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原创 Android开发 详解开源项目CircleImageView

之前的项目中在需要显示圆形头像的地方,使用到了Github上的优秀开源项目CircleImageViewhttps://github.com/hdodenhof/CircleImageView今天仔细地研究了这个项目,学习其原理,收获不少。 源码主要分为下面这几大部分取图片Bitmap取自定义属性创建Paint画笔计算内外圆半径Canvas绘制内外圆形一.取图片BitmapCircleImageV

2016-04-11 00:32:57 2944 1

原创 Android开发 图片轮播条Lanner(可无限滚动循环,自定义dots样式位置,延迟时间,滚动时间,点击事件)


2016-04-07 01:43:06 730

原创 CSU 1870 Legendary

1870: LegendarySubmit Page    Summary    Time Limit: 1 Sec     Memory Limit: 128 Mb     Submitted: 366     Solved: 102    Description小GJ和小LMW都很喜欢LOL,他们喜欢互相吹牛,诸如“我昨天非常强,打了20把全

2017-04-16 10:51:48 514

原创 CSU 1868 潜在好友


2017-04-16 10:44:02 1470

原创 CSU 1867 John and Health rate

DescriptionThe cold and flu season is here.John is worried about his cow. In order to monitor the situation of his cow,he do some inspecting everyday,and record the “health rate” for each cow.The “h

2017-04-16 09:57:40 407

原创 HDU 1565 方格取数(1)

状态压缩DP,每一行用二进制0和1表示,1表示取这个数,0表示不取,枚举一行里所有格子状态可能的组合,将如10101...将这些符合左右不相邻的状态情形筛选出来,记录到一个数组里,然后DP,DP过程中,对当前行和上一行的格子状态情形,也进行上下不相邻筛选。最终取最大。#include #include #include #define MAXN 18using namespac

2017-04-16 09:34:41 440

原创 POJ 3278 Catch That Cow

Catch That CowTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 87429 Accepted: 27431DescriptionFarmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitiv

2017-04-03 14:28:35 390

原创 Mac 上 Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both 报错

Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_121.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java (0x10d19c4c0) and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_121.jdk/Contents/Ho

2017-04-02 12:59:45 53341 26

原创 新博客 lizhaowei.me


2016-06-02 16:41:16 515

原创 CodeForces 664A Complicated GCD

Complicated GCDTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 262144KB 64bit IO Format: %I64d & %I64uSubmit StatusDescriptionGreatest common divisor GCD(a, b) of two positive i

2016-04-17 12:12:18 889

原创 CSU 1600 Twenty-four point

1600: Twenty-four pointTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 530  Solved: 86[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionGiven four numbers, can you get twenty-four through the add

2016-04-17 00:02:59 443

原创 CSU 1212 中位数

1212: 中位数Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 433  Solved: 178[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description长为L的升序序列S,S[L / 2]为其中位数。给出两个等长升序序列S1和S2,求两序列合并并排序后的中位数。Input

2016-04-16 13:50:00 624

原创 CSU 1086 超市购物

1086: 超市购物Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 361  Solved: 151[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description        上次去超市扫荡回来的东西用完了,Staginner又得跑超市一趟,出发前他列了一张购物清单,打算去买K种不同的商品,每种买一件

2016-04-16 01:02:11 636

原创 CSU 1560 图书管理员的表白方式

1560: 图书管理员的表白方式Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 114  Solved: 36[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description小V是中南大学图书馆的图书管理员,每天要整理很多同学们还回来的书。久而久之,他认识了很多常来图书馆的同学,比如说小L。简而言之吧,就是小

2016-04-16 00:22:16 817

原创 CSU 1559 外卖的撕‘哔’大战

1559: 外卖的撕‘哔’大战Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 695  Solved: 135[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description“订外卖就上XXX,满X减Y,满X减Y...”这样的声音老回荡在我们耳旁。发传单,拉条幅的宣传手段也屡见不鲜。外卖的撕‘哔’大战充满血雨

2016-04-14 23:11:57 797

原创 CSU 1640 机智的刷题方式

1640: 机智的刷题方式Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 273  Solved: 92[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description小B想参加中南大学2015年大学生程序设计竞赛暑期集训,相信猛刷自然强的小B表示做题进集训队完全不是事~当然刷题还是有一定技巧的,考虑到每种题

2016-04-14 16:54:27 501

原创 CSU 1558 和与积

1558: 和与积Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB  Special JudgeSubmit: 105  Solved: 65[Submit][Status][Web Board]Description构造N个正数(每个数不超过100

2016-04-13 21:27:08 469

原创 HDU 1425 sort

sortTime Limit: 6000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 39949    Accepted Submission(s): 11625Problem Description给你n个整数,请按从大到小的顺序输出其中前m大

