oracle 隐含参数

System Parameters with Non-Default or Modified Values

Collected from GV$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 where isdefault = 'FALSE' OR ismodified != 'FALSE'. "Is Default" = FALSE means the parameter was set in the spfile.

# Name Inst Ord Is
Value Display
1 _aggregation_optimization_settings 1 1 FALSE FALSE 0   settings for aggregation optimizations
2 _always_anti_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   always use this method for anti-join when possible
3 _always_semi_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   always use this method for semi-join when possible
4 _and_pruning_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms
5 _b_tree_bitmap_plans 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes
6 _bloom_filter_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables or disables bloom filter
7 _bloom_folding_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable folding of bloom filter
8 _bloom_pruning_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering
9 _complex_view_merging 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable complex view merging
10 _compression_compatibility 1 1 FALSE FALSE 11.2.0   Compression compatability
11 _connect_by_use_union_all 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use union all for connect by
12 _convert_set_to_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   enables conversion of set operator to join
13 _cost_equality_semi_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables costing of equality semi-join
14 _cpu_to_io 1 1 FALSE FALSE 0   divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost
15 _dimension_skip_null 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   control dimension skip when null feature
16 _eliminate_common_subexpr 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables elimination of common sub-expressions
17 _enable_type_dep_selectivity 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable type dependent selectivity estimates
18 _fast_full_scan_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable index fast full scan
19 _first_k_rows_dynamic_proration 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of dynamic proration of join cardinalities
20 _gby_hash_aggregation_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable group-by and aggregation using hash scheme
21 _generalized_pruning_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates
22 _globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables filter for global index with partition extended syntax
23 _gs_anti_semi_join_allowed 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable anti/semi join for the GS query
24 _improved_outerjoin_card 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improved outer-join cardinality calculation
25 _improved_row_length_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the improvements for computing the average row length
26 _index_join_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of index joins
27 _ksb_restart_policy_times 1 1 FALSE FALSE 0   process restart policy times in seconds
28 _ksb_restart_policy_times 1 2 FALSE FALSE 60   process restart policy times in seconds
29 _ksb_restart_policy_times 1 3 FALSE FALSE 120   process restart policy times in seconds
30 _ksb_restart_policy_times 1 4 FALSE FALSE 240   process restart policy times in seconds
31 _left_nested_loops_random 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable random distribution method for left of nestedloops
32 _local_communication_costing_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable local communication costing when TRUE
33 _minimal_stats_aggregation 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   prohibit stats aggregation at compile/partition maintenance time
34 _mmv_query_rewrite_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow rewrites with multiple MVs and/or base tables
35 _new_initial_join_orders 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable initial join orders based on new ordering heuristics
36 _new_sort_cost_estimate 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables the use of new cost estimate for sort
37 _nlj_batching_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE 1   enable batching of the RHS IO in NLJ
38 _optim_adjust_for_part_skews 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   adjust stats for skews across partitions
39 _optim_enhance_nnull_detection 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   TRUE to enable index [fast] full scan more often
40 _optim_new_default_join_sel 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improves the way default equijoin selectivity are computed
41 _optim_peek_user_binds 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable peeking of user binds
42 _optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer adaptive cursor sharing
43 _optimizer_better_inlist_costing 1 1 FALSE FALSE ALL   enable improved costing of index access using in-list(s)
44 _optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   disable cost based transformation query size restriction
45 _optimizer_coalesce_subqueries 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider coalescing of subqueries optimization
46 _optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable selectivity estimation for builtin functions
47 _optimizer_compute_index_stats 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force index stats collection on index creation/rebuild
48 _optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   combine no filtering connect by and start with
49 _optimizer_connect_by_cost_based 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based transformation for connect by
50 _optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow connect by to eliminate duplicates from input
51 _optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force correct computation of subquery selectivity
52 _optimizer_cost_based_transformation 1 1 FALSE FALSE LINEAR   enables cost-based query transformation
53 _optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   add cost of generating result set when #rows per key > 1
54 _optimizer_cost_model 1 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   optimizer cost model
55 _optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use join selectivity in choosing star transformation dimensions
56 _optimizer_distinct_agg_transform 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Transforms Distinct Aggregates to non-distinct aggregates
57 _optimizer_distinct_elimination 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Eliminates redundant SELECT DISTNCT's
58 _optimizer_distinct_placement 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider distinct placement optimization
59 _optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer filtering join elimination enabled
60 _optimizer_enable_density_improvements 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use improved density computation for selectivity estimation
61 _optimizer_enable_extended_stats 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use extended statistics for selectivity estimation
62 _optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider table lookup by nl transformation
63 _optimizer_enhanced_filter_push 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   push filters before trying cost-based query transformation
64 _optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   join pred pushdown on group-by, distinct, semi-/anti-joined view
65 _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing 1 1 FALSE FALSE UDO   optimizer extended cursor sharing
66 _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel 1 1 FALSE FALSE SIMPLE   optimizer extended cursor sharing for relational operators
67 _optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control 1 1 FALSE FALSE 192   controls the optimizer usage of extended stats
68 _optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer false predicate pull up transformation
69 _optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use fast algorithm to traverse predicates for physical optimizer
70 _optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use fast algorithm to generate transitive predicates
71 _optimizer_filter_pred_pullup 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based flter predicate pull up transformation
72 _optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias 1 1 FALSE FALSE 10   Optimizer index bias over FTS/IFFS under first K rows mode
73 _optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable full outer to left outer join conversion
74 _optimizer_group_by_placement 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider group-by placement optimization
75 _optimizer_improve_selectivity 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improve table and partial overlap join selectivity computation
76 _optimizer_interleave_jppd 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   interleave join predicate pushdown during CBQT
77 _optimizer_join_elimination_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer join elimination enabled
78 _optimizer_join_factorization 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use join factorization transformation
79 _optimizer_join_order_control 1 1 FALSE FALSE 3   controls the optimizer join order search algorithm
80 _optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable sanity check for multi-column join selectivity
81 _optimizer_max_permutations 1 1 FALSE FALSE 2000   optimizer maximum join permutations per query block
82 _optimizer_mode_force 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force setting of optimizer mode for user recursive SQL also
83 _optimizer_multi_level_push_pred 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider join-predicate pushdown that requires multi-level pushdown to base table
84 _optimizer_native_full_outer_join 1 1 FALSE FALSE FORCE   execute full outer join using native implementaion
85 _optimizer_new_join_card_computation 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   compute join cardinality using non-rounded input values
86 _optimizer_null_aware_antijoin 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   null-aware antijoin parameter
