pack和unpack格式化字符串(format string)解释


a NUL-padded string $data = pack("a4", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//61626300
A SPACE-padded string 同上,不够就补空格,空格的ascii码是32(0x20)
h Hex string, low nibble first $data = pack("h3", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//ba0c

$data = pack("h3", 'xyz');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//报错
H Hex string, high nibble first $data = pack("H3", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//abc0

$data = pack("H3", 'xyz');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//报错
c signed char $data = pack("ccc", 0x61, 0x62, 0x63);
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//616263
signed char和unsigned char其实就是int8和uint8,所以后面的参数是0x61, 0x62, 0x63。
C unsigned char  
s signed short (always 16 bit, machine byte order) int16,大小端依赖当前机器
S unsigned short (always 16 bit, machine byte order) uint16,大小端依赖当前机器
n unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order) uint16,大端
v unsigned short (always 16 bit, little endian byte order) uint16,小端
i signed integer (machine dependent size and byte order) int,字节数和大小端都依赖当前机器
I unsigned integer (machine dependent size and byte order) uint,字节数和大小端都依赖当前机器
l signed long (always 32 bit, machine byte order) int32,大小端依赖当前机器
L unsigned long (always 32 bit, machine byte order) uint32,大小端依赖当前机器
N unsigned long (always 32 bit, big endian byte order) uint32,大端
V unsigned long (always 32 bit, little endian byte order) uint32,小端
q signed long long (always 64 bit, machine byte order) int64,大小端依赖当前机器
Q unsigned long long (always 64 bit, machine byte order) uint64,大小端依赖当前机器
J unsigned long long (always 64 bit, big endian byte order) uint64,大端
P unsigned long long (always 64 bit, little endian byte order) uint64,小端
f float (machine dependent size and representation) float,字节数和浮点位数都依赖当前机器(一般都是ieee标准32位)
d double (machine dependent size and representation) double,字节数和浮点位数都依赖当前机器(一般都是ieee标准64位)
x NUL byte $data = pack("Cx2", 0x61);
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//610000
X Back up one byte $data = pack("CCCX", 0x61,0x62,0x63);
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//616200
Z NUL-padded string (new in PHP 5.5) $data = pack("a3", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//616263

$data = pack("Z3", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//616200

$data = pack("Z4", 'abc');
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//6162300

@ NUL-fill to absolute position $data = pack("cc@4", 0x61, 0x62);
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//61620000

$data = pack("cc@1", 0x61, 0x62);
echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//61


          $data = pack ("C*", 0x61, 0x62, 0x63);
 echo bin2hex($data) . PHP_EOL;//616263

$data = pack ("a1a1a1", 'a', 'b', 'c');
$arr = unpack("a1kx/a1ky/a1kz", $data);
print_r($arr) . PHP_EOL;
// Array
// (
//     [kx] => a
//     [ky] => b
//     [kz] => c
// )


 * Copyright (c) 2016, bookrpg, All rights reserved.
 * @author llj <>
 * @license The MIT License

//namespace bookrpg\util;

class Endian
	const BIG_ENDIAN = 'bigEndian';
	const LITTLE_ENDIAN = 'littleEndian';

class ByteArray
	private $data = '';
	private $position = 0;
	private $endian;
	private $isLittleEndian;
	public $needConvertEndian;

	private static $systemEndian = null;

	public static function systemEndian()
		if(self::$systemEndian === null){
			self::$systemEndian = pack('v', 1) == pack('s', 1) ? 
			Endian::LITTLE_ENDIAN : Endian::BIG_ENDIAN;
		return self::$systemEndian;

	public function __construct($data = null)
		$this->data = is_null($data) ? $this->data : $data;

	 * Endian::LITTLE_ENDIAN or Endian::BIG_ENDIAN
	public function getEndian()
		return $this->endian;

	public function setEndian($value)
		$this->endian = $value == Endian::BIG_ENDIAN ? Endian::BIG_ENDIAN : Endian::LITTLE_ENDIAN;
		$this->isLittleEndian = $this->endian == Endian::LITTLE_ENDIAN;
		$this->needConvertEndian = $this->endian != self::systemEndian();

	public function getLength()
		return strlen($this->data);

	public function getPosition()
		return $this->position;

	public function setPosition($value)
		$this->position = $value;

	public function getBytesAvailable()
		return strlen($this->data) - $this->position;

	public function clear()
		$this->data = '';
		$this->position = 0;

	public function readBoolean()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 1){
			return null;
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . '/ck', $this->data);
		return boolval($arr['k']);

	public function readByte()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 1){
			return false;
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . '/ck', $this->data);
		return $arr['k'];

	public function readUByte()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 1){
			return false;
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . '/Ck', $this->data);
		return $arr['k'];

	public function readInt16()
		if(($i = $this->readUInt16()) !== false && $i > 0x7fff){
			$i = -(~($i - 1) & 0xffff);

		return $i;

	public function readUInt16()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 2){
			return false;