2016-04-11 19:17:06 614

原创 POJ 3624 Charm Bracelet

Charm BraceletTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 31350 Accepted: 13943DescriptionBessie has gone to the mall's jewelry store and spies a

2016-04-10 19:24:56 489

原创 LeetCode 20 Valid Parentheses

20. Valid ParenthesesTotal Accepted: 102983 Total Submissions: 352605 Difficulty: EasyGiven a string containing just the characters '(', ')','{', '}', '[' and ']', determine

2016-04-09 23:19:54 376

原创 LeetCode 37 Sudoku Solver

37. Sudoku SolverTotal Accepted: 48148 Total Submissions: 195066 Difficulty: HardWrite a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.Empty cells are indicated

2016-04-09 22:59:48 304

原创 LeetCode 58 Length of Last Word

58. Length of Last WordTotal Accepted: 89320 Total Submissions: 306315 Difficulty: EasyGiven a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters' ',

2016-04-09 22:42:50 296

原创 LeetCode 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists

21. Merge Two Sorted ListsTotal Accepted: 120734 Total Submissions: 342542 Difficulty: EasyMerge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The new list should be mad

2016-04-09 13:38:01 321

原创 LeetCode 18 4Sum

18. 4SumTotal Accepted: 68829 Total Submissions: 291751 Difficulty: MediumGiven an array S of n integers, are there elements a,b, c, and d in S such that a + b +c + d = tar

2016-04-09 13:14:55 313

原创 LeetCode 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

17. Letter Combinations of a Phone NumberTotal Accepted: 76019 Total Submissions: 267108 Difficulty: MediumGiven a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that th

2016-04-09 12:59:42 543

原创 LeetCode 16 3Sum Closest

16. 3Sum ClosestTotal Accepted: 73703 Total Submissions: 255236 Difficulty: MediumGiven an array S of n integers, find three integers in S such that the sum is closest to a giv

2016-04-09 12:43:53 351

原创 LeetCode 15 3Sum

15. 3SumMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 111041 Total Submissions: 595068 Difficulty: MediumGiven an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c 

2016-04-07 13:04:23 385

原创 LeetCode 14 Longest Common Prefix

14. Longest Common PrefixMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 94641 Total Submissions: 338784 Difficulty: EasyWrite a function to find the longest common p

2016-04-07 12:50:56 535

原创 LeetCode 13 Roman to Integer

13. Roman to IntegerMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 79915 Total Submissions: 205049 Difficulty: EasyGiven a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

2016-04-06 19:52:06 472

原创 LeetCode 12 Integer to Roman

12. Integer to RomanMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 60715 Total Submissions: 158049 Difficulty: MediumGiven an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

2016-04-06 19:37:53 410

原创 LeetCode 11 Container With Most Water

11. Container With Most WaterMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 73908 Total Submissions: 214994 Difficulty: MediumGiven n non-negative integers a1, a2,

2016-04-06 19:16:40 370

原创 LeetCode 9 Palindrome Number

9. Palindrome NumberMy SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 116450 Total Submissions: 370999 Difficulty: EasyDetermine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do

2016-04-05 21:27:13 528

原创 LeetCode 8 String to Integer (atoi)

8. String to Integer (atoi)My SubmissionsQuestionEditorial SolutionTotal Accepted: 95952 Total Submissions: 713471 Difficulty: EasyImplement atoi to convert a string to an in

2016-04-05 21:11:47 549

原创 LeetCode 7 Reverse Integer

Reverse digits of an integer.Example1: x = 123, return 321Example2: x = -123, return -321click to show spoilers.Have you thought about this?Here are some good questions to ask before coding.

2016-04-04 21:33:09 316

原创 LeetCode 6 ZigZag Conversion

The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display this pattern in a fixed font for better legibility)P A H NA P L S I

2016-04-04 20:30:57 341

原创 Android开发 打造自己的Annotation框架


2016-04-02 17:03:22 537

原创 Java基础 集合详述


2016-04-02 14:30:46 487

原创 Android开发 自定义控件 边框TextView

最近在看《Android群英传》里看到的一个自定义效果亲手把它实现了在此记录package csu.lzw.reviewandroid;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Canvas;import android.graphics.Color;import android.graphics.P

2016-04-01 22:21:01 492

原创 HDU 1040 As Easy As A+B

As Easy As A+BTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 52312    Accepted Submission(s): 22494Problem DescriptionThese day

2016-04-01 21:20:59 297

原创 HDU 1157 Who's in the Middle

Who's in the MiddleTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 14353    Accepted Submission(s): 6451Problem DescriptionFJ is

2016-03-31 18:36:51 373




Volley.jar 安卓通信框架




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