87 _optimizer_or_expansion 1 1 FALSE FALSE DEPTH   control or expansion approach used
88 _optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Eliminates order bys from views before query transformation
89 _optimizer_outer_join_to_inner 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable outer to inner join conversion
90 _optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable transformation of outer-join to anti-join if possible
91 _optimizer_push_down_distinct 1 1 FALSE FALSE 0   push down distinct from query block to table
92 _optimizer_push_pred_cost_based 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based query transformation for push pred optimization
93 _optimizer_rownum_bind_default 1 1 FALSE FALSE 10   Default value to use for rownum bind
94 _optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of first K rows due to rownum predicate
95 _optimizer_skip_scan_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable index skip scan
96 _optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable sort-merge join using inequality predicates
97 _optimizer_squ_bottomup 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables unnesting of subquery in a bottom-up manner
98 _optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable star transformation in with clause queries
99 _optimizer_system_stats_usage 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   system statistics usage
100 _optimizer_table_expansion 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider table expansion transformation
101 _optimizer_transitivity_retain 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   retain equi-join pred upon transitive equality pred generation
102 _optimizer_try_st_before_jppd 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   try Star Transformation before Join Predicate Push Down
103 _optimizer_undo_cost_change 1 1 FALSE FALSE   optimizer undo cost change
104 _optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Unnesting of correlated set subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)
105 _optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Unnesting of disjunctive subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)
106 _optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use rewritten star transformation using cbqt framework
107 _optimizer_use_feedback 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer use feedback
108 _or_expand_nvl_predicate 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable OR expanded plan for NVL/DECODE predicate
109 _ordered_nested_loop 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable ordered nested loop costing
110 _parallel_broadcast_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable broadcasting of small inputs to hash and sort merge joins
111 _partition_view_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable partitioned views
112 _pivot_implementation_method 1 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   pivot implementation method
113 _pre_rewrite_push_pred 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   push predicates into views before rewrite
114 _pred_move_around 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables predicate move-around
115 _push_join_predicate 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a view
116 _push_join_union_view 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a union all view
117 _push_join_union_view2 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a union view
118 _px_minus_intersect 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables pq for minus/interect operators
119 _px_partition_scan_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables or disables parallel partition-based scan
120 _px_pwg_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   parallel partition wise group by enabled
121 _px_ual_serial_input 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables new pq for UNION operators
122 _query_on_physical 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   query on physical
123 _query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   perform general rewrite using set operator summaries
124 _remove_aggr_subquery 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables removal of subsumed aggregated subquery
125 _replace_virtual_columns 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   replace expressions with virtual columns
126 _right_outer_hash_enable 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Right Outer/Semi/Anti Hash Enabled
127 _selfjoin_mv_duplicates 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   control rewrite self-join algorithm
128 _sql_model_unfold_forloops 1 1 FALSE FALSE RUN_TIME   specifies compile-time unfolding of sql model forloops
129 _subquery_pruning_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of subquery predicates to perform pruning
130 _subquery_pruning_mv_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   enable the use of subquery predicates with MVs to perform pruning
131 _table_scan_cost_plus_one 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   bump estimated full table scan and index ffs cost by one
132 _union_rewrite_for_gs 1 1 FALSE FALSE YES_GSET_MVS   expand queries with GSets into UNIONs for rewrite
133 _unnest_subquery 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables unnesting of complex subqueries
134 _use_column_stats_for_function 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of column statistics for DDP functions
135 audit_file_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/audit   Directory in which auditing files are to reside
136 audit_trail 1 1 FALSE FALSE NONE   enable system auditing
137 background_dump_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/trace   Detached process dump directory
138 compatible 1 1 FALSE FALSE 11.2.0   Database will be completely compatible with this software version
139 control_file_record_keep_time 1 1 FALSE FALSE 30   control file record keep time in days
140 control_files 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01/KLT2WDX0/onlinelog/ctl01.ctl   control file names list
141 control_files 1 2 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata02/KLT2WDX0/onlinelog/ctl02.ctl   control file names list
142 control_management_pack_access 1 1 FALSE FALSE DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING   declares which manageability packs are enabled
143 core_dump_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdp0/KLT2WDX0/cdump   Core dump directory
144 db_block_size 1 1 FALSE FALSE 8192   Size of database block in bytes
145 db_cache_size 1 1 FALSE FALSE 16777216 16M Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
146 db_create_file_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01   default database location
147 db_create_online_log_dest_1 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01/   online log/controlfile destination #1
148 db_create_online_log_dest_2 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata02/   online log/controlfile destination #2
149 db_domain 1 1 FALSE FALSE     directory part of global database name stored with CREATE DATABASE
150 db_file_name_convert 1 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDP0   datafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
151 db_file_name_convert 1 2 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   datafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
152 db_name 1 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   database name specified in CREATE DATABASE
153 db_recovery_file_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/orafra/   default database recovery file location
154 db_recovery_file_dest_size 1 1 FALSE FALSE 98784247808 92G database recovery files size limit
155 deferred_segment_creation 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   defer segment creation to first insert
156 diagnostic_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle   diagnostic base directory
157 filesystemio_options 1 1 FALSE FALSE setall   IO operations on filesystem files
158 job_queue_processes 1 1 FALSE FALSE 1   maximum number of job queue slave processes
159 large_pool_size 1 1 FALSE FALSE 33554432 32M size in bytes of large pool
160 log_archive_format 1 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0_%r_%t_%s.arc   archival destination format
161 log_buffer 1 1 FALSE FALSE 4923392   redo circular buffer size
162 log_file_name_convert 1 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDP0   logfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
163 log_file_name_convert 1 2 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   logfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
164 memory_max_target 1 1 FALSE FALSE 2097152000 2000M Max size for Memory Target
165 memory_target 1 1 FALSE FALSE 2097152000 2000M Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
166 open_cursors 1 1 FALSE FALSE 1500   max # cursors per session
167 optimizer_dynamic_sampling 1 1 FALSE FALSE 2   optimizer dynamic sampling
168 optimizer_mode 1 1 FALSE FALSE ALL_ROWS   optimizer mode
169 plsql_warnings 1 1 FALSE FALSE DISABLE:ALL   PL/SQL compiler warnings settings
170 processes 1 1 FALSE FALSE 300   user processes
171 query_rewrite_enabled 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow rewrite of queries using materialized views if enabled
172 remote_login_passwordfile 1 1 FALSE FALSE EXCLUSIVE   password file usage parameter
173 result_cache_max_size 1 1 FALSE FALSE 5242880 5M maximum amount of memory to be used by the cache
174 sec_case_sensitive_logon 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   case sensitive password enabled for logon
175 skip_unusable_indexes 1 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   skip unusable indexes if set to TRUE
176 undo_management 1 1 FALSE FALSE AUTO   instance runs in SMU mode if TRUE, else in RBU mode
177 undo_retention 1 1 FALSE FALSE 1800   undo retention in seconds
178 undo_tablespace 1 1 FALSE FALSE UNDOTBS_1   use/switch undo tablespace
179 user_dump_dest 1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/trace   User process dump directory
# Name Inst Ord Is
Value Display

Instance Parameters

System Parameters collected from V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 for Instance number 1.

