Debugging with Attach to Process

Debugging with Attach to Process

Visual Studio allows you to execute a program in debug mode and use various debugging tools to monitor its activity. When you are running a program outside of Visual Studio, it can still be possible to attach to that software to investigate its behaviour.

Visual Studio Debugger

It is common, when writing software using Visual Studio, to compile and execute a program directly from the integrated development environment (IDE) in debug mode. This allows you to step through the code line by line or to insertbreakpoints or tracepoints that permit you to pause the program at a key point and interrogate the state of variables and objects. This tool can be invaluable when debugging your code.

Some software cannot be started directly from Visual Studio, perhaps because it must run in a specific environment or be executed using credentials other than those of the developer. Examples of such software are Windows services and COM applications. Such programs and libraries must be debugged in a slightly different manner.

Attaching to a Process

It is possible to attach the Visual Studio debugger to processes that are already running. However, there are some limitations, principally that the assembly to be monitored must be compiled in debug mode, not release mode. The key requirements for attaching to a running program are:

  • The software was compiled in debug mode and the program database file (*.PDB) is available.
  • The source code for the assembly, as referenced in the PDB file, is available and matches that of the compiled code.
  • The version of Visual Studio that you are using supports attaching to processes. This facility is not available in the Express editions.

If the conditions are met, you can attach Visual Studio to the running process. You can then add breakpoints or tracepoints to halt the code at an important location and use the usual tools such as the immediatelocals and watches windows to assist in finding problems or confirming the correct operation of the code.

Showing the Attach to Process Dialog Box

To debug a running program you can use the Attach to Process dialog box. To display the dialog box when using Visual Studio with an open project, select "Attach to Process" from the Debug menu. If you do not currently have a project open, the Debug menu will not be visible. In this case, select "Attach to Process" from the Tools menu.

NB: If this menu option is missing, it may be because you have SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio installed. To show the option and other missing commands, follow the instructions in the knowledgebase article KB929664.

Visual Studio Attach to Process dialog box

The main area of the window shows the processes that are executing in the context of thecurrent user. If you wish to debug a program that is running with different credentials, tick the "Show processes from all users" checkbox. The list of processes is loaded when the dialog box is first displayed and does not update in real time. You can, however, refresh the list by clicking the refresh button.

Above the list of available processes is the "Attach to" box. This shows the type of process that you will be connecting to. For example, managed code or native code. By default, the selection is made automatically. As you select processes in the list, the contents of the box change to show the appropriate type. If you wish to be more specific about the process types that you wish to debug, you can click the Select button and choose from a list.

Once you have located and selected the process, or several processes, that you wish to debug, click the Attach button. The Visual Studio screen will change to show the debugging controls as if you had started debugging from within the IDE. You can then use the debugging toolbar and commands as well as all of the other usual debugging utilities.

When you have completed the debugging session, you can detach from the processes individually using the Processes window, which is displayed by selecting Processes from the Debug menu's Window submenu. Simply right-click a process in the list and select "Detach Process". You can also disconnect from all attached processes using the "Detach All" command from the Debug menu. Note that detaching does not terminate the process.

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### 回答1: 《debugging with gdb》是一本关于使用GDB进行调试的指南。GDB(GNU调试器)是一个强大的调试工具,可以用于调试各种编程语言,如C、C++、Fortran等。 这本书详细介绍了GDB的安装和配置,并提供了许多示例来说明如何使用它来调试程序。它从基本的调试命令开始,如设置断点、单步执行、查看变量的值等。然后,它介绍了更高级的调试功能,如条件断点、观察点、跟踪函数调用等。 书中还介绍了如何使用GDB来调试多线程程序和动态库。它解释了如何设置线程断点、查看线程状态和跟踪线程的执行路径。此外,它还介绍了如何对动态链接库进行调试,包括加载和卸载库、查看库中的符号和调用库中的函数等。 此外,《debugging with gdb》还介绍了如何使用GDB进行内存调试。它涵盖了诸如检测内存泄漏、跟踪指针问题和查找内存错误等主题。通过这本书,读者可以学习如何使用GDB来诊断和解决各种程序错误和问题。 总之,《debugging with gdb》是一本全面而详细的关于使用GDB进行调试的指南。无论是有经验的开发人员还是初学者,都可以从中学习到如何使用GDB来快速定位和解决程序中的错误。 ### 回答2: GDB是一个调试器,用于帮助开发者在程序中找出错误并进行调试。它提供了许多功能和命令,可以让开发者在程序运行过程中获取各种有用的信息。 在使用GDB进行调试之前,首先需要将程序编译成可调试的二进制文件。可以使用编译器的参数“-g”来生成包含调试信息的可执行文件。编译完成后,可以通过终端命令"gdb <可执行文件名>"启动GDB,并载入要调试的程序。 一旦进入GDB调试界面,可以使用各种命令来控制程序的执行。例如,可以使用"break <函数名>"命令在特定的函数内设置断点,当程序执行到该函数时会触发断点,并暂停程序的执行。可以使用"run"命令来运行程序,当程序遇到断点时会暂停,并在终端显示相关的调试信息。 一旦程序暂停在断点处,就可以使用GDB提供的许多命令来检查程序状态和寻找错误。例如,可以使用"print <变量名>"命令来打印特定变量的值,以确定其是否符合预期。还可以使用"step"命令来逐行执行程序,并跟踪程序的执行流程,以查找错误所在。 在调试过程中,还可以使用其他命令来查看函数调用栈,设置条件断点,监视特定变量的值等。通过这些命令的使用,可以逐步分析程序的执行过程,找出其中的问题,并进行修复。 在调试完成后,可以使用"quit"命令退出GDB调试界面。调试信息和步骤可以记录下来并与其他开发者共享,以便更好地协作解决问题。 总之,GDB是一个功能强大的调试器,它可以帮助开发者定位和修复程序中的错误。通过使用GDB,开发者可以更加高效地进行程序调试,提高开发效率。 ### 回答3: 《debugging with gdb》是一本介绍使用GDB进行调试的书籍。GDB是GNU工具链中的一个强大的调试工具,用于分析和修复程序中的错误。 该书详细介绍了GDB的各种功能和用法,并通过实例演示了如何利用GDB进行程序调试。它提供了许多实用技巧和建议,帮助读者快速定位和解决程序中的bug。 书中首先介绍了GDB的基本用法,包括启动程序、设置断点、执行程序、查看变量值等。接着,它详细阐述了GDB的高级功能,例如条件断点、观察点、内存调试等。 此外,书中还介绍了GDB调试多线程程序、动态链接程序和嵌入式程序的方法。针对不同的调试需求,它还介绍了GDB的执行控制、堆栈跟踪和源代码级别的调试等高级特性。 《debugging with gdb》还提供了一些常见问题的解决方案,如内存泄漏、数组越界、死锁等。它还解释了一些常见错误的原因和调试技巧,帮助读者更好地理解和定位程序中的问题。 通过阅读《debugging with gdb》,读者可以更好地理解和掌握GDB的使用方法,提高程序调试的效率和准确性。无论是新手还是有经验的程序员,都可以从中受益,提升自己的调试能力。


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