oracle 8i/9i install for linux

Oracle 8.1.7 Installation Contents 1. Things you need before the installation 2. Pre-install actions 2.1 Installing compatibility packages 2.2 Installing Java Development Kit 2.3 Binutils downgrade 2.4 User oracle, groups and software mount points 2.5 Copy patch file to $ORACLE_HOME 2.6 Setting the environment for oracle account 3. Running the installer 4. Running the database for the first time 5. Starting the Listener 6. Starting the Apache Web Server 7. How to launch Enterprise Manager Components 1. Things you need before the installation Before you start installing Oracle, you need to have the following packages that do not come with the Oracle817.tar file: The Backwards Compatibility Compat Libs - Search returned by Synaptic Package Manager compat-gcc-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm compat-libgcj-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm compat-libgcj-devel-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm nss_db-compat-2.2-20.i386.rpm /* methinks this is for 9i - test yourself - does not hurt*/ and one more I discovered when apache wouldn't start: compat-db-3.3.11-4 Different compat-libs than used with Redhat 7.x : The versions of these packages are not the same on RH 9 as they were on previous versions of RH. Redhat 7.x installs require RH 6.2 compatibility packages. RH 9 compat packages are available through up2date or Synaptic. The Synaptic method is virtually painless. If your system has required dependencies Synaptic will ever so kindly inform you before performing the installation. jdk-1.1.8_v3 - Blackdown Linux port of Sun's Java Development Kit. You can find it at The Official Patch from Oracle glibc-2.1.3-stubs Oracle has created a set of stub libraries which are used at linkinstall-time only to mimic the contents of glibc-2.1.3 shared object. See Oracle patch ReadMe for general details. Copy the patch to Oracle Home before launching the installer, but do not run it until install is almost complete. Although it doesn't mention it in the documentation, I had success with copying the patch file to $ORACLE_HOME. Untarring it. And running sh after the linking errors but before running the second After 100% install but before Network Assistant or Create Database Assistant. And everthing worked! Go ahead! And you can run the assistants through Installer! You read it here first! Note: There is a handy pause in the installation when Setup wants you to run a final shell script, you can run the patch then. 2.Pre-install actions 2.1 Installing compatibility packages If you choose the Synaptic method search on compat-gcc compat-libgcj compat-libgcj-devel nss_db-compat compat-db Done! If you prefer RedHat Package Manager: rpm -Uvh compat-gcc-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh compat-gcc-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh compat-libgcj-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh compat-libgcj-devel-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh nss_db-compat-2.2-20.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh compat-db-3.3.11-4 Done! 2.2 Installing Java Development Kit Install jdk in /usr/local [root]# tar -xvjf jdk-1.1.8_v3.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local Note the 'j' for a .bz2 type file. Create a symbolic link to the directory jdk118_v3 because oracle expects to find it under /usr/local/java: [root]# ln -s /usr/local/jdk118_v3 /usr/local/java Note that it is not necessary to add this link to the PATH environment variable, so you can safely keep whatever jdk or jre version you may already have. 2.3 Binutils downgrade Skip this bit! This method not required for RedHat 9 2.4 User oracle, groups and software mount points We need to create two groups for the user oracle: oinstall and dba. The oinstall group will own all the installation files. The dba group will have SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges granted. Note that all linux users (accounts) that are in group dba will also get these privileges. [root@frodo ]# groupadd oinstall [root@frodo ]# groupadd dba [root@frodo ]# useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle [root@frodo ]# passwd oracle Changing password for user oracle. New password: BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [root@frodo 817InstallFiles]# Create directories in which product files will reside. Oracle recommends OFA - Optimal Flexible Architecture (see oracle installation guide), ie /u01/oracle/product On that note I also want to try "Service Configuration: Raw Devices". Hmmm. I should do that before I start the install... Not today. [root@frodo u01]$ mkdir /u01/oracle/product [root@frodo u01]$ cd /u01/oracle/product [root@frodo u01]$ mkdir 8.1.7 [root@frodo u01]$ chown -R oracle.oinstall /u01/oracle/* 2.5 Copy patch file to $ORACLE_HOME Copy the patch file to $ORACLE_HOME, but do not run it yet. 2.6 Setting the environment for oracle account Now login as the newly created oracle user and append to your .bash_profile: [oracle@frodo oracle]$ vi .bash_profile # Stuff for 8.1.7 Install export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/8.1.7 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin unset LANG # Java DEVELOPMENT Kit for 8.1.7 JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java; export JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/; export CLASSPATH #Need to point to init*.ora ORACLE_SID=frodo; export ORACLE_SID # Need shared libraries ie for lsnrctl if [ "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}" == "" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH The first line modifies your environment so that gcc and ld look for glibc 2.1.3 compatibility headers and libraries. The .bash_profile should now be sourced in order to initialize these variables: # . /home/oracle/.bash_profile or we can just log off and than back on as user oracle. If you use some shell other than bash (tcsh, sh, ...) all of those variables should be set according to syntax of your shell and put in script that automatically executes at user login. 