# Name Ord Is
Value Display
1 O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   Version 7 Dictionary Accessibility Support
2 _aggregation_optimization_settings 1 FALSE FALSE 0   settings for aggregation optimizations
3 _always_anti_join 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   always use this method for anti-join when possible
4 _always_semi_join 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   always use this method for semi-join when possible
5 _and_pruning_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms
6 _b_tree_bitmap_plans 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only B-tree indexes
7 _bloom_filter_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables or disables bloom filter
8 _bloom_folding_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable folding of bloom filter
9 _bloom_pruning_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering
10 _complex_view_merging 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable complex view merging
11 _compression_compatibility 1 FALSE FALSE 11.2.0   Compression compatability
12 _connect_by_use_union_all 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use union all for connect by
13 _convert_set_to_join 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   enables conversion of set operator to join
14 _cost_equality_semi_join 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables costing of equality semi-join
15 _cpu_to_io 1 FALSE FALSE 0   divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost
16 _dimension_skip_null 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   control dimension skip when null feature
17 _eliminate_common_subexpr 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables elimination of common sub-expressions
18 _enable_type_dep_selectivity 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable type dependent selectivity estimates
19 _fast_full_scan_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable index fast full scan
20 _first_k_rows_dynamic_proration 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of dynamic proration of join cardinalities
21 _gby_hash_aggregation_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable group-by and aggregation using hash scheme
22 _generalized_pruning_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   controls extensions to partition pruning for general predicates
23 _globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables filter for global index with partition extended syntax
24 _gs_anti_semi_join_allowed 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable anti/semi join for the GS query
25 _improved_outerjoin_card 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improved outer-join cardinality calculation
26 _improved_row_length_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the improvements for computing the average row length
27 _index_join_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of index joins
28 _ksb_restart_policy_times 1 FALSE FALSE 0   process restart policy times in seconds
29 _ksb_restart_policy_times 2 FALSE FALSE 60   process restart policy times in seconds
30 _ksb_restart_policy_times 3 FALSE FALSE 120   process restart policy times in seconds
31 _ksb_restart_policy_times 4 FALSE FALSE 240   process restart policy times in seconds
32 _left_nested_loops_random 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable random distribution method for left of nestedloops
33 _local_communication_costing_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable local communication costing when TRUE
34 _minimal_stats_aggregation 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   prohibit stats aggregation at compile/partition maintenance time
35 _mmv_query_rewrite_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow rewrites with multiple MVs and/or base tables
36 _new_initial_join_orders 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable initial join orders based on new ordering heuristics
37 _new_sort_cost_estimate 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables the use of new cost estimate for sort
38 _nlj_batching_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE 1   enable batching of the RHS IO in NLJ
39 _optim_adjust_for_part_skews 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   adjust stats for skews across partitions
40 _optim_enhance_nnull_detection 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   TRUE to enable index [fast] full scan more often
41 _optim_new_default_join_sel 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improves the way default equijoin selectivity are computed
42 _optim_peek_user_binds 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable peeking of user binds
43 _optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer adaptive cursor sharing
44 _optimizer_better_inlist_costing 1 FALSE FALSE ALL   enable improved costing of index access using in-list(s)
45 _optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   disable cost based transformation query size restriction
46 _optimizer_coalesce_subqueries 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider coalescing of subqueries optimization
47 _optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable selectivity estimation for builtin functions
48 _optimizer_compute_index_stats 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force index stats collection on index creation/rebuild
49 _optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   combine no filtering connect by and start with
50 _optimizer_connect_by_cost_based 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based transformation for connect by
51 _optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow connect by to eliminate duplicates from input
52 _optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force correct computation of subquery selectivity
53 _optimizer_cost_based_transformation 1 FALSE FALSE LINEAR   enables cost-based query transformation
54 _optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   add cost of generating result set when #rows per key > 1
55 _optimizer_cost_model 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   optimizer cost model
56 _optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use join selectivity in choosing star transformation dimensions
57 _optimizer_distinct_agg_transform 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Transforms Distinct Aggregates to non-distinct aggregates
58 _optimizer_distinct_elimination 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Eliminates redundant SELECT DISTNCT's
59 _optimizer_distinct_placement 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider distinct placement optimization
60 _optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer filtering join elimination enabled
61 _optimizer_enable_density_improvements 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use improved density computation for selectivity estimation
62 _optimizer_enable_extended_stats 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use extended statistics for selectivity estimation
63 _optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider table lookup by nl transformation
64 _optimizer_enhanced_filter_push 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   push filters before trying cost-based query transformation
65 _optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   join pred pushdown on group-by, distinct, semi-/anti-joined view
66 _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing 1 FALSE FALSE UDO   optimizer extended cursor sharing
67 _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel 1 FALSE FALSE SIMPLE   optimizer extended cursor sharing for relational operators
68 _optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control 1 FALSE FALSE 192   controls the optimizer usage of extended stats
69 _optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer false predicate pull up transformation
70 _optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use fast algorithm to traverse predicates for physical optimizer
71 _optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use fast algorithm to generate transitive predicates
72 _optimizer_filter_pred_pullup 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based flter predicate pull up transformation
73 _optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias 1 FALSE FALSE 10   Optimizer index bias over FTS/IFFS under first K rows mode
