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转载 Oracle database operating system memory allocation management for PGA – part 4: Oracle and

https://fritshoogland.wordpress.com/2014/12/18/oracle-database-operating-system-memory-allocation-management-for-pga-part-4-oracle-11-2-0-4-and-amm/Oracle database operating system memory allo

2015-11-30 20:24:39 639

原创 关于AMM资料

SGA and PGA Management in 11g's Automatic Memory Management (AMM) (Doc ID 1392549.1)Why Does Oracle Create So Many Open File Descriptors in /dev/shm on Linux When memory_target is Set

2015-11-29 21:54:14 841

转载 如何disable AMM以及ASMM

disable AMM enable ASMM:将memory_target设置为0disable AMM  and ASMM:将memory_target=0 可参考:Database Has Memory_Max_Target Set Even if Created with AMM Disabled (Doc ID 1138645.1)

2015-11-29 21:42:57 1324

转载 Using Process Memory Matrix script for understanding Oracle process memory usage

This tool currently works only on Solaris. I will write support for (newer) Linux versions soon and possibly also for HP-UX.When working on a problem I wrote a script which helps to present the ou

2015-11-29 16:16:51 428

转载 Oracle Memory Troubleshooting, Part 4: Drilling down into PGA memory usage with V$PROCESS_MEMORY_DET

Oracle Memory Troubleshooting, Part 4: Drilling down into PGA memory usage with V$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAILby TANEL PODER posted on MARCH 26, 2014If you haven’t read them – here are the previo

2015-11-29 15:12:10 749

转载 Oracle memory troubleshooting, Part 1: Heapdump Analyzer

http://blog.tanelpoder.com/2009/01/02/oracle-memory-troubleshooting-part-1-heapdump-analyzer/http://blog.tanelpoder.com/2009/01/02/oracle-memory-troubleshooting-part-1-heapdump-analyzer/When tro

2015-11-29 09:03:12 454

转载 关于/dev/shm的文章


2015-11-26 21:25:03 569

转载 V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS / V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS re-size operations

In V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS / V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS we can have three different automatic re-size operations:o DEFERREDo MANUALo IMMEDIATE- Deferred requests are low priority requests coming from ad

2015-11-26 10:35:21 909

转载 Hash Semi Right Join

DEFINITION:As described semi-join in previous forum (Tip#25), a semi-join between two tables returns rows from the outer table where one or more matches are found in the inner table. The difference

2015-11-24 13:20:37 1945

转载 如何得到linux的pagesize

这里不是指hugepage的pagesizeA. Most modern operating systems have their main memory divided into pages. It allows better utilization of memory. A page is a fixed length block of main memory, that is con

2015-11-22 10:50:20 4510

转载 Change OSDBA and OSOPER Role after Installation

by Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database AdministratorContentsIntroductionChange OSDBA and OSOPER RoleAbout the AuthorIntroductionOver the years, I've inherited a significant number of

2015-11-21 10:47:55 608

转载 ephemeral port的意义(ip_local_port_range )

转自维基百科:Ephemeral portFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAn ephemeral port is a short-lived transport protocol port for Internet Protocol (IP) communications allocated automatic

2015-11-21 09:38:13 1646

转载 如何用rpm查看package的架构

You can query RPM database for architecture of installed packages. This command will list all installed packages and their architecture:rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME} %{ARCH}\n'So if you want to find

2015-11-19 22:18:58 853

转载 Oracle 11g internals part 1: Automatic Memory Management

This is my attempt for getting cheap popularity out of recent Oracle 11g release. This is not going to be another Oracle 11g new features list, I’ll be just posting any of my research findings here, i

2015-11-19 21:36:14 447

原创 虚拟机中为何使用scsi_id无法查到磁盘的unid

There is no link in /dev/disk/by-id for SCSI (sdx) devices.The OS is running as a host on VMWare ESXResolutionBy default VMWare doesn't provide information needed by udev to generate /dev/di

2015-11-18 21:12:24 5669

转载 使用 udev 高效、动态地管理 Linux 设备文件

本文以通俗的方法阐述 udev 及相关术语的概念、udev 的配置文件和规则文件,然后以 Red Hat Enterprise Server 为平台演示一些管理设备文件和查询设备信息的实例。本文会使那些需要高效地、方便地管理 Linux 设备的用户受益匪浅,这些用户包括 Linux 最终用户、设备驱动开发人员、设备测试人员和系统管理员等等。3 评论:黄 懋, 软件工程师

2015-11-18 16:23:53 476

转载 关于oracle upgrade与migration的文档

How to Convert a 32-bit Database to 64-bit Database on Linux? (Doc ID 341880.1)Changing between 32-bit and 64-bit Word Sizes (Doc ID 62290.1)How To Change Oracle 11g Wordsize from 32-bit to

2015-11-14 11:07:14 522

转载 Oracle Clusterware (CRS/GI) - ASM - Database Version Compatibility (文档 ID 337737.1)

Oracle Clusterware (CRS/GI) - ASM - Database Version Compatibility (文档 ID 337737.1)转到底部In this DocumentPurpose Scope

2015-11-13 10:35:17 862

转载 PARALLEL hint

Hints – againFiled under: Hints — Jonathan Lewis @ 8:03 pm GMT Jun 17,2007 How well do you know your hints? When you see this one /*+ parallel(t1 4) */ what, exactly, does it mean ? The answ

2015-11-05 16:55:32 691


官方 upgrade best practice,资料例举了升级至11gr2的最佳实践






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