实现。3、支持JMX,可以通过MBean调整性能参数、动态添加/移除server、查看统计等。4、支持客户端统计5、支持...

2012-09-21 13:26:00 59

转载 浅析淘宝数据魔方技术架构

淘宝网拥有国内最具商业价值的海量数据。截至当前,每天有超过30亿的店铺、商品浏览记录,10亿在线商品数,上千万的成交、收藏和评价数据。如何从这些 数据中挖掘出真正的商业价值,进而帮助淘宝、商家进行企业的数据化运营,帮助消费者进行理性的购物决策,是淘宝数据平台与产品部的使命。  为此,我们进行了一系列数据产品的研发,比如为大家所熟知的量子统计、数据魔方和淘宝指数等。尽管从业务层面来讲,数据产

2012-09-18 10:02:10 667


淘宝网拥有国内最具商业价值的海量数据。截至当前,每天有超过30亿的店铺、商品浏览记录,10亿在线商品数,上千万的成交、收藏和评价数据。如何从这些 数据中挖掘出真正的商业价值,进而帮助淘宝、商家进行企业的数据化运营,帮助消费者进行理性的购物决策,是淘宝数据平台与产品部的使命。  为此,我们进行了一系列数据产品的研发,比如为大家所熟知的量子统计、数据魔方和淘宝指数等。尽管从业务层面来讲...

2012-09-18 10:02:00 66

原创 仿天猫商城鼠标移近图片变暗的jquery特效代码


2012-09-17 16:23:43 5458



2012-09-17 16:23:00 98

转载 Hibernate中的回调与拦截机制

在某些情况下,我们需要对实体的CURD操作进行捕获并执行一些操作,这可以通过数据库触发器来实现,但是正如我们上一节中所分析的,由于触发器的执行对Hibernate Session是透明的,因此会带来很多问题(参见上一节)。为此Hibernate提供了一些专门用于捕获监听实体CURD操作的接口,通过这些接口可以实现类似触发器的功能,能够在实体发生CURD操作时捕获事件,并且执行相应的动作逻辑。在Hi

2012-09-14 14:39:56 659


在某些情况下,我们需要对实体的CURD操作进行捕获并执行一些操作,这可以通过数据库触发器来实现,但是正如我们上一节中所分析的,由于触发器的执行对Hibernate Session是透明的,因此会带来很多问题(参见上一节)。为此Hibernate提供了一些专门用于捕获监听实体CURD操作的接口,通过这些接口可以实现类似触发器的功能,能够在实体发生CURD操作时捕获事件,并且执行相应的动作逻辑...

2012-09-14 14:39:00 80

转载 hibernate动态模型(Dynamic models)

动态模型的使用也可以不用设置:session = sessionFactory.openSession();session = session.getSession(EntityMode.Map);Session能自动判断。  运行期的持久化实体没有必要一定表示为像POJO类或JavaBean对象那样的形式。Hibernate也支持动态模型 (在运行

2012-09-12 14:27:09 2321

hibernate动态模型(Dynamic models)

动态模型的使用也可以不用设置:session = sessionFactory.openSession();session= session.getSession(EntityMode.Map);Session能自动判断。运行期的持久化实体没有必要一定表示为像POJO类或JavaBean对象那样的形式。Hibernate也支持动态模型 (在运...

2012-09-12 14:27:00 100

转载 Hibernate的那些事-manyToOne注解映射(List集合)

1:定义一个Group类,在映射关系中为一的一方:package collections.list;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import javax.persistence.CascadeType;import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persist

2012-09-12 09:18:55 5269 1


1:定义一个Group类,在映射关系中为一的一方:package collections.list;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import javax.persistence.CascadeType;import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persi...

2012-09-12 09:18:00 201

转载 Hibernate的那些事-manyToOne注解映射(Map集合)

1:一对多的一方:package collections.map;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import javax.persistence.CascadeType;import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

2012-09-12 09:16:41 1846 1


1:一对多的一方:package collections.map;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import javax.persistence.CascadeType;import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persistence.GeneratedValu...

2012-09-12 09:16:00 91

转载 wait、notify、notifyAll

注意:这些方法属于Object,而不属于Thread。每一个对象除了有一个锁之外,还有一个等待队列(wait set),当一个对象刚创建的时候,他的等待队列是空的。我们可以利用这些方法来解决“生产者和消费者的问题”。wait方法呢,是在当前线程锁住对象的锁后,才调用该对象的wait方法的。即在同步代码块中或者同步方法中进行调用的。调用后,该对象的等待队列中就有了一个所在线程

2012-09-08 10:45:55 543


注意:这些方法属于Object,而不属于Thread。每一个对象除了有一个锁之外,还有一个等待队列(wait set),当一个对象刚创建的时候,他的等待队列是空的。我们可以利用这些方法来解决“生产者和消费者的问题”。wait方法呢,是在当前线程锁住对象的锁后,才调用该对象的wait方法的。即在同步代码块中或者同步方法中进行调用的。调用后,该对象的等待队列中就有了一个所在...