74 _optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable full outer to left outer join conversion
75 _optimizer_group_by_placement 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider group-by placement optimization
76 _optimizer_improve_selectivity 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   improve table and partial overlap join selectivity computation
77 _optimizer_interleave_jppd 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   interleave join predicate pushdown during CBQT
78 _optimizer_join_elimination_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer join elimination enabled
79 _optimizer_join_factorization 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use join factorization transformation
80 _optimizer_join_order_control 1 FALSE FALSE 3   controls the optimizer join order search algorithm
81 _optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable sanity check for multi-column join selectivity
82 _optimizer_max_permutations 1 FALSE FALSE 2000   optimizer maximum join permutations per query block
83 _optimizer_mode_force 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   force setting of optimizer mode for user recursive SQL also
84 _optimizer_multi_level_push_pred 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider join-predicate pushdown that requires multi-level pushdown to base table
85 _optimizer_native_full_outer_join 1 FALSE FALSE FORCE   execute full outer join using native implementaion
86 _optimizer_new_join_card_computation 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   compute join cardinality using non-rounded input values
87 _optimizer_null_aware_antijoin 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   null-aware antijoin parameter
88 _optimizer_or_expansion 1 FALSE FALSE DEPTH   control or expansion approach used
89 _optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Eliminates order bys from views before query transformation
90 _optimizer_outer_join_to_inner 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable outer to inner join conversion
91 _optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Enable transformation of outer-join to anti-join if possible
92 _optimizer_push_down_distinct 1 FALSE FALSE 0   push down distinct from query block to table
93 _optimizer_push_pred_cost_based 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use cost-based query transformation for push pred optimization
94 _optimizer_rownum_bind_default 1 FALSE FALSE 10   Default value to use for rownum bind
95 _optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of first K rows due to rownum predicate
96 _optimizer_skip_scan_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable index skip scan
97 _optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable sort-merge join using inequality predicates
98 _optimizer_squ_bottomup 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables unnesting of subquery in a bottom-up manner
99 _optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable star transformation in with clause queries
100 _optimizer_system_stats_usage 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   system statistics usage
101 _optimizer_table_expansion 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   consider table expansion transformation
102 _optimizer_transitivity_retain 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   retain equi-join pred upon transitive equality pred generation
103 _optimizer_try_st_before_jppd 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   try Star Transformation before Join Predicate Push Down
104 _optimizer_undo_cost_change 1 FALSE FALSE   optimizer undo cost change
105 _optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Unnesting of correlated set subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)
106 _optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Unnesting of disjunctive subqueries (TRUE/FALSE)
107 _optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   use rewritten star transformation using cbqt framework
108 _optimizer_use_feedback 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   optimizer use feedback
109 _or_expand_nvl_predicate 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable OR expanded plan for NVL/DECODE predicate
110 _ordered_nested_loop 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable ordered nested loop costing
111 _parallel_broadcast_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable broadcasting of small inputs to hash and sort merge joins
112 _partition_view_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable/disable partitioned views
113 _pivot_implementation_method 1 FALSE FALSE CHOOSE   pivot implementation method
114 _pre_rewrite_push_pred 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   push predicates into views before rewrite
115 _pred_move_around 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables predicate move-around
116 _push_join_predicate 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a view
117 _push_join_union_view 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a union all view
118 _push_join_union_view2 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable pushing join predicate inside a union view
119 _px_minus_intersect 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables pq for minus/interect operators
120 _px_partition_scan_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables or disables parallel partition-based scan
121 _px_pwg_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   parallel partition wise group by enabled
122 _px_ual_serial_input 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables new pq for UNION operators
123 _query_on_physical 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   query on physical
124 _query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   perform general rewrite using set operator summaries
125 _remove_aggr_subquery 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables removal of subsumed aggregated subquery
126 _replace_virtual_columns 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   replace expressions with virtual columns
127 _right_outer_hash_enable 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   Right Outer/Semi/Anti Hash Enabled
128 _selfjoin_mv_duplicates 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   control rewrite self-join algorithm
129 _sql_model_unfold_forloops 1 FALSE FALSE RUN_TIME   specifies compile-time unfolding of sql model forloops
130 _subquery_pruning_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of subquery predicates to perform pruning
131 _subquery_pruning_mv_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   enable the use of subquery predicates with MVs to perform pruning
132 _table_scan_cost_plus_one 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   bump estimated full table scan and index ffs cost by one
133 _union_rewrite_for_gs 1 FALSE FALSE YES_GSET_MVS   expand queries with GSets into UNIONs for rewrite
134 _unnest_subquery 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enables unnesting of complex subqueries
135 _use_column_stats_for_function 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   enable the use of column statistics for DDP functions
136 active_instance_count 0 TRUE FALSE     number of active instances in the cluster database
137 aq_tm_processes 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of AQ Time Managers to start
138 archive_lag_target 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Maximum number of seconds of redos the standby could lose
139 asm_diskgroups 0 TRUE FALSE     disk groups to mount automatically
140 asm_diskstring 0 TRUE FALSE     disk set locations for discovery
141 asm_power_limit 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of parallel relocations for disk rebalancing
142 asm_preferred_read_failure_groups 0 TRUE FALSE     preferred read failure groups
143 audit_file_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/audit   Directory in which auditing files are to reside
144 audit_sys_operations 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable sys auditing
145 audit_syslog_level 0 TRUE FALSE     Syslog facility and level
146 audit_trail 1 FALSE FALSE NONE   enable system auditing
147 awr_snapshot_time_offset 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Setting for AWR Snapshot Time Offset
148 background_core_dump 1 TRUE FALSE partial   Core Size for Background Processes
