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原创 Aprial 29th Sunday (四月 二十九日 日曜日)

  When a scheme module can be executed?  When a module declaration is evaluated, the modules body is syntax-expanded and complied, but not executed.  The body is executed only when the module is expl

2007-04-29 17:10:00 872

原创 Aprial 30th Monday (四月 三十日 月曜日)

  ARP - Although this is a protocol that lies underneath IPv4, and not a user application, ARP broadcastsa request on the local subnet that says, "Will the system with an IP address of a.b.c.d please

2007-04-29 17:10:00 806

原创 Aprial 27th Friday (四月 二十七日 金曜日)

Raw Socket Output  Output on a raw socket is governed by the following rules:  Normal output is performed by calling sendto or sendmsg and specifying the destination IP address. write, writev,or s

2007-04-29 17:08:00 773

原创 Aprial 28th Statusday (四月 二十八日 土曜日)

Many transport layers have the concept of out-of-band data, which is sometimes called expedited data.  Theidea is that something important occurs at one end of a connection and that end wants to tell

2007-04-29 17:08:00 736

原创 Aprial 26th Thursday (四月 二十六日 木曜日)

  Today I reviewed some chapters of the "Unix Network Programming" Volume I.  That is a so thick book.  I am goint to read some interesting chapters in the text. 

2007-04-29 17:07:00 627

原创 Aprial 26th Thursday (四月 二十六日 木曜日)

  Today I reviewed some chapters of the "Unix Network Programming" Volume I.  That is a so thick book.  I am goint to read some interesting chapters in the text. 

2007-04-29 17:06:00 573

原创 Aprial 25th Wednesday (四月 二十五日 水曜日)

  "typeof" is a unary operator that is placed before its single operand, which can be of any type. Its value is a string indicating the datatype of the operand.  The typeof operator evaluates to "nu

2007-04-29 17:02:00 599

原创 Aprial 24th Tuesday (四月 二十四日 火曜日)

  From last night to this morning I called my mother many times.  But she have not resoned for my calling.  I dont know what happen.  I am afraid to accident.  So, this morning I gave my aunt a call

2007-04-29 17:01:00 718

原创 Aprial 23th Monday (四月 二十三日 月曜日)

  Today our corporation put out the the advice note on labor day.  From the last day of this month to May 6th, it is a globe week again.  About 5 years ago Liuhao, Wujun and I had gone to Wuxi from Wu

2007-04-29 17:00:00 722

原创 Aprial 19th Thursday (四月 十九日 木曜日)

 I caught a heavy cold again. 

2007-04-29 16:59:00 623

原创 Aprial 20th Friday (四月 二十日 金曜日)

  It is so bad to catch a heavy cold.  I almost do nothing.  But I have to work.  If I have a rest my salary issure to decrease.  Today I felt better than yesterday.  There are too many need to do.  C

2007-04-29 16:59:00 724

原创 Aprial 18th Wednesday (四月 十八日 水曜日)

  Todays air temperature will be more high than yesterday.  These fluctuating temperature showed again andagain from the end of last year to this spring.  After keeping so low temperature suddenly th

2007-04-29 16:58:00 822

原创 Aprial 16th Monday (四月 十六日 月曜日)

"Future is not forecasted."  That is got from "Butterfly Economics".  Our university is chaose.  Our living environment is uncomplete squence.  So, it is right to say "Life is a game".  Thesedays I

2007-04-29 16:57:00 816

原创 Aprial 17th Tuesday (四月 十七日 火曜日)

It is not easy to read a Japanese development document.  This afternoon I began to try reading a Japanesedevelopment specification.  The experience called up the time I began to reading a english tech

2007-04-29 16:57:00 650

原创 Aprial 13th Friday (四月 十三日 金曜日)

Today is a black friday.  I just heard of a message which is one of my cousins got a baby.  Its birth is so special. 

2007-04-29 16:56:00 804

原创 Aprial 12th Thursday (四月 十二日 木曜日)

Babylon!  I seems to come back the ancient Babylon when reading the Mathematic Throught from Ancient to Modern. Those ancient people in Babylon used cuneiform to represent digists.  The "cuneus" came

2007-04-29 16:55:00 677

原创 Aprial 11th Wednesday (四月 十一日 水曜日)

Today I finished reading the source of LZ77 algorithm.  The most of the source was understood by me.  I tookabout 4 days to studying.  Although the main frame of lz77 algorithm is not hard to understa

2007-04-29 16:54:00 643

原创 Aprial 10th Tuesday (四月 十日 火曜日)

Today I firstly created a user table.  There are so many fields in this table.  I dont know whether thistable is complete to store user information.  With expanding system functions in the future, th

2007-04-29 16:53:00 571

原创 Aprial 9th Monday (四月 九日 月曜日)

  Today I created a abstract layer for accessing a database in PHP.  This class includes such operator as "connect", "disconnect", "executeQuery", and so forth.  My purpose is to provide a uniform int