2012-09-08 10:45:00 66




Programming Windows

Visit my web site www.cpetzold.com for updated information regarding this book, including possible bug reports and new code listings. You can address mail regarding problems in this book to charles@cpetzold.com. Although I'll also try to answer any easy questions you may have, I can't make any promises. I'm usually pretty busy, and my cat refuses to learn the Windows API. <br>


Programming Windows with MFC 2th

Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold's Programming Windows—a classic programming text that is the bible to an entire generation of Windows programmers. When I set out to become an MFC programmer in 1994, I went shopping for an MFC equivalent to Programming Windows. After searching in vain for such a book and spending a year learning MFC the old-fashioned way, I decided to write one myself. It's the book you hold in your hands. And it's the book I would like to have had when I was learning to program Windows the MFC way.<br><br>


Programming Visual J++6.0

Microsoft Visual J++ 6 includes an amazing set of new and powerful features. While retaining support for Web development, Visual J++ 6 turns Java into a first-class language for Microsoft Windows applications development. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Programming Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0 contains the complete and simple explanations—together with numerous examples—that you'll need to master each new feature of this powerful and exciting new tool. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;


Programming VisualC++

The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++. <br>


Programming Windows Driver Model

Souvenir shops in many of the cities I visit sell posters depicting the world from the local perspective. Landmarks and famous watering holes appear prominently in the foreground. The background features the rest of the planet in progressively less detail, confirming that the natives are less impressed by, say, the pyramids in Giza or the Great Wall of China than by some busy downtown street corner. From the same sort of insular perspective, a Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows 98 system consists of an operating system and a collection of device drivers for whatever hardware the end user chooses to populate the system with from one moment to the next. This book is all about the drivers and the nearby detail.<br>


Programming Server-Side Applications for Windows2000

Microsoft Windows 2000 offers many features and subsystems designed specifically to handle an enterprise's mission-critical data-processing needs. These features and subsystems are not available on client operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 98. Only Windows 2000 offers the Service Control Manager (SCM), performance monitoring, event logging, security, asynchronous I/O, and so on. This book describes these features, explains the motivation to use them, and gives you the information you need to best leverage them.<br><br>


Programming Windows CE

I was introduced to Microsoft Windows CE right before it was released in the fall of 1996. A Windows programmer for many years, I was intrigued by an operating system that applied the well-known Windows API to a smaller, more power-conserving operating system. The distillation of the API for smaller machines enables tens of thousands of Windows programmers to write applications for an entirely new class of systems. The subtle differences, however, make writing Windows CE code somewhat different from writing for Windows 98 or Windows NT. It's those differences that I'll address in this book. <br><br>


Programming Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0

"Once every five years or so, a software development tool comes along that completely revolutionizes the way software applications are constructed. Some recent examples include Lotus Notes for groupware and PowerBuilder and Visual Basic for client-server applications. These products offer unique features that allow developers to create complex applications quickly and easily using an Integrated Development Environment—they are the tools that spring to mind when you think of groupware or client-server software.


Programming Microsoft Outlook and Exchange

In the Exchange and Outlook teams here at Microsoft are a number of people I'd like to thank for their quick responses to the questions I had throughout the writing of this book. These people include Seth Cousins, Dana Birkby (Mr. MAPI), Chuck Daniel, Doug Wood, Mike Patten, Jim Reitz, Lucretia Abulet (her middle name should be ADSI), Steve Fowler, Behrooz Chitsaz, Steven Parker, Frank Truong (The Event Scripting Guru), Ed Beck, Bill Jacob, Andrew "Routing Objects" Wallace, Kevin Kahl, Chris Lodwig, Greg Bott, and Ramez Naam.I'd like to extend a special thank you to Ria Johnston for her help with the HTML applications throughout the book. She taught me some HTML tricks that I never even knew existed.Another special thanks goes to John Hand, who provided his ideas, support, and extraordinary creative talents to this book. Without John's constant encouragement, I wouldn't have been able to finish it.Finally, I'd like to thank my team for their encouragement throughout this endeavor, especially Rich Tong, Russ Stockdale, Dave Malcolm, Bart Wojciehowski, Branch Hendrix, Stan Sorenson, and Rajeev Agarwal.