149 background_dump_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/trace   Detached process dump directory
150 backup_tape_io_slaves 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   BACKUP Tape I/O slaves
151 bitmap_merge_area_size 1 TRUE FALSE 1048576   maximum memory allow for BITMAP MERGE
152 blank_trimming 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   blank trimming semantics parameter
153 buffer_pool_keep 1 TRUE FALSE     Number of database blocks/latches in keep buffer pool
154 buffer_pool_recycle 1 TRUE FALSE     Number of database blocks/latches in recycle buffer pool
155 cell_offload_compaction 1 TRUE FALSE ADAPTIVE   Cell packet compaction strategy
156 cell_offload_decryption 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   enable SQL processing offload of encrypted data to cells
157 cell_offload_parameters 1 TRUE FALSE     Additional cell offload parameters
158 cell_offload_plan_display 1 TRUE FALSE AUTO   Cell offload explain plan display
159 cell_offload_processing 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   enable SQL processing offload to cells
160 circuits 0 TRUE FALSE     max number of circuits
161 client_result_cache_lag 1 TRUE FALSE 3000   client result cache maximum lag in milliseconds
162 client_result_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   client result cache max size in bytes
163 clonedb 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   clone database
164 cluster_database 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   if TRUE startup in cluster database mode
165 cluster_database_instances 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of instances to use for sizing cluster db SGA structures
166 cluster_interconnects 0 TRUE FALSE     interconnects for RAC use
167 commit_logging 0 TRUE FALSE     transaction commit log write behaviour
168 commit_point_strength 1 TRUE FALSE 1   Bias this node has toward not preparing in a two-phase commit
169 commit_wait 0 TRUE FALSE     transaction commit log wait behaviour
170 commit_write 0 TRUE FALSE     transaction commit log write behaviour
171 compatible 1 FALSE FALSE 11.2.0   Database will be completely compatible with this software version
172 control_file_record_keep_time 1 FALSE FALSE 30   control file record keep time in days
173 control_files 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01/KLT2WDX0/onlinelog/ctl01.ctl   control file names list
174 control_files 2 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata02/KLT2WDX0/onlinelog/ctl02.ctl   control file names list
175 control_management_pack_access 1 FALSE FALSE DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING   declares which manageability packs are enabled
176 core_dump_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdp0/KLT2WDX0/cdump   Core dump directory
177 cpu_count 1 TRUE FALSE 16   number of CPUs for this instance
178 create_bitmap_area_size 1 TRUE FALSE 8388608   size of create bitmap buffer for bitmap index
179 create_stored_outlines 0 TRUE FALSE     create stored outlines for DML statements
180 cursor_bind_capture_destination 1 TRUE FALSE memory+disk   Allowed destination for captured bind variables
181 cursor_sharing 1 TRUE FALSE EXACT   cursor sharing mode
182 cursor_space_for_time 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   use more memory in order to get faster execution
183 db_16k_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of cache for 16K buffers
184 db_2k_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of cache for 2K buffers
185 db_32k_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of cache for 32K buffers
186 db_4k_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of cache for 4K buffers
187 db_8k_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of cache for 8K buffers
188 db_block_buffers 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Number of database blocks cached in memory
189 db_block_checking 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   header checking and data and index block checking
190 db_block_checksum 1 TRUE FALSE TYPICAL   store checksum in db blocks and check during reads
191 db_block_size 1 FALSE FALSE 8192   Size of database block in bytes
192 db_cache_advice 1 TRUE FALSE ON   Buffer cache sizing advisory
193 db_cache_size 1 FALSE FALSE 16777216 16M Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
194 db_create_file_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01   default database location
195 db_create_online_log_dest_1 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata01/   online log/controlfile destination #1
196 db_create_online_log_dest_2 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oradata02/   online log/controlfile destination #2
197 db_create_online_log_dest_3 1 TRUE FALSE     online log/controlfile destination #3
198 db_create_online_log_dest_4 1 TRUE FALSE     online log/controlfile destination #4
199 db_create_online_log_dest_5 1 TRUE FALSE     online log/controlfile destination #5
200 db_domain 1 FALSE FALSE     directory part of global database name stored with CREATE DATABASE
201 db_file_multiblock_read_count 1 TRUE FALSE 128   db block to be read each IO
202 db_file_name_convert 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDP0   datafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
203 db_file_name_convert 2 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   datafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
204 db_files 1 TRUE FALSE 200   max allowable # db files
205 db_flash_cache_file 1 TRUE FALSE     flash cache file for default block size
206 db_flash_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   flash cache size for db_flash_cache_file
207 db_flashback_retention_target 1 TRUE FALSE 1440   Maximum Flashback Database log retention time in minutes.
208 db_keep_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers
209 db_lost_write_protect 1 TRUE FALSE NONE   enable lost write detection
210 db_name 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   database name specified in CREATE DATABASE
211 db_recovery_file_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/orafra/   default database recovery file location
212 db_recovery_file_dest_size 1 FALSE FALSE 98784247808 92G database recovery files size limit
213 db_recycle_cache_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Size of RECYCLE buffer pool for standard block size buffers
214 db_securefile 1 TRUE FALSE PERMITTED   permit securefile storage during lob creation
215 db_ultra_safe 1 TRUE FALSE OFF   Sets defaults for other parameters that control protection levels
216 db_unique_name 1 TRUE FALSE KLT2WDX0   Database Unique Name
217 db_unrecoverable_scn_tracking 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Track nologging SCN in controlfile
218 db_writer_processes 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of background database writer processes to start
219 dbwr_io_slaves 1 TRUE FALSE 0   DBWR I/O slaves
220 ddl_lock_timeout 1 TRUE FALSE 0   timeout to restrict the time that ddls wait for dml lock
221 deferred_segment_creation 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   defer segment creation to first insert
222 dg_broker_config_file1 1 TRUE FALSE /apps/oracle/11203/rdb/std/dbs/dr1KLT2WDX0.dat   data guard broker configuration file #1
223 dg_broker_config_file2 1 TRUE FALSE /apps/oracle/11203/rdb/std/dbs/dr2KLT2WDX0.dat   data guard broker configuration file #2
224 dg_broker_start 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   start Data Guard broker (DMON process)
225 diagnostic_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle   diagnostic base directory
226 disk_asynch_io 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Use asynch I/O for random access devices
227 dispatchers 0 TRUE FALSE     specifications of dispatchers
228 distributed_lock_timeout 1 TRUE FALSE 60   number of seconds a distributed transaction waits for a lock
229 dml_locks 1 TRUE FALSE 2076   dml locks - one for each table modified in a transaction
230 dst_upgrade_insert_conv 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Enables/Disables internal conversions during DST upgrade
231 enable_ddl_logging 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable ddl logging
232 event 1 TRUE FALSE     debug event control - default null string
233 fal_client 1 TRUE FALSE     FAL client
234 fal_server 1 TRUE FALSE     FAL server list
235 fast_start_io_target 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Upper bound on recovery reads
