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原创 November 26th Thursday

  I have studyed the source of libevent version 0.1.  The source is so simple, but you can know what the author want to do.  As a matter of fact, I found that you can adopt the idea of the event pri

2009-11-26 16:21:00 530

原创 November 25th Wednesday

 I am interested in Erlang.  So, I am collecting some articles and ticks on Erlang.  The following is from Mr. yufengs blog. erts运行期内存使用情况查看 翻erlang的代码发现erlang对memory的管理非常重视 内置了多种内存alloca

2009-11-25 12:39:00 599

原创 November 24th Tuesday

Map Reduce -module(phofs).-export([mapreduce/4]).-import(lists, [foreach/2]).%% F1(Pid, X) -> sends {Key, Val} messages to Pid%% F2(Key, [Val], AccIn) -> AccOutmapreduce(F1, F2, Acc0, L) -> 

2009-11-24 16:03:00 673

原创 November 22th Sunday

Erlang sockets   Erlang sockets can be opened in one of three modes: active, active once, or passive. This is done by including an option {active, true | false | once} in the Options argument to e

2009-11-21 21:42:00 758

原创 Setting the Search Paths for Erlang Loading Code

   The Erlang runtime system makes use of a code autoloading mechanism. For this to work correctly, you must set a number of search paths in order to find the correct version of your code.   When t

2009-11-20 16:07:00 879

原创 狼人(zz)


2009-11-19 22:50:00 8530

原创 November 21th Saturday

How the Erlang communicate with an exteranl program?   Erlang runtime system and communicate with this process through a byte-oriented communication channel. The Erlang side of the communication i

2009-11-19 19:47:00 1497

原创 November 20th Friday

 Underscore Variables   There’s one more thing to say about variables. The special syntax _VarName is used for a normal variable, not an anonymous variable. Normally the compiler will generate a w

2009-11-18 21:49:00 1121 1

原创 November 19th Thursday

 The receive work in Erlang is following: When we enter a receive statement, we start a timer (but only if an after section is present in the expression).Take the first message in the mailbox a

2009-11-18 16:36:00 673

原创 《动物精神》之启示一

      正在读《动物精神》一书。首先想要搞明白书中所说明的动物精神是什么?有一点可以肯定是非理性的。因为在书的开篇就讲到亚当.斯密经济模式中的不足与偏差。那是一种理想化的模型,一种建立在几乎绝对理性基础上的经济模型。经济这个东西能够用数学方程模拟?预测?我一直是抱以怀疑。我不知道早期的经济学家是怎么想的,他们明显不重视人的思想对经济的影响。也许与那个时代的思想潮流有关。       自

2009-11-18 14:17:00 854

原创 November 18th Wednesday

  Distributed Erlang is useful in the situation where you own all the machines and want to control all the machines from a single machine.  But this model of computation is not suited to the situation

2009-11-18 11:49:00 729

原创 November 17th Monday

The Details of Error Handling Links  A link is something that defines an error propagation path between two processes. If two processes are linked together and one of the processes dies, then an

2009-11-16 23:07:00 707

原创 November 16th Monday

-heart Cmd option      Erlang has been started with the -heart Cmd option.  This option causes an OS monitor process to be set up that watches over the Erlang OS process. If the Erlang OS process

2009-11-14 21:00:00 642

原创 November 15th Sunday

  During learn Erlang, I found there are some detail technique problem must be taked down. Term Comparisons   For the purposes of comparison, a total ordering is defined over all terms. This is

2009-11-13 18:13:00 573

原创 November 14th Saturday

The Process Dictionary   Each process in Erlang has its own private data store called the process dictionary.  The process dictionary is an assciative array (in other languages this might be calle

2009-11-13 16:28:00 575

原创 November 13th Friday

  In Erlang, binary operation and matching are useful to develop programs for networking protocols.  To write low-level codes to pack and unpack binary data at a bit level is easy and highly efficient

2009-11-13 09:30:00 555

原创 November 12th Thursday

  In Erlang, there is a interesting syntax to make a list, it is called List Comprehensions.  Lets call up some mathematical expressions in our middle school, such as { X | X > 0}.  The List Comprehe

2009-11-12 11:40:00 647

原创 November 11th Wednesday

   I updated my album with my new photos.  These photos are on the Erlounge IV meeting in Hangzhou.

