git版本回退 How do I use 'git reset --hard HEAD' to revert to a previous commit?

This question already has an answer here:

I know that Git tracks changes I make to my application, and it holds on to them until I commit the changes, but here's where I'm hung up:

When I want to revert to a previous commit I use:

git reset --hard HEAD

And Git returns:

HEAD is now at 820f417 micro

How do I then revert the files on my hard drive back to that previous commit?

My next steps were:

git add .
git commit -m "revert"

But none of the files have changed on my hard drive...

What am I doing right/wrong?

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marked as duplicate by Cupcake Jul 22 '14 at 3:33

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

What do you mean by reverting the files on my hard drive back to that previous commit? If 820f417 is your desired commit, the files should now have the exact content in that commit. –  kennytm  Mar 2 '12 at 6:40
If you want to undo all changes, after git reset --hard, you should git checkout <branch>. –  jweyrich  Mar 2 '12 at 7:20
I really don't get the idea of [duplicate] then ask a new question, when the answers are not satisfactory. It's a recipe for disaster in terms of more duplicates.... –  user2066805  Apr 13 '16 at 21:37

2 Answers

up vote 600 down vote accepted

First, it's always worth noting that git reset --hard is a potentially dangerous command, since it throws away all your uncommitted changes. For safety, you should always check that the output of git status is clean (that is, empty) before using it.

Initially you say the following:

So I know that Git tracks changes I make to my application, and it holds on to them until I commit the changes, but here's where I'm hung up:

In case this reveals a mistaken assumption, I should say that this isn't correct. Git only records the state of the files when you stage them (with git add) or when you create a commit. Once you've created a commit which has your project files in a particular state, they're very safe, but until then Git's not really "tracking changes" to your files. (for example, even if you do git add to stage a new version of the file, that overwrites the previously staged version of that file in the staging area.)

In your question you then go on to ask the following:

When I want to revert to a previous commit I use: git reset --hard HEAD And git returns: HEAD is now at 820f417 micro

How do I then revert the files on my hard drive back to that previous commit?

If you do git reset --hard <SOME-COMMIT> then Git will:

  • Make your current branch (typically master) back to point at <SOME-COMMIT>.
  • Then make the files in your working tree and the index ("staging area") the same as the versions committed in <SOME-COMMIT>.

HEAD points to your current branch (or current commit), so all that git reset --hard HEAD will do is to throw away any uncommitted changes you have.

So, suppose the good commit that you want to go back to is f414f31. (You can find that via git log or any history browser.) You then have a few different options depending on exactly what you want to do:

  • Change your current branch to point to the older commit instead. You could do that with git reset --hard f414f31. However, this is rewriting the history of your branch, so you should avoid it if you've shared this branch with anyone. Also, the commits you did after f414f31 will no longer be in the history of your master branch.
  • Create a new commit that represents exactly the same state of the project as f414f31, but just adds that on to the history, so you don't lose any history. You can do that using the steps suggested in this answer - something like:

    git reset --hard f414f31
    git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
    git commit -m "Reverting to the state of the project at f414f31"
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git reset --soft HEAD@{1} really messed up my local repository. It thinks all the files are now. What do I do now? –  Robin Winslow  Oct 26 '12 at 13:24
@Mark Longair: the answer you point to at the end does not user --hard, but instead simply git reset. –  MiniQuark  Mar 28 '13 at 14:18
@MiniQuark: I'm using the equivalent and slightly shorter variant that I suggested in the comments on the linked answer. –  Mark Longair  Jul 22 '13 at 6:59 
Thanks for the tip about git reset --soft HEAD@{1}. I haven't thought of that way of reverting commits, even though I'm experienced in git. –  Esko Luontola  Jul 20 '14 at 10:23
One can also consult git reflog in the event that git log does not immediately show the relevant commit you wish to revert to. –  Akshat Mahajan  Aug 16 '16 at 16:36

git基础学习(三):版本回退 git reset --hard HEAD^(或者是commit id的前几位)和git reflog
转载 2014年04月30日 11:51:22 9073

Git is a distributed version control system.
Git is free software distributed under the GPL.