236 fast_start_mttr_target 1 TRUE FALSE 0   MTTR target in seconds
237 fast_start_parallel_rollback 1 TRUE FALSE LOW   max number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used
238 file_mapping 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable file mapping
239 fileio_network_adapters 0 TRUE FALSE     Network Adapters for File I/O
240 filesystemio_options 1 FALSE FALSE setall   IO operations on filesystem files
241 fixed_date 1 TRUE FALSE     fixed SYSDATE value
242 gcs_server_processes 1 TRUE FALSE 0   number of background gcs server processes to start
243 global_context_pool_size 1 TRUE FALSE     Global Application Context Pool Size in Bytes
244 global_names 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enforce that database links have same name as remote database
245 global_txn_processes 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of background global transaction processes to start
246 hash_area_size 1 TRUE FALSE 131072   size of in-memory hash work area
247 hi_shared_memory_address 1 TRUE FALSE 0   SGA starting address (high order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
248 hs_autoregister 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   enable automatic server DD updates in HS agent self-registration
249 ifile 0 TRUE FALSE     include file in init.ora
250 instance_groups 0 TRUE FALSE     list of instance group names
251 instance_name 1 TRUE FALSE KLT2WDX0   instance name supported by the instance
252 instance_number 1 TRUE FALSE 0   instance number
253 instance_type 1 TRUE FALSE RDBMS   type of instance to be executed
254 java_jit_enabled 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Java VM JIT enabled
255 java_max_sessionspace_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   max allowed size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
256 java_pool_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   size in bytes of java pool
257 java_soft_sessionspace_limit 1 TRUE FALSE 0   warning limit on size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
258 job_queue_processes 1 FALSE FALSE 1   maximum number of job queue slave processes
259 large_pool_size 1 FALSE FALSE 33554432 32M size in bytes of large pool
260 ldap_directory_access 1 TRUE FALSE NONE   RDBMS's LDAP access option
261 ldap_directory_sysauth 1 TRUE FALSE no   OID usage parameter
262 license_max_sessions 1 TRUE FALSE 0   maximum number of non-system user sessions allowed
263 license_max_users 1 TRUE FALSE 0   maximum number of named users that can be created in the database
264 license_sessions_warning 1 TRUE FALSE 0   warning level for number of non-system user sessions
265 listener_networks 0 TRUE FALSE     listener registration networks
266 local_listener 0 TRUE FALSE     local listener
267 lock_name_space 0 TRUE FALSE     lock name space used for generating lock names for standby/clone database
268 lock_sga 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   Lock entire SGA in physical memory
269 log_archive_config 1 TRUE FALSE     log archive config parameter
270 log_archive_dest 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination text string
271 log_archive_dest_1 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #1 text string
272 log_archive_dest_10 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #10 text string
273 log_archive_dest_11 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #11 text string
274 log_archive_dest_12 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #12 text string
275 log_archive_dest_13 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #13 text string
276 log_archive_dest_14 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #14 text string
277 log_archive_dest_15 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #15 text string
278 log_archive_dest_16 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #16 text string
279 log_archive_dest_17 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #17 text string
280 log_archive_dest_18 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #18 text string
281 log_archive_dest_19 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #19 text string
282 log_archive_dest_2 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #2 text string
283 log_archive_dest_20 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #20 text string
284 log_archive_dest_21 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #21 text string
285 log_archive_dest_22 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #22 text string
286 log_archive_dest_23 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #23 text string
287 log_archive_dest_24 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #24 text string
288 log_archive_dest_25 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #25 text string
289 log_archive_dest_26 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #26 text string
290 log_archive_dest_27 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #27 text string
291 log_archive_dest_28 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #28 text string
292 log_archive_dest_29 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #29 text string
293 log_archive_dest_3 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #3 text string
294 log_archive_dest_30 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #30 text string
295 log_archive_dest_31 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #31 text string
296 log_archive_dest_4 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #4 text string
297 log_archive_dest_5 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #5 text string
298 log_archive_dest_6 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #6 text string
299 log_archive_dest_7 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #7 text string
300 log_archive_dest_8 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #8 text string
301 log_archive_dest_9 1 TRUE FALSE     archival destination #9 text string
302 log_archive_dest_state_1 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #1 state text string
303 log_archive_dest_state_10 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #10 state text string
304 log_archive_dest_state_11 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #11 state text string
305 log_archive_dest_state_12 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #12 state text string
306 log_archive_dest_state_13 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #13 state text string
307 log_archive_dest_state_14 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #14 state text string
308 log_archive_dest_state_15 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #15 state text string
309 log_archive_dest_state_16 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #16 state text string
310 log_archive_dest_state_17 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #17 state text string
311 log_archive_dest_state_18 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #18 state text string
312 log_archive_dest_state_19 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #19 state text string
313 log_archive_dest_state_2 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #2 state text string
314 log_archive_dest_state_20 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #20 state text string
315 log_archive_dest_state_21 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #21 state text string
316 log_archive_dest_state_22 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #22 state text string
317 log_archive_dest_state_23 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #23 state text string
318 log_archive_dest_state_24 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #24 state text string
319 log_archive_dest_state_25 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #25 state text string
320 log_archive_dest_state_26 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #26 state text string
321 log_archive_dest_state_27 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #27 state text string
322 log_archive_dest_state_28 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #28 state text string
323 log_archive_dest_state_29 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #29 state text string
324 log_archive_dest_state_3 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #3 state text string
325 log_archive_dest_state_30 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #30 state text string