2009-11-11 10:05:00 607

原创 November 9th Monday

   At the last weekend I took part in the CN Erlounge IV meeting in Hangzhou.  I made some friends, and got news about the appplication on erlang.   Today I proposed a solution to make the biogine

2009-11-09 20:33:00 627

原创 母语式开发

  今天看到我以前写的关于Ruby与Java之争的博文。现在有了续集,现在加上。  程序员中对语言之争,那可以历史悠久了。我们现在先看看目前产业中流行的开发语言的主要用在那里。我这里说的是主流情况。由上自下吧。  web 前端应用Javascript, html, vbscript,css,asp.net,php,jsp等。 web后端应用C#, php,asp.net, java

2009-11-05 13:50:00 807

原创 6 + 1模式对中国IT业的影响

 郎教授的6+1对中国制造业所面临的困境的分析,让我醍醐灌顶。中国IT业也是如此呀! 别的不说,外包就明显是在国际分工模式下,所处的1的制造环节。去年经济危机的冲击下, 多少外包公司不景气。 我所工作的前一家公司是对日外包,去年底还开始,业务量直线下降,新招的人只能做不赚钱的所谓的社内系统。人才不断流失。我离职那天,听说被日本NttDAta收购了。当时一惊,以为是传闻。后来证实确有其事。 在中国,

2009-11-05 13:35:00 1784 2

原创 November 5th Thursday

   These days I have been busy studying the source of the nginx.  I  finished the part of master process and of the work process.  At once the channel object is understood, and take a look at the even

2009-11-05 09:04:00 789

原创 转载:一篇男人必看的雄文!

心理学课上,周正教授正在授课: ­­  上次下课时,一个男孩子递了张纸条,“我是个比较内向的人,又没什么特长,不会踢足球,不会打篮球……唯一的爱好是写作。进入大学后,看到周围的同学在交往、工作中左右逢源、如鱼得水、洒脱干练,很是羡慕。就要步入社会了,我该如何规划自己的前途呢?……周教授,我想我还是当一名作家比较好,一个人,也不错,您说呢?” ­­  “这个问题要不要回答?”周教授扬

2009-11-03 16:53:00 2851 1

原创 November 3th Tuesday

   The function ngx_init_cycle() is too long to feel so tired to study it.   The gaol of this function is used to initialize a new cycle object with the old cycle.  It is hard to look through the code

2009-11-03 11:45:00 734

原创 November 2nd Monday

 These days I read the initializaion of the nginx again.  There are more details be found.  I have to fix some bug in my note.  After finish my note, I will upload it.  Now, I have to go on this work.

2009-11-02 15:52:00 643

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏

wxSnake -- 用wxWidgets开发的贪吃蛇游戏。算是个Demo吧。比较粗陋,自己写着玩的。


wxCalc -- wxWidgets开发的计算器



wxMine 扫雷小游戏

学习wxWidgets后,写的一个扫雷小游戏。 还有些bug,玩起来可能会不爽。 有问题可联系我。lu_ming@live.cn 网上扫雷的程序很多。也有用wxWidgets写的。 但是代码国内不好下,于是自己写了一个满足自己兴趣。 这个游戏简单,代码没什么技术。我只是尽量用规范,易懂的风格写。 玩得时候要wxmsw28u_gcc_custom.dll库。你可以把它放到系统目录下。 由于是用Code::Block开发环境开发的,打开项目时注意。 如果在可视化环境中编辑了窗口或控件,它会自己修改代码。 另外,程序的图标一直无法修改,原因现在不明。 Linux或别的操作系统下尚未测试过。


PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载

PLSQL Developer 中文注册版下载 Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0.3 ====================================== * Fixed Access Violation when dragging & dropping an empty item in the Logon History * Fixed Access Violation in the File Browser when adding a new folder * Order of items after "Open All Items" from a project was not correct * Project Groups could be removed after doing project options * Find would not work correctly with a column selection scope * Edit > Selection > Apply Syntax Case/Color Mark/Comment did not work for Column Selections * Describe Window now also shows the view comments in the header * Export Tables would change nls_date_format in single session mode and dual session mode * Auto Replace now supports Undo to continue with "non replaced" text * Debugger can now show PL/SQL Table elements indexed by a string * Object Browser could sometimes perform "double-click" action when using the cursor right key * Unicode characters from DBMS_Output were not displayed correctly * Right-clicking on an empty area in the Window List did not show the popup menu * Highlighted search hits are now cleared when editing the text * Fixed drawing performance issue with Diagram Window in zoomed mode * DDE now remains enabled for Windows Explorer open command (DisableDDE parameter to revert) * PL/SQL Developer main window could not always be minimized * To-Do list would not always be updated when switching editors in a Program Window * Case expressions could cause incorrect "Unused assignment" hints * File Browser would not show all files for large directories (>1000 files) * Support Info showed OCI Version 11.1 on a 10.2 client * Export Tables tool will limit the line size to 2400 characters in SQL Inserts format for SQL*Plus compatibility * Reports did not always calculate subtotals correctly * Compiler Hints could not be enabled/disabled


plsqldev v7.14

PL/SQL Developer Version 7.14 是一种集成的开发环境,专门用于开发、测试、调试和优化Oracle PL/SQL存储程序单元,比如触发器等。


Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程中的Imgcx学习版

Visual C++ 实用图像处理专业教程一书中框架.


libevent v0.1



Programming Erlang

Programming Erlang PDF author: Joe Armstrong


Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解

Visual C ++ 6.0 的MFC类库详解。VC开发者常用的手册。





From CPP to COM



Inside ATL




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