		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? '/vk' : '/nk') : '/Sk';
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . $key, $this->data);
		$this->position += 2;
		return $arr['k'];

	public function readInt32()
		if(($i = $this->readUInt32()) !== false && $i > 0x7fffffff){
			$i = -(~($i - 1) & 0xffffffff);

		return $i;

	public function readUInt32()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 4){
			return false;

		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? '/Vk' : '/Nk') : '/Lk';
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . $key, $this->data);
		$this->position += 4;
		return $arr['k'];

	public function readInt64()
		if(($i = $this->readUInt64()) !== false && $i > 0x7fffffffffffffff){
			$i = -(~($i - 1));

		return $i;

	 * php has't uint64,so be sure the number is in int64.min ~ int64.max 
	 * @return [type] [description]
	public function readUInt64()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 8){
			return false;

		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? '/Pk' : '/Jk') : '/Qk';
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . $key, $this->data);
		$this->position += 8;
		return $arr['k'];

	public function readFloat()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 4){
			return false;

			$data = $this->readBytes(4);
			$arr = unpack('fk', strrev($data));
		} else{
			$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . '/fk', $this->data);
			$this->position += 4;

		return $arr['k'];

	public function readDouble()
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < 8){
			return false;

			$data = $this->readBytes(8);
			$arr = unpack('dk', strrev($data));
		} else{
			$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . '/dk', $this->data);
			$this->position += 8;

		return $arr['k'];

	public function readBytes($count)
		if($this->getBytesAvailable() < $count){
			return false;

		$key = '/a'. $count . 'k';
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . $key, $this->data);
		$this->position += $count;
		return $arr['k'];

	 * first read strlen(2byte), then read str
	public function readString()
		$len = $this->readUInt16();

		if($len <=0 || $this->getBytesAvailable() < $len){
			return false;

		$key = '/a'. $len . 'k';
		$arr = unpack('@' . $this->position . $key, $this->data);
		$this->position += $len;
		return $arr['k'];

	public function writeBoolean($value)
		$this->data .= pack('c', $value ? 1 : 0);

	public function writeByte($value)
		$this->data .= pack('c', $value);

	public function writeUByte($value)
		$this->data .= pack('C', $value);

	public function writeInt16($value)
		if($value < 0){
			$value = -(~($value & 0xffff) + 1);

	public function writeUInt16($value)
		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? 'v' : 'n') : 'S';
		$this->data .= pack($key, $value);
		$this->position += 2;

	public function writeInt32($value)
		if($value < 0){
			$value = -(~($value & 0xffffffff) + 1);

	public function writeUInt32($value)
		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? 'V' : 'N') : 'L';
		$this->data .= pack($key, $value);
		$this->position += 4;

	public function writeInt64($value)
		if ($value < 0) {
			$value = -(~$value + 1);

	 * php has't uint64,so be sure the number is in int64.min ~ int64.max 
	 * @return [type] [description]
	public function writeUInt64($value)
		$key = $this->needConvertEndian ? ($this->isLittleEndian ? 'P' : 'J') : 'Q';
		$this->data .= pack($key, $value);
		$this->position += 8;

	public function writeFloat($value)
		$this->data .= $this->needConvertEndian ? strrev(pack('f', $value)) : pack('f', $value);
		$this->position += 4;

	public function writeDouble($value)
		$this->data .= $this->needConvertEndian ? strrev(pack('d', $value)) : pack('d', $value);
		$this->position += 8;

	public function writeBytes($value)
		$len = strlen($value);
		$this->data .= pack('a' . $len, $value);
		$this->position += $len;

	 * first read strlen(2byte), then read str
	public function writeString($value)
		$len = strlen($value);
		$this->data .= pack('a' . $len, $value);
		$this->position += $len;

	public function toBytes()
		return $this->data;


$byte = new ByteArray();


echo $byte->readUByte() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readBoolean() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readUInt16() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readUInt32() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readUInt64() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readFloat() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readDouble() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readString() . PHP_EOL;
echo $byte->readBytes(3) . PHP_EOL;

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