326 log_archive_dest_state_31 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #31 state text string
327 log_archive_dest_state_4 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #4 state text string
328 log_archive_dest_state_5 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #5 state text string
329 log_archive_dest_state_6 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #6 state text string
330 log_archive_dest_state_7 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #7 state text string
331 log_archive_dest_state_8 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #8 state text string
332 log_archive_dest_state_9 1 TRUE FALSE enable   archival destination #9 state text string
333 log_archive_duplex_dest 1 TRUE FALSE     duplex archival destination text string
334 log_archive_format 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0_%r_%t_%s.arc   archival destination format
335 log_archive_local_first 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Establish EXPEDITE attribute default value
336 log_archive_max_processes 1 TRUE FALSE 4   maximum number of active ARCH processes
337 log_archive_min_succeed_dest 1 TRUE FALSE 1   minimum number of archive destinations that must succeed
338 log_archive_start 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   start archival process on SGA initialization
339 log_archive_trace 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Establish archivelog operation tracing level
340 log_buffer 1 FALSE FALSE 4923392   redo circular buffer size
341 log_checkpoint_interval 1 TRUE FALSE 0   # redo blocks checkpoint threshold
342 log_checkpoint_timeout 1 TRUE FALSE 1800   Maximum time interval between checkpoints in seconds
343 log_checkpoints_to_alert 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   log checkpoint begin/end to alert file
344 log_file_name_convert 1 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDP0   logfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
345 log_file_name_convert 2 FALSE FALSE KLT2WDX0   logfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
346 max_dispatchers 0 TRUE FALSE     max number of dispatchers
347 max_dump_file_size 1 TRUE FALSE unlimited   Maximum size (in bytes) of dump file
348 max_enabled_roles 1 TRUE FALSE 150   max number of roles a user can have enabled
349 max_shared_servers 0 TRUE FALSE     max number of shared servers
350 memory_max_target 1 FALSE FALSE 2097152000 2000M Max size for Memory Target
351 memory_target 1 FALSE FALSE 2097152000 2000M Target size of Oracle SGA and PGA memory
352 nls_calendar 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS calendar system name
353 nls_comp 1 TRUE FALSE BINARY   NLS comparison
354 nls_currency 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS local currency symbol
355 nls_date_format 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS Oracle date format
356 nls_date_language 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS date language name
357 nls_dual_currency 1 TRUE FALSE     Dual currency symbol
358 nls_iso_currency 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS ISO currency territory name
359 nls_language 1 TRUE FALSE AMERICAN   NLS language name
360 nls_length_semantics 1 TRUE FALSE BYTE   create columns using byte or char semantics by default
361 nls_nchar_conv_excp 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   NLS raise an exception instead of allowing implicit conversion
362 nls_numeric_characters 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS numeric characters
363 nls_sort 1 TRUE FALSE     NLS linguistic definition name
364 nls_territory 1 TRUE FALSE AMERICA   NLS territory name
365 nls_time_format 1 TRUE FALSE     time format
366 nls_time_tz_format 1 TRUE FALSE     time with timezone format
367 nls_timestamp_format 1 TRUE FALSE     time stamp format
368 nls_timestamp_tz_format 1 TRUE FALSE     timestamp with timezone format
369 object_cache_max_size_percent 1 TRUE FALSE 10   percentage of maximum size over optimal of the user session's object cache
370 object_cache_optimal_size 1 TRUE FALSE 102400   optimal size of the user session's object cache in bytes
371 olap_page_pool_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   size of the olap page pool in bytes
372 open_cursors 1 FALSE FALSE 1500   max # cursors per session
373 open_links 1 TRUE FALSE 4   max # open links per session
374 open_links_per_instance 1 TRUE FALSE 4   max # open links per instance
375 optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   automatic capture of SQL plan baselines for repeatable statements
376 optimizer_dynamic_sampling 1 FALSE FALSE 2   optimizer dynamic sampling
377 optimizer_features_enable 1 TRUE FALSE   optimizer plan compatibility parameter
378 optimizer_index_caching 1 TRUE FALSE 0   optimizer percent index caching
379 optimizer_index_cost_adj 1 TRUE FALSE 100   optimizer index cost adjustment
380 optimizer_mode 1 FALSE FALSE ALL_ROWS   optimizer mode
381 optimizer_secure_view_merging 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   optimizer secure view merging and predicate pushdown/movearound
382 optimizer_use_invisible_indexes 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   Usage of invisible indexes (TRUE/FALSE)
383 optimizer_use_pending_statistics 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   Control whether to use optimizer pending statistics
384 optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   use of SQL plan baselines for captured sql statements
385 os_authent_prefix 1 TRUE FALSE ops$   prefix for auto-logon accounts
386 os_roles 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   retrieve roles from the operating system
387 parallel_adaptive_multi_user 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   enable adaptive setting of degree for multiple user streams
388 parallel_automatic_tuning 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable intelligent defaults for parallel execution parameters
389 parallel_degree_limit 1 TRUE FALSE CPU   limit placed on degree of parallelism
390 parallel_degree_policy 1 TRUE FALSE MANUAL   policy used to compute the degree of parallelism (MANUAL/LIMITED/AUTO)
391 parallel_execution_message_size 1 TRUE FALSE 16384   message buffer size for parallel execution
392 parallel_force_local 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   force single instance execution
393 parallel_instance_group 1 TRUE FALSE     instance group to use for all parallel operations
394 parallel_io_cap_enabled 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable capping DOP by IO bandwidth
395 parallel_max_servers 1 TRUE FALSE 285   maximum parallel query servers per instance
396 parallel_min_percent 1 TRUE FALSE 0   minimum percent of threads required for parallel query
397 parallel_min_servers 1 TRUE FALSE 0   minimum parallel query servers per instance
398 parallel_min_time_threshold 1 TRUE FALSE AUTO   threshold above which a plan is a candidate for parallelization (in seconds)
399 parallel_server 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   if TRUE startup in parallel server mode
400 parallel_server_instances 1 TRUE FALSE 1   number of instances to use for sizing OPS SGA structures
401 parallel_servers_target 1 TRUE FALSE 256   instance target in terms of number of parallel servers
402 parallel_threads_per_cpu 1 TRUE FALSE 2   number of parallel execution threads per CPU
403 permit_92_wrap_format 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   allow 9.2 or older wrap format in PL/SQL
404 pga_aggregate_target 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
405 plscope_settings 1 TRUE FALSE IDENTIFIERS:NONE   plscope_settings controls the compile time collection, cross reference, and storage of PL/SQL source code identifier data
406 plsql_ccflags 1 TRUE FALSE     PL/SQL ccflags
407 plsql_code_type 1 TRUE FALSE INTERPRETED   PL/SQL code-type
408 plsql_debug 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   PL/SQL debug
409 plsql_optimize_level 1 TRUE FALSE 2   PL/SQL optimize level
410 plsql_v2_compatibility 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   PL/SQL version 2.x compatibility flag
411 plsql_warnings 1 FALSE FALSE DISABLE:ALL   PL/SQL compiler warnings settings
412 pre_page_sga 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   pre-page sga for process
413 processes 1 FALSE FALSE 300   user processes
414 processor_group_name 0 TRUE FALSE     Name of the processor group that this instance should run in.