$ git add readme.txt
$ git commit -m "append GPL"
[master 3628164] append GPL
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


版本1:wrote a readme file

Git is a version control system.
Git is free software.
版本2:add distributed

Git is a distributed version control system.
Git is free software.
版本3:append GPL

Git is a distributed version control system.
Git is free software distributed under the GPL.
当然了,在实际工作中,我们脑子里怎么可能记得一个几千行的文件每次都改了什么内容,不然要版本控制系统干什么。版本控制系统肯定有某个命令可以告诉我们历史记录,在Git中,我们用git log命令查看:

$ git log
commit 3628164fb26d48395383f8f31179f24e0882e1e0
Author: Michael Liao <>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 15:11:49 2013 +0800

    append GPL

commit ea34578d5496d7dd233c827ed32a8cd576c5ee85
Author: Michael Liao <>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 14:53:12 2013 +0800

add distributed

commit cb926e7ea50ad11b8f9e909c05226233bf755030
Author: Michael Liao <>
Date:   Mon Aug 19 17:51:55 2013 +0800

    wrote a readme file
git log命令显示从最近到最远的提交日志,我们可以看到3次提交,最近的一次是“append GPL”,上一次是“add distributed”,最早的一次是“wrote a readme file”。 如果嫌输出信息太多,看得眼花缭乱的,可以试试加上

$ git log --pretty=oneline
3628164fb26d48395383f8f31179f24e0882e1e0 append GPL
ea34578d5496d7dd233c827ed32a8cd576c5ee85 add distributed
cb926e7ea50ad11b8f9e909c05226233bf755030 wrote a readme file
需要友情提示的是,你看到的一大串类似“ 3628164...882e1e0”的是commit id(版本号),和SVN不一样,Git的commit id不是1,2,3……递增的数字,而是一个SHA1计算出来的一个非常大的数字,用十六进制表示,而且你看到的commit id和我的肯定不一样,以你自己的为准。为什么commit id需要用这么一大串数字表示呢?因为Git是分布式的版本控制系统,后面我们还要研究多人在同一个版本库里工作,如果大家都用1,2,3……作为版本号,那肯定就冲突了。



好了,现在我们启动时光穿梭机,准备把readme.txt回退到上一个版本,也就是“add distributed”的那个版本,怎么做呢?

首先,Git必须知道当前版本是哪个版本,在Git中,用HEAD表示当前版本,也就是最新的提交“ 3628164...882e1e0”(注意我的提交ID和你的肯定不一样),上一个版本就是HEAD^,上上一个版本就是HEAD^^,当然往上100个版本写100个^比较容易数不过来,所以写成HEAD~100。

现在,我们要把当前版本“append GPL”回退到上一个版本“add distributed”,就可以使用git reset命令:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at ea34578 add distributed

看看readme.txt的内容是不是版本“add distributed”:

$ cat readme.txt
Git is a distributed version control system.
Git is free software.

还可以继续回退到上一个版本“wrote a readme file”,不过且慢,然我们用git log再看看现在版本库的状态:

$ git log
commit ea34578d5496d7dd233c827ed32a8cd576c5ee85
Author: Michael Liao <>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 14:53:12 2013 +0800

    add distributed

commit cb926e7ea50ad11b8f9e909c05226233bf755030
Author: Michael Liao <>
Date:   Mon Aug 19 17:51:55 2013 +0800

    wrote a readme file
最新的那个版本“append GPL”已经看不到了!好比你从21世纪坐时光穿梭机来到了19世纪,想再回去已经回不去了,肿么办?

办法其实还是有的,只要上面的命令行窗口还没有被关掉,你就可以顺着往上找啊找啊,找到那个“append GPL”的commit id是“3628164...”,于是就可以指定回到未来的某个版本:

$ git reset --hard 3628164
HEAD is now at 3628164 append GPL


$ cat readme.txt
Git is a distributed version control system.
Git is free software distributed under the GPL.

Git的版本回退速度非常快,因为Git在内部有个指向当前版本的HEAD指针,当你回退版本的时候,Git仅仅是把HEAD从指向“append GPL”:


改为指向“add distributed”:



现在,你回退到了某个版本,关掉了电脑,第二天早上就后悔了,想恢复到新版本怎么办?找不到新版本的commit id怎么办?

在Git中,总是有后悔药可以吃的。当你用$ git reset --hard HEAD^回退到“add distributed”版本时,再想恢复到“append GPL”,就必须找到“append GPL”的commit id。Git提供了一个命令git reflog用来记录你的每一次命令:

$ git reflog
ea34578 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD^
3628164 HEAD@{1}: commit: append GPL
ea34578 HEAD@{2}: commit: add distributed
cb926e7 HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): wrote a readme file
终于舒了口气,第二行显示“append GPL”的commit id是3628164,现在,你又可以乘坐时光机回到未来了。


HEAD指向的版本就是当前版本,因此,Git允许我们在版本的历史之间穿梭,使用命令git reset --hard commit_id。

穿梭前,用git log可以查看提交历史,以便确定要回退到哪个版本。

要重返未来,用git reflog查看命令历史,以便确定要回到未来的哪个版本。





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