Programing Microsoft Office2000 Web Components

I believe that to learn a new technology, you need both a conceptual overview and examples of the technology used in a larger context. Conceptual information is critical to your general understanding of the technological principles at work, but to be truly successful at applying a new technology, you must also see it at work in a real-world solution and not just in conveniently packaged demonstrations that exist in a vacuum. Only then can you see how the technology interacts with related technologies and how to overcome the sometimes confusing quirks that all technologies have.<br><br>


Programing Microsoft IE5



Programming Microsoft Access 2000

This book is for database developers who want to use Microsoft Access 2000 to build custom applications. It covers the features that make Access a perennial favorite with developers, as well as the innovations in Access 2000 that you are most likely to use in your programming projects. Numerous programming samples demonstrate the core development techniques and rapid application development tools. The sample designs have been kept simple so you can easily adapt them for your custom applications or apply the techniques in your development work. The book's companion CD contains all the samples in the book as well as many others.<br><br>Access is a popular development platform in large measure because it is part of the Microsoft Office suite. Many clients want their Access systems to interoperate with the rest of Office, and they want systems that are transparent and easy to maintain without developer assistance. The techniques described in this book will help you meet these expectations. (For additional support, you can consult two Microsoft World Wide Web sites: www.microsoft.com/office/, which covers Access capabilities in general, and www.microsoft.com/officedev/, which covers the product's developer features.)<br><br>This book was written to meet the needs of a variety of readers. Longtime Access developers will find the essential information on the advances introduced in Access 2000. Another target readership is developers who primarily use non-Microsoft technologies, such as dBASE or Paradox. They know all of the development concepts, but they do not necessarily know how to implement those concepts with Access. Finally, this book is for highly motivated power users who want to graduate to developing solutions for others and want to ramp up quickly.<br><br>The book's presentation style has the aim of making you productive as a developer, and productive in using the new features in Access 2000. The presentation style is look, see, do! The many code samples throughout the book illustrate concepts that you can readily put to use in your applications. Think of them as recipes for performing specific development tasks. Try them "as is" from the book's CD. Then, modify them to work with your data and in the context of your custom application requirements. The samples are purposefully uncomplicated, easy to understand, and easy to reuse, so that you will be motivated to apply them in your own applications.<br>


Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Visual Basic 6.0

Any developer who wants to create LAN-based, WAN-based, and Web-based applications using Microsoft Windows NT Server as a foundation must use many separate pieces of software. Some of these pieces will be supplied by Microsoft, and you or your company will write other pieces. Still other pieces can come from third-party software vendors. Component Object Model (COM) is the glue that ties all of these pieces together. It enables programmers and companies to distribute and reuse their code efficiently. The more you know about COM, the easier it will be for you to put these systems together.


Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a complex operating system. It offers so many features and does so much that it's impossible for any one person to fully understand the entire system. This complexity also makes it difficult for someone to decide where to start concentrating the learning effort. Well, I always like to start at the lowest level by gaining a solid understanding of the system's basic building blocks. Once you understand the basics, it's easy to incrementally add any higher-level aspects of the system to your knowledge.<br><br>For example, I don't explicitly discuss the Component Object Model (COM) in this book. But COM is an architecture built using processes, threads, memory management, DLLs, thread local storage, Unicode, and so on. If you know these basic building blocks, understanding COM is just a matter of understanding how the building blocks are used. I have great sympathy for people who attempt to jump-start into learning COM's architecture. They have a long road ahead and are bound to have gaping holes in their knowledge, which is bound to negatively affect their code and their schedules.<br><br>So that's what this book is all about: the basic Windows building blocks that every Windows developer (at least in my opinion) should be intimately aware of. As each block is discussed, I also describe how the system uses these blocks and how your own applications can best take advantage of these blocks. In many chapters, I show you how to create building blocks of your own. These building blocks, typically implemented as generic functions or C++ classes, group a set of Windows building blocks together to create a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts.<br>


Programming ADO



Programming Active Server Pages

What a difference one product cycle can make! Not long ago, conventional wisdom had Microsoft dead at the hands of the Internet. Today it isn't news to anyone that Microsoft has successfully recast itself as an ally of the Internet. But what continues to amaze is the magnitude of the consequences for developers. When Microsoft first responded to the demand for Internet development tools, products were primitive by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, Web developers joked that their favorite development tool was "Visual Notepad." Now, however, no one is joking. The suite of tools released in Microsoft Visual Studio 97 represents a firm commitment to the Internet, and the next generation of tools is on its way. This is a great time to be a Web developer. <br>


Network Programming for Microsoft Windows

Welcome to Network Programming for Microsoft Windows! This book covers a wide variety of networking functions available in Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows CE. The text is designed with the intermediate to advanced programmer in mind, but beginning programmers will find it a useful reference and a comprehensive introduction to the various networking functions.<br>



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