415 query_rewrite_enabled 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   allow rewrite of queries using materialized views if enabled
416 query_rewrite_integrity 1 TRUE FALSE enforced   perform rewrite using materialized views with desired integrity
417 rdbms_server_dn 1 TRUE FALSE     RDBMS's Distinguished Name
418 read_only_open_delayed 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   if TRUE delay opening of read only files until first access
419 recovery_parallelism 1 TRUE FALSE 0   number of server processes to use for parallel recovery
420 recyclebin 1 TRUE FALSE on   recyclebin processing
421 redo_transport_user 1 TRUE FALSE     Data Guard transport user when using password file
422 remote_dependencies_mode 1 TRUE FALSE TIMESTAMP   remote-procedure-call dependencies mode parameter
423 remote_listener 0 TRUE FALSE     remote listener
424 remote_login_passwordfile 1 FALSE FALSE EXCLUSIVE   password file usage parameter
425 remote_os_authent 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   allow non-secure remote clients to use auto-logon accounts
426 remote_os_roles 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   allow non-secure remote clients to use os roles
427 replication_dependency_tracking 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   tracking dependency for Replication parallel propagation
428 resource_limit 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   master switch for resource limit
429 resource_manager_cpu_allocation 1 TRUE FALSE 4   Resource Manager CPU allocation
430 resource_manager_plan 1 TRUE FALSE     resource mgr top plan
431 result_cache_max_result 1 TRUE FALSE 5   maximum result size as percent of cache size
432 result_cache_max_size 1 FALSE FALSE 5242880 5M maximum amount of memory to be used by the cache
433 result_cache_mode 1 TRUE FALSE MANUAL   result cache operator usage mode
434 result_cache_remote_expiration 1 TRUE FALSE 0   maximum life time (min) for any result using a remote object
435 resumable_timeout 1 TRUE FALSE 0   set resumable_timeout
436 rollback_segments 0 TRUE FALSE     undo segment list
437 sec_case_sensitive_logon 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE   case sensitive password enabled for logon
438 sec_max_failed_login_attempts 1 TRUE FALSE 10   maximum number of failed login attempts on a connection
439 sec_protocol_error_further_action 1 TRUE FALSE CONTINUE   TTC protocol error continue action
440 sec_protocol_error_trace_action 1 TRUE FALSE TRACE   TTC protocol error action
441 sec_return_server_release_banner 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   whether the server retruns the complete version information
442 serial_reuse 1 TRUE FALSE disable   reuse the frame segments
443 service_names 1 TRUE FALSE KLT2WDX0   service names supported by the instance
444 session_cached_cursors 1 TRUE FALSE 50   Number of cursors to cache in a session.
445 session_max_open_files 1 TRUE FALSE 10   maximum number of open files allowed per session
446 sessions 1 TRUE FALSE 472   user and system sessions
447 sga_max_size 1 TRUE FALSE 2097152000 2000M max total SGA size
448 sga_target 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Target size of SGA
449 shadow_core_dump 1 TRUE FALSE partial   Core Size for Shadow Processes
450 shared_memory_address 1 TRUE FALSE 0   SGA starting address (low order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
451 shared_pool_reserved_size 1 TRUE FALSE 23488102   size in bytes of reserved area of shared pool
452 shared_pool_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   size in bytes of shared pool
453 shared_server_sessions 0 TRUE FALSE     max number of shared server sessions
454 shared_servers 1 TRUE FALSE 0   number of shared servers to start up
455 skip_unusable_indexes 1 FALSE FALSE TRUE   skip unusable indexes if set to TRUE
456 smtp_out_server 0 TRUE FALSE     utl_smtp server and port configuration parameter
457 sort_area_retained_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   size of in-memory sort work area retained between fetch calls
458 sort_area_size 1 TRUE FALSE 65536   size of in-memory sort work area
459 spfile 1 TRUE FALSE /apps/oracle/11203/rdb/std/dbs/spfileKLT2WDX0.ora   server parameter file
460 sql92_security 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   require select privilege for searched update/delete
461 sql_trace 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable SQL trace
462 sqltune_category 1 TRUE FALSE DEFAULT   Category qualifier for applying hintsets
463 standby_archive_dest 1 TRUE FALSE ?/dbs/arch   standby database archivelog destination text string
464 standby_file_management 1 TRUE FALSE MANUAL   if auto then files are created/dropped automatically on standby
465 star_transformation_enabled 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   enable the use of star transformation
466 statistics_level 1 TRUE FALSE TYPICAL   statistics level
467 streams_pool_size 1 TRUE FALSE 0   size in bytes of the streams pool
468 tape_asynch_io 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Use asynch I/O requests for tape devices
469 thread 1 TRUE FALSE 0   Redo thread to mount
470 timed_os_statistics 1 TRUE FALSE 0   internal os statistic gathering interval in seconds
471 timed_statistics 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   maintain internal timing statistics
472 trace_enabled 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   enable in memory tracing
473 tracefile_identifier 0 TRUE FALSE     trace file custom identifier
474 transactions 1 TRUE FALSE 519   max. number of concurrent active transactions
475 transactions_per_rollback_segment 1 TRUE FALSE 5   number of active transactions per rollback segment
476 undo_management 1 FALSE FALSE AUTO   instance runs in SMU mode if TRUE, else in RBU mode
477 undo_retention 1 FALSE FALSE 1800   undo retention in seconds
478 undo_tablespace 1 FALSE FALSE UNDOTBS_1   use/switch undo tablespace
479 use_indirect_data_buffers 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE   Enable indirect data buffers (very large SGA on 32-bit platforms)
480 use_large_pages 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Use large pages if available (TRUE/FALSE/ONLY)
481 use_sigio 1 TRUE FALSE TRUE   Use SIGIO signal
482 user_dump_dest 1 FALSE FALSE /apps/oracle/diag/rdbms/klt2wdx0/KLT2WDX0/trace   User process dump directory
483 utl_file_dir 0 TRUE FALSE     utl_file accessible directories list
484 workarea_size_policy 1 TRUE FALSE AUTO   policy used to size SQL working areas (MANUAL/AUTO)
485 xml_db_events 1 TRUE FALSE enable   are XML DB events enabled




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