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原创 异步VS同步、串行VS并行


2016-03-03 18:48:25 531

原创 企业发布 Could not install embedded profile: 0xe8008011 (Expired)

问题:APP企业发布 部分苹果设备无法下载 Could not install embedded profile: 0xe8008011 (Expired)目前统计结果: 6(测试机9.1)          可以下载6(8.1.1)                可以下载4s(7.0)                 可以下载4 (8.4.1)

2015-12-03 15:39:11 2198

原创 MAC 中使用 Charles 抓包

场景:       最开始接触Charles 时,是用他抓取 手机App的HTTP包,一起回顾下Charles 抓取移动端包的步骤:1、配置Charles 监听端口2、配置代理服务器记住这个IP地址设置共享网络3、手机端配置IP+端口

2015-12-01 15:24:00 622

原创 NSOperationQueue XXXX isFinished=YES without being started by the queue it is in

刚入职公司,负责iOS组的全部工作,同事就给我找了一个难啃的BUG,如题:XXXX isFinished=YES without being started by the queue it is in问题研究:1、为何造成在Queue里的operation先于start方法执行了 isFinished=YES?a、项目有文件上传下载队列需求b、对线程执行

2015-11-24 17:30:47 2749 3

原创 VOIP研究系列1 ------ VOIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) 是什么 ?

将模拟信号(Voice)数字化,以数据封包(Data Packet)的形式在IP网络(IP Network)上做实时传递即 网络电话模拟信号:是指用连续变化的物理量所表达的信息,如温度、湿度、压力、长度、电流、电压等等,我们通常又把模拟信号称为连续信号,它在一定的时间范围内可以有无限多个不同的取值。数字信号:在模拟信号的基础上经过采样、量化和编码而形成

2015-11-23 09:23:04 1766

原创 苹果设备码 科普 UDID UUID advertisingIdentifier


2014-04-15 17:18:37 991

原创 Mac Windows 电脑访问 共享文件

访问windows 设备 ,

2014-04-15 14:33:54 586

原创 Versions SVN Edit Repository BookMark 之后,本地Working Copy 的update无效


2014-04-15 11:47:55 2202

转载 <转>什么是Arduino? 送给和我一样不明白的人

Arduino是一个比你的台式电脑更能够用来感应和控制现实物理世界的一套工具。 它由一个基于简易单片机并且开放源码的计算机平台,和一套为Arduino板编写程序 的开发环境组成。 Arduino可以用来开发交互产品,比如它可以读取大量的开关和传感器信号,并且可以控制 各式各样的电灯、电机和其他物理设备。Arduino项目可以是单独的,也可以在运行时和 你电脑中运行的程序(例如:Flash,