3. Running the installer Oracle installer must be run from Xwindows by user oracle. Start Xwindows and from terminal window mount Oracle 8i CD-ROM and start the installer: $ /mnt/cdrom/runInstaller or if you have downloaded linux81701.tar from Oracle, untar it somewhere (e.g. under /u01/817InstallFiles), and then run the installer: [oracle@frodo 817InstallFiles]$ tar -xvf linux81701.tar [oracle@frodo Disk1]$ ./runInstaller Now installer should work and you can install the software. If there is a problem launching installer first check LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5. Installer Options There are a few choices to be made from within installer. For the most part default options are set by environment variables. Source: /u01/817InstallFiles/Disk1/stage/products.jar Destination: /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7 Loading product list. Please wait... Unix Group name: oinstall You will be prompted to run a script as root. [root@frodo 8.1.7]# sh Creating Oracle Inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc) Changing groupname of /u02/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall. Select product to install: Oracle Enterprise Installation Types: Typical (837MB) Verify JDK Home Directory: (not necessary for 8.1.6 install, must be available for 8.1.7) /usr/local/java Database Identification: name.domain SID: typically default value. Max 8 chars. Tip: Be sure SID matches the entry in Oracle User's .bash_profile Installing Files: First the extracting part: You can find a log of this install session at: /u01/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log If you install another product, the above log will be copied to: /u01/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2003-09-27_10-37-06-PM.log Linking Files: Here comes the linking part. Link pending... It's going to break 5 errors by 78% -- to do with ins_ and make ie can't find directory ott Just ignore them. We'll run the Official Oracle Patch to fix them. continue Towards the end of install. Maybe an hour later.. Before building the database, there is a script to be run. (as root) But first apply the patch! I got the great!? idea of running the patch before returning to setup: [root@frodo 8.1.7]# sh Setting up patch files...done. Patching makefiles as necessary: checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/plsql/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/plsql/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/plsql/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/precomp/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/precomp/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ldap/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ldap/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ldap/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/sqlplus/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/sqlplus/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ord/im/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ord/img/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ord/ts/demo/oci/src/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ord/ts/demo/proc/src/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ord/ts/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/md/demo/examples/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/md/demo/unix/motif/src/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/md/demo/unix/motif/src/db_src/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/md/demo/unix/motif/src/main_src/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/otrace/demo/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/otrace/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/otrace/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ctx/lib/'...OK. checking file '/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/ctx/lib/'...OK. Rebuilding client shared library...cp: cannot stat `/DISCARD/': No such file or directory done. Relinking executables: running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. running ''...done. Done. The links have been fixed! Run script Now run the script as root. [root@frodo 8.1.7]# sh Running Oracle8 script... command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' command substitution: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file line 157: [: !=: unary operator expected /nThe following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= oracle ORACLE_HOME= /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7 ORACLE_SID= frodo Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: /nCreating /etc/oratab file... Entry will be added to the /etc/oratab file by Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created Finished running generic part of script. Now product-specific root actions will be performed. Solution to fix the syntax errors. repairs Thanks Kenta! Net 8 configuration Net 8 configuration. Launches Net 8 Configuration Assistant: I select perform typical configuration. (It can be changed later...) --Just want/need a listener to start. Net8 Configuration Assistant -- success! Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Creating and starting Oracle instance Copying database files Initializing database Database creation complete This whole ordeal has taken over two hours. it is now 01:01 Sun Sep 28 I still want to create a custom database, but no doubt that will have to wait for another day. I've put down my book "Bachelor Brother's Bed & Breakfast". This last bit is exciting, and I want to watch! Maybe I have defined the definitive steps in installing 8.1.7 on Redhat 9. Database creation completed. Database Information: global database name: database system identifier (SID): frodo SYS account password: change_on_install SYSTEM account password: manager [OK] :) If you installed the package compat-db-3.3.11-4 you won't see this error message: Web Server Configuration: failure Starting web server in non-SSL mode on port 7777 failed (see details) /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started [root@frodo lib]# find . -name* -print ./stubs/ Time for a Google search for RPM resource Provided by. compat-db-3.3.11-3.i386, The Berkeley DB database library for Red Hat Linux 7.x compatibility. RawHide 1.0 for i386. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages Synaptic lists compat-db-3.3.11-4 The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is a programmatic toolkit that provides embedded database support for both traditional and client/server applications. This package contains various versions of Berkeley DB which were included in previous releases of Red Hat Linux. That should do it. Retry. Web Server Configuration: Success! /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd started :) Yipeee! End of Installation The installation of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition was successful. [Exit] 1:56 AM Finished running Oracle Installer 4. Running the database for the first time [oracle@frodo oracle]$ svrmgrl Oracle Server Manager Release - Production Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SVRMGR> connect internal Connected. SVRMGR> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 72704160 bytes Fixed Size 73888 bytes Variable Size 55681024 bytes Database Buffers 16777216 bytes Redo Buffers 172032 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. 5. Starting the Listener [oracle@frodo 8.1.7]$lsnrctl start LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 29-APR-2004 09:34:25 (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/bin/tnslsnr: please wait... TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production System parameter file is /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/admin/listener.ora Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( STATUS of the LISTENER ------------------------ Alias LISTENER Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production Start Date 29-APR-2004 09:34:25 Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec Trace Level off Security OFF SNMP OFF Listener Parameter File /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/admin/listener.ora Services Summary... PLSExtProc has 1 service handler(s) frodo has 1 service handler(s) The command completed successfully If you are having problems with the listener see the two tips in: Tips, Snippets, and Answers 6. Starting the Apache Web Server Root user will start httpd. [root@frodo /]$/u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start ./apachectl start: httpd started Launching Web Browser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle HTTP Server Components Apache JServ (demo) Oracle JSP (demos) mod_ssl OpenSSL mod_perl mod_plsql BC4J XDK mod_ose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Success!!! What's next? You've gotten this far and you're still reading. Hopefully it's to find out more rather than trying to solve install problems. You should now be able to run Oracle Enterprise Manager, DBA Studio and a bunch of nifty Packs. Go see for yourself! I'll confess at this point (running on a single machine) I broke down and bought a 256K memory stick. Not that it wouldn't/couldn't work. 7. How to launch Enterprise Manager Components EM Command Summary and Tips Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant OMS Intelligent Agent Listener Console DBA Studio Blackout using Command-Line If you are having problems with any of the tools also see: Tips, Snippets, and Answers Oracle 9i Installation > I have not personally installed 9i yet. From what I understand the only difference in libraries is the one compat library: nss_db-compat which is 9i specific. If that is the case then compat-db will probably not be required. That's what I'm going to try. Start with: compat-gcc compat-libgcj compat-libgcj-devel nss_db-compat Don't know if the patch files are still required. You'd think not, but then again... The LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is up a couple versions too. For excellent documentation on Linux and Oracle please see: Werner's Home Page. But just in case you get the message "not supported by Oracle", doesn't mean you should give up. I wouldn't put it in to production, but for home development; I support pick your own! :) Larry would