2007-04-10 11:41:00 604

原创 April 6th Friday (四月 六日 金曜日)

   Today I reinstalled MySQL, Apache and PHP.  This time is so lucky.  I can access database in php.Finally, I installed phpMyAdmin.  It is also right.  I tried several mysqli api.  However, there a

2007-04-10 11:40:00 714

原创 April 4th Wednesday (四月 四日 水曜日)

  Today I downloaded the "EasyPHP" -- a distrbution for Apach, MySQL, PHP.  I installed it.  However,there are some problem.  PHPMyAdmin can not be launched.  I do not know what happen.  Today I rea

2007-04-10 11:39:00 932

原创 April 5th Thursday (四月 五日 木曜日)

   Today I reviewed some Emacs commands.  About for half a year I discarded Emacs.  Emacas was implemented in C and Lisp languages.

2007-04-10 11:39:00 733

原创 April 3th Tuesday (四月 三日 火曜日)

  I go on reading that source of LZ77.  Today I met another function.  Although there are comment,I still manage my best to understand it.  Lets look at that function firstly.void CopyBits(BYTE* me

2007-04-10 11:38:00 725

原创 April 2nd Monday (四月 二日 月曜日)

  Today I began to read the source of LZ77.  However, I almost met a difficult at once.  There isa function which is used to copy some bits from a byte to another byte.  I had a look at this functio

2007-04-10 11:37:00 778

原创 March 29th Thursday (三月  二十九日 木曜日)

 Now I have a best idea that is to clone a chating system in PHP.  I must squeze time to develop it.  Last nightI thought how to design a dynamic domain names system.  Teacher Hong told me its mechani

2007-04-10 11:36:00 1000

原创 March 28th Wednesday (三月  二十八日 水曜日)

Today I download Discuz! BBS system.  The auther of Discuz! was a studenet.  His experience is so alike Bill. When he was in campus he began to develop his BBS.  He took about 800 days to write this b

2007-04-10 11:35:00 737

原创 March 27th Tuesday (三月  二十七日 火曜日)

三月から気温は一月、二月の気温より暖かいですね。今日は昨日より暖かいです。  夏武漢の最高気温は四〇とでした。武漢の冬は寒いですね。去年私は武漢から来ました。無錫は武漢ほと広くないです。でも武漢の冬より無錫のほうが寒くないです。 

2007-04-10 11:34:00 817

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏。算是个Demo吧。比较粗陋,自己写着玩的。


wxCalc -- wxWidgets开发的计算器



wxMine 扫雷小游戏

学习wxWidgets后,写的一个扫雷小游戏。 还有些bug,玩起来可能会不爽。 有问题可联系我。lu_ming@live.cn 网上扫雷的程序很多。也有用wxWidgets写的。 但是代码国内不好下,于是自己写了一个满足自己兴趣。 这个游戏简单,代码没什么技术。我只是尽量用规范,易懂的风格写。 玩得时候要wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll库。你可以把它放到系统目录下。 由于是用Code::Block开发环境开发的,打开项目时注意。 如果在可视化环境中编辑了窗口或控件,它会自己修改代码。 另外,程序的图标一直无法修改,原因现在不明。 Linux或别的操作系统下尚未测试过。


PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载

PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载 Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.3 ====================================== * Fixed Access Violation when dragging & dropping an empty item in the Logon History * Fixed Access Violation in the File Browser when adding a new folder * Order of items after "Open All Items" from a project was not correct * Project Groups could be removed after doing project options * Find would not work correctly with a column selection scope * Edit > Selection > Apply Syntax Case/Color Mark/Comment did not work for Column Selections * Describe Window now also shows the view comments in the header * Export Tables would change nls_date_format in single session mode and dual session mode * Auto Replace now supports Undo to continue with "non replaced" text * Debugger can now show PL/SQL Table elements indexed by a string * Object Browser could sometimes perform "double-click" action when using the cursor right key * Unicode characters from DBMS_Output were not displayed correctly * Right-clicking on an empty area in the Window List did not show the popup menu * Highlighted search hits are now cleared when editing the text * Fixed drawing performance issue with Diagram Window in zoomed mode * DDE now remains enabled for Windows Explorer open command (DisableDDE parameter to revert) * PL/SQL Developer main window could not always be minimized * To-Do list would not always be updated when switching editors in a Program Window * Case expressions could cause incorrect "Unused assignment" hints * File Browser would not show all files for large directories (>1000 files) * Support Info showed OCI Version 11.1 on a 10.2 client * Export Tables tool will limit the line size to 2400 characters in SQL Inserts format for SQL*Plus compatibility * Reports did not always calculate subtotals correctly * Compiler Hints could not be enabled/disabled


plsqldev v7.14

PL/SQL Developer Version 7.14 是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化Oracle PL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。


Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程中的Imgcx学习版

Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程一书中框架.


libevent v0.1



Programming Erlang

Programming Erlang PDF author: Joe Armstrong


Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解

Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解。VC开发者常用的手册。





From CPP to COM



Inside ATL




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