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原创 暑假作业


2012-08-24 13:10:57 406

原创 第十八天——_____

To write a title of the article is really difficult. Today there's a Cambridge test in the EF so we are not able to get in to the lecture hall (also some that area) so that I'm not able to use laptop

2012-08-24 10:56:03 661 1

原创 第十七天——Download

To write a title is really difficult.Tomorrow Yuki and other 2 people in my host family (3 in total) will go to Las Vegas. And Yuki asked me to write some message for him but now I cannot figure

2012-08-23 13:11:15 613 1

原创 第十六天——Blackout

Nothing's much today, the only thing special is the blackout.When I went to the laundry tonight, I was attacked by blackout. It's really a new feeling. When you see it was dark everywhere, maybe

2012-08-22 11:52:41 2041

原创 第十五天——~~~~

(日期错乱sorry)实在是想不出来标题可以怎么写了。今天我的课表换了,结果今天早上8:40就得去上课。课很simple,然后今天发生两件特别的事情:一、 刚刚去洗衣店结果关门了,幸好还有一件衣服结余。二、今天又要做vocabulary作业。真麻烦、白

2012-08-21 11:03:32 368

原创 第十四天——……

I don't know what to write as title... Today, very simple. The only thing special is Jimmy went to my host family...Now, I'm going to do the homework, ciao.

2012-08-20 07:18:34 419

原创 第十三天——Red Rock Lake

一直都说要去Red Rock Lake但是经过了N次讨论之后今天终于去了(今天只能用中文了,今天心力憔悴累死了)今天早上7点就被闹钟吵醒了,才发现我设错闹钟了,原来是打算设8点的。My God...然后早上起来去吃早餐的时候发现facebook上有个人给我发消息,结果令人震惊的一幕发生了,也托着的福,我在如此巨大的空闲时间中找到了事情做。那是一个台湾人竟然在跟我早上聊政治!

2012-08-19 12:33:54 825 1

原创 第十二天——Second Quiz

Let me recall what happened today. This morning I went to school at 10 as usual and I got there at 10:30 and saw only Jimmy there, he was just playing computer games.As soon as I saw him, he saw

2012-08-18 11:17:08 452

原创 第十二天——平淡一天

Nothing much... Today is simple...Tomorrow I will have a quiz, now I'm going to study...This is the shortest ever.

2012-08-17 10:31:08 570 1

原创 词汇单一

nip in and out 插队making do 凑活着用,设法达成thought the worst 往坏处想under the weather 人体不适make my way 前进,去……on its last legs 奄奄一息,过时do my bit 尽我一点绵薄之力a matter of life or deat 生死攸关lift a finger 尽

2012-08-16 11:01:30 423

原创 第十一天——愤怒与无奈

Today I have a current events class and I used to think it is a great fun...We had a article about the Olympics today and just during the reading, some other people just laughed at our country,

2012-08-16 10:53:43 422

原创 第十天——看电影去

Okay, today also has almost nothing to say.The GE Class is as normal as before.In the afternoon, I went to the theater to see the movie Ice Age (it's bargain).Today I really experien

2012-08-15 11:40:10 2847 1

原创 第九天——我高三了

Okay, it's my first day in Advanced 3. 高三 is just kidding.The course is nothing much, very simple.Today, I went to laundry and there were so many people. I just arrived here in the host fa

2012-08-14 12:58:33 2165 1

原创 我升级了

刚刚上My EF的时候竟然发现我的Level已经是Advanced 3了。明天就要上课了。。

2012-08-13 14:34:56 538 2

原创 第八天——悲剧周日

Today's Sunday, and we planned to study in the library from 9 am. When I reached there, it's said that the library starts at 1 p.m. on Sundays...Also, today I'm really tired, and I just slept af

2012-08-13 12:10:34 1955 1

原创 第七天——沙滩之行

Before my official diary, I’d like to say something about my diary. I just thought to say that on my way home, I figured out what to say just on my way home. First of all, I want to explain what diary

2012-08-12 11:11:46 2151

原创 第六天——考试考试

到现在了才发现我日志还没写,都要睡觉了呢。现在在美国是10点了,而且明天还要去沙滩,今天要早点睡。。那就快点写吧,顺便用中文了。那第六天了,今天要考试了。到学校之后听说今天有的是quiz有的是booking test。(PS:quiz是小测试,booking test是升级测试)于是我当时想的最坏情况就是在只学了一个单元的情况下考一次升级测试,而已而已,至少我知道1/10。

2012-08-11 13:13:42 2062 1

原创 第五天——再次尝试

Today I have a Culture Series class in the morning, it's interesting...Then in the afternoon, I have a GE A2 again, but today we didn't learn the book but watched a movie and read some articles,

2012-08-10 11:09:27 2083 1

原创 第四天——新的一课

Fourth day?Right, today is Wednesday, and my class starts at 11:40, so I slept late today.After breakfast, I did the rest of my homework of GE Class, it’s so difficult. Fortunately, I fini

2012-08-09 10:38:28 2040 2

原创 校门外的树 数据加强版


2012-08-08 14:43:39 1187

原创 校门外的树


2012-08-08 14:39:30 458

原创 排队接水


2012-08-08 14:34:19 4877

原创 火炬手之梦


2012-08-08 14:31:59 1185 1

原创 第三天——第一堂课

Today it’s my first day which I will study in EF School officially, also my lessons (well, lesson, today I only have one course) start at 8:40, so I got up at 7 too.I’m quite excited today as it

2012-08-08 12:57:37 490 2

翻译 Apple not immune from viruses(苹果也不能免除病毒的侵害)

今天来发一个自己翻译的东西。原文(也是我翻译的来自http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-1242829-1-1.html)While many think of Apple computers as being immune from viruses, Sara Yin writes on PCMag that people may want to get antivirus

2012-08-08 09:12:04 970

原创 第二天——注册报到

Today is the second day I stay in Santa Barbara, and today I will go to EF School officially.Ha, also steam of consciousness & brilliant mixture of Chinese and English.At 7 in the morning,

2012-08-08 08:52:59 382 2

原创 第一天——寄宿家庭

Ha~ that’s the first day staying in the host family. Here comes the steam of consciousness now~~ Also you will see the brilliant mixture of Chinese and English…看完了可爱的UCLA之后就跑去吃饭然后就到SBEF (SB refe

2012-08-07 11:41:28 551 3

转载 欧拉图与欧拉路


2012-08-07 11:39:04 5642

原创 回文质数

题目描述因为151既是一个质数又是一个回文数(从左到右和从右到左是看一样的),所以151是回文质数。写一个程序来找出范围[a,b](5≤a≤b≤100,000,000)间的所有回文质数。输入格式一行,二个整数a,b。输出格式输出一个回文质数的列表,一行一个。样例输入5 500样例输出57

2012-08-07 11:37:04 13775 3

原创 马拦过河卒

题目描述棋盘上A点有一个过河卒,需要走到目标B点。卒行走的规则:可以向下、或者向右。同时在棋盘上C点有一个对方的马,该马所在的点和所有跳跃一步可达的点称为对方马的控制点。因此称之为“马拦过河卒”。棋盘用坐标表示,A点(0, 0)、B点(n, m)(n, m为不超过15的整数),同样马的位置坐标是需要给出的。现在要求你计算出卒从A点能够到达B点的路径的条数,假设马的位置是固定不动的,

2012-08-07 11:30:16 1700

原创 开博公告


2012-08-07 11:20:41 2078



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