agree! Starting the Oracle Database 9i To start the Oracle Database, you must be the Oracle user; normally oracle. You change to the oracle user using the command "su - oracle" This will change your user and also update the environment for this user. After you change to the Oracle user, you may invoke sqlplus to start the Oracle instance. Following the database startup, the network listener needs to be started. Finally you should change users back to the previous user. Note: If you are already logged on as the Oracle user, you do NOT need to use the "su" command to become the Oracle user, nor the "exit" at the last line of the example. This example is for 9i. # su - oracle# cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin# sqlplus '/ as sysdba'SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 235999352 bytes Fixed Size 450680 bytes Variable Size 201326592 bytes Database Buffers 33554432 bytes Redo Buffers 667648 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> exit# lsnrctl start LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-JUN-2003 21:50:37 Copyright (c) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting /home/oracle/Oracle92//bin/tnslsnr: please wait... TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production (snip) The command completed successfully# exit Tips, Snippets, and Answers > DBA procedure - DB and Listener startup checks Know Your glibc Command line: netasst Client Connection All that Java - Which JRE? - Which JDK? Example: .bash_profile DataBase Start? lsnrctl: command not found Example: 1 lsnrctl: command not found Example: 2 repairs Reinstall DBA procedure - DB and Listener startup checks The following procedure explains the process to be followed to check if databases and listeners are up and running. This procedure is applicable to all Unix Oracle installations, but can easily be modified for other platforms as well. Find the databases that are supposed to be up and running from the /etc/oratab or /var/opt/oracle/oratab file. Look for entries that are suffixed by a "Y". Check if the database background processes are up and running (ps -ef | grep smon) Change the environment and connect to each of these databases to ensure they are opened (. oraenv; sqlplus username/password) Find all the listeners in the listener.ora file. This file is located in either /etc, /var/opt/oracle or $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directories Make sure each of them is running (lsnrctl status LISTENER_NAME) Connect to all databases via their listeners to ensure that the listeners are functioning (sqlplus username/passwprd@dbdescriptor). Connecting to the db via their listeners should be done from a node different than the one on which the listener is running to make 100% sure that there is remote connectivity. Check the database alert log files as sometimes a database might be up and running, but the alert log reports critical errors. If a machine only has one listener, please do not accept that they all have only one listener. When in doubt please read the manuals or ask somebody. The following manuals are relevant: - Chapter 5 of the Oracle8 Concepts guide. See section "Database and Instance Startup and Shutdown". - Chapter 8 of the Net8 Administrator's Guide. See sections "Starting a Listener" and "Test a Listener". It is also helpful to write some scripts to help you check that everything is up and running. Example scripts could be obtained from the web site. Where applicable, other services like Web Servers, Names Servers, LDAP servers, and so forth must also be checked. If in doubt, get advice from an experienced DBA. Know Your glibc The C library used in the GNU system. Linux software uses a library called glibc. GNU C library. Summary : The GNU libc libraries. Description : The glibc package contains standard libraries which are used by multiple programs on the system. In order to save disk space and memory, as well as to make upgrading easier, common system code is kept in one place and shared between programs. This particular package contains the most important sets of shared libraries: the standard C library and the standard math library. Without these two libraries, a Linux system will not function. Different versions of Linux distros ship different versions of glibc. Check your version of glibc using the following command: ls /lib/libc-* * glibc 2.3 - Red Hat 9.0, Mandrake 9.1 * glibc 2.2 - Red Hat 7.0 through 8.0, Mandrake 8.0 through 9.0, SuSE 8.x, Debian 3.0 * glibc 2.1 - Red Hat 6.x, Mandrake 7.x, SuSE 7.x, Debian 2.x Command line: netasst Normally after install (and glibc213 patch), the netca and dbasst can work, but netasst does not work. To fix this problem, you can vi $ORACLE_HOME/bin/netasst and modify the line 110 from "$JRE -classpath $CLASSPATH ...." to "$JRE -nojit -classpath $CLASSPATH ........" This can make it work. Thanks xkwang. You were right! It runs just fine from command line as well :) BTW: Forget about Oracle Names, it's been dropped in 9i in favour of OpenSource! Client Connection < Q > How do I access the Client Tools? I've installed the Oracle9i client. How do I start the applications. < A > Use "netca" for Network Configuration "oemapp worksheet" for client. If you don't find the command go to /bin and execute. ./netca All that Java # Which JRE? 8i Oracle bundles the IBM JRE 1.1.8 in Oracle 8.1.6 and 8.1.7. Before that, for Oracle 8.1.5 you need Blackdown JRE 1.1.6v5. If you have 8.1.6 or 8.1.7, you do not have to do ANYTHING, Oracle knows where it's own JRE is already! In particular, do NOT change the path to point to any particular JRE, do NOT install any other JRE (it does not hurt if you do, it's just not necessary), and do NOT set any CLASSPATHs or other Java stuff. 