2013-05-21 13:42:16 1933


Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han What readers are saying about Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone Animation isn’t “eye candy.” It’s about making GUI experiences less arbitrary and more comprehensible. The developers of Apple’s Core Animation get this, and so does Bill Dudney. His book offers a deep, thoughtful guide to the API and the ideas behind it. Chris Adamson Author of QuickTime for Java: A Developer’s Notebook It’s great to see a book for Mac developers that focuses on one topic and does it well. Its pace is excellent and will allow you to have sim- ple animations running in minutes. As the book goes deeper into its subject, it presents you with just the right amount of information to understand what you are doing so you don’t feel like you are just fol- lowing instructions, yet it never turns into a dry reference manual that overloads you with unnecessary detail. Steve (“Scotty”) Scott The Mac Developer Network (http://www.macdevnet.com) Finally! The comprehensive how-to guide we’ve been waiting for on all our Core Animation needs. Eric Wing Developer As an early adopter of Core Animation technology for the creation of Videator, I have but one regret: if only I had had Bill’s book, I would have finished it in half the time! Andrew Stone CEO, stone.com Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Core Animation is an exciting new library for developers on both the iPhone and the Mac. Bill Dudney’s book makes a great companion for Cocoa programmers looking to add it to their bag of developer tricks. Daniel Jalkut Founder, Red Sweater Software Apple has abstracted the power of the underlying graphics engine that has been in Mac OS X into a framework we can all use to improve the user experience. Bill Dudney has given us a road map to that frame- work just as Apple is providing the next new platform: the iPhone SDK. Now it’s time for us to make beautiful code. Bill Shirley Senior Software Architect, Frazer, Ltd. Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone is that all-too-rare kind of how-to engineering book that is both deeply informative and enjoy- able to read. If you want your app to remain competitive in the Mac marketplace, a mastery of Core Animation is crucial. This book will go a long way to getting your UI development skills where they need to be in order to take advantage of the most excited trends in Mac OS on the desktop, the iPhone, and beyond. John C. Fox Creator of MemoryMiner The focus on the principles of animation and smooth learning curve makes Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone a perfect compan- ion in your transition to the new framework. Danny Greg Developer, Realmac Software This book is a great companion to Apple’s programming guide. Using this book I was able to easily add user interface animations to my Cocoa application in just a few nights. Bill Nalen Cocoa Developer Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone Creating Compelling Dynamic User Interfaces Bill Dudney The Pragmatic Bookshelf Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Raleigh, North Carolina Dallas, Texas Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their prod- ucts are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters or in all capitals. The Pragmatic Starter Kit, The Pragmatic Programmer, Pragmatic Programming, Pragmatic Bookshelf and the linking g device are trademarks of The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. Every precaution was taken in the preparation of this book. However, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages that may result from the use of information (including program listings) contained herein. Our Pragmatic courses, workshops, and other products can help you and your team create better software and have more fun. For more information, as well as the latest Pragmatic titles, please visit us at http://www.pragprog.com Copyright © 2008 Bill Dudney. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmit- ted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN-10: 1-934356-10-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-934356-10-4 Printed on acid-free paper. P1.0 printing, October 2008 Version: 2008-10-3 Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Contents 1 Introduction 10 1.1 WhatIsCoreAnimation?.................. 11 1.2 InThisBook......................... 12 1.3 Acknowledgments...................... 14 2 Cocoa Animation 17 2.1 MovingWithoutAnimation................. 17 2.2 IntroducingCocoaAnimation ............... 20 2.3 AnimationandtheAnimatorProxy . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.4 AnimationandInterpolation................ 24 3 Animation Types 3.1 Basic Animation . . . . 3.2 Keyframe Animations . 3.3 Grouping Animations . 3.4 Animating Transitions 3.5 CustomAnimationandInterpolation. . . . . . . . . . . 43 4 Animation Timing 4.1 Animation Timing Curves 4.2 Cocoa Animation Timing . 4.3 Chaining Animations . . . 5 Layer-Backed Views 45 ................. 45 ................. 52 ................. 54 58 ................... 28 ................... 29 ................... 35 ................... 40 5.1 TheRoadAhead...... 5.2 View and Layer Hierarchy 5.3 ViewShadow........ 5.4 ViewAlpha......... 5.5 RotatedViewsandControls ................ 63 5.6 Layer Backing and Performance Concerns . . . . . . . 65 Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han ................. 59 ................. 59 ................. 61 ................. 63 28 CONTENTS 8 6 Filtered Views 68 6.1 ViewFilters.......................... 69 6.2 BackgroundFilters ..................... 71 6.3 Content Filters . . . . 6.4 Compositing Filters . 7 Core Animation 7.1 Layer-Hosting Views 7.2 Forming UIs with Layers . . . . 7.3 Organizing Layers in Trees . . . 7.4 Layer Layout with Constraints 8 Core Animation Layers 8.1 Animation Types and Layers . . 8.2 AnimationTiming........ 8.3 RotationandLayers....... 8.4 FiltersandLayers........ 8.5 ManagingaLayer’sContents ............... 109 8.6 DrawinginLayers...................... 110 8.7 TiledLayers ......................... 111 8.8 AnimationsandActions .................. 115 9 Layer Scrolling and Geometry 118 9.1 ScrollingLayers ....................... 118 9.2 GeometryProperties .................... 124 9.3 Layersin3DSpace ..................... 132 10 Layers in 3D 133 10.1 AddingDepthtoLayerAppearance . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 10.2 CustomLayerLayout.................... 137 10.3 3DTransformations .................... 143 11 Media Layers 149 11.1 QuickTimeLayers...................... 149 11.2 Quartz Composer Composition Layers . . . . . . . . . . 158 11.3 OpenGLLayers ....................... 161 12 Core Animation on the iPhone 165 12.1 CocoaTouch......................... 165 12.2 LayersandAnimations................... 168 12.3 OpenGLLayers ....................... 174 ...... ...... .............. 73 .............. 78 81 .............. 82 .............. 84 .............. 85 .............. 90 96 ...... .............. 96 .............. 101 .............. 107 .............. 109 Prepared exclusively for Ki Wan Han Report erratum this copy is (P1.0 printing, October 2008) CONTENTS 9 Bibliography 178 Index 180






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