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翻译 算法导论第九章9.3.6----k分位数

转自:http://dreamkorea.tistory.com/attachment/jk37.pdf‎9.3-6The kth quantiles of an n-element set are the k-1 order statistics that divide thesorted set into k equal-sized sets (to within1). Give

2013-12-31 09:53:19 4937 1

翻译 算法导论第九章9.3.7----最接近中位数的k个数

转自:mosfet.isu.edu/classes/cs385f10/resources/Introduction%20to%20Algorithms(Instructor's%20Manual).pdf(CLRS 9.3-7) Describe an O(n) algorithm that, given a set S of n distinct numbersand a posit

2013-12-30 18:34:09 3032

原创 Android Animation之Tween

代码摘自:Android 3.0 Animations Beginner's GuideTween用于两个状态之间的就动画切换,独立于View。可以创建Tween,然后将其添加到View的元素。Tween包含,,,和。:view元素从一个位置移动到另一个位置      :view元素以一个轴旋转      :view元素变大或者变小      :修改view元素的a

2013-12-23 12:33:46 1827

原创 Snake Number

蛇形数类似这样的数组8   1   2   3   4    5   6   7   828 29 30 31 32 33 34   927 48 49 50 51 52 35 1026 47 60 61 62 53 36 1125 46 59 64 63 54 37 1224 45 58 57 56 55 38 1323 44 43 42 41 40 39 14

2013-12-22 13:16:50 875

原创 Android Animation之transition


2013-12-22 00:32:18 8631

原创 Android Animation之frame animation

Frame animation由一系列的静态图片构成,并且按照一定的顺序连续显示,类似电影的感觉。使用animation-list创建图片的序列,属性android:oneshot表示是否循环播放。每个图片使用item标签包含在animation-list中,item包括android:drawable和android:duration属性,分别表示图片资源的id和每张图片的显示时间。

2013-12-21 22:39:50 1464

转载 android httpClient 支持HTTPS的2种处理方式

转自http://my.oschina.net/blackylin/blog/144136参考http://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl.html#Concepts问题:项目中Android https或http请求地址重定向为HTTPS的地址,相信很多人都遇到了这个异常(无终端认证):

2013-12-20 14:42:42 19417 2

转载 random selection

转自算法导论中文版第9.2节线性时间期望的选择算法randomized-select的期望运行时间为Θ(n)。该算饭是一个随机算法,只处理划分的一边。伪代码RANDOMIZED-SELECT(A, p, r, i)1    if p = r2        then return A[p]3    q = RANDOMIZED-PARTATION

2013-12-19 17:53:16 2359

原创 线性表顺序存储--C实现

参照数据结构线性表的抽象类型定义,实现了线性表的顺序存储代码如下#include #include #include #define OK 1#define ERROR -1#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 10#define LIST_INCR_SIZE 1

2013-12-17 19:48:59 784

原创 单链表倒序

需要将单链表倒序,并输出新的链表核心代码Node *next = root->next;root->next = new_root;new_root = root;root = next;#include typedef struct Node { char data; struct Node* next;} Node;void print_lis

2013-12-17 16:13:41 3209

转载 Android系统中的消息处理Looper、Handler、Message

转自http://blog.csdn.net/llping2011/article/details/10220845Android系统中消息处理原理:          Android系统中每个线程可以拥有唯一一个Looper实例,在Looper的构造函数中创建一个唯一的消息队列MessageQueue,即MessageQueue对于线程来说也是唯一的。而Andro

2013-12-13 10:19:11 798

转载 A Gentle Introduction to Algorithm Complexity Analysis

转自http://discrete.gr/complexity/IntroductionA lot of programmers that make some of the coolest and most useful software today, such as many of the stuff we see on the Internet or use daily

2013-12-13 09:10:08 1912

转载 android: binder

转自https://lkml.org/lkml/2009/6/25/32009/6/19 Daniel Walker > Most of these questions related to the fact that I don't think an> interface like this just slips into the kernel as a driver. Since

2013-12-12 17:24:59 1116

转载 Android平台的IPC通訊機制


2013-12-12 10:47:51 1165

转载 Bus Route

Bus RouteMr. Shim received a request to improve bus routes of a complex city and he researched the bus operation policy of this city.In the city, it operates a bus for all roads from a dep

2013-12-11 11:18:08 2425 1

转载 random quicksort

快速排序的随机化版本快速排序的平均情况运行时间与最佳情况的运行时间很接近,而不是非常接近于最坏情况运行时间。快速排序的平均情况是指假定输入数据的所有排列是等可能的。可以在算法中加入随机化的成分,以便对于所有输入,它均能获得较好的平均情况性能。很多人都认为,快速排序的随机化版本是对足够大的输入的理想选择。RANDOMIZED-PARTITION(A, p, r)1

2013-12-11 10:53:35 1509

转载 Picking up Jewels

Picking up JewelsThere is a maze that has one entrance and one exit.Jewels are placed in passages of the maze.You want to pick up the jewels after getting into the maze through the entranc

2013-12-09 18:53:23 2940

转载 radix-sort

基数排序(radix sort)是一种用在老师穿卡机上的算法。一张卡片有80列,每一列可以在12个位置中的任一处穿孔。排序器可以被机械的“程序化”,以便对一叠卡片中的每一列进行检查,再根据穿孔的位置将它们分别入12个盒子里。这样,操作员就可以逐个地将它们收集起来,其中第一个位置穿孔的放在最上面,第二个位置穿孔的其次,等等。对十进制数字来说,每列中只用到10个位置。一个d位数占用d个列。

2013-12-09 17:11:03 5040

转载 Service Center

Electronics Service Center was visited by a total of N customersService Center has a total of M employees.To those employees that customers visit in order to get in line, line stands, if the servi

2013-12-09 14:26:56 1020

转载 Sky Map

You are making “sky map” to represent constellation (group of starts) in the sky.In each element, 1 means star, 0 means empty.And in a constellation, each start should have at least one connect

2013-12-09 14:25:18 1464

转载 Partial Sequence of the Longest Increase

Partial Sequence of the Longest IncreaseA problem to find a partial sequence of the longest increase is well-known in the algorism field.This sequence is defined as the longest sequence among

2013-12-06 08:15:04 1572

转载 counting sort


2013-12-05 11:25:39 1744

原创 insert sort

插入排序时一种原地排序算法,稳定的伪代码INSERT-SORT(A)1    for i 2        do key 3        j 4        while j > 0 and A[j] > key5            do A[j+1] 6            j 7        A[j+1] = key#inclu

2013-12-04 17:04:11 875

转载 QuickSort

QuickSort是一种原地排序算法,不稳定。最坏情况是O(n2),平均和最好情况是O(nlogn)/* * #include * * void swp(int *a, int *b) * { * if (a != b) { * *a = *a^*b; * *b = *a^*b; * *a = *a^*b; * } *

2013-12-03 16:25:51 732

翻译 树的性质


2013-12-02 22:31:04 1200

原创 选择排序----select sort

选择排序是一种原地排序算法。时间复杂度为O(n2)#include void swp(int *a, int *b){ *a = *a^*b; *b = *a^*b; *a = *a^*b;}int main(void){ int i; int a[10] = { 8, 5, 2, 6, 9, 3, 1, 4, 0, 7 };

2013-12-02 13:25:05 826



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