9i: Oracle bundles several different JREs with different Oracle 9i products. Oracle 9i R2 for example bundles the Sun JRE 1.3.1. The tips above for 8i apply (i.e. you do not need any additional Java package). - Which JDK? This is something different from the above, which is just the Java Runtime Environment. The JDK is a Java DEVELOPMENT Kit. It is needed for Java development. The JRE should still be used to run the Oracle GUI tools. Oracle uses the JDK 1.1.8. You can use the IBM JDK 1.1.8 or the Blackdown one. Example: .bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH unset USERNAME # Stuff for 8.1.7 Install export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/8.1.7 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin unset LANG # Java DEVELOPMENT Kit for 8.1.7 JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java; export JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/; export CLASSPATH #Need to point to init*.ora ORACLE_SID=frodo; export ORACLE_SID # Need shared libraries ie for lsnrctl if [ "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}" == "" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH Error with database startup? I thought install set ORACLE_SID. Apparently not all of the time. If you see could not open parameter file '?/dbs/init@.ora' ... [oracle@frodo oracle]$ svrmgrl Oracle Server Manager Release - Production Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SVRMGR> connect internal Connected. SVRMGR> startup LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '?/dbs/init@.ora' ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters SVRMGR> exit Server Manager complete. [oracle@frodo oracle]$ export ORACLE_SID=frodo Add ORACLE_SID to .bash_profile lsnrctl: command not found Example: 1 [oracle@frodo oracle]$ lsnrctl status bash: lsnrctl: command not found [oracle@frodo oracle]$ echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin: /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/bin [oracle@frodo oracle]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH [oracle@frodo oracle]$ [oracle@frodo oracle]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME} /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib [oracle@frodo oracle]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib [oracle@frodo oracle]$ lsnrctl status LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 28-SEP-2003 11:11:31 (c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROC))) TNS-12541: TNS:no listener TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00511: No listener Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) ( TNS-12541: TNS:no listener TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00511: No listener Linux Error: 111: Connection refused Which is okay, if you haven't started the listener yet. lsnrctl: command not found Example: 2 [oracle@frodo oracle]$ lsnrctl status bash: lsnrctl: command not found So you checked the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and still no listener? Sometimes files in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin don't get initialised properly. Check to see if lsnrctl exists. [oracle@frodo 8.1.7]$ find -name lsnrctl* -depth -print ./bin/lsnrctlO I have had success with copying the file xxxxxO to xxxxx and trying again. repairs Fixing those darn errors in RMF=/bin/rm -f is changed to RMF="/bin/rm -f" and line 156 RUID= `/usr/bin/id|$AWK -F/( '{print $2}'|$AWK -F/) '{print $1}` is changed to RUID= `/usr/bin/id|$AWK -F/( '{print $2}'|$AWK -F/) '{print $1}'` Execute the script as user root: Reinstall Reinstalling Oracle is tricky on NT. There are even some registry entries you have to trick to remove. It's easy on Linux. Delete /etc/or* and /u01/oracle/product/8.1.7 Check Oracle user's .bash_profile. Tools: Hardware and such > This first box's name is Frodo and his greatest asset is plenty of hard-drive space. Hda is 8Gigs partitioned as / and /u02. Hdb is 30 Gigs partitioned as /u01, /u03, /user, and /allison. I figure I can install at least two maybe even three Oracle Homes here. Hardware IBM PC 300 PL Model:6862D1U Pentium III (Katmai) CPU speed: 447 MHz 128 Megs RAM + 256 added after initial 8.1.7 install Monitor: SyncMaster H:30-60 V:56-75 Video: Matrox Millennium G200 8Mb Sound: Crystal. CS4232 OS RedHat 9 (Shrike): Kernel 2.4.20-8 Hostname: IP address: RedHat 9 server install with Lilo Boot and Gnome Desktop as well as GTK Gnome Development Toolkit. Just to note NT4.0 is also installed (old habits are hard to break) and it has been allocated a generous 1 Gig of Hda. Software Bluefish I also am using Bluefish 0.11 as an HTML editor. It's a handy tool. I tried amaya for a bit but ended up with bogus tags and it was slower than this. Mozilla I have both Mozilla and Galeon installed, the latter initially as an amusement that is growing into a respect. Tidy HTML TIDY - Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY. tidy -f errs.txt -m index.html tidy file.html 2> 1 | more tidy -help | more 9iAS Along the way I have abandoned 9iAS for now. I'm presently involved in Open-Source alternatives. Stay tuned or